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Team Smackdown discussion


The Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla
So on this weeks tapings of Smackdown it was announced that the team is Chris Jericho, Kane, Cryme Tyme, Dolph Ziggler, Eric Escobar and Drew McIntyre.I for one like all these talents but i think that this team is a bit weak.Don't get me wrong i like all these guys but i really don't think that some new guy should be representing Smackdown over a guy that has been there for years.My other thought was with the exception of Cryme Tyme everyone is heels so is Smackdown supposed to play the heels in this match? Thoughts?
Wow. Just.....wow. What a horrible random team. If you were to take the opponents from their respective feuds, the team would at least have a chance at the PPV.

Kane? What has he done lately that's so great? Sure, I understand that they need someone to counter-balance for the Big Show....but why not get Khali? Has around the same amount of air-time as Kane, and doesn't have a feud, but he's also larger and more monsteresque.

Cryme Tyme? I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that the Hart Dynasty would've been a much better fit for the team. After a great run on ECDub, they've become all but jobbers on Smackdown. Unless this is some sort of plan to have Bret Hart reappear and tell them "you're fucking up the Hart name", they need to be given a chance.

Ziggler? Okay, I'm conflicted. On the one hand, Ziggler's inproved a LOT since the days of being Kerwin White's caddy. However, how many losses has he had against Morrison (or Mysterio for that matter)? I understand (and love) the fact that WWE is going towards a Miz/Morrison feud, but I think Morrison would've served metter on the team.

Escobar? Well, I haven't seen any of his matches in FCW, but I've heard good things. WWE must have a lot of faith in the guy if they're putting him in a PPV after just one match.

McIntyre? He's feuding with R-Truth, for fuck sakes! Winning a match against him is just a few notches lower than winning a match against Hardy. Now, I'm not saying either Hardy or Truth should have qualified for the team, but there are a lot of SmackDown talent left that could have filled the spots better.

However, I think it would be tremendous if Teddy pulled the old switcharoo and replaced McIntyre and Escobar with some ECW talent. How much better would it be if Big Zeke and Koslov were on the team? Sadly, I know that'll never happen, and Raw'll wipe the floor with Smackdown.
Is Khali out with an injury or something?

I'd wondered what Smackdown would come up with. I figured Drew and Ziggler were going to be there... But I'm surprised at some of the other choices. Finlay, while a mid card guy who puts people over, would have made a certain amount of sense and I'm sorry not to see him on the team.

Unless Cena does a run in to join the Smack Down team, or something unusual happens, I have a hard time seeing how they'd be the credible winners.

I like Ziggler quite a bit. The only reason he isn't wearing JoMo's belt is because of last minute decisions by creative. It's a shame, since Ziggler should have won it from Rey.
I hate to say it but this Smackdown team looks weak in comparison to RAW. Raw has DX, Big Show, Kofi, Jack Swagger, Cody Rhodes and Mark Henry. Damn that's a pretty awesome team you mix veterans like Show, Henry and DX with young stars like Rhodes, Kofi and Swagger it just makes for an overall great team. Now Smackdown has Chris Jericho, Kane, Cryme Tyme, Drew McInytre, Dolph Ziggler and Eric Escobar. With the exception of Jericho, Kane and Ziggler this team doesn't represent Smackdown the way I would. Eric Escobar for example what has he done to deserve a spot in this match? Cryme Tyme?? Why, I just don't understand that decision it makes no sense. Drew McInytre?? Other than feud with R-Truth does he really deserve to be in this match?? I would've added the Hart Dynasty, Finlay, and Matt Hardy. The Hart Dynasty could've benefitted great from this high profile match and with the Bret Hart rumors that he may return they could've used this match and that would've started their push. Finlay has been a Smackdown a while as Matt Hardy they are both proven veterans who aren't doing too much so this match would've put them back in the spolight and given them something to do while adding a mix of veterans amd young talent to the SD team. My SD team would've been: Jericho, Kane, Ziggler, Hart Dynasty, Finlay, and Hardy.
I think Smackdown will win in the end. As people discussed with the Raw team I believe Show is a plant. He is going to screw over Raw in the end. Thus giving him even more heel heat especially when appearing on Raw. I think it is good that Escobar and McIntyre are in this match. It will give them pretty decent exposure and potentially show their skills and their ability to work with top tier WWE talent.

It's sweet that Kane is in the match. This match is going to be epic. My only problem is that on a 3 hour pay per view...there is a 60 minute Ironman Match....and this match.....I have a funny feeling some of these matches will end very quickly. I mean how could you have time to spotlight the championships and this match without having the other matches being shorter.

Anyways though. As I said I believe Smackdown will win in the end as Show will screw Raw. I know this team looks weak but Smackdown has a lot of fresh young faces and I believe this will also be great for Ziggler to see if he can hang with the big boys too.
Smackdown did pretty much what I figured they'd do. A couple of veterans, some young up and coming guys and one guy I know squat about. Now, on the surface, this looks like a terrible team and that's exactly why the WWE put them together.

In order for Smackdown to win this Bragging Rights brand tag match, something is going to have to happen to tip things in their favor. And that thing, in my opinion, is probably The Big Show. I have a feeling that The Big Show is a plant and that he'll wind up turning on the Raw team, and will lay someone out with the right hand and allow SD to get the pin. I predict that he'll knock out either HBK or HHH in order to ultimately set up a feud between those two for the tag titles. JeriShow will then show up on Raw, touting themselves as great masterminds and all this and that. I'd say that it'll be fine.
They actually have a decent team. They have some big guys after all, I thought they'd get dominated by team Raw but now they actually have a chance. However, on an unrelated note, Matt Hardy completely jobbed to Eric on SD. That's worse than losing to McIntyre. I say Matt's career is shot to Hell now...

Okay, so as mostly everybody knows there will be a Smackdown vs. Raw 7 on 7 match at Bragging Rights. The teams are as follows:
Triple H
Shawn Michaels
Big Show
Cody Rhodes
Jack Swagger
Kofi Kingston
Mark Henry

Chris Jericho
Dolph Ziggler
Eric Escobar
Drew McIntyre

Now lets look at the individuals on each team. First, team Raw.
Triple H is a 13 time world champion, and always a top contender, and is argueably one of the best of all time. He is one of, if not, the biggest crowd favorite in the business. Shawn Michaels, who with Triple H forms DX, is also one of, if not the best of all time, and a 5 time world champion. Big Show is also a former world champion and is always portrayed as the GIANT. Whenever there is a big tag match the giants dominate for a good part of the match. The same applies for Mark Henry, who was ECW champion, as was Jack Swagger. Swagger is also projected to be the next superstar to be elevated to main event status, is an all-American, and is on his winning-streak. Kofi Kingston was US champ for months, defeating opponents in triple threats, fatal four ways, and even a six pack challenge, and is one of the most creative superstars currently. And then there is Cody Rhodes, who is a member of the most dominant team in the WWE right now, Legacy, and is one of the brightest young talents Raw has. So, in total, Team Raw has over 20 world championships, 2 giants, 3 big fan favorites, the most recent US champ, and 3 superstars who are projected to be the future of the WWE.

Then there's Team Smackdown. The team Captain is Chris Jericho, who is one of the best in the business, probably the biggest heel currently, and is a multi-time world champ and a 9x IC champ. Next there is Kane, who is supposed to combat with Big Show and Mark Henry as the giant, whom in size he does not even come close to, although Kane is a former champ. Next there is Cryme Tyme, who are a formidable tag team, but as individual wrestlers they aren't anything special. Neither of them come close to having the amount of talent as any wrestler on Team Raw, and neither of them have ever held any gold, nor have been in a "big match". Then there's Dolph Ziggler, who I would compare to Cody Rhodes on Team Raw, as a wrestler who clearly has a future but isn't close to upper-midcard right now. Next there is Eric Escobar who has proved absolutely nothing and has only had one match, which he didn't even win fairly. Lastly, there is Drew McIntyre who just beat a bunch of jobbers and R-Truth a few times. So, in total, Team Smackdown has I believe 5 or 6 world titles, and 5 out of the 7 people on the team have never held gold. McIntyre has been in WWE a very short time, and Escobar has one match under his belt. Then they have Cryme Tyme, who doesn't really bring anything to the team either. It is basically Jericho and Kane.

Smackdown had the option of putting Punk, Taker, Batista, Mysterio, Morrisson, Hardy, or Finlay, who I believe would all add more credibility to the team, but instead they made a fatal four way main event, and so the show's top four stars can't be in the tag match. If you ask me, Team Smackdown looks like shit compared to Team Raw, but I want to hear your thoughts.
What I would love to see is to have escobar and drew be the last two guys in the ring for the smackdown team while completely dominating the raw team and winning the match for the smackdown brand. In doing this it would give them the most uber push which I feel they both need
This is just my opinion and I don't want any controversy.

I believe that Jericho of course is amazing and is the only other main eventer that is not in the main event scene on Smackdown.

Kane is just in the match so he could have something to do and the compare to the Big Show.

Cryme Time is in to give the team a face look. I agree that the Hart Dynasty should be in match and Escobar and McIntyre should be replaced, but the act has already happened and nothing can be changed.

Ziggler is a good addition to the team as a future main eventer is represented in the match. While I agree he should be in the IC champ vs. US champ match this is another case of the act already being done.

Drew McIntyre shouldn't be in the match at least not now. He has alot of growing to do before he can represent the blue brand. Finlay should have been in his spot.

Escobar shouldn't even been thought of during the creative process of this team. Matt Hardy deserves this spot way more than he does. Escobar might not even be around much longer if they keep Vickie as his manager. She draws the heat away from Escobar which is not good for his career. I guess Matt should be released if he is being "replaced" by Escobar.

Thats my opinion on the team and I would like to hear responses on my opinions.
The Smackdown team is very under par from the Raw team. I just can't see them winning at all, unless they are pushing McIntyre or Escobar to the moon, they may have them get the pin or something to push them but i doubt it really.

This is a thrown together team of randoms against a great team of Raw superstars.

It's gonna be a clusterfuck of a match anyways, looking forward to the Miz/Morrison match much more than this dribble. I mean why did they book Mysterio and Batista in the WHC match, they should be in this team instead of the 2 n00bs.
It's five in the morning and I'm just now watching Smackdown on the DVR. They just announced the 7th man on the team and I came here to see if anybody else was in shock at how weak the Smackdown team looks, especially compared to the RAW team. Apparently, I'm not the only one...

I'll admit that I don't watch Smackdown as regularly as I do RAW, so I was expecting one or two guys that I'm not real knowledgeable of. When Kane came out at the beginning of the show and interjected himself as co-captain, I thought to myself, "I like this... I think Smackdown is gonna have a real chance here." Unfortunately, the rest of the team has me a bit worried.

I know Ziggler is getting a big push these days (although I'm still not sure why...), but I think Finley or Knox would have been a better choice to square off against Mark Henry. Cryme Tyme is okay, but I would have loved to see The Hart Dynasty working with some of the veterans. I think that THD would have gained a lot out of this match. Cryme Tyme, on the other hand, doesn't really have anything to gain or lose. Win, lose or draw, they'll still be a middle-card tag team that only white kids like.

And, then, we have Escobar and McIntyre.

I sure as hell hope that Smackdown has something planned, rather than rely on their curtain-jerking roster. Part of me believes that RAW will automatically win, as it's Vince's baby and #1 priority; however, with it being the 10th anniversary of Smackdown, I can see the blue team getting the nod just this once. I do like the idea of Big Show being a mole and helping Jericho pull a fast one, in what may lead to a feud with DX. As much as I don't care for DX, I do think that that would be a pretty entertaining feud.
With all of the talent on the Smackdown roster, the WWE is really selling themselves short here. This could really be a great match, but when you include guys like Drew McIntyre and Eric Escobar, it's hard for that to happen.
Personally, my guesses are that cena will end up losing his match against orton which will result cena taking up the mystery place on the smackdown roster to take on team raw. However, if the smackdown vs raw match is an elimination match that they normally have on survivor series, my guesses are that cena will join the smackdown roster when smackdown are down to their last man.
well raw looks pretty impressive, but smackdown is looking pretty crappy. Smackdown i believe is the A show now but all there good superstars are in the main event. (Batista, Undertaker, Punk, Mysterio) But Team Smackdown has two good superstars Jericho and Kane. Despite being huge heels im a big fan of both. And aside Jericho and Kane, Drew McIntrye he is a rookie and needs to have more experience. Same with Escobar. Cyme Tyme is an ok team but whenever they have momentum they start lossing. And then theres Dolph Ziggler. I like Ziggler he's got a lot of talent. I have no problem with him being pushed.

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