The 4th Time Around

How would you bring Y2J back the 4th time

  • He sucks so I wouldnt bring him back

  • Surprise Rumble Entrant

  • Weekly the ones running for Barrett

  • Surprise run-in jumping someone!

  • Bring him back as a GM!

  • Complete drastic gimmick change, like Chavo becoming Kerwin White

  • Other

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Defender of the Universe
Like many of us among the IWC, Chris Jericho is my favorite superstar. I imagine he'll be back at some point so I wanted to ask how you would you bring him back the 4th time around. It doesnt have to be some long, detailed explination of how you'd book him, (although it can be if you want to) Im just asking how would you bring him back. Ive included a poll on a few different ways guys make returns. Discuss the way you'd bring Y2J back and brief description of why you'd choose that way.

Id simply have Y2J come back as a surprise entrant in a Royal number 29 or something. No cryptic build-up..nothing. And of course Id have him win said Royal Rumble and go on to face the WWE champion at WM. Of course he'd start a program with the champion he chooses to face so the match has a build and people care about it, but I wont get in to all the details of that here. Jericho is instant main-event status just by showing up, even though he looked extremely weak in this latest run because his roll was to put talent over. Im assuming here that Jericho's 4th run would be coming back for good and not just a 3 month stint. would you bring him back?

And as a second discussion topic, what OTHER past superstar would you bring back and how? It cant be someone already in development or a current TNA or ROH wrestler. It has to be a past WWE superstar thats not there now. Again you dont have to go into extreme detail, just as much as you want. Who else would you bring back and how. But the poll just goes for Jericho. The second guy Id bring back is Edge. Id set it up that AJ gets increasingly unstable and eventually Edge is brought in as the new Raw GM. But that would be down the road because AJ is such a breath of fresh air and doing such a damn good job in her roll...but just just like Teddy, Johnny Ace, the laptop and Eric Bichoff...nothing lasts forever. I think Edge would be fantastic in that roll...have the chance to be a face and then heel GM since he plays both so well. OK...discuss.
Id simply have Y2J come back as a surprise entrant in a Royal number 29 or something. No cryptic build-up..nothing.

That's appropriate. No one realizes more than Jericho himself that there are only so many times people are going to get excited about his coming back. Even fans who don't hang out on Internet forums will be saying: "Oh, him again?" if he keeps coming and going.

I'm not being critical of Y2J for doing things the way he has..... I'm just saying the notion of big, celebrated returns run thin after they've been done too many times. In his last comeback, he had that amusing scene in the ring in which he spurred the fans celebration in seeing him back.....without saying a word. That was terrific, but if he's coming back again in a few months, I doubt the fans are going to react with the same fervor. Jericho is a showman; he already knows this.

However, coming back at the Royal Rumble with no advance notice would be a fine way to handle his return. Even casual fans have come to expect surprise entrants in the Rumble; it's one of the things we look forward to. Jericho could spend a month or so before the event shooting down rumors of his return, as he's done before. Then, he can either return at the Rumble .....or perhaps on Raw the night after, just to cross us up, as he's also done in the past.

I'd bring him back as a good guy. He underwent an unexplained turn from heeldom to facedom during his last run in WWE, so I don't know why he'd get all angry again for his next stint. Plus, with Punk going heel, they could probably use a big-name face near the top of the card.

At this point in his career, Chris Jericho can come and go as he pleases. Vince McMahon is smart enough to realize he's better off with Jericho part-time than without him altogether. Here's a case in which the employee calls the shots and probably even has input into how his character will be handled each time he works for the company. It's good McMahon has displayed the flexibility he's shown in the past few years because without it, we would have seen the last of Jericho a long time ago.
I'll go with my vote and make him GM. Probably usurp the power from AJ/whoever and could set up a good survivor series 5 0n 5 elimination match for the control of monday night raw unlike the one they did at wrestlemania. Why i would recycle this idea is because people are more interested in AJ and Jericho than Laurinitis and Long. Its also a better way of endorsing some wrestlers(Eg. Barrett, Ryback) rather than wrestling title matches, instead of those who should get a shot, only to lose and make his return a flop. Also its nice to see a set of legit elimination matches at Survivor Series.
I stick with an idea I've have for years now and that's to have him return in the Royal Rumble as the number 10 entrant and have the clock countdown from 10, but using HIS titantron not the Royal Rumble countdown clock from 10.

Thus he wins later in the night unlike the usual late entry return and win bit. He can actually showcase his drive and determination back and feed off that rush if adrenaline he's gonna feel after being away and give us some great moments through the majority of the match. He could win for the first time highlighting this return to be better than his last and him main eventing Mania in the World title scene against Barrett would be cool and seeing him defeat Barrett after putting him over in a feud in which Barrett can lose the title @ Mania and look good.

Then you have Ziggler cash in on Y2J after the match and win the belt setting up a Triple Threat at Extreme Rules or whatever the new PPV is rumored to be after WM next year. And then you have an extension to the
Y2J/Barrett feud and a recontinuance of the Y2J/Ziggler feud and then that can end completely at Over The Limit

That's what I would do with Jericho. But have him get the belt back at SummerSlam after the triple threat feud's finished and it's Ziggler/Y2J II at SS, things come full circle and Y2J proves he can win the big one against Ziggler like he did against Barrett at WM. Two title wins for Jericho at the two biggest PPVs of the year and a run lasting to TLC.
I would have him return before the Royal Rumble. Have him attack Ziggler (who should be champ by this time) and say that he is going for the World Heavyweight Title. In the Royal Rumble, he is eliminated 3rd form last. He is in the whc no 1 contender ec match, and wins it to face Ziggler at Mania
I'd bring him back as GM, something we've never seen him as before.

Well, I'd make him GM of Smackdown he'd be a heel, and he would be like Kurt Angle was when he was GM of Smackdown. He would make the face's lives on Smackdown a living hell.
Jericho as heel doesn't really work anymore. He's gained the position where fans will cheer for him regardless of his actions. So that really limits his possibilities as far as a return angle.

Royal Rumble returns are overdone and he'd be overshadowed by the Rock. Jericho deserves better than that.

Why not have him return like he first debuted? Someone in the ring is cutting a promo when the lights go down, the original countdown sequence is on the titantron, and have him return as Y2J. The younger fans have never really been exposed to him in that character and it would be an awesome moment for us older fans. Have him be the cocky, brash "punk" that made us all fans in the first place.

As far as who to feud with... To me there are four distinct matchups I would be interested in seeing... DB: the match quality would be hard to beat, and it would guarantee DB a decent length wm match. Ziggler: His last feud before leaving, again would be a great match. Miz: Match quality would be a little lower but the mic work leading up to it would probably be better. Would also be a way to bring Miz back up to the upper card. And finally: HHH: Over a decade since their mania match, would give the card one "old school" match that the last few years have had. Would work extremely well if a HHH heel turn happened. They both play off of each other extraordinarily well on the mic, have a lot of back story, and honestly I'd love to give these two guys a redo to see if they could have a better match than they did at WM18.
For the 4th time around, this is how I would bring back Chris Jericho.

I would have him come back to finish his feud with Ziggler at Mania 29 for the WHC. I would make him either a surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble who goes on to win it, or have him beat the winner of the Rumble at the Elimination Chamber in a one on one match.

Since Jericho was born in Long Island, New York, I think, I would have this as his last big in-ring wrestling moment, since Mania 29 is going to be so close by to New York.

I would have Jericho lose to Ziggler, at Mania 29, after a classic wrestling match, where he congrats Ziggler after the match and hands him the title out of respect. This could be the beginning of a face turn for Ziggler.

After Mania, when everyone thinks Jericho is gone again, I would have him becoming the Raw G.M. and saying, Raw is Jericho! I would also, around the same time, have Edge come back as the S.D. GM. Both men could start a rivalry between the 2 brands. Their could be interpromotinal matches on both shows leading to a Survivor Series match of Raw vs. SD. with the winning G.M. taking over both shows. If Edge only wanted to come back for a short while, I think this could be an interesting story line for his character.

I would have Jericho take over both shows, totally end the brand split, and stay in charge for the forseable future, til he is ready to step away from the camera for good.

This is how I would bring Jericho back for his 4th time around.
I'd prefer to see him return after a series of weekly vignettes for the purpose of building him up for a big return. The WWE has gone the cryptic route with Jericho before and it's run its course in my eyes. I'd just like to see Jericho hyped as the major star that he is and have him return on Raw to big fan fair.

Depending upon how long Jericho stays gone, I could also see him coming back in the role of a GM. It's a role that would allow him time to do other things outside of wrestling as he wouldn't be on the road all that much. Jericho's still someone that's got it inside the ring and he strikes me as someone that's smart enough to know when it's time to bow out.

If he's going to be back sometime within the next 6 months or so, I'd rather him return with a series of vignettes. If it's going to be another year, maybe longer, then maybe the GM route is the way to go and possibly have Jericho wrestle sparingly for the purpose of putting some young star over.
I think either way, they bring him back to face Dolph Ziggler for the World Heavyweight Championship!

That rivalry was really great but could be phenominal! They already have it set-up w/Ziggles causing Jericho's contract to expire, it would only make sense for him to come back when Ziggler is champ and challenge him.

I'd like to see Ziggler vs. HHH for the World Title at Mania & I think Ziggler should win, going into a couple month title reign.

Since Extreme Rules is usually repeat matches from Mania & OTL/NWO are fillers, I'd say have Jericho return as a suprise entrant into the MitB Ladder Match (kinda like how the Miz did this year) have him win the briefcase for the first time in the match he created, then have Jericho cash in on Ziggler leading to a match at Summerslam 2013 for the World Heavyweight Title!

But I think he does also deserve to win the Royal Rumble & whenever he retires from in-ring competition I think he would be an AWESOME GM!
How would you bring Y2J back the 4th time?

I'd simply have Y2J come back as a surprise entrant in a Royal Rumble... like Number 29 or something.

This is the first time that I'm agreeing with an OP who's provided a variety of choices to his question. So yeah, I'd also bring Y2J back as a Surprise Royal Rumble Entrant. However, wasn't Number 29 his previous entry number in this year's Royal Rumble? Therefore, I'm giving Jericho an earlier entry of Number 23 (since Number 30 is too ideal) or the Royal Rumble Lucky Number 27 (to highlight the number's significance) and win the rumble. Superstars of his caliber like Edge have won the rumble, so why can't he?

In conclusion, have Jericho come out of nowhere to mix things up (unlike his three other debuts that were built-up).

What OTHER past superstar would you bring back and how?

Shelton Benjamin! :) I don't care how - just bring him back! :)

There IS another past superstar who I'd like to bring back though. Bubba Ray/Bully Ray. With rumors that his TNA contract would go up in flames, Bubba/Bully could fit well in today's WWE. He may already be a veteran, but he's not on the veteran level Undertaker, Triple H and Shawn Michaels are in, which still makes him fresh enough. And with reports that he's doing an exceptional job as a heel, he'd surely be enjoyable to watch in WWE TV as a heel. Hopefully, the WWE doesn't screw up Bubba's/Bully's run like they did with Christian's.
LOL Im a little surprise so many people would want him brought back as a GM. He'd probably do a good job in that roll but he can still wrestle (unlike Edge) so I would have thought most people would prefer to see him in the ring. Bully Ray re-invented himself pretty well with this bully/calf-zilla gimmick. I never knew he would be entertaining as a singles competitor. There are some peeps out there who are not currently in TNA who would be pretty cool to bring back as well tho :)
Of the choices you have on the poll, I’d go with Weekly vignettes, starting at TLC : Tables, Ladders, and Chairs, ending at Royal Rumble, where he jumps the WWE Champion and the World Champion, causing 2 DQ finishes , then he enters at # 30 in the Royal Rumble match, and wins. Then on the following Raw, announces that not only will he headline WrestleMania, but he is now the GM of both Raw and Smackdown and will challenge both WWE Champion and World Champion at WrestleMania in a Triple Threat Elimination match for the Undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Now that the Dream scenario is out of the way…I would have him come back in any capacity, just to have him around. I know he’s up in the age where he rather put younger Stars over, and I’m cool with that. However, if Ric Flair can win the Intercontinental Title and Bret Hart can win the United States Title, both very late in their careers, then Jericho can still hold gold. I’d prefer him to go after the one Title he hasn’t won yet, the United States Title. A feud right now with the Miz would be Awesome!!
A surprise rumble entry sounds fine. Would definitely make the rumble more interesting. I guess it depends on how long he would be back for a 4th time. I applaud his stint with the company in his most recent part-time role. Glad he wasn't trying to hog the spotlight.
This one was easy for me. Bring him back as a surprise entrant in the Rumble. Let him come in at 10 or 15 and really show that he can still hang in there and win it in the end. His returns have been great in the past, but to have another long built up cryptic return again would be a little much. He would get a huge pop as a surprise entrant, and if he went on to win maybe he could have his last WWE or World title run before he hangs it up for good.

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