
I never said I was coming back with a new account. I just said I could "if I wanted". This forum, quite frankly, seems to suck balls. Run by a corrupt admin too, who probably never leaves the house.
I never said I was coming back with a new account. I just said I could "if I wanted". This forum, quite frankly, seems to suck balls. Run by a corrupt admin too, who probably never leaves the house.

I am indeed corrupt and can certainly be bought off. Send me your bribe and I'll consider releasing you.
That'd be you. Right?

I asked for an account to be deleted, then you made a mountain out of a mole hole. That is sad. Also, no one cares. You're just being a fanny on the Internet because you think you can. It only works with an audience.
A 26 year old spends two weeks PMing me to close his account that he's never posted in, then threatens to contact Crave, then says, and I quote,

Fuck you asshole.

I'm gonna write about you on my blog, KFC.


WWE is fake. 9/11 was real.

Why the hell is this even that big an issue to people here? If someone signs up to a website and they don't want to use their account any longer, then common sense would tell you it's because they just don't want it. Simple as.

Places like MySpace may allow you to delete your account and other content associated with it, but I know forums don't usually work like that. But since I'd never posted on this account before today, I don't see why it matters if it were to be deleted.

Also, I'm sick of internet forums anyway. You people need to grow up and learn that some people just don't want their accounts online anymore.

You suns of beaches need to get laid with my girl.


I'm not an idiot, by the way, even if I do have to deal with "idiots" on a frequent basis. It's like my full time job. Think you guys need to stop being keyboard warriors and read my blog, as I speak the truth about online losers. ;)


I did write to the host too.

I never said I was coming back with a new account. I just said I could "if I wanted". This forum, quite frankly, seems to suck balls. Run by a corrupt admin too, who probably never leaves the house.

Then Jose says:

DirtyJosé;3757282 said:
All of this because the twat wanted a deleted account? Lol. Thanks for the laughs, champ.

But you're the mature one at 26. Dang I'm glad I'm not that old yet. It looks like a very scary place to be.

That'd be you. Right?

I asked for an account to be deleted, then you made a mountain out of a mole hole. That is sad. Also, no one cares. You're just being a fanny on the Internet because you think you can. It only works with an audience.

You know what else works well with an audience? The tango. I think I'll change your name to Zippy Chippy Tango
I have no idea what the heck you're on about, but I was only checking in now and again to see what was being posted. I just had to see if this idiot thread was still going. I'm not even going to bother reading the other crappy threads on here. But even that speaks for itself.
I have no idea what the heck you're on about, but I was only checking in now and again to see what was being posted. I just had to see if this idiot thread was still going. I'm not even going to bother reading the other crappy threads on here. But even that speaks for itself.

But whose penis will I suck on if you leave????????
Wait, you had your hand in your mother's vagina for a whole year after the rest of you was born?

Age: 36.

Is this really surprising to me? Do you seriously have nothing better to do than troll somebody you'll never meet, on a WWE message board of all places?

I honestly had to let out a sarcastic sigh of relief but I am already so wonderful at pointing out the flaws of the net, so need to brag. It's the Internet, after all. Even adults with no lives are prone to posting like they are shit hot elitists, because it's the pathetic persona they want to live by. You're probably very fat, with empty pizza boxes and crushed beer cans laying everywhere. I've seen it before, so you can stop the thousand yard stare now and guzzle your fancy words like you guzzled that pizza and beer. You're not cool. In fact, you're nothing of the sort.

Get in line. The line for the unemployed line, I meant...
Age: 36.

Is this really surprising to me? Do you seriously have nothing better to do than troll somebody you'll never meet, on a WWE message board of all places?

I honestly had to let out a sarcastic sigh of relief but I am already so wonderful at pointing out the flaws of the net, so need to brag. It's the Internet, after all. Even adults with no lives are prone to posting like they are shit hot elitists, because it's the pathetic persona they want to live by. You're probably very fat, with empty pizza boxes and crushed beer cans laying everywhere. I've seen it before, so you can stop the thousand yard stare now and guzzle your fancy words like you guzzled that pizza and beer. You're not cool. In fact, you're nothing of the sort.

Get in line. The line for the unemployed line, I meant...

You are just pissed because it was a hell of a burn.

I would have to quit my job first. Job pays more.
Like I said before, this type of 'call and response' stuff is totally sad. Seriously... I don't fucking care. I'm gonna log out now and never return. Just think: I will take my leave today and you WILL be annoying some other unlucky person soon, after I'm away. That is just sad.

End of discussion! End of my membership on this forum! Goodbye!
Actually I rather enjoy annoying people here. I met my girlfriend here and I make money off my reviews because of this place. Plus I get to watch people make themselves look like idiots. I think I'll stick around.
For someone aged 28, you sure don't act like it. I am 26. My girlfriend is 25, and neither of us act like you do.

Time to grow up some time, eh?

Im 28, my fiance is 30...my grandmother is 83. What's that? You don't care? I thought we were throwing random ages of our families around.

Point is...ITS THE INTERNET YOU ASS! Doesn't matter how old we are in life, 90% of people online dont act their age...period.

So what if you act your age? You might be the better person for it. Doesn't make you any better than anyone else here.
Like I said before, this type of 'call and response' stuff is totally sad. Seriously... I don't fucking care. I'm gonna log out now and never return. Just think: I will take my leave today and you WILL be annoying some other unlucky person soon, after I'm away. That is just sad.

End of discussion! End of my membership on this forum! Goodbye!

By the way...all of this could've been avoided...HAD YOU JUST DONE THAT IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE! But no, you had to be an attention ****e. Look what happens when a ****e puts herself out there? You deserve what you got.
I find it funny that someone reported the above post for flaming in a section where anything goes....

Oh look, its the guy who can't stay away.

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