Tensai VS Brodus? No, not really.

Mustang Sally

Sells seashells by the seashore
I figured this to be a match between two behemoths that would help set a positive direction for both. Instead, it turned out to be a vehicle for Big Show to return, and I was a little disappointed because of it.

It seemed as if facing off against each other would be a good move for both men. Tensai needs to generate something already; he's rough, tough and a good ring worker; brawling and roughhousing has always been his forte. When they gave him a tainted win over John Cena early in his tenure, I thought he was really going to amount to something. Instead, he fizzled and they've been letting him flounder ever since, letting him job to up-and-comers while doing more damage to his valet than his opponents.

As for Brodus, management doesn't seem to know what to do with him. They knew correctly he was going to have to start doing some true work in the ring instead of being just a circus act. That embarrassing "It must be jelly because jam don't shake like that" shimmy he did while facing down opponents was something that had to end before Clay became a complete joke. But management has apparently been dissatisfied with Brodus' ability to work a match, necessitating that his repertoire be restricted to letting his enemy take a few uncontested shots....and then being splashed by Brodus. I don't know about you, but I was sick of it.

When I saw these two enter the ring to face each other, I thought a direction for both was finally being set. They're close in size and fighting each other means they don't have to contend with fancy moves offered by their opponents; they could just brawl until something gives. For a minute or so, that's just what they did. Then, Big Show comes down the aisle.

Can they go back to Tensai vs Clay......without anyone interfering? Given Vince McMahon's love for the big guys, I would think two super-heavyweights pounding on each other could bring us a taste of old-style wrestling we seldom get to see anymore. I'm for it.
im with you here. when these two faced off before the bell i though "hey this could actually be a decent match" and at first it was. some good back and forth. both are fairly quick considering their size. then big show comes out and well big show is just boring to me. how many times is he going to randomly come out and punch ppl.

but i think a tensai/clay feud would be great for both men. as you said they dont have to worry about selling any quick aerial moves. just go out there and throw their weight around. id much rather see that than anything with the big show.
I love Brodus and mark a little bit every time I hear "Ladies and gentlemen." I love his character, mostly because it is played by a big 300+ pounder in Clay. The issue is that honestly he isn't that good in the ring. He has some speed and agility for his size, but nothing about him stands out.

Tensai has some decent skills, but he isn't over with this current character. He looked like he was destined for some success, and I even remember some rumors going around that he was going to beat Punk back in late spring/early summer for the WWE title, then have Cena go over him to win the title. That all fizzled out about as quickly as they dropped the "lord" from his name.

I understand why they did what they did with Big Show. He had been out roughly a month to rest up, and he is rumored to either be starting a feud with Sheamus over the WHC, or feuding with Punk on Raw dark shows for the next few weeks. They needed something where he could come back and makepeople say "damn Show is back." They picked the wrong guys though.

I still think Clay is over enough to be in a decent mid card feud, and Tensai has had too much build to just throw away, and honestly a feud with those two could be fun. Just tweak Tensai's character a bit to talk about how great he was in Japan and how Clay is disrespecting wrestling by dancing around and how they would never do that in Japan.
I've always wanted to see these two face off ever since Tensai debuted. I wish the WWE had both men keep their undefeated streaks alive, so we could've seen them face off in a Streak vs. Streak match on PPV, that would've made this match special. But even without it, I still wouldn't mind seeing this Godzilla/King Kong like clash. Maybe they could work Albert's old Hip Hop Hippo gimmick into this feud somehow - like they could have Brodus show a clip of Albert dancing on the titantron and he makes fun of him & his dancing before Tensai comes out & attacks him, they could start the feud over that.
on paper it looked good, but nothing involving Tensai is any point, he was far more impactfull and entertaining as A-Train or Prince Albert, now he's just a noname hack who's not even a good big man.

Triple Threat match at HIAC Big Show vs Tensai vs Brodus then nothing for any of them. Show will continue on working house shows against Punk and Brodus and Tensai will go about business as usual, doing absolutely nothing.
I've said it before and I'll say it again... you can be the largest guy in the world and have all the ring-skill required but if you can't talk in this business, you're as good as dead in the water.

I think Tensai cut ONE small promo since returning to the WWE and it was nothing short of awful. The guy has no personality or charisma and cannot make a connection with the WWE universe. This was his main problem in the last 5 gimmicks he's had; if you can't find a way to connect with the audience, they'll never give a shit about you.

For a while, he was the type of behemoth that didn't need to speak in order to get his point across. He was like a heel-Goldberg; he'd walk out from the back, shove his manager out of the way, kick ass, and walk to the back. All of that seemed to work until they gave him that God-awful finishing maneuver (an iron claw after spitting green mist on his hand?!?) I mean, come on now... who actually thought that was a good idea? I remember seeing his debut and watching how he was decimating his opponent. I was drawn into his dominance until he set up that finisher with his unique, Albert-esq scream and spit on his own hand just to awkwardly trip his opponent and iron claw them until they were unconscious. I recall seeing it and then scratching my head wondering why he'd completely negate the good match he had with that. It was pretty bad.

If the WWE cannot find a way to give Tensai a personality, gimmick or angle that he can work with, he's going to fail the same way that his previous gimmicks had failed.
I hope this gives both men somewhere to go on the show. They now both have a purpose as they can both seek some redemption on Show and each other. I am skeptical that WWE will use this opportunity to give these guys more purpose but I still want to see it. I know a lot of the IWC finds these guys to be slow, sloppy and repetitive but I love the big men, the brawlers who are larger than life and would scare the living shit out of you if you accidentally looked at their girlfriend for too long.

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