Ted Dibiase ....... wth is he doing ?


Dark Match Winner
well im sure everyone has wondered as to whats next for Ted and what can he actually do in the future ! I mean he was a member of legacy and was doing well but now he's got nothing and is in a storyline with goldust and thats good for goldust but i think its a set back for Ted i mean he could have won the US title at least , anyways overall im personally dissapointed with whats going on for him and more importantly what do they plan on doing with him ?!

Ur Thoughts ??:shrug:
He's a supporting player and nothing more. There's nothing about him that stands out and he needs other people to give him something to do on the show. He needs someone at his side (Cody, Maryse) and he needs someone to provide an antagonist. Right now, that's Goldust, who won't be mistaken for John Cena or Randy Orton when it comes to opposition with whom to build a program around. Still, Goldust isn't a bad choice given the (low) state DiBiase is in now.

Mind you, all this plays around the company's desire to build Ted into a featured player. In a year, unless his persona somehow catches on with the fans, he'll be more like Kaval.....looking to someone like Big Show to give him props in order to get noticed. In other words, Ted will be the jobber who works brief programs with superstars.

There's nothing outstanding about DiBiase. His ring work is good, but not great. His ring persona is zero; I keep thinking of how his father could inflame the crowd with his "rich guy" routine, while Ted Jr. comes across as uninteresting.

I'm not saying I don't like the guy, because I do. I just don't believe he's dynamic enough to become the star they want him to be. If the writers are able to come up with something in which he can stir the pot, the more power to all of them.
He's just not that great. He's got the personality of a door knob, and he's simply mediocre in the ring. There's no reason for him to be doing anything with someone who can't really afford to carry him. He's doing well with Maryse because their personalities are rather similar for the character he's supposed to be, and Goldust is one of the few people who can carry DiBiase through an angle without too many problems.

Honestly, I don't see too much of a future with DiBiase. Yeah, he came down to the ring with a mean look while he was in Legacy, but that's all he really had to do, and he did it rather well. Now that he actually has to have a personality so that he can stand on his own two feet, it's not really working out too well.
Ted has been disappointing to be honest. Back when they were in Legacy, I thought that Ted would be the stronger of him & Cody Rhodes, but it's Cody Rhodes who has gone to Smackdown and forged a name for himself, with his new "dashing" gimmick, not riding on the coattails of his father/family legacy.

Ted really has no redeeming qualities about him as a singles competitor right now. He's average in the ring, but has the personality of a cardboard box. Giving him the Million Dollar Belt didn't work, putting him with Maryse didn't work either. Perhaps Ted should be utilized in the tag division somehow, even pair him uo with Goldust or something to see if that can help his on screen character somehow.
i agree with u guys cody shined out of the dust of legacy and goldy isnt a main eventer but he has some of the best in ring talent as half the roster. but i feel the only way to save him is to drop his current gimick. maybe go face to test the waters and if tht dosent work he should go back to fcw to get repackaged. and come back with a new gimmick.
I got hell from people for some reason a few weeks ago when I said Goldust would not get Dibiase over. Not sure why. Apparently a lot of Goldust fans out there i guess.

I think Dibiase's name is what's holding him back. When people think Ted Dibiase, they instantly think of his father. Cody doesn't have the first name of his dad and I think that's one of the reasons why he isn't constantly being compared to him. Which makes me wonder, if the problems Ted's having now influenced the decision to change Joe Henning's name to Micheal McGillicutty so he wouldn't suffer the same fate? Who knows.

Putting that million dollar belt on Ted Jr was the nail in the coffin as far as I'm concerned. Now he's basically just a watered down rehash of his dad. And it was clearly a backup plan. The original plan for Ted clearly fell through when Randy Orton suddenly got incredibly over with the crowd and thus Ted's potential face turn was called off.

Ironically, I see a lot of comparisons between Ted and Goldust. Dustin Rhodes simply couldn't escape his dads shadow until he created a completely original character for himself, that being Goldust. Dustin was always compared to Dusty until he changed his name, look, persona, everything. Ted may have to do the same if he's ever going to take the next step.

In fact, that's a storyline idea right there in itself. Instead of going the obvious route and having Dibiase/Goldust feud over the meaningless million dollar title and participating in inter-gender tag matches with their respective divas as their partners, take it in a different route. Have Goldust tell Dibiase he knows what its like to be in his fathers shadow. Have him try to convince Ted to join him and perhaps this could lead to a whole new persona for Ted Jr. Have Goldust help him transform himself into something that will help him escape his fathers legacy (no pun intended).
I think that Ted DiBiase has promise and potential, yes I know some hate those terms, but it just hasn't really come to pass. Ted DiBiase was expected to be the break out member of Legacy but, overall, it's really been Cody Rhodes that's managed to stick out.

DiBiase is just fine for the role he's got right now. He's a supporting character hanging out in the lower mid-card scene and based upon what he's shown concerning promos and in the ring, that's really where he should be right now. He's good inside the ring, but he's not shown anything special. His promos come across as pretty wooden or just downright forced at times. DiBiase is definitely going to work harder if he hopes to rise above his current station in WWE.
Yes I find it interesting that ted dibiase is featured so often, before this angle obvious to set it up, he was there with maryse (who is a good manager for him btw but she needs to interject more and really be his voice because not too many people want to hear his voice). He has also been viewed often when not involved in angles which shows that he is over in the back and he certainly has been packaged well. Manager.... check, people spending time on his theme....check (although it may have been wrong to change from the last one) but he honestly is lacking in charisma and can't really pull off his angle because he simply isn't gifted enough.

Being in legacy was possibly the best thing that will ever happen for him because he cant really do anything by himself very well. He is an average wrestler in the ring although there are a couple of cool aspects namely his finsher which I rate well and his chasing opponent off the ropes clothesline if you know what one I mean, but this wont carry him far. So indeed why not have him feud with goldust. Goldust certainly has more fire and charisma than ted even at this stage in his career and could do nothing less than carry him and make him look better if that is what WWE wants.

Now cody may have a fairly outdated gimmick but he does well with it and certainly held up the charisma end of legacy which is clear to see since they separated. He should wear knee pads because sometimes people arent ready for the shift back in time which he is trying for with that. And as a reward cody is now one half of the current undisputed tag champs where he has already been in perhaps WWE's only contending tag team AT ALL! So cody is quite safe right now but it has been mentionned that vince isn't very high on cody, but I say the bigger of the two stars is clearly cody, he should go further is you watch both of them now. Unless ted starts using all the amazing time and work he has been given and has been put into him then he will flounder because he certainly aint as good as his dad right now. He has evrything going good gimmick, good image, good looking manager and now he needs a good singles feud to make him and who better than seasoned vet like goldust to put him over, why not he isnt being used anywhere else is he and he is up for the task. Make or break time in my eyes.

I mean this sin't a morrison/Miz situation where both of the guys are going to be huge stars, for a while they rode the curtails of orton who is a bit of WWE veteran now and when it was time to take the stabilisers off the bike, we found out dibiase couldnt ride and cody could, well as soon as he learns itll be with him for life but he has to learn first and he hasnt yet. Shouldnt ever exceed mid at this rate.
Going back to Legacy... or no going as far back as when Rhodes and DeBiase debuted people really thought Ted was going to carry the most star power when Legacy dissolved. However this is not the case and the one who proved us wrong was Rhodes who has gone light years from when he wore that ugly green ring attire.

With that said DeBiase isn't all that bad. To be honest his best moments were probably his match with Randy on RAW or whenever he was pissed off at him while in Legacy. Perhaps DeBiase can prove us wrong in the future like Rhodes did.

As far as DeBiase feuding with Goldust there is some pros and cons to this. The con obviously is that it's a pretty big set back from feuding with Orton.. not that he was really doing anything interesting since then. Plus Goldust while he is an exceptional entertainer is often considered pretty low rent, almost in the league of Santino. However Goldust has put on some decent feuds for midcarders who have main event potential with people such as Razor Ramon (Scott Hall would fuck this up later), Sheamus, Brian Pillman (this got pretty interesting until his accident), RVD, and Jeff Jarrett. Not to mention his tag team with Booker T. All people who would garner some form of success afterward.

However is DeBiase can't put on a decent program with Goldust then he'll most likely join the ranks of Carlito, Mike Knox, Kane (prior to his WHC run) Matt Hardy, MVP and Mark Henry.. where they can't get rid of him, but can't do anything with him either.
I got hell from people for some reason a few weeks ago when I said Goldust would not get Dibiase over. Not sure why. Apparently a lot of Goldust fans out there i guess.

I think Dibiase's name is what's holding him back. When people think Ted Dibiase, they instantly think of his father. Cody doesn't have the first name of his dad and I think that's one of the reasons why he isn't constantly being compared to him. Which makes me wonder, if the problems Ted's having now influenced the decision to change Joe Henning's name to Micheal McGillicutty so he wouldn't suffer the same fate? Who knows.

Putting that million dollar belt on Ted Jr was the nail in the coffin as far as I'm concerned. Now he's basically just a watered down rehash of his dad. And it was clearly a backup plan. The original plan for Ted clearly fell through when Randy Orton suddenly got incredibly over with the crowd and thus Ted's potential face turn was called off.

Ironically, I see a lot of comparisons between Ted and Goldust. Dustin Rhodes simply couldn't escape his dads shadow until he created a completely original character for himself, that being Goldust. Dustin was always compared to Dusty until he changed his name, look, persona, everything. Ted may have to do the same if he's ever going to take the next step.

In fact, that's a storyline idea right there in itself. Instead of going the obvious route and having Dibiase/Goldust feud over the meaningless million dollar title and participating in inter-gender tag matches with their respective divas as their partners, take it in a different route. Have Goldust tell Dibiase he knows what its like to be in his fathers shadow. Have him try to convince Ted to join him and perhaps this could lead to a whole new persona for Ted Jr. Have Goldust help him transform himself into something that will help him escape his fathers legacy (no pun intended).

You know if TNA never did the whole Black Reign for Goldust ni TNA, I say why not Ted Dibiease Jr be Black Reign character. Would have him be his own person in the WWE and not a ripoff of his dad.
You know if TNA never did the whole Black Reign for Goldust ni TNA, I say why not Ted Dibiease Jr be Black Reign character. Would have him be his own person in the WWE and not a ripoff of his dad.

So please enlighten me as to how he would be his own persona by ripping off of Black Reign as opposed to acting like his father? Goldust was ALWAYS better as the "Golden one" omg, no I'm getting that vision I always get when I think back to the original GD, MARLENA!!! Puppies!!! Yahooo!!! Ahh, man, I feel sorry for y'all youngsters .. but DVD and classics on demand got your back! Not in my day, you had to be there! And man was it a sight ... I'm drooling as I type .... annywho .... :)

A rip off is a rip off. And as expected , Teddy would flaunt and try to do what his daddy did. Lol @ him trying to bring in Virgil. FAIL!

I just can't get on board with this guy yet. I mean, yes, he has the ability I believe and has the "look" if you will. But he is just aweful. And I can't get over it because it soo should not be like this. Hear me out ..

After WM when we seen the Legacy meet in the 3 way, they were supposed to be bad asses out from under the deadly wing of the Viper and nothing was to stop them. That is untill they got broken up. And some say it was a good move and yes, it should have been done, but not that soon. We needed more time to see these guys REALLY develop and get into the routine of being able to put on 5 star matches without Orton around adding starpower to the bout. I would have LOVED to see Teddy turn on Cody the right way, and have it building for about 3 months. Take action by making one of them get over on the other , then fans back them for showing the grit. That is if they are able to portray a great story in that ring.

And basically that's what it all boils down to. They way you tell the story. And Ted does possess that way to make you watch him, so I think that he just needs more passion and focus. Because im sure he has some say into what goes into his gimmick, and if I were in charge of me, I know I would make myself be noticed. Do something in the back to gain that influence and you WILL be a big time player. Being able to tell the story and having the respect of your peers definitly has an effect on they way you can be perceived by the people. It can make you shine out with more confidence and your able to have that belif in yourself. That's what makes you better. And Teddy has got that. Now its time for him to show what he can do.

Because we all know the road is ending for some, that means construction oif the other side is being put in place, and when the wheels roll, I hope Teddy is in the front of that ride.

And let me just add for the record that it feels SO GOOD TO BE BACK!!! Been gone, not that anyone should have noticed, but I'm glad to be back in the world out of that damn hospital and currently am rehabing in Italy ... fashion district!! Lovin' me some milan right now, here with family being lazy, but all my people here @ WZ here's to you all!!!
I`ll tell u what Ted is doing, Proving me RIGHT!!! :lmao:

I have had COUNTLESS arguements about who would do better in singles out of him and Cody when they split up. I was on Cody`s side when EVERYONE else was on Ted`s I can`t explain exactly what it was that I seen in Cody but I KNEW if given a chance he would do well as a single wrestler. But that was`nt enough of an argument 2 put up against the Dibiase backers...

"He`s got his DAD`S gimmick. He`s got the MILLION $ TITLE. He`s got Maryse by his side. He wrestled in japan. And he has a MOVIE coming out"

And despite ALL OF THAT!! And im the 1st 2 admit I thought the dashing gimmick was stupid and would not get him over, But HEY! I guess Cody is like his dad as in no matter what stupid gimmick the wwf gave him he can still make it work :worship: His star is on more of a rise then Ted Dibiase. :)
Well in my opinion I see Dibiase and Goldust feuding over the Million Dollar Title as a way to establish that belt as a lower card title. So that guys that are irrelevant can become relevant in a sense. Could it elevate Dibiase yes but I just don't see Dibiase as anything more than lower card talent. This feud will definitely elevate Goldust status and Hopefully Goldust can gain some type of momentum an at the very least be included in the title. Don't take my statement out of context I'm not saying that because of this feud Goldust is PPV headlining stuff but this can lead to feud that will lead to him headlining a PPV.
well im sure everyone has wondered as to whats next for Ted and what can he actually do in the future ! I mean he was a member of legacy and was doing well but now he's got nothing and is in a storyline with goldust and thats good for goldust but i think its a set back for Ted i mean he could have won the US title at least , anyways overall im personally dissapointed with whats going on for him and more importantly what do they plan on doing with him ?!

Ur Thoughts ??:shrug:

Haven't seen much from Ted to make me thing he's gonna make it big. He's not good at playing his character, and it doesn't help that his father did it first and much better. He has an average personality, and while he's good in the ring he's not good enough to overcome that. He can't even get any heat with Maryse on his arm. As bad as he is at playing the arrogant rich jerk, it's even worse that they barely even try to make it work.

He should get in the ring and flaunt his wealth and Maryse every chance he gets. He should stand in the middle of the ring and give her a 10 second kiss while giving the crowd a look like, "none of y'all with ever be with a woman half this hot". And afterwards taunt the crowd for being poor inbred scum. He should hit the crowd where it hurts and make them hate him.
In fact, that's a storyline idea right there in itself. Instead of going the obvious route and having Dibiase/Goldust feud over the meaningless million dollar title and participating in inter-gender tag matches with their respective divas as their partners, take it in a different route. Have Goldust tell Dibiase he knows what its like to be in his fathers shadow. Have him try to convince Ted to join him and perhaps this could lead to a whole new persona for Ted Jr. Have Goldust help him transform himself into something that will help him escape his fathers legacy (no pun intended).

Absolutely love this idea, be great if they did run with this.

About a year ago everyone was saying that WWE were going to have Ted turn face, break away from Legacy and be pushed into the main event scene. This looked likely as well with Dibiase and Orton having a face off on Raw which was hugely intense and had the fans going nuts for Dibiase. Now I don't know if anyone can be blamed for this but Orton was getting more and more cheers around this time despite being a legit heel, and what I imagine was going to be booked for WM26 as a heel Orton vs Face Dibiase turned into a badly built up and unmemorable triple threat with Orton proceeding to cement himself as a face.

I initially liked the idea of him being repackaged as "the fortunate son" and playing on his Dad's gimmick, but as time has gone on it appears he lacks the charisma to play the arrogant heel. Cody Rhodes on the other hand is doing a brilliant job, didn't think he had the mic skills in him as he was awful in Legacy. It is an old school gimmick yes, but in the right hands it works well. His first promo as "Dashing" Cody Rhodes is one of the best promo's I've seen all year; funny, semi improvised in places and believable. I fully expect him to be drafted back to Raw next year and perhaps in 2 years competing for the Heavyweight title.

Anyway for Ted I think he's only options is to repackage him as an oddball character such as Goldust or really push him an aggressive heel, maybe even starting a stable of his own and ideally get him into a strong fued with the likes of John Morrison or Daniel Bryan, two guys who admittedly are not amazing themselves on the mic but do the talking between the ropes. He is an ideal candidate to win MITB at WM next year and if he doesn't or hasn't significantly changed his persona by then I'm afraid he'll never be over with the fans and never get that push to take him into the main event scene.

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