Team Hell No: The Bloom Is Off The Rose


Team Hell No was one of the most pleasant surprises of 2012. The unlikely tag team brought not only a surprisingly crisp chemistry, but delivered some of the genuinely funniest moments in WWE in a very long time. Team Hell No spearheaded a revitalization of WWE's tag team picture. Even though it's been pushed by the wayside right now, I'm hoping WWE will pick things back up with it after WrestleMania and not waste all that work.

Team Hell No have been WWE Tag Team Champions for about 5.5 months, giving them the third longest run in the 10+ year history of the championship. They've had some great matches as champs and their antics have been consistently entertaining.

However, I think the charm of the group has really worn off over the past few weeks. With the tag team division not being prominently used or featured during WrestleMania season, Team Hell No is just spinning its wheels. We've seen them do their bits so many times by now, couple that with that they have no real opponents at the moment, they just don't feel fresh anymore.

I know that WWE has been teasing a break up and I hope that it happens very soon. The two gimmick matches we've seen from Team Hell No and the Prime Time Players would have been funny 3 or 4 months ago.

Also, I think a lot of people are disappointed in that Bryan isn't involved in a meaningful feud for WrestleMania. He's one of the top overall talents in the company and I believe that they've reached a point in which being part of Team Hell No is holding Bryan back. I think he & Kane will break up prior to WM and drop the titles to the PTPs before heading into a singles match for WM. Either that, or they'll drop the titles at WM to the PTPs.

At any rate, I just think the team has run its course and it's time for them, Bryan especially, to move on.
Have to agree. They've seemed on the verge of breaking up so many times over the past few months that I have to wonder what Creative's thinking is at this point.

The Kane situation is interesting & confusing; when they brought him back under a mask, it looked as if he was to return to his "monster" days of yesteryear, a truly scary figure to decimate the whole division. His brutal treatment of Zack Ryder seemed to confirm this path. Then, suddenly, he's part of a serio-comedy act, showing his lovable side(!) and making nice with a guy you'd expect him to eat for breakfast. If I were to guess what happens with Kane after Team Hell No splits, it would be a return to the dark side. Kane's versatility as a performer is amazing, really. He could bring it off again.

Daniel Bryan is a case, too. Management has wanted to stress his technical excellence no matter what type of character he's playing. They've done a good job with that. Also, I thought Creative correctly handled his transition from a champion & giant killer to a tag team player. He's a pudgy little guy with ridiculous chin whiskers and a less-than-fearsome countenance, yet he handled his run at the top of the card well and transitioned rather smoothly to was as if management realized Daniel could be utilized at the top in short bursts, but not over the long haul. Smart.

What to do with him now is the big question. I wondered what would happen after he lost his title belt, and that was answered in a satisfactory manner. Now, I just don't know what he does after splitting with Kane.

Maybe an alliance with A.J. again? Her glow seems to have died down considerably in recent months. What they did together worked before; maybe we'll get a reprise.
I agree, and not only for Daniel Bryan to move onto a WWE or WHC feud but I feel as if Kane has a good meaningful feud or two left in the tank.

Kane and Bryan really made us look at the Tag Team division again, and with the sudden break up of Rhodes Scholars i'm not sure where the WWE will go once the title is off Hell No.

I was kind of hoping we'd see a Kane vs Daniel Bryan feud going into Mania just to give them SOMETHING halfway meaningful to do.
Daniel Bryan and Kane have done an outstanding job with their partnership. I think when this team formed we all knew they were on borrowed time. I think that time is just about up. The team was probably only meant to stay together for a month or two but their unexpected success and popularity has extended their partnership. Now with mania upon us it seems like the time is right to break the team up. I can see three different scenarios for Bryan and Kane at mania.

Number one is the most obvious. They drop the titles and break up leading to a one on one match at mania. Pretty standard stuff.

Number two is also a one on one match but with the two still as tag champions. Since both have claimed they are the tag team champions individually since winning the titles I could see a one on one match with the winner being declared the tag team champions. After mania the winner either finds a new partner or finds himself in the position to defend the titles on his own. This could work with Bryan being the winner as he is thrilled with his mania win only to realize the hole he’s dug himself in by having to defend the titles solo.

Number three is a little bit of a different idea. They are still champions going into mania but are in a tag team match against each other with different partners. The winners become tag team champions. This allows two more guys to have a spot on the mania card. I haven’t really given any thought into who each would have as a partner but that can be figured out.

I don’t see them wresting the Prime Time Players at mania. That match has been done to death and is not worthy of a mania spot. I’m hoping for either my second or third scenario.
The team has definitely run it's course, Kane and Bryan have shown themselves once again to be capable of taking a silly gimmick and making it work, but it's gone as far as it can and is not really doing anything for the tag division anymore as the focus is more on their squabbling antics.

I actually like Brains third idea as it gets a couple of more guys on the card but given how much of a struggle it's been for Kane to team with someone I don't think him finding another partner so quickly fits him. So I'd go with the "I am the Tag Team Champions!" singles match.

The big question is what to do with Bryan afterwards as we know Kane always rebounds into something else without any difficulties. Personally I'd see Bryan as the better guy to win the Mania match and then spend a few shows testing out potential partners, this gives Bryan a chance to play off a variety of guys and would also serve as a genuine opportunity to see if he has chemistry with any of the selections.

Long term I'd like to see Bryan back in the singles title picture but he needs to find the next stage in his character evolution before that is feasible IMO.
First off I think this team still has legs and don't need to break up until at least pre-SS. When they do break up I don't want the traditional face team break up feud where one guy goes bad or they are no longer together with no explanation. They can lose the titles through their own dysfunction to a team with forward momentum (not like PTP right now).

Neither guy gains anything from beating the other. The break up should be the opposite of what we are used to. Sure they can start out screaming, "I was the tag team champions" at each other but in the end it should be cordial, humorous, and sweet. Bryan should put together a video piece for Kane with their history set to the musix of Kenny Rogers Through the Years to express his fondness for Kane and acceptance of the end. Kane should make a scrapbook.

Each guy has bickered, argued, pushed, and mocked with the other for this whole run trolling the viewer. They can continue the trend until the end but the end shouldn't go out with a bang, they need to go out with a hug.
Jack-Hammer is spot on in his opening post. I'd say it depends on what the Wrestlemania plans will be, but I can see Team Hell No splitting up soon. The question is, will they be defending the giant pennies at the biggest show of the year or face each other in a feud? I would welcome either outcome. The Tag Team Championships should be showcased at Wrestlemania. Team Hell No VS The Prime Time Players or something like that would be a nice match and the PTP would be the best team to take the belts from Kane & Bryan. They could then go their seperate ways, or feud at Extreme Rules first and then split up. Either way, it is doubtful that they will be together for much longer.

The other idea of course is them facing each other at Wrestlemania. Sure it's not a world title feud, but it's an angle I'd be interested in seeing and it gives them both something to do at the biggest show of the year. They are all but guaranteed to feud once they split anyway so why not pass the giant pennies on to the PTP and feud now? Bryan should get the win if they feud at Wrestlemania. What happened to him last year was ridiculous and someone who has made such accomplishments and improvements deserves it. Not to mention he'd need the win more than Kane. Kane's always going to be over. With the help of the YES/NO chants, Bryan could get the fans on his side for the match.

After the split I would like to see them feud (only for one PPV or so, Bryan wins, they move on) and then go their seperate ways. They could each go after a seperate world title. Kane chasing the WWE Championship and Bryan chasing the World Heavyweight Championship, or vice versa. They both have the talent to be back in the main event and it would add some more names to the world title scene after Wrestlemania season. Bryan being more likely to return there than Kane, but it would be cool to see them both hold a world title again. I agree with Sally's AJ idea. I would love to see Bryan & AJ get back together. Holding the World Heavyweight & Divas Champions at the same time as a power couple would be a great angle for them.

Or maybe they won't split for a while. They have been highly entertaining and the best tag team of a random main eventer pairing in recent years, even better than JeriShow, but all good things must come to an end and it's better to split them soon before it gets too stale and the fans get sick of it. How much else can they do with these guys at this point? I'm not sick of it myself and wouldn't mind seeing the team remain together but even I can see that it shouldn't last much longer. I'd say have them pass the belts on to the PTP either before or at Wrestlemania, face each other, and move on before it's too late.
Both really deserve a spot on the WM29 card, and what better way to do it with a singles match. Have the match for "I am the tag team champions" If anything this would break the team up, but then adds a bit of intrigue into the tag Division.

Lets say Daniel wins the match, the next night on Raw fans will wonder and be intrigued about the Tag Team Titles. There is an opportunity here to make it interesting, but in the long term could hurt the Division.
I completely agree that it has run its course. I have enjoyed team Hell No for the most part, but am very pleased that it looks like they're gonna break up and feud up to Wrestlemania for three reasons ...

1. Those two will be able to put on a good match as they are both good workers ... especially Bryan, but for his age Kane can still really go!

2. We all know Bryan will win. Kane has often put people over and is one of the most selfless wrestlers in the business. This will launch these two straight back into the upper card with Kane(heel) Bryan(face)

3. PTP will hopefully get the tag team title. I like these guys and I certainly feel they will be great heel tag champs. And of course with this win, they will finally get there MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ...
It is time for the tag-team to disband. It was enjoyable and different but these two are better than being a tag-team. Kane should have one last run. He deserves it and is certainly good enough. At the end he can put someone over but it is not fair if the end of his career is wasted with goat face jokes and hugs. He is far too talented and accomplished for that.

Bryan also needs a push as a singles star. He has proven his range of skills in the last year or so. Some would suggest he goes heel but I think being face keeps him in touch with the audience. If people love him as a face there is no need to change that.
Anyone smart saw it before it happened. I remember way back during the beggining of the anger management skits that alot of people were talking about how it was so great and it was but they also mentioned that since it was a popular angle that WWE would push it until it was completely stale and repetitive and they did.

Hope this means DB gets a main event push again.
Nobody really mentions it but his 2 out of 3 falls match with Sheamus I thought was one of the best of 2012. A story was told in that wmatch and it made DB look like a beast the way he destroyed Sheamus' arm.
Number two is also a one on one match but with the two still as tag champions. Since both have claimed they are the tag team champions individually since winning the titles I could see a one on one match with the winner being declared the tag team champions. After mania the winner either finds a new partner or finds himself in the position to defend the titles on his own. This could work with Bryan being the winner as he is thrilled with his mania win only to realize the hole he’s dug himself in by having to defend the titles solo.

This one is my favorite and I think has the best storyline. Kane and Daniel's relationship disintegrates and at Wrestlemania with the Tag Titles on the line, Bryan wins and claims that he is now the tag team champions and doesn't need Kane. He then defends the tag titles on his own, but every now and then he gets another wrestler to defend the titles with him (with them picking up a few wins) and of course Bryan gets mad and kicks him off the team because he is the tag team champions.

Good storyline (in my view) that could last to Summerslam, Bryan is a major focus of the show, and he adds more layers to his narcissistic side.
Yeah, that teams run it's course, Kane just seems to work pretty well with anyone as a tag team, I think thats why he was put into the team.

Daniel Bryan worked ok as a singles wrestler, he's just a little bit of an unrealistic world champion kind of like Rey Mysterio or Chris Benoit so they teamed him up with Kane to capitalize on his personality which is quite funny all while safe in the knowledge that anyone works well with Kane.

I have actually always thought that the best tag team in WWE is Kane and anyone.

Bryan actually reminds me quite a bit of Benoit, his moves, his size and he's even a bit of a head case, hopefully not to the extent Benoit was but thats another topic I guess.

I'm expecting this team to break up soon and I hope to see Daniel Bryan become a serious contender and Intercontinental champion. I know he and Dolph Ziggler could build something up and steal the show at Summerslam in the mid card. As long as they finally have Ziggler lose his money in the bank shot.

It would be great for Bryan to go over in that match but as far as Kane goes, his wrestling days are rapidly nearing the end. I'm sick of seeing him put over jabronis like the shield.

For Kane's last days in wrestling I want to see him turn into a twisted and maniacal sick fuck from hell, blood-bathing, kidnapping and setting people on fire all over the place all while making it as hilarious as possible in his intimidation segments in typical Kane fashion.

Its gone now and I don't know if the new one will stay, but I'm pretty dissapointed that the shitty cena inspired wwe championship didn't meet its doom by being won by Kane and burned to a crisp.
I se this a lot and I agree to an extnet. They had a tremendous run and now it's coming down to an end. But what's that? WrestleMania's right around the corner? My goodness you're right! I think it's pretty obvious that WWE wants to have Kane and Bryan either a) drop the titles at Mania and feud in the fallout or b) drop the title prior to Mania (perhaps we witnessed the start of that with their loss to the Primetime Players) and have a match to blow-off the enire Hell NO(!) angle. It's perfect timing too to be honest. It means that they can progress onwards and in different directions just in time for the WWE Championship situation to free itself up once more. Ultimately we're going to see Bryan and Kane come to severe blows, the only questions now is whether it occurs at WrestleMania or if it happens afterwards.
They're done. I'd rather they split at mania and not before. A ton of 1 on 1 matches already in the works it seems. Plus I don't particularly like Kane in singles matches at this point.

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