Team Japan Alternates Voting

Team Japan Subs

  • Misawa out, Muta in

  • Misawa out, Hayabusa in

  • Kobashi out, Muta in

  • Kobashi out, Hayabusa in

  • Inoki out, Muta in

  • Inoki out, Hayabusa in

  • Liger out, Muta in

  • Liger out, Hayabusa in

  • Yokozuna out, Muta in

  • Yokozuna out, Hayabusa in


Results are only viewable after voting.


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Current Team
Mitsuharu Misawa
Kenta Kobashi
Antonio Inoki
Jushin Liger

Great Muta

2nd Half Events
Tag Team Tournament
King of the Mountain
Ultimate X
Elevation X
Battle Royal

You may vote to sub out one or two of the current participants for either alternate. You may also vote to keep the team as it is currently constructed. Voting will be open for 3 days. You may vote for more than one choice, but obviously you should not vote for more than one option, since you are only voting to sub out or in a max of two people!
My vote instantly went to take Yokozuna out, and replace him with Muta. I'm saddened that Jumbo Tsuruta or Toshiaki Kawada are not possible candidates for replacement though, they should be. Muta though is one of the most legendary figures in Japanese wrestling and is still going strong and single-handedly keeping AJPW alive and somewhat-relevant. Add to that his great success in the United States and the amount of exposure he's had over here, he seems the most logical choice that would please both the smarks and the marks if you catch my drift.

Muta in, Yoko out. Hayabusa was great and all, but no way he belongs in over Muta, and he wouldn't if Jumbo or Kawada or even Baba were included here.
I KNEW you'd say that X. Knew it.

Here's the issue with taking out Yoko - he's Japan's best chance for a medal in the Battle Royal event. He's the largest guy in the entire Wrestlezolympics by far. If you take out Yoko and put in Muta, sure you get another agile guy who could compete in one of the TNA-style events, but you now have Misawa / Inoki as the largest guys on the team, and half of team USA dwarfs them.

Are you sure you want to risk losing a medal in the Battle Royal to get rid of Yoko?
I KNEW you'd say that X. Knew it.

Here's the issue with taking out Yoko - he's Japan's best chance for a medal in the Battle Royal event. He's the largest guy in the entire Wrestlezolympics by far. If you take out Yoko and put in Muta, sure you get another agile guy who could compete in one of the TNA-style events, but you now have Misawa / Inoki as the largest guys on the team, and half of team USA dwarfs them.

Are you sure you want to risk losing a medal in the Battle Royal to get rid of Yoko?

Team USA does not dwarf Japan at all, the only small member of the Japanese team is Liger. Misawa, Kobashi, Inoki, and Muta have all wrestled in the heavyweight divisions for the majority of their careers. Kobashi, Misawa, and Inoki are all just as big and strong as your Hulk Hogans are.

The battle royale, I don't see Yoko as having any advantage in. Because although he did win a Rumble (full of jobbers I might add), how often does the big man win the Rumble or battle royale IC? Rarely, because everyone teams up and eliminates them first. We see it every single year with your Kanes, Khalis, Mark Henry's, etc.

Muta has had a far more illustrious and successful career than Yokozuna did, and he's simply the better choice to have on this team. Yokozuna from day one did not belong on this team because of his Samoan descent.
I KNEW you'd say that X. Knew it.

Here's the issue with taking out Yoko - he's Japan's best chance for a medal in the Battle Royal event. He's the largest guy in the entire Wrestlezolympics by far. If you take out Yoko and put in Muta, sure you get another agile guy who could compete in one of the TNA-style events, but you now have Misawa / Inoki as the largest guys on the team, and half of team USA dwarfs them.

Are you sure you want to risk losing a medal in the Battle Royal to get rid of Yoko?

I'm going to have to stop you right there, IC. You make a fair point, but the typical thought process in a battle royal is to take out the heaviest man. Yokozuna is indeed the target in this Royal Rumble, and every man is going to be gunning after him.

Besides, it's not like Yokozuna is the authority on Royal Rumbles. In 1993, the guy came in at 27th, and if it weren't for Savage's immediate stupidity, we'd have had Savage and Hart at Wrestlemania IX. In 1996, the guy also was in the Royal Rumble, at his heftiest, and got thrown out by Shawn Michaels. The same Shawn Michaels in this Battle Royal, mind you. If Shawn had no trouble throwing him out, you think Hulk won't? How about El Canek, who is known to have body slammed Yokozuna?

In theory, you may be right, but keeping Yoko in the battle royal is actually the worst thing for Team Japan. He's pretty much a sitting duck
Mr. Eko said:
Yokozuna from day one did not belong on this team because of his Samoan descent.

What that's a big steaming load right there, because as I've said from day one, I set this tournament around kayfabe, which means Yoko's CHARACTER is in the tournament. Yokozuna was the option, not Rodney Anoi'a. I know you're upset / bitter than he got voted in over Muta, Hayabusa, and Tiger Mask (which I understand, as I also voted Muta over Yoko) but he has every business being in this tournament.

Tenta said:
I'm going to have to stop you right there, IC. You make a fair point, but the typical thought process in a battle royal is to take out the heaviest man. Yokozuna is indeed the target in this Royal Rumble, and every man is going to be gunning after him.

Now this is a solid point. And I was waiting for it. Yes, indeed, that does happen. But in the 1993 Rumble, several wrestlers (12 in all, I think) went after Yoko, and he fought them off to win the thing. Not only was Yoko NEVER in danger of being eliminated that Rumble, but the match represented the first time Yoko had even been knocked off his feet. He basically bench pressed Randy Savage all the way over the top rope. It was an impressive feat.

Besides, it's not like Yokozuna is the authority on Royal Rumbles. In 1993, the guy came in at 27th, and if it weren't for Savage's immediate stupidity, we'd have had Savage and Hart at Wrestlemania IX.

We don't know that. Savage's stupidity got him eliminated, yes, but he also knocked Yoko down. Would Savage have been able to pick the fat guy up?

You want an argument AGAINST Yokozuna? Here it is: This is a Battle Royal, not a Royal Rumble, which means all 40 guys start in the ring AT THE SAME TIME. The guy who usually enters the Rumble 27th only has to contend with between 9 and 14 other guys. To win this Battle Royal, you HAVE to outlast 39 others. Yokozuna doesn't have the stamina.
Muta in, Yoko out. X has pretty much covered it. Sure, Yoko is big, yada yada yada, but Muta is well-known and respected enough 'round these parts to do some damage for Team Japan.

Also, I voted Hayabusa in, Liger out. I hope others read this and decide to vote the same thing. Hayabusa has not once had a match in the WZ Tournament, or a tournament of any stature here at WZ, so if for that only, vote him in over Liger so he can have his moment here at Wrestlezone, lol. But also... more seriously, in hardcore environments, better arguments can be made for Hayabusa over pretty much anyone else on Team Japan, since he has more experience in that area not just on the team, but out of EVERYONE in the tournament. So, please... do the right thing and vote Hayabusa in.
Muta in, Yoko out. X has pretty much covered it. Sure, Yoko is big, yada yada yada, but Muta is well-known and respected enough 'round these parts to do some damage for Team Japan.

Also, I voted Hayabusa in, Liger out. I hope others read this and decide to vote the same thing. Hayabusa has not once had a match in the WZ Tournament, or a tournament of any stature here at WZ, so if for that only, vote him in over Liger so he can have his moment here at Wrestlezone, lol. But also... more seriously, in hardcore environments, better arguments can be made for Hayabusa over pretty much anyone else on Team Japan, since he has more experience in that area not just on the team, but out of EVERYONE in the tournament. So, please... do the right thing and vote Hayabusa in.

JMT does have a point here. If Onita was an option, quite frankly, I'd take him over Liger or Hayabusa. The amount of punishment that both men can take, and dish out, is really quite a fantastic selection considering the hardcore nature of the next round. Alas, Onita isn't available, so I have to consider the next best option. That would have to be Hayabusa. As graceful a flier as any wrestler, the guy is simply awesome to watch in the ring. I'll make the argument that he's perhaps the fastest wrestler I've ever seen, before his tragic injury.

I'd actually try to make an argument to leave Liger in, as he's more of an asset for these events. However, I'm realistic enough to say there's no way to convince the IWC that either Inoki, Kenta Kobashi, or Misawa should be taken out. Thus, I have to stick with Liger, I guess.

Unfortunately, JMT, I don't see it happening. Far too many people don't know Hayabusa, and know of Liger by name recognition. That seems to be the theme of these Olympics. I'll offer my vote, though
Irish mentioned that in the Battle Royal event (logically the only event Yokozuna would even remotely stand a chance in, beyond the Tag tourney which I wouldn't say is the greatest for him, either) that every man is in the ring at once.

If it were Royal Rumble-like, then Yokozuna stands a great chance. Because people enter at timed entries. However, with everyone beginning the match at once.. its gonna be 35 heads all turning toward Yokozuna, and it'll be like sharks to blood. They won't want him lasting long in this thing, and we've all seen how easily big men go out quickly once groups form against them.

With that being said.. not only do you sub OUT the largest guy of the group, but then you bring in arguably the biggest "name" in Muta. Whether you want to play fair in voting or not, you MUST realize not everyone will. A lot of people see a name and vote based solely off that. (ie. see Edge, HBK & Hogan) Japan and Mexico got fucked as far as name-value truly goes, and with that.. Inoki's Hall of Fame entry will help, but Muta will help even more. (I believe, anyways)
Yoko's only benefit is the Battle Royal, but really, lets look back.

Tims Yokozuna/Kane/Big Show/Mark Henry/Vicera/The Blob have won a Royal Rumble?


Times a Shawn Michaels/Stone Cold/Bret Hart/Chris Benoit wont the Rumble?

7-8, Cant remember exactly.

The Rumble is for the light heavyweights traditionally. and Japan is stocked with them. Putting Muta in who has face value for his work in the States just makes sense.
Yoko's only benefit is the Battle Royal, but really, lets look back.

Tims Yokozuna/Kane/Big Show/Mark Henry/Vicera/The Blob have won a Royal Rumble?


Times a Shawn Michaels/Stone Cold/Bret Hart/Chris Benoit wont the Rumble?

7-8, Cant remember exactly.

The Rumble is for the light heavyweights traditionally. and Japan is stocked with them. Putting Muta in who has face value for his work in the States just makes sense.

Excellent point TM, and I'll add to the argument for Muta by mentioning that Muta has also won a main-event battle royal, that being the Battle Bowl at Starrcade 1992, which was a huge deal for WCW at the time and basically served as their own mini Rumble. This wasn't some midcard battle royal either, this was the main event and had been won the year before by Sting, the top face in the company. Says alot about Muta, and the respect that he garnered in a short time here in the United States.

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