Brodus & Tensai

It's far from the least dignified thing either man has done. It also opens up new possibilities for each character. While Tensai learns to "loosen up" and "get funky" Brodus can be enlightened to more monstrous power tactics in the ring. Here's hoping they adopt a catchy tag team name like The Lords of Funk.
I didn't like it at first, but I must admit it makes me laugh. It gives them both something to do, and adds a different kind of team to the division. I like what Jimmy Carter said, and would like to see them adopt more each others characteristics, and meet in the middle somewhere. I am interested to see how far they will take them as a team. Will the compete for the tag titles or just be a comedy duo?
I'm not too high on brodus but I am a Matt Bloom fan. I find this pretty entertaining and it is good to see them both having something interesting to do.
Other than Tensai clearly not looking the part and his awkward dance moves it's a thumbs up.

I feel it's making him appear alot weaker but opens a door into the tag team title picture.
Just drop the hoes and focus on the wrestling and it's a great storyline.

No real complaints here.
i like it because what else do they have to do and tensai was getting boring. i did find it very funny with the tensai and clay dancing skit they will be a very good fit together.
I can't say that I like it exactly, but I can't say that I hate it either. As I said in another thread regarding Tensai, at least they're doing something with him that's garnering a reaction with the fans.

Is Tensai going to be main eventing WrestleMania anytime soon? Of course not, but that doesn't mean that he still can't have a useful role in WWE. One thing a lot of us are guilty of at times, me included, is forgetting that just because you're not exactly the top star in the company, or anywhere close to it, doesn't mean you can't be over with fans. Tensai is out there dancing around with Brodus and people are generally enjoying it. It's harmless and as long as WWE doesn't devote a huge amount of time to it, then there's no real problem.

It's probably not the ideal way a lot of people would use Tensai but so what? If people aren't complaining about Tensai for this, many would just find something else about him to piss & moan about, or WWE in general for that matter.
I'm not a big fan of the act however I still think that both men should be monsters and I know that's not gonna happen anytime soon. I do like that both men have something to do until the become monsters and maybe working together in the tag team division will help their careers. Why are they teaming? they could be doing so much better but instead they get stuck together. Like I said hopefully it leads to better things but probably not.
Plainly, a change was needed for both men. Brodus had an act that was unique and pretty entertaining, but it was obvious something like that wasn't designed to last forever. The company was wise to cut down the length of the dancing routine the TV viewers saw; I presume the folks in attendance at the arena watched the whole thing. But even as long ago as WM28, Brodus didn't get a wrestling match; he got a production number, with his Dancing Mamas.

Why didn't he have a match, too? As far as I can see, it's because his in-ring routine is completely forgettable. When I think of his matches, I keep seeing that mess in which he shakes his entire body, displaying tremors that were supposed to distract his opponent. It was painful to watch.

Did Brodus have any matches that lasted over five minutes? In that regard, I put his situation in the same class as Giant Gonzalez; if you can't wrestle, they might still let you perform if you've got a gimmick. Oy.

Matt Bloom's persona also had to change..... not because he was running a comedy act, but because the gimmick he brought to WWE had failed. Once management saw how badly the Asian bully stuff was going, what were they supposed to do? They could take him off the schedule and pay him to sit on the sidelines until his contract ran out, but instead opted for a persona change.

Surprisingly, they came up with a clown routine. I didn't think Matt Bloom would be entertaining in it, but I might have to adjust my thinking; once you get past the pseudo-Japanese character he's been playing transforming into a comedian, the whole thing just might work after all. Who knew?

As for the two of them being together.....well, why not? They're both huge, tubby men who can move around the ring fairly well for their sizes. At least Tensai is a decent ring worker, which might make Clay's lack of ability easier to take. (Or, they could turn Brodus back to a brawler, but that doesn't fit his good guy status).

At any rate, Tensai's face change is now official. Last night was the first time he wasn't booked against a good guy. Of course, I wanted McIntyre to clean Tensai's clock, but that's not the way to turn heels into faces.

The "new" Tensai has arrived. Hopefully, this gimmick goes better for him than the last. It will be interesting to see what Creative comes up with for the both of them.
i still wish Tensai would change his clothes, but I must admit, I get a chuckle out of them together. It is easily the most personality Tensai has ever shown in all his combined years in the WWE. I think they make a fun team, and while they will be a comedy duo, they do have some chops in the ring between them as well. This pairing certainly can't do anything but help the tag division continue to make a comeback.
I think it's fantastic. They're gutted the tag team division in the last month or so, and are continuing to gut it. It's plain as day that Team Hell No isn't long for this world and they're the most over tag team. They're going to have to do something to fill that void, and I see no reason that Brodus and Tensai shouldn't be given that shot. It's getting good fan reactions, and that's generally the entire point of professional wrestling.

We like, in general, as a forum love to shit on WWE creative, but they did put together something pretty good this time.
I'm not a fan of this tag-team. I get that they are trying to be different but they are not entertaining me. Simple. Brodus as an individual got stale after a few months and Tensai is clearly not as good as they hype. This stupid dancing shit is wasting time in my opinion. If people say that kids are entertained by it; there are other ways to entertain that doesn't waste time and these two superstars.

Why not put them in a dominant tag-team. Remember Mark Henry and Big Daddy V a few years ago. That could be different. At least better than this shit that I'm currently putting up with.
Quite frankly there nowhere else to go for Brodus and Prince A-Tensai.

I had actually hopes for Brodus to establish some kind of solid position in the midcard by just being the silly dancing guy but that failed and he is now being used as cannon fudder for basically everybody.

And Tensai was just a huge failure, ridicolous and laughable. There was no chance in hell that A-Train would return from Japan and all of a sudden emerge from the masses and become this massive monster heel. He did not improve in Japan despite being a big deal over there which again proves to me that Japan is not all that.

And now Tensa is wearing a dress... Well we had that before and it went nowhere but that was in 2005 or so and these kiddies were mostly still not alive yet so let's rehash it.

Hm, that doesn't seem to fly either ... well we could just team up the Dancing bear and the Japanese Drag Warrior and sent them out there against the Job Squad...

This is dead on arrival people and absolute abortion.
Looks like we have a new tag team. Tensai appears to be taking a step in the right direction by forming an alliance with Brodus Clay. Believe it or not he’s actually getting a reaction from the crowd, and not because of an Albert chant. You may think this is going to be just a stupid comedy team but that doesn’t matter. It’s a hell of a lot better than what Tensai, and even Brodus, had going on before. I think we’re going to have an interesting personality clash here along the lines of Al Snow and Steve Blackman as Tensai starts to come out of his shell and show some personality. I’m not sure what the future holds for this team, but expect them to be on your television screen going forward.

A lot of people are only talking about the benefits of Tensais involvement in this tag team, but Brodus needed this too. Brodus needs to do something else rather then having short, pointless feuds with mid-card heels every other month. He needs something fresh, and putting him in his first stint as a tag team wrestler is a good way to give him something new to occupy his TV time. And Im very happy for Tensai. I know that I'm in the minority here, but I've always liked Matt Bloom from the first time that I watched him in the late 90's, to his tenure in NJPW. And I want him to succeed, and not watch the WWE drop the ball with him as they've done before with returning stars. So all in all, this tag team benefits both of its members, and I don't mind it one bit. And that Al Snow & Steve Blackman comparison is spot on.
From what I saw last night, I actually liked the team for the most part. Brodus Clay and Tensai remind me a lot of one another; both sport a similar build in height and weight, covered in body art and have that monstrous type feeling to them. It’s easy to see why the WWE would pair these two up. It is pretty well known that both Tensai and Brodus have fallen quite a bit since their re-debuts in WWE. They needed something for both of them to do and here, they're killing two birds with one stone. I have said it before; I'm all for pairing the most irrelevant guys on the roster to bring back the shitty tag team division. It gives Brodus a breath of fresh air while making Tensai not look like a total waste of opportunity. I'm interested to see if these two do anything other than comedic skits and throw-away matches as they do have potential.
They look like a good team and they have already defeated a well established Team, I could see them holding the Tag Team Championships in the future as long as Wwe does not lose faith in them.
They are working well together. They are very similar in height and weight. I think that they are next in line for the tag titles. We'll just have to wait and see.
One thing a lot of us are guilty of at times, me included, is forgetting that just because you're not exactly the top star in the company, or anywhere close to it, doesn't mean you can't be over with fans. Tensai is out there dancing around with Brodus and people are generally enjoying it. It's harmless and as long as WWE doesn't devote a huge amount of time to it, then there's no real problem.

That's the thing a lot of the IWC just doesn't understand about putting together a show. You need solid performers throughout the card. If you got a dull undercard fans are gonna be bored and change the channel by the time the main event comes on. Or they'll skip over the undercard and just tune in for the main event. Neither of which are what you want when you're trying to sell a whole show.
That's the thing a lot of the IWC just doesn't understand about putting together a show. You need solid performers throughout the card. If you got a dull undercard fans are gonna be bored and change the channel by the time the main event comes on. Or they'll skip over the undercard and just tune in for the main event. Neither of which are what you want when you're trying to sell a whole show.

Valid point. Even though the WWE machine calls every performer a superstar, the idea of that being so is ridiculous. If every match on every card qualified as the main event, there would be nothing to compare it to, right? Everyone can't be at the top.

In many ways, it's harder to be a successful mid-carder than main eventer because the lower-card guys don't receive the publicity garnered by the upper-class. Of course, the mid-guys also have a lesser standard to measure up to, so everyone has to work to merit their place in the pecking order.

Now that Brodus Clay's career has been going so long, I see how wrong I was about him. At first, the enormous amount of attention given him made me certain he was being designated as a future champion. Now, though, I don't think that was ever the intention; I believe his career has run the course originally intended for him; an entertainment act with early success for a guy who isn't much of a wrestler. After all the pomp & circumstance ran it's course, the company needed to find a new niche for him. Since he still is nothing more than a crude brawler, Creative found a way for him to change up his act without really changing it at all.....they just gave him a partner to provide some contrast. Fans like the dancing, so it remains. If they ever want to make Tensai and Brodus a more serious team, the next step will be getting rid of the girls.

There's still some room to grow for Brodus....and this pairing apparently also provided salvation for Matt Bloom.

Everything is proceeding as it should.

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