Seven men arrested under Terrorism Act

Mr. Book This Section

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Six men from the West Midlands and one man from West Yorkshire are being questioned over plans to carry out acts of terrorism.

Six of them are in their twenties and from the Sparkhill, Moseley, Alum Rock and Smethwick areas of the West Midlands.

The arrests followed a routine vehicle stop by police on the M1 motorway at the weekend.

The car was impounded on suspicion of having no insurance.

Firearms, offensive weapons and other material were later found hidden inside.

In Britain at the moment this is what everyone is talking about. With us holding the 2012 Olympics, it is now going to be very hard to deal with terorism. Well I don't want 2012 Olympics to become the next 9/11. My thoughts on terrorism are very extreme and what they are, is that anyone involved should be sentanced to life in prison.
As you can tell by the lack of replies, no-one is talking about this.
There were always going to be more arrests the nearer the Olympics got, security ramped up massively to the point where buses are being swarmed on the motorway because of a cigarette.
My thoughts on terrorism are very extreme and what they are, is that anyone involved should be sentanced to life in prison.

Not that extreme, why not try. "We should behead these muslim terror scum bastards".

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