Team Kingston vs. Team Orton

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Turd Ferguson


Kofi Kingston, MVP, Mark Henry, Christian, and R-Truth
Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes, William Regal, and CM Punk​

Good to see three-time World Champion CM Punk slink back into the midcard. The "CM" really does stand for "Career Midcarder" (Don't take this as me ragging on Punk... I'm a fan of his, and he should be doing something better than feuding with Scott Armstrong and R-Truth). Anyway, the real story here is Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton, and how awesome their feud has been so far. Hopefully these two get some solid time in the ring squaring off against each other, as Kofi deserves all the time in the spotlight as he possibly can get. He's worked his ass off especially over the last few months as they slowly took away the Jamaican part of his character, and he's quickly becoming one of the biggest faces in the company.

With the release of The Marine sequel on the horizon too, I think we're going to see them really start turning up the heat on the dissension between Ted and Randy. They seemed to test the waters on Ted possibly becoming a face a few weeks ago, and the crowd really responded positively. If Team Orton loses here, I see it being a direct result of the relationship between Ted and Randy falling apart.

I'm really hoping for Christian and CM Punk to square off against each other too in this match. What a great feud those two could have.
Anyone from the Old School section can probably tell you that I'm really stoked the WWE has given us 3 elimination matches this year! Unlike what we've seen recently in KB's "History of the Survivor Series" thread, these elimination matches have endless possibilities to continue story lines, to end story lines, and to create new ones.

Of course I think most of us are interested in Randy Orton vs Kofi Kingston. Their recent feud really got started on RAW when Kofi smashed up Randy's stock car and painted it red. I was skeptical over the last few months when people threw Kofi's name into the hat of future maineventers, but not after that promo. I really can't wait to see Kofi excell in the main event, and a traditional Survivor Series match is the perfect way to get the ball rolling.

Let's not forget about Legacy's roll in this one, mainly Ted DiBiase's. I think it's safe to say we're all expecting the face turn at this one, because the WWE will need some extra time to build him as a credible face before his DVD comes out. Granted, Vince has already done a good job of teasing this face turn for DiBiase, but I feel like they did kind of drop the ball the last couple weeks without continuing it. But either way, the wheels are set in motion, no matter how slowly, and I can't wait to see if it happens at the Survivor Series.

I'm glad creative is using this match as a platform, hopefully, to wrap up Christian's feud with Regal, as well as Punk's feud with R-Truth. I think it's time we see Christian's face on Smackdown to feud with someone like C.M. Punk, and maybe we can see the beginnings of a program with those two in this one. On the other hand I am happy for Killings, he's a decent talent and him getting a run with C.M. Punk is pretty great for him, not so much for Punk I suppose.

I assume creative has thrown the "unlikely" team of MVP and Mark Henry in this one to spend some time with Legacy or something, I guess they really just had no where else to go on the card, but whatever, like I said, I'm really stoked to see some more traditional elimination matches this year.
it will be a brilliant match but its odd because is this the end of kofi vs orton this early seeing a ted dibiase will turn face here:blush:
This match is actually perfect and has all the right people in it, because it's all pretty much feuds. Whether or not Punk and RTruth are feuding right now, they still had a confrontation, so that's all we need for this match. The Miz/Morrison team match doesn't make sense compared to this one. Swagger and Miz are on the same team and they had a little tension lately. And Matt Hardy is randomly in this match and he's not feuding with anyone ont the other team. But, this should be a hell of a match.
This should be quite an interesting match up here, with the possibilities of creating new fueds. Obviouslly the Kofi v. Orton fued is imment and will begin to show it's potential during this ppv, and we will get too see the work of creative in the new stars that are coming up. In particular Rhodes, DiBiase, and Kofi.

For some odd reason I would love to see a fued come out of this with Regal and MVP, it just seems like it would be quite interesting towards me.
Well, this is the exact opposite of the other Survivor Series match we have going on. It makes logical sense, everyone has a feud to work with, and while the brands are completely fucked with, I suppose that at least with the sensical pairings, I can tell why everyone's in the match. This will probably be Kofi's biggest match to date. I've always been a fan of the guy, and working in this scenario gives him good people to work with. Regal's a general, and Christian can lead he match as it plays out, so I'm not worried at all about the pacing of this match.

Someone brought up before that this could be Christian's lead in to Smackdown, possibly against an opponent like CM Punk. I like that idea, actually. I'm interested to see how Christian works with Punk, DiBiase, Orton and Rhodes, and am eager to see how he's portrayed as opposed to his Raw and Smackdown partners. My worst fear is that he'll be treated as a jobber, taking the most abuse for the team, and being the guy that gets "saved" by his teammates. Then again, you do have R-Truth in the match as well.

I'd like to see more seeds of dissension planted between Legacy. I must admit, I'm pretty damn interested by this slow turn I see right now, and am bracing myself for what could be a pretty epic Orton/Dibiase confrontation. Both Cody and Ted seem ready, and have been built up pretty well. Perhaps they get built up some more here, while arguments start to pour into shoving matches. Or something like that. Point is, Legacy is going to add some type of drama to this match that makes me really interested. This, potentially, could be the best matc on the show.
I'd like to hope so, just because of the drama that will be involved here.
Ted's turn is coming and I'm sure we all can feel it, it's just a matter of waiting now.
Although I wouldn't be surprised if Ted somehow costs Orton's team the match.
This match seems like it could steal the show and I gotta hope that Kofi and Orton get a lot of time in this match to progress the feud, with Punk and Christian going at it, and Ted somehow costing Randy the match in the end. A lot of possibilities here and I'm really excited to see what creative does with this!
Christian is like the filling in a reverse Double Stuf Oreo.

We're R-Truth and Mark Henry on opposite sides a few weeks ago? This is why I sort of wish these matches were confined to individual brands.
Christian is like the filling in a reverse Double Stuf Oreo.

We're R-Truth and Mark Henry on opposite sides a few weeks ago? This is why I sort of wish these matches were confined to individual brands.

I agree, but at the same time, there's just not enough man power in either brand to have a 5 on 5 tag match. Going back to what, I think Tenta, was saying before, the brands should be melted back together. There's nowhere near the same roster that the Attitude Era had that caused the separation in the first place.
After joining WZCW, I've realized it would be interesting if every show was like Superstars, where anyone from any brand could show up except for maybe the IC and US champions.

I'm extremely excited for this match. I love Kofi Kingston and am looking forward to his feud with Orton. I'm hoping it really gets pushed tonight. Promo time for both wrestlers, a segment or two, another non-match...

The other feuds are working well too. There are so many possibilities coming out of this match. WSMVP/Legacy, Ted DiBiase turning, Kofi/Orton, Christian/Punk... Tons of stories and feuds could spring from this one match.
1 match i'm looking forward to. Because its about time someone like kofi got this kind of push, this kind of match can be great for his career that's my opinion. I just wish wwe would make more matches like this like kofi vs randy singles but we'll see what happens.
I agree, but at the same time, there's just not enough man power in either brand to have a 5 on 5 tag match. Going back to what, I think Tenta, was saying before, the brands should be melted back together. There's nowhere near the same roster that the Attitude Era had that caused the separation in the first place.

Orton/Swagger/Miz/Legacy vs. Kofi/MVP/Henry/Bourne/Primo

Punk/Hart Dynasty/McIntyre/Ziggler vs. Cryme Tyme/R-Truth/Finlay/Morrison

Christian/Yoshi/Dreamer/Goldust/Benjamin vs. Regal/Ryder/Kozlov/Jackson/Archer

That's not enough man power to give each brand their own match? Granted, the ECW one is a bit thin since that's basically the entire roster but still the number of guys is there without scraping the bottom of the barrel.

I really don't think the strength of the roster is the problem. The strength is there. The problem is that they don't utilize everyone. There are enough guys around to constantly have fresh, interesting feuds but too many people get pigeonholed. Merging the rosters would just make it even more difficult for midcard guys to get air time. The overall roster would be quite a bit bigger than it was in the Attitude Era and you know all of the top guys would just double their current air time. Their stories wouldn't be confined to one show or the other each week so that less popular guys can get on air. Having individual brands with smaller rosters forced these guys to get used. Granted, they aren't used as much as they should be but it's still more than they would if it was all one big roster. Just merging the brands would force at least a dozen guys to automatically get "future endeavored."

Anyway, despite all of that and all of my naysaying I still am actually hyped about these matches. If played out right (in other words, NOT like Team DX vs. Team Rated RKO) these matches can be very fun. I hope they play up Kofi and Punk's former history and Punk and Legacy's former beef. If not then Punk doesn't really have much a reason to be involved besides the simple fact that he's a big name not yet booked on the card.
I like this match its my favorite survivor series matches on the card and I think this could be match of the night if given the right time. I hope we get Christian Cm punk action. But I'm also liking that ecw is getting spots on this ppv.
I really think this is a good match to help push a whole lot of people. It could, as everyone already said, launch Christian into Smackdown. It could also be the moment we see the DiBiase face turn. And I'm glad that R-truth is going to get a spot on the PPV. He's very talented but misused, just as Paul London and a whole lot of people before him were. It could also be hinting at him vs. CM Punk. It does seem a bit below Punk since he was just in a world title match, but at least they do something with Truth.
Really hoping this match gets Christian out of ECW in the future. Big Christian fan, and though I don't exactly hate that he is on ECW, I would really like it if he would be on Smackdown!, stop bleaching his hair, and be a heel.
Orton/Swagger/Miz/Legacy vs. Kofi/MVP/Henry/Bourne/Primo

Punk/Hart Dynasty/McIntyre/Ziggler vs. Cryme Tyme/R-Truth/Finlay/Morrison

Christian/Yoshi/Dreamer/Goldust/Benjamin vs. Regal/Ryder/Kozlov/Jackson/Archer

That's not enough man power to give each brand their own match? Granted, the ECW one is a bit thin since that's basically the entire roster but still the number of guys is there without scraping the bottom of the barrel.

I really don't think the strength of the roster is the problem. The strength is there. The problem is that they don't utilize everyone. There are enough guys around to constantly have fresh, interesting feuds but too many people get pigeonholed. Merging the rosters would just make it even more difficult for midcard guys to get air time. The overall roster would be quite a bit bigger than it was in the Attitude Era and you know all of the top guys would just double their current air time. Their stories wouldn't be confined to one show or the other each week so that less popular guys can get on air. Having individual brands with smaller rosters forced these guys to get used. Granted, they aren't used as much as they should be but it's still more than they would if it was all one big roster. Just merging the brands would force at least a dozen guys to automatically get "future endeavored."

Anyway, despite all of that and all of my naysaying I still am actually hyped about these matches. If played out right (in other words, NOT like Team DX vs. Team Rated RKO) these matches can be very fun. I hope they play up Kofi and Punk's former history and Punk and Legacy's former beef. If not then Punk doesn't really have much a reason to be involved besides the simple fact that he's a big name not yet booked on the card.

I definitely don't disagree with your views on a brand merger. I realize all of that, [how could you not?] and overlooked it in the hopes that creative could possibly manage their time a little bit more wisely than they did at the end of the Attitude Era, when the draft was instated.

I don't think the matches you listed would necessarily make the card any better. I think that's stretching it much further than it needs to be. If you have that many matches just so some guys can get some PPV time, then you're watering down other matches that need to be seen. Granted, I would like to see Goldust and Tommy Dreamer get some face time, but sometimes sacrifices have to be made. Nothing personal, but throwing Primo on a PPV, when we haven't seen him on RAW in weeks, is a bit absurd to me. If anything, I wouldn't mind seeing an ECW #1 contenders battle royal or a #1 contenders tag match with Cryme Tyme and Hart Dynasty, to get some of those guys their time.
Christian is like the filling in a reverse Double Stuf Oreo.

Noticed that too. It made me chuckle.

Orton/Swagger/Miz/Legacy vs. Kofi/MVP/Henry/Bourne/Primo

Punk/Hart Dynasty/McIntyre/Ziggler vs. Cryme Tyme/R-Truth/Finlay/Morrison

Christian/Yoshi/Dreamer/Goldust/Benjamin vs. Regal/Ryder/Kozlov/Jackson/Archer

The problem with this is that it gives us a bunch of shit guys that are there for no reason at all. By combining the brands, we get better matches and don't have to waste our time with guys like Primo or Dreamer. I don't really have a problem with the mixing of the brands, I support a soft brand split instead of a hard one. Why restrict yourselves with rules that you are in control of when changing them can give you a better product?

As for the match, pretty pumped about it. It is very logical and the Kofi/Orton stuff has been great thus far. I'm not a big fan of MarkVP, but Legacy should be interesting in this, it could be where they finally split. Christian actually getting on PPV is refreshing and this is his time to step up. I also like the R Truth factor on here and Punk seems out of place.

Should be an intersting match, I'm guessing Scott Armstrong gets involved at at some point and I'm going for Team Kofi to win here.
Bravo WWE. This a very good collection of WWE superstars. It'll be intersting to see if the Orton/Kingston feud will go on after this match. If it does, i'm sure this match will be a key part in helping further the feud. I must say I'm surprised R-Truth is in this match. After the feud with Mcintyre, he's been flying underneath the radar for a while now. I'm also really excited to see Christian in this match. It's about time Captain Charisma got some spotlight.
I actually like this match! It really reminds me of the Elimination Match we saw at last year's Survivor Series. However, this year, we have C.M. Punk with Legacy instead of against them, Kofi Kingston is the captain this year, Mark Henry is on Randy Orton's opposing team, and William Regal remains on Legacy's team, while R-Truth remains opposing Orton.Pretty good! I AM SO HAPPY THAT WE HAVE ECW FEATURED! After 2 straight ppvs without ECW talent, it's nice to see Christian and Regal on the card.

I am very happy that WWE is giving Kofi Kingston the opportunity to captain this team. At previous year's Survivor Series, it's usually a main eventer who captains. WWE must have opened their eyes and started seeing all the talent that Kofi Kingston possesses.

Unlike some other matches at this ppv before, all of the people featured in this match are actually fueding (with Punk/Truth to a lesser extent). This should be a very great match that should help elevate some of the younger talents, with veterans like Christian, Regal, and Henry.

Prediction: Team Kingston (Christian, Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, M.V.P., and Mark Henry) defeats Team Orton (Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase, C.M. Punk, William Regal, and Cody Rhodes).
As mentioned in previous posts, the issues with legacy/orton and orton/kofi have the potential for saving raw for the rest of 09, imo orton is superstar of the year. Legacy and kofi could only get a better rub off Jericho.
On top of those issues, given Punk's seeming drop back to mid card for the time being, I'd love to see Punk fued with Christian with it tying in with Punk claiming he is the greatest star to go through ECW, even costing Christian the title and leading to a jump to Smackdown. That leaves Regal to teach the new faces on ECW the ropes and gives Christian and Punk an entertaining program that much like Rey and Jericho, could be the highlight of the show even from an upper mid card spot.
There has been suggestions of a turn for either MVP or Henry which could help get the ball rolling for a run towards the top of the card, a face dibiase could be balanced with a heel MVP.
Very interested in the outcomes of this match.
After seeing that promo by Kofi when he destroyed Orton's car, I couldn't be more excited for this match. With the Jamaican gimmick gone, it's only a matter of time Kofi challenges for the WWE Title, and feuding with Orton is a great way to start. I see team Kofi winning solely on Ted distracting Orton after getting eliminated and when Orton turns around, Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise for the win.
I agree with that KKK guy, funny name by the way. This feud interests me more than the Miz vs. Morrison feud, or the Jerishow feud, or the Michelle Mcool vs. Mickie feud, or the mini feuds within these matches.This has potential to be the match of the night, and I look forward to it. I see team Kofi with the win here.
Kofi/Orton has the potential to be a great feud and with the promo of Kingston smashing up the car, i believe Kofi went over well with the fans. Kofi is an exciting young superstar and it should only be a matter of time before he is WWE Champion.
wow! wwe is really giving kofi kingston the mega push of 2009. from being a ever rezilent

mid carder to a legit threat to orton!!! to be named a captain of the 23rd annual

survivor series is a great honor. that is basically saying kofi is guaranteed a great bright

future from here on out...... lets hope im right:p
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