Tentative Organization And Rules For The 2009 WZ Posters Tag Tournament

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Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
The Organization and Rules of the 2009 WZ Posters Tag Team Tournament

I) Organization
Depending on the level of interest shown, the 2009 WrestleZone (WZ) Posters Tag Team Tournament shall consist of either 16 or 24 teams. The organization of each of these scenarios is as follows:

A) 16 Team Scenario

1) Each team will be seeded according to the combined reputation of both team members.

2) In each round, each team’s opponent will be determined by comparing their combined reputation with that of other teams in such a fashion that the team with the highest combined reputation within that round faces the team with the lowest combined reputation within that round, the team with the second highest combined reputation within that round faces the team with the second lowest combined reputation within that round, etc.

3) Each match-up will take place in an individual thread in the WZ Posters Tag Tournament sub-forum in The Bar Room and these threads shall be open for voting for a period of 72 hours. The team with the highest number of votes at the end of this period will be declared the winner and advance to the next round. In the case of a tie, the team that first gets ten additional votes will be declared the winner and advance to the next round.

4) The schedule for each round of match-ups is as follows:
  • Round One: 15 April 2009
  • Round Two: 19 April 2009
  • Round Three: 22 April 2009
  • Round Four: 25 April 2009 (The winner of this championship match will be declared on 27 April 2009)

B) 24 Team Scenario

1) Each team will be seeded according to the combined reputation of both team members. The eight teams with the highest combined reputations shall receive a first-round bye.

2) In each round, each team’s opponent will be determined by comparing their combined reputation with that of other teams in such a fashion that the team with the highest combined reputation within that round faces the team with the lowest combined reputation within that round, the team with the second highest combined reputation within that round faces the team with the second lowest combined reputation within that round, etc.

3) Each match-up will take place in an individual thread in the WZ Posters Tag Tournament sub-forum in The Bar Room and these threads shall be open for voting for a period of 72 hours. The team with the highest number of votes at the end of this period will be declared the winner and advance to the next round. In the case of a tie, the team that first gets ten additional votes will be declared the winner and advance to the next round.

4) The schedule for each round of match-ups is as follows:
  • Round One: 15 April 2009
  • Round Two: 19 April 2009
  • Round Three: 22 April 2009
  • Round Four: 25 April 2009
  • Round Five: 28 April 2009 (The winner of this championship match will be declared on 30 April 2009)

II) Rules

A) Pairing

1) All teams must consist of two and only two posters.

2) Any WZ member that composes one-half of a team must be an active member of WZ and must show that they approve of their partner and their team name. In order to enforce this rule, the organizers of this Tournament will be asking that both members of each participating team state in this Tournament’s Sign-Up sheet both whom their partner will be and what their team-name will be. Although this is redundant, the organizers of this Tournament wish to have the written consent of all WZ members participating.

3) Save for those mentioned in Pairing Rule 2, there are no restrictions on which WZ member one may team with.

B) Enrollment

1) As already mentioned in the Organization section, this tournament shall either consist of 16 or 24 teams. Participation within this Tournament shall be decided on a first come, first serve, basis. Thus, only the first 16 teams to sign-up for this Tournament shall be guaranteed a spot. The participation of those teams that sign-up after the first 16 teams is contingent upon the organizers of this Tournament finding additional teams to ensure that the Tournament shall have 24 participating teams. Furthermore, no more openings shall be available should there be 24 teams already participating.

C) Voting

1) All WZ members are eligible to vote once per match-up, and their vote shall count for one point. If there is a match in which a WZ member has already voted in and in which a tie is initially declared, said member may vote once again to help determine the winner of this match, and their vote shall count for one point.

2) Every vote placed must be written thus: Vote: Team Name. If a vote is not placed in such a fashion, it will not be counted.

3) No reasons are necessary for the way a WZ member votes, although listing reasons is certainly encouraged.

4) Any WZ member participating within this Tournament who is found to be bribing for votes shall automatically be disqualified along with their teammate. There will be no exceptions to this rule.

D) Complaints

1) All complaints regarding the Tournament shall be addressed to the Manager of this Tournament, 48.7, in the form of a Private Message (PM). After considering the merit of a complaint, the Manager shall act accordingly.

2) If a participant in this Tournament makes a complaint regarding this Tournament in one of the threads in this Tournament’s sub-forum, the Manager reserves the right to disqualify this participant and their teammate should they still be active within this Tournament. Also, the Administrators of WrestleZone Forums also reserve the right to imprison any active or inactive Tournament participant who makes a complaint regarding this Tournament in one of the threads in this Tournament’s sub-forum.
I have no friends and therefore no partner. If any n00b wants to go with me for some mainstream exposure I'd be willing. I would like to at least be entered. Note:This should be a last resort, you stand no chance of getting through the first round with me.
16 teams sounds good, but you should make the voting for each round last 3 or 4 days.

2 days seems a bit rushed.

Somebody make get too caught up in posting in the WZ Tournament in the Wrestling Sections, and by the time they look at all of those threads plus any new threads, they may forget about this tournament.

The longer the better. But not too long.
I must say kudos guys, this is shaping up to be pretty decent!
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