Terrorism: What will it take to stop it?


The Show himself
I am very sure that the whole world by now knows about the Peshawar School Attack. If some don't know, you can google it because I don't want to post a link to this. In short, PTTE (aka Pakistani Taliban) attacked a military operated school in Peshawar and killed over 100 students (official record shows 132) in cold blood. I have no words to describe this heinous crime against humanity. But my point of this thread is not to discuss this particular incident.

For last 50 years or more, terrorist activities across the world have increased drastically. There's no country in the world that hasn't seen at least one act of terror in last half a century. Be it the US, the UK, African countries, Asia etc, almost all countries have gone through this. Millions of lives have been lost. Even after all the crackdown and military operations, various militant groups across the world still remain active. And it seems that there is no way to contain or stop it. If anything, these rogue factions seem to get stronger and even more barbaric in their methods. The latest incident just goes on to show that they will stop at nothing at all.

So what can be done to stop it? What steps do you see your government taking against it? Every time such an event takes place, world leaders condemn it in unison. But when it comes to finishing off terrorism, every country has failed. How can they act against something that knows no boundaries? What would it take to 'wage war on terrorism?'
It can't, or won't be. Terrorsim has existed since the dawn of warfare, we only recently named it.

Anything which is based in phsycological impact, most of the time employed by a force or forces of inferior numerical resources, is terrorism. There will always be groups out there who feel justified in trying to accomplish their goals by any means necessary.
What I don't get is how come some people can legitimately believe that if they martyr themselves that they'll be rewarded by their God. Now, I'm not here to start a religious debate about whose God exists or if they even exist, but it just boggles my mind that someone can believe that their God will reward them for committing murder, whether it be suicide bombers or whatever.
The issue is that Islam itself is a religion of fighting and war, like this. I know several good Muslim people in the area, but they are not the true, word for word, followers of the Koran like these nut balls. Anyone who decides to start taking the Koran seriously can become one of these monsters.

We cannot wipe out Islam, we can only keep wiping out these terrorists.
The issue is that Islam Christianity itself is a religion of fighting and war, like this. I know several good Muslim Christian people in the area, but they are not the true, word for word, followers of the Koran Bible like these nut balls. Anyone who decides to start taking the Koran Bible seriously can become one of these monsters.

We cannot wipe out Islam Christianity, we can only keep wiping out these terrorists.

You can literally apply what you've just said to any religion. I've chosen Christianity for two reasons: 1) you're more likely to be a Christian than any other religion and 2) it's got the longest list of terrorist acts I can think of, from the Ocklahoma City bombing, to the bombing of Planned Parenthood centres. From the IRA, to Anders Brehvik. Looking further back there's the Spanish Inquisition, Crusades to the wholesale atrocities and cultural obliteration that came as a result of European Imperialism and Colonialism.

I could go on further about demonising Islam, and advocating the 'wiping out' of terrorists as being the exact opposite of what's needed to reduce terrorism. But I'm tired and my words are wasted on racists like you.
There it is ladies and gentleman. The good old race card. Psst, bud, religion is not a race.

There is a major difference between Islam and Christianity: one specifically tells followers to kill "infidels", the other specifically tells you to turn the other cheek.

Yes, Christianity has had some bad seeds, but my God, none of them advocated bombing the WTC or killing 140+ innocent people in a school. What kind of coward does that?

If you seriously think Christianity does more harm than Islam, you have a problem. Good night.
The issue is that Islam itself is a religion of fighting and war, like this. I know several good Muslim people in the area, but they are not the true, word for word, followers of the Koran like these nut balls. Anyone who decides to start taking the Koran seriously can become one of these monsters.

We cannot wipe out Islam, we can only keep wiping out these terrorists.

The Qu'Ran actually only grants war-making rights to the prophet Muhammed and his army (the physical one, from history) and only allows jihad in the case of extreme opression.

Islam in and of itself has very little to do with terrorism, just as true Christianity had to do with the terrorism that was the Spanish Inquisition or Charlamenge's conversion of France.
The Pakistani government and the Pakistani army (I used the two separately because neither works in cooperation with the other) will really have to start a total crackdown on terrorism. Many lives will be lost, yes, but this sacrifice will end this painful epidemic. It was very painful to watch that father wail "bas kar yaar ab bas kar..." (stop it man, stop it now) after one of his kids died and the other was sent to hospital. Hillary Clinton once said that Pakistan keeps poisonous snakes in its backyard hoping that they would only bite the neighbours. Pakistan lacks a positively-determined leader. If Nawaz Sharif and the PPP is ineffective and at the army's mercy, Imran Khan's Tehrik-e-insaaf would be an even worse choice as ruling party, thanks to him being sympathetic towards the Taliban. Then there is the probability of the Army taking control of the sovereign again. Pakistan already has such high poverty, unemployment and illiteracy, they spend only 2% of their GDP on healthcare... the future for their country is really bleak. Someone commented in a news show that day that "Thank the lord that you were not born in Pakistan."
Dawood Ibrahim, 15-year old student that missed school because his alarm clock didn't work, is now the only survivor from class 9, literally. So many people would be scarred for life.
Just checked the newspaper, official total now 148 deaths, 132 of them children.
The Pakistani government and the Pakistani army (I used the two separately because neither works in cooperation with the other) will really have to start a total crackdown on terrorism. Many lives will be lost, yes, but this sacrifice will end this painful epidemic. It was very painful to watch that father wail "bas kar yaar ab bas kar..." (stop it man, stop it now) after one of his kids died and the other was sent to hospital. Hillary Clinton once said that Pakistan keeps poisonous snakes in its backyard hoping that they would only bite the neighbours. Pakistan lacks a positively-determined leader. If Nawaz Sharif and the PPP is ineffective and at the army's mercy, Imran Khan's Tehrik-e-insaaf would be an even worse choice as ruling party, thanks to him being sympathetic towards the Taliban. Then there is the probability of the Army taking control of the sovereign again. Pakistan already has such high poverty, unemployment and illiteracy, they spend only 2% of their GDP on healthcare... the future for their country is really bleak. Someone commented in a news show that day that "Thank the lord that you were not born in Pakistan."
Dawood Ibrahim, 15-year old student that missed school because his alarm clock didn't work, is now the only survivor from class 9, literally. So many people would be scarred for life.
Just checked the newspaper, official total now 148 deaths, 132 of them children.

And isn't this sad? It's not Pakistan, N.Korea, Ukraine etc only. It's the internal conflicts as well. Terrorism is like a force wanting to annihilate all humanity. Religion? it's just a cover up.

I get it when someone says that terrorism is never going away. But what's keeping global terrorism alive? Conflicts have always been there. It's part of human nature. But I am not sure if we ever had terrorism at such large scale. What organizes them? Where does the funding comes from? Which governments are actively involved? Where does it start? Where does it stop?:confused:
There it is ladies and gentleman. The good old race card. Psst, bud, religion is not a race.

Which does not stop you from being:
  1. Islamophobic
  2. Bigoted
  3. Racist
  4. A Wanker

Racism isn't only limited to the colour of people's skin. It's also about culture, and religion is a part of said culture.

There is a major difference between Islam and Christianity: one specifically tells followers to kill "infidels", the other specifically tells you to turn the other cheek.

  1. Tell me where in the Koran it says that.
  2. Christians and Jews were not classed as infidels (or Kafir). They were considered 'the people of the book'. To refer to them as such is to break the Koran's rule that Muslims should use kind words
  3. Any city that doesn’t receive the followers of Jesus will be destroyed in a manner even more savage than that of Sodom and Gomorrah. Mark 6:11

Yes, Christianity has had some bad seeds, but my God, none of them advocated bombing the WTC or killing 140+ innocent people in a school. What kind of coward does that?

Before 9/11 the most serious act of Terrorism was the Ocklahoma City Bombing. The perpetrator was a Christian. What part of the Bible compelled him to do that?

If you seriously think Christianity does more harm than Islam, you have a problem. Good night.

If you think Islam has dome more harm to more people than Christianity, you need to learn some history and stop being a fucking racist.
There will always be groups out there who feel justified in trying to accomplish their goals by any means necessary.

Yes, and with many of the groups, particularly today in the Middle East, their answer to anything and everything is.....death.

Killing is all they understand as a solution to their problems. When in doubt, kill. When you're sure, kill. If the guy you want to kill is in an airplane with 250 people, shoot down the plane and kill 'em all in order to get the one guy you wanted. Try to tell the terrorist he just killed 250 innocent people....and he'll tell you: "They're not innocent."

It's even worse when they've convinced themselves God wants them to kill.....when they believe they're receiving their orders from above, there's nothing you can say to convince them otherwise.

So, how can the solution to all this be negotiation? How do you negotiate with people who only understand death? Your death and theirs. Everybody dies.

Negotiate with them? Sure, give it a try.
Going off topic slightly, but there's getting to be quite a bit of talking about an unspecified "THEM", and as someone living in arguably the most conservative muslim country in the Middle East, I would just like to take a moment to mention that groups like IS are treated with much the same hatred here as they are in the US.

"Koran defiling non-muslims" is the typical Saudi method for describing the Islamic State, and from what I've gleaned from my colleagues, such is also the prevalent attitude in Jordan, Egypt and Sudan.
  1. Tell me where in the Koran it says that.
I did a little Google search, and found this article which is very thorough on the matter of the Quran instructing Muslims to incite violence against non-believers. The word "infidel" is also mentioned in a few places. http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/quran/023-violence.htm
And this article addresses the common defence arguments that are brought forth defending Islamic terrorism (including the Oklahoma City bombings, like you did) http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/games-muslims-play.htm

Before 9/11 the most serious act of Terrorism was the Ocklahoma City Bombing. The perpetrator was a Christian. What part of the Bible compelled him to do that?
Umm... not really. Statements like this make people think that Americans are unaware of anything taking place outside their country. The Oklahoma City explosions resulted in 168 deaths and ~680 non-fatal injuries. On March 12, 1993, a series of coordinated car bombings in Mumbai, India killed 257 and left 1,400 wounded. On August 7, 1998, Al Qaeda bombed the U.S. embassies in Nairobi and Tanzania, killing 225 and wounding 4,000. During September, 1998, Chechen rebels bombed a series of Russian
apartment buildings, killing around 300.
Also, the perpetrator of the Oklahoma City Killings was not religiously motivated. He was not attacking non-believers of Christianity. Two of the above three instances were religiously motivated, the third is suspected to be a retribution for a failed religious invasion on state. No points for guessing the religion in question.

If you think Islam has dome more harm to more people than Christianity, you need to learn some history and stop being a fucking racist.
He said 'does', not 'done'. You too please be kind enough to talk about the present threat to the world, talk about the 21st century. Don't use the past to cover up the present. In the last 14 years, how many terrorist attacks, mass murders and wars against States have been committed by Islamic terrorists with an objective of spreading Islam and killing non-believers? And how many such attacks have been instigated by Christian fundamentalists? From 9/11 in America to ISIS in Iraq and Syria, from Sydney hostage situation to school children in Peshawar (Pakistan) getting killed by Taliban militants, from the attack on Indian parliament and 26/11 terrorist attacks to Boko Haram in Nigeria killing over 5000 civilians in the last five years... Why is it that only one religion keeps coming into the equation, no matter which place of the world it is? Why is it that their motives are mostly the same, i.e. propagation of jihad and killing people of other religions? Are the 'violent' verses of the Quran ambiguous to the extent that terrorist groups can interpret it in their own way and raise entire armies in its name?
By the way, it seems that Pakistan has not learnt any lesson from the day before yesterday's massacre; a Pakistani court today granted bail to Lashkar-e-Taiba commander Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, one of the masterminds behind 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks which killed 166 people and injured over 300. When a court, for fuck's sake, is so lenient on a terrorist, then no positive contribution against terrorism can come from that country. This is moment of truth for Pakistani government, whether it wants to keep shielding terrorists and remain indifferent to the terrorist training camps, at the expense of the people of their own country (among those of other countries) or do something about it.
Terrorism is something you contain, it's not something you stop because quite simply it can't be stopped.

When you come from a place where death is all around you, it's something you constantly deal with and it's all you know it's damn near impossible to negotiate or talk these people down. Something else to consider is some terrorists feel they are really, truly doing the right thing and by sacrificing themselves for their cause will pay off in the next life with rain gumdrops and a river of strawberry wine.

Think of the environment some of these terrorists have grown up in, this is their life, this is all they know, it's easy to see why they are so religious and why they have a very extreme mindset. Unless you can make the entire planet a fucking paradise terrorism will exist, and even with a paradise planet there will still be terrorists out there who simply don't give a fuck.
Your quest for balanced and thorough information led you to a notorious hate website dedicated exclusively to attacking muslims, including running a counter on the side of their website which openly misrepresents the levels of Islamic terrorism?

May I recommend JihadWatch or AtlasShrugs the next time you want some 'research'. They're no more accurate, but they are at least funnier.

Or you could, you know, read a Qu'ran or get some actual intercultural experience.
You do realize it is not easy as 'oh lets bomb these sumboitches yeehaw!' right? Torgo? Right?

Because if that was how you could kill terrorism well howdiho, Afghanistan would be a beautiful honeymoon destination. Here's the deal, the Taliban has multiple sources of strengths and are funded by various groups. Some disclosed, some not so disclosed. The thing is, they are active and rule a certain portion of the world and enforce that with blood and steel.

I am not versed in the Quran, I don't know if there is an e-copy out there on the INTERNET that is true to the T with cliff notes. I have known nice and not so nice Muslim people in this world. Just like Christians, Hindus and Jews. One thing I do know is, the people that the Muslim militants have killed the most, are Muslims.

The Peshawar incident is so very very sad, the more you think about it the more you lose hope. But the Taliban cannot be wiped off the face of the world like the operation against the LTTE in Sri Lanka. There are a lot more factors at play, or so it seems.

I hope there is a heaven.
The whole issue is a bit of a catch-22. These extremist terrorist groups need to be stopped, and the only solution to the problem the West can conceive is to wage war.

And the result is that children grow up in the Middle East surrounded by death and destruction. OP said that terrorists only think of killing as a solution to their problems. This is not surprising - these terrorists have spent their whole lives, from birth, surrounded by killing. It's all they know. As children, they probably don't understand the politics surrounding the conflict, they just see innocent people being slaughtered as collateral damage. So they try and get revenge, join an extremist group and use religion as justification for their actions. The West retaliates, and the cycle continues.

On one hand - these terrorist groups absolutely need to be eradicated. On the other hand - where has this gotten us? Terrorism in the Middle East is arguably the worst it's been. Military action is obviously not working.

Education is the solution.
You do realize it is not easy as 'oh lets bomb these sumboitches yeehaw!' right? Torgo? Right?

Because if that was how you could kill terrorism well howdiho, Afghanistan would be a beautiful honeymoon destination. Here's the deal, the Taliban has multiple sources of strengths and are funded by various groups. Some disclosed, some not so disclosed. The thing is, they are active and rule a certain portion of the world and enforce that with blood and steel.

I am not versed in the Quran, I don't know if there is an e-copy out there on the INTERNET that is true to the T with cliff notes. I have known nice and not so nice Muslim people in this world. Just like Christians, Hindus and Jews. One thing I do know is, the people that the Muslim militants have killed the most, are Muslims.

The Peshawar incident is so very very sad, the more you think about it the more you lose hope. But the Taliban cannot be wiped off the face of the world like the operation against the LTTE in Sri Lanka. There are a lot more factors at play, or so it seems.

I hope there is a heaven.

I know it's not that easy. I wish it was, but these people are so good at blending in with others that we can't pick them out. We could just carpet bomb the whole place if we don't mind wiping out millions of innocents.
. We could just carpet bomb the whole place if we don't mind wiping out millions of innocents.

That's kinda what they are doing pal.

I don't think these ever go away, hell, I think if we look back 2000 years, this is probably the most peaceful time (in comparison) the world has seen. Medicine, science, social sensitivity are all going forward. There is a long way to go but I think we may be on track.
That's kinda what they are doing pal.

I don't think these ever go away, hell, I think if we look back 2000 years, this is probably the most peaceful time (in comparison) the world has seen. Medicine, science, social sensitivity are all going forward. There is a long way to go but I think we may be on track.

no, no, I mean turn the whole Middle East into a parking lot.

you are absolutely on the button about terrorism not going away. Hell, pirates have been around for thousands of years and they are technically terrorists. We can only deal with it, we just can't end it.
I'm not sure that there's truly anything that can stop it other than for human beings to stop hating other human beings and that's simply not going to happen.

Nowadays, there are all these various designations as to what qualifies someone as a terrorist or group of people as a terrorist organization. However, all the various bureaucratic linguistics and technicalities aside, there've always been people who're labeled terrorists by someone. In the minds of Al-Qaida and other Islamic extremists, it's the United States who're the terrorists because many of the beliefs and freedoms of the United States flies squarely in the face of some Islamic teachings and, as a result, they see it as their duty to fight in the name of Allah. The Ayatollah Khomeini in late 1979 referred to the United States as "The Great Satan" and is usually followed by chants of "Marg bar Amrika!", which can be translated into either "Death to America" or "Down with America", and has been used as a rallying cry by Islamic extremists ever since.

It's easy to lay all the blame for terrorism on religious differences but it's not as if humanity has ever lacked for excuses to make war against, terrorize or outright kill other human beings. If not religion, there'll always be some other excuse ranging from simple desire of natural resources, food shortage, any form of prejudice you can imagine. All the various great empires of world history whether it be ancient Egypt, Greece, Persia, Rome, Britain, China, Mongol, etc. have all used those same old excuses and reasons for taking the lives of others.
You can't stop terrorism, you can only hope to contain it. As another poster mentioned, terrorism has been around as long as documented history itself, but it is only recently that we have begun to label these acts as "terror" acts. There will always be a group, whether it be a religious sect, an ethnic minority, or nationalist movement, that believe they are being oppressed and will resort to the "any means necessary" rule to try and invoke some sort of change. That's the nature of the world. Some people are just messed up enough in the head to believe that terrorism is either a religious calling or a brilliant idea, and honestly I don't think that will change.

It does not help that terrorists have accomplished one of their main goals... which is of course inciting terror in the world. The fact that news feeds and social media have absolutely blown up with ISIS and Taliban propaganda, probably sends the message to these crazies that what they're doing may actually be working. Of course, terrorism is much more frequent in the Middle East than it is the West, but there are terrorist organizations in almost every part of the world. This is another reason why terrorism is so hard to combat; how do you find these people and how do you tackle the entire world?

I'm not going to get into Islam, Christianity bullcrap. The truth is, there are terrorists of all race, gender, ethnicity, religion, etc. whether it's propogated to us or not.
Your quest for balanced and thorough information led you to a notorious hate website dedicated exclusively to attacking muslims, including running a counter on the side of their website which openly misrepresents the levels of Islamic terrorism?

May I recommend JihadWatch or AtlasShrugs the next time you want some 'research'. They're no more accurate, but they are at least funnier.

Ah, the grammar guy again! How have you been? I see you've forgotten to capitalize the 'M' in 'Muslims'. :rolleyes: Anyway, in the first article that I linked to, the "notorious hate website" has taken its information from the website of the University of Southern California, which seems to be a reliable source. In the second article, the writer gives his counter-arguments, again, citing references and links from less-notorious hate websites, in each argument.
May I recommend taking a proper look at what has been linked to, before moving to other pages, next time.

Or you could, you know, read a Qu'ran or get some actual intercultural experience.

Or you could, you know, show a few examples of errors they have made in that particular article... If you feel that the website has 'misinterpreted' the Quran (most common defence), then that too shows the ambiguity of the guidelines prescribed in it, like I mentioned in the final sentence of my first post, and discredit for the same should go to the holy book as much as the misinterpreters. By the way, it's Qur'an, not Qu'ran... So unless you can put the apostrophe in the right place, I'd suggest spelling it simply as Quran, like I did :shrug:

(Unrelated to the above quotes) Couple of months ago, a major terror plan was about to come to fruition in the state where I reside, which failed after one of the terrorists accidentally blew himself up, alerting everyone around his rented house and resulting in the arrests of his fellow accomplices. Investigation of those nabbed by the police also revealed that that they were using the Quran as a tool in local 'madrasas' (unregulated schools where many Muslim kids go to) to spread the message of jihad and hate. Terrorist organisations too use the Quran as a means of justifying their cause. The Quran has been proven as a powerful and effective instrument of brainwashing people into committing inhuman acts. Now, obviously in the civilized societies we live in, we cannot and should not prohibit any religious book, but the governments of States in Asia should make it a high priority to do away with all unrecognized 'educational institutions' that do not function under any prescribed state curriculum, as a part of the fight against terrorism, if they are to eradicate (or at least substantially contain, like people have mentioned) the problem from the root level.
Ah, the grammar guy again! How have you been? I see you've forgotten to capitalize the 'M' in 'Muslims'. :rolleyes: Anyway, in the first article that I linked to, the "notorious hate website" has taken its information from the website of the University of Southern California, which seems to be a reliable source. In the second article, the writer gives his counter-arguments, again, citing references and links from less-notorious hate websites, in each argument.
May I recommend taking a proper look at what has been linked to, before moving to other pages, next time.

Or you could, you know, show a few examples of errors they have made in that particular article... If you feel that the website has 'misinterpreted' the Quran (most common defence), then that too shows the ambiguity of the guidelines prescribed in it, like I mentioned in the final sentence of my first post, and discredit for the same should go to the holy book as much as the misinterpreters. By the way, it's Qur'an, not Qu'ran... So unless you can put the apostrophe in the right place, I'd suggest spelling it simply as Quran, like I did :shrug:

(Unrelated to the above quotes) Couple of months ago, a major terror plan was about to come to fruition in the state where I reside, which failed after one of the terrorists accidentally blew himself up, alerting everyone around his rented house and resulting in the arrests of his fellow accomplices. Investigation of those nabbed by the police also revealed that that they were using the Quran as a tool in local 'madrasas' (unregulated schools where many Muslim kids go to) to spread the message of jihad and hate. Terrorist organisations too use the Quran as a means of justifying their cause. The Quran has been proven as a powerful and effective instrument of brainwashing people into committing inhuman acts. Now, obviously in the civilized societies we live in, we cannot and should not prohibit any religious book, but the governments of States in Asia should make it a high priority to do away with all unrecognized 'educational institutions' that do not function under any prescribed state curriculum, as a part of the fight against terrorism, if they are to eradicate (or at least substantially contain, like people have mentioned) the problem from the root level.


As a Muslim guy who has been to one of those 'unregulated' schools as you claim in India, no less, that seriously hit me like a bullet into my heart, because it is so general and pretty much an untrue blanket statement, if ever there was one.

Just because a small percentage of A**holes misinterpret and/or use the Holy Qur'an as their only source of Islam, doesn't mean they represent the entire religion of Islam and its Followers at all.

Here is a comment by a popular FB Entertainer, Zaid AliT, who some of you may be aware of:
I hate when the media says "Islamic extremists." Muslims are not terrorists. We are one of the most loving, caring and peaceful people in the world. The word "Islam" itself means "peace". Terrorism has no religion. If all the Muslims in this world were terrorists then you wouldn't be alive today. Stop being ignorant.


The above is a verse of the Qur'an which explicity states that killing of Innocents is a no-no.
Furthermore, Suicide is strictly prohibited in Islam, and anyone trying to justify it(suicide attacks,etc.) by any means is just a misguided A**hole who is confused and brainwashed.

Also, ALL of Islam isn't just contained in the Holy Qur'an as so many people seem to claim.
Rather, as the words,"La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammadur Rasulullah" which means,"There is None worthy of worship but Allah, and Muhammed(P.B.U.H) is his Messenger" are said by ALL Muslims to express their faith, it also shows that whilst the Qur'an is the word of Allah, FOLLOWING the Teachings of Muhammed(P.B.U.H) is also required.

These teachings of Muhammed(P.B.U.H) are called Hadiths, and have been preserved throughout the history of Islam, by the Scholars of Islam.
Sadly, the majority of these Terrorist Bastards do not adhere to the words of the Prophet(P.B.U.H) and instead brainwash their followers(other Extremists) by telling them that the Holy Qur'an has everything, when in Fact, the Holy Qur'an is actually explained by way of the Hadiths of Muhammed(P.B.U.H) for the most part in detail.

Finally just to clear up, I am NOT in any way supporting these Extremists at all, nor is Suicide accepted in Islam(rather the said punishment for doing it is very severe).
However, I am truly taken aback when people make comments where they paint All Muslims and the Religion of Islam with the same brush because of what a small percentage of Misguided Followers do, due in Most Part, to wrong forms of Education and lies taught to them.

I'm going to desist from going into stuff about the "Heroic West", because this isn't some movie where there is a script with Heroes and Villains. Both sides do loads of shit which has made this problem of Terrorism get even bigger and bigger, rather than solving it.

As the saying goes,KILLING BEGETS KILLING.
The answer is in UNITY, and that my friends unfortunely is far,far away...:disappointed: :banghead:

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