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7 - on - 7 RAW vs. SmackDown! Bragging Rights Match

im looking forward to this ppv. however i would like to say, if show does turn on raw, then you cant call the wwe predictable, because the iwc is on about it right now. just wanted to say that. hopefully this ppv will erase the hell in a cell memory
So Team RAW is mostly set:
Triple H
Shawn Michaels
Cody Rhodes
Jack Swagger
Kofi Kingston
Big Show
Mark Henry
Now, as for Team SmackDown!

Chris Jericho (C)
Batista or Rey Mysterio
Dolph Ziggler or Matt Hardy
Great Khali ( we need a giant to bounce show off)

But something will go wrong there Big Show atatcks Shawn michaels or HHH and Chris Jericho pins Shawn Michaels billing it for them to go against JeriShow lets hope not
I like JeriShow and only team to beat them should be Legacy and not a bunch of 40+ older men
I'm going to agree with the majority and say that I think Smackdown! is in serious trouble in this match. Team Raw is loaded with talent and personally I wouldn't change any of the members. Looking at the current Smackdown! roster the logical choices to go with Jericho are Ziggler, Hardy and Kane. After that it's a toss up. I could see Finlay as a 5th member based just on name recognition. I don't think it's too early for Drew McIntyre. He just got a win on the last PPV (although is was used a bathroom break for myself). Yes it's an extremely high spot for such a young talent but if they are serious about pushing this guy as hard as they are he is a lock. As for spot 7 it could be anyone from Knox to R-Truth to either member of Cryme Tyme or Hard Dynasty. I actually think it's going to be Cena after losing his title match. After an hour long match with Orton he will be exhausted but he will still be an improvement over most the remaining team. On paper Raw should blow out Smackdown! much like DX, the Hardys and Punk did to Orton, Edge, Knox, Nitro and Helms at SS 06. I do think it will be competitive but Raw should take it home.
I am looking forward to this match the most of all the matches on the card. When you look at the Raw team, you see how much depth they have in terms of star and drawing power. You take all four of the main eventers out of the Smackdown team, that Batista, Mysterio, Punk and Taker and all you have left is lower-mid-card talent. Morrison wont be in the match either now and I can't help but think that Smackdown's team is going to pale in comparison to Raw's.

Although I do think that they will have some sort of swerve thrown in. Like Smackdown can only muster 6 people and Cena loses his match and joins the Smackdown team and moves over to Smackdown. Then I would completely mark out. What's more, it is completely plausible
No one has mentioned that DiBiase could be someone that could pop up on the Smackdown team, because as of now he's not on the card. Could help with his face turn, and help further the Legacy story by maybe having him pin Cody at the PPV. Thoughts?
No one has mentioned that DiBiase could be someone that could pop up on the Smackdown team, because as of now he's not on the card. Could help with his face turn, and help further the Legacy story by maybe having him pin Cody at the PPV. Thoughts?
Yeah it wouldn't surprise me for a Raw star to get on the Smackdown roster, but it really is a dumb idea. Yet thats really all the WWE ever has. It also wouldn't surprise me for Smackdown to only get 6 and then have Big Show switch sides in the middle of the match instead of betraying his team causing them to lose.

Anyway can the Cena coming out for Smackdown references please stop. Cena is not losing, I think the stupidest thing the WWE did was put that stipulation on the match. They just moved Batista to Smackdown, if they move Cena nobody will be left on Raw. Cena has to win. With Batista on Smackdown the roster balance is a little more equal, therefore there is no use for Cena on Smackdown.

Not too mention its unrealistic for him to come out after an Iron Man Match win or lose, but Cena is superman so it means he's just not going to lose the Iron Man Match.
*spoilers ahead*

So looking at Team Smackdown... I was correct. It is complete and utter clownshoes. They would have had a better chance drawing names out of a hat, or getting drunk as hell and knocking on random hotel room doors where the stars are staying some night and getting a better team together. Jericho is about the only bright spot of the whole team. Ziggler is great too. For christ sake, Jericho and Kane are the ONLY TWO PEOPLE ON THE TEAM that have even held a title in the WWE. What. The. Hell?

I can't even believe this is going to be a match. And in no way should this match even be the least bit competitive. On paper, Team Raw owns the christ out of Team Smackdown, their mothers, their children, their oxen, and all their extra wagon wheels and axels for their trip to Oregon. I am actually in shock how bad team Smackdown is. I knew it would be bad... but not this bad.
I've been reading a bit of the discussion about this particular match. So far, the prevailing opinion (at least so it seems to me) is that Raw is going to destroy Smackdown given the many big names on its team vs. the amount of relative newcomers on Smackdown's team. Well, that may well be. Raw has massive amounts of history on its side whereas Smackdown...well one of their members had his first match on the WWE (that I know of, might've done a dark match or two) at the taping yesterday and it'll be shown Friday. Drew McIntyre's only opponent so far (properly speaking) was R-Truth, although he did do a surprise destruction of Charlie Haas for whatever that's worth. It would seem that with the exception of Jericho and Kane, the co-captains (the former of which is a spineless little scrub-brush that needs a bigger guy to hide behind) Smackdown has mostly green-horns and one tag team, Cryme Tyme, who may be doing alright against the Hart Dynasty now but have had a somewhat mediocre record of wins and losses.

Still, Smackdown has an advantage: all heels except for Cryme Tyme and the boys from Brooklyn have already shown themselves pragmatic enough to put that aside for the win. Smackdown could have the advantage of unity.

Meanwhile, you have team DX, a pretty even mix of Heels and Faces and a lot of still existing rivalries there. You have DX on the same team as one of Legacy, so you know DX and Cody Rhodes aren't going to get along. You've also got Swagger and Kofi on the same team who were just in a battle over the US Championship which involved a lot of "stealing" of that belt. Next, you've got the Big Show, and there's a ton of bad blood between him and Triple H as well as Kofi. Then you've got Mark Henry and there's still a major "big man" feud between him and Big Show. I foresee this house being divided several times against itself. That may lead to Smackdown's win.

The only thing I can see actually bringing things 'round for Raw would be if Kofi and Swagger came to a meeting of the minds over The Miz "taking advantage" of both of them, Mark Henry and Big Show coming to an understanding given Show's recent difficulties with Jericho, and maybe Cody Rhodes letting his disagreement with Ted Jr. lead him to working with DX out of spite. Who knows what will happen?
*spoilers ahead*

So looking at Team Smackdown... I was correct. It is complete and utter clownshoes. They would have had a better chance drawing names out of a hat, or getting drunk as hell and knocking on random hotel room doors where the stars are staying some night and getting a better team together. Jericho is about the only bright spot of the whole team. Ziggler is great too. For christ sake, Jericho and Kane are the ONLY TWO PEOPLE ON THE TEAM that have even held a title in the WWE. What. The. Hell?

I can't even believe this is going to be a match. And in no way should this match even be the least bit competitive. On paper, Team Raw owns the christ out of Team Smackdown, their mothers, their children, their oxen, and all their extra wagon wheels and axels for their trip to Oregon. I am actually in shock how bad team Smackdown is. I knew it would be bad... but not this bad.

Completely agree there, but there are a few things that could work out to give Smackdown the win.

1. Vince pushes the hell out of the new guys on team smackdown, using this to put them over quickly.

2. Cena completely no-sells his iron man match with Orton to come and join team Smakdown, and completely destroy team raw, single handedly. I hope it doesn't happen, but i can see them doing it.

3. ECW gets pissed that they are constantly ignored for ppv's, and invade the match. Something i'd like to see.

4, Show turns on Raw to give smackdown the win, but i'd rather see Jericho turn on smackdown and go to raw, especially if Cena goes back to smackdown.

And i was wondering if anyone knows if this is going to be a one-fall match, or single elimination like survivor series.
I think looking at the final teams, it certainly raises some questions.
Firstly, it appears SD! is prodominantly the heel team, which is strange as at SS 05 (the last time the two brands faced off) both teams were equal heel/face. With notably exclusions in the match by guys such as MVP, Ted DiBiase and Matt Hardy, i don't understand why creative just didn't put the Hart Dynasty in there and really drive home the fact that SD! are the bad guys. No-one is particularly looking forward to Cryme Tyme being in the match and they won't be missed that much. Instead, we have a team that, not only looks imbalanced, but very poor compared to Team Raw.

Secondly, this match has Big Show turn written all over it. Essentially we are to believe that the most dominant and coherent tag team in WWE are driven apart by a petty cross-brand match? With house shows being advertised as DX V Jerishow, i see Show giving HBK the knockout punch for Y2J to get the pin. This means that the match can actually mean something and set some feuds in motion for Survivor Series.

Thirdly, it doesn't matter that guys that are a little green like McIntyre and Escobar are in the match. 7 v 7 means that 14 competitors are fighting for air time. With an hour long iron match and the other matches on the card, i don't see this match going on for too long, especially as it is not an elimination match. Escobar and McIntyre getting some experience of working on both a PPV and with vets like Big Show and DX. Also, with the SD! team coming across as the heel team with the most over heel as captain (Y2J), they may benefit from a bit of heat too.

Overall, when this PPV concept and match was announced, i didn't have high hopes. Having the two mid card champs face each other, SD! having 4 of it's top guys ineligible for the tag match and no ECW presence on the show, you were only left with a small pool of talent to fill 14 places. But the picks work... slightly. Yes, it's a shame guys like DiBiase and MVP aren't in the match but this PPV is the starter and Survivor Series is the Main Course. I expect guys like Escobar to drop back down and guys like Ted to come back in as they have storylines to further whilst Escobar needs to develop his character.
Ya know, this doesen't make a shred of sense to me and has train wreck written all over it! I agree with another wall pose in the PPV forums, that this is just one big cheap way to sell a video game! This not a PPV, it's a damn marketing tool to sell a piece of merchandise!

I'm also seeing this match for what it really is. An effort to make SD! an inferior brand! I mean, here's why I think that. They've been pushing this Theodore Long on probation storyline for months, and there's been no real anticipation of a blow off to it. I mean, anyone with eyes that can see, can definitely SD has been the better show especially since Wrestlemania. To me the storyline just reeks of Vince trying to prove Raw is still the flagship show. Well, Raw may be the flagship, but the Dallas Cowboys were the flagship team of the NFL back in the early 90's, didn't mean I liked them.

But of course how is the SD team look up against the Raw team, I mean, the big guns are in a four corners match, not too mention Morrison has his own match. There goes 5 big guys right there.

So lets weight this out shall we....

Team Raw:
D-X (Consisting of two tried and true icons of the sport).

Jack Swagger (Getting quite a fair push, and has pretty good heel heat nowadays).

Big Show (Despite the fact I don't like him, he's got credibility).

Cody Rhodes (Getting shine out in the Raw limelight for quite sometime)

Kofi Kingston (Despite title reign ending, was pushed quite well during the course of it, and he's over like crazy).

Mark Henry (I still think he's less than nothing).


Chris Jericho (The only true main event guy on this team).

Kane (I would call him a true main event guy but it's not 1998. But sadly he does have more cred than the other names I'm about to spout off).

Dolph Ziggler (I like Dolph, and he fits in the same category as Kofi & Jack).

Cryme Tyme (Am I the only one who sees these two for what they really are?? Two total goofballs, who can't work a lick, who havta rely on the Hart's to carry them???? Why aren't the Hart's in this match????? Tease Hart's/D-X).

Eric Escobar (????...huh???).

Drew McIntyre (I have nothing against Drew, but really, who is he to the general public, he's just a guy who punked out R-Truth).

Raw---(3 Main Event Calber stars, 3 well pushed mid-carders, 1 overpushed hack).
SD---(1 Main Event star, one boring giant with credibility, a comedy tag team getting an undeserved push, 1 well pushed mid-carder, 1 guy who'll never get over more than the horse faced freak who manages him, and another guy who hasn't really proven much at all).

---Well maybe that's just me, this is just it from my point of view. I'm sure there's some Cryme Tyme fans, and Kane fans out there, but even so, if we're looking at this on paper as a main event match, I don't buy the SD! guys chances at all.

Some people might say these young guys are getting main event cred being with these guys, my response....remeber Kendrick being part of that championship scramble?? Where's he now?
Well now Team SmackDown is set and it's not looking good for them against Team Raw in this 7 on 7 tag team match.

Team Raw Team SmackDown
Triple H Chris Jericho
Shawn Michaels Kane
Kofi Kingston JTG
Big Show Shad
Jack Swagger Dolph Ziggler
Cody Rhodes Drew McIntyre
Mark Henry Eric Escobar

I mean this just looks so one sided right now. McIntyre and Escobar are both new to the roster and Dolph is still trying to establish himself there. So now there's Jericho, Kane and Cryme Tyme against Team Raw. This is def a one sided affair and I seet Team Raw winning this thing all the way. Kane will probably be VERY dominant in this match, but Triple H and Shawn Michaels will take him out.
On paper, it sure does look like Team Raw has this in the bag before it even starts, but the factor everyone is saying is against Team Smackdown is the same reason why I think they may pull it off. That factor is Team Blue being full of unknown Stars. This is a perfect chance for the Veterans of Raw to elevate the Rookies of Smackdown without going into details a normal feud would consist of. Dolph, Drew and Eric sure could use a good performance here for instant credibility. We all know what Team Red is capable of, but we have no idea how this fresh batch will fair against the "Names".

Plus the fact the Blue Squad is basically full of Heels, while the Red Squad is full of Stars that are feuding with each other give Smackdown the “Unity” card. Raw’s disadvantage consist of DX and Mark Henry vs. Big Show and Cody Rhodes as well as Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger. Add that to Big Show’s alliance to the Smackdown Cap … Co-Captain gives Team Friday a pretty big advantage. Nobody on Team SD is currently feuding with each other.

Also, Team Monday has no Head Coach, in the form of a GM. Team Guest Host vs. Team Teddy, sounds like a no-brainer to me.

Think about it.

Ok, I couldn't stop thinking about this, so I figure it would go on this post here. I think it would have been a good idea for the Raw match on Monday to have ended up with a competitor change in the ppv. Yeah, I know, there wasn't much to pick from, but daggone, MVP would have been a much better Raw team member than Mark Henry! He stands there and hits you, or bumps you with his gut. Screw that, that's f'n boring! And how cool would it have been for Jericho to have "recruited" a member of ECW for the match? Yeah, yeah, I know, it's ECW not Smackdown. Hell, you could have played the card that the person chosen would deem himself "unworthy" of being on ECW based on his ego, and considers himself Smackdown "status" and thus enters the contest anyway. After writing it, it appears to point to a Regal attitude, but it could have been Jackson and Kozlov with Regal saying his talent was Smackdown worthy, spin it that way, or could have even thrown Burchill into the mix. He's got the ego thing down pretty darn good. All I'm saying is that a swerve like that would have been very interesting, and actually pretty darn exciting going into the ppv this weekend. Thoughts?
Well Team SmackDown def looks like a worthy opponent now. I still think Team Raw will win, but it'll be nice to see Matt Hardy and the Hart Dynasty in action on PPV. This match should be very exciting to see for sure now and isn't a shoe in as much as everyone thought now. The first Team SmackDown was extremely weak and thank God Vince made the decision to change it up.
I think Smackdown will get put over and be given the win here since SD is always looked at and treated as the B rate show. I fail to find any interest in this bout though, just because we all know wrestling is a fix, so who cares about bragging rights? Also a 7 on 7 tag match will just be an absolute train wreck, with everyone trying to get ring time.
This match wasn't too bad, but felt somewhat rushed. I knew Big Show was going to turn on Raw at one point and I knew that was how SmackDown was going to win. The finish wasn't the best, but it was fairly enjoyable. When Tyson Kidd faced Michaels, I wanted to see Tyson put the sharpshooter on him, just so we can get a taste of what Bret Hart would've done to him! A little crazy, but solid match.
It was anice match and the end was cool, I mean I was cheering like Hell when Jericho pinned Kingston, The thing with the Trophy was cool and even on the Smackdown team there were some faces, they celebrated all together, which was cool. Big Show drpping HHH like that was kind of interesting since I though they were about to fight a little but this again puts Show over again like Hell and it should showcased the DX VS JeriShow feud to be a very good one.

The good and the bad of this was HHH making fun of the entire set of wrestlers that was about to take part of it. That at some point even made them change (that in part was good sicne for real it would have been a big rub, but why Escobar was on the match was beyond me after only one match and not looking like a promissing star on it) the Entire SD team. And then making fun of his own team makes no favors to anyone. Yes I know he is a big joker and everything but come on, if they are going to show Brad unit, then show it, at least on Smackdown Jericho showed he was dead on with all the other guys that replaced the original team.
A nice match, very entertaining though I wish it could've lasted a bit longer, but that's just me. Big Show turning wasn't much of a shock, but it was still a nice touch. Even with DX as co-captains, I knew Smackdown would win. Mainly because I've noticed that whenever they do these big brand vs brand matches, Smackdown ALWAYS wins, whether it's one on one or a team. It was appropriate in this case because SD truly is the better show and as been for some time.

I was glad they switched SD's team because their original team was pretty weak on paper. Though I would've switch Finlay for Ziggler and was interested to see how McIntyre would do, the new team was a vast improvement. Cool to see HBK mix it up with the Hart Dynasty, wish he could've with Truth but oh well. Everyone looked good in this match which was nice.

One thing I HATED was how the Raw commentators kept burying Smackdown. How many times did they mention Raw being THE flagship show and Cole saying how, when he was on Smackdown, he used to hear how they were the B show. While it may true to Vince, it should never be acknowledged on air because it might turn people off to Smackdown (I speaking of "marks" obviously we'll still watch).

Another problem is that since no one really cares who's show is better, Smackdown had to look like the heels to give the fans something to cheer for. That, and the fact that they only won because a Raw guy turned, still makes SD in general look like a big, weak heel. Don't know why, but that just irks me for some reason, maybe because I like Smackdown a lot more than Raw right now and I would've liked to see them win it clean, despite having heel captains. Still, nice to see them win, especially with Jericho getting the pin. Looks like we'll be getting DX vs Jerishow at Survivor Series

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