Team America!!!


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
It is time all Americans, for you to do your patriotic duty, and that's vote the Canadians out of the Wrestlezone Tournament. If I were to make a Mt. Rushmore of American Wrestlers, then I'd start with these four brave patriots that stand before us today. The Rock, Rob Van Dam, The Undertaker, and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Four brave men set to face off against the scourge of the beady eyed, flappy headed Canadians.

Vote America, and God Bless the USA.
What, The Canadian crybaby, the pink matches his toughness
Chris Benoit, I don't even know who that is, according to the WWE
The guy that left the business to be the guy that got kicked off of Fox's celebrity musical show on the first night, please.
And the guy that only got a head by screwing women from more popular factions.

Vote America, Hooooo!!!!
What, The Canadian crybaby, the pink matches his toughness
Chris Benoit, I don't even know who that is, according to the WWE
The guy that left the business to be the guy that got kicked off of Fox's celebrity musical show on the first night, please.
And the guy that only got a head by screwing women from more popular factions.

Vote America, Hooooo!!!!

The man brave and secure enough to wear pink across the world!

Benoit, the winner of one of the greatest matches of all times, where the world cheered him in America at MSG

Chris Jericho, the man who created bar none, the greatest album ever by a wrestler

And Edge, the man who destroyed Brock Lesnar!
Anytime you've got a double murderer in your sig, your side of the argument loses.

For shame TM, FOR SHAME!
If by Canada you mean Not Canada, then yes. Yes I do.

Filthy Canadian reds. Keep your pinko commie wrestlers away from my wrasslers!
I am wondering what the wagers shall be for the epic battle.

If USA wins, I will change my name to "Shocky's Bitch" for a week.

If THE WORLD wins, Shocky will change his name to "TM's Bitch"

If it is a Tie,... Milenko gets permabanned

something along those lines.
You Canadians have no right to request terms of surrender. Now stand aside and let some REAL soldiers run this operation.
You are enlisted KB, welcome aboard.

TM, those Canadians, you mean the proud Canadians that are

now residing in Florida
now residing in Atlanta, Ga
now residing in Italy...
Enlisted for Duty:
General Shockyngton
King Beck-ah

Vocal Supporter:
I wouldn't feel right putting the sig up because I will in fact probably vote Jericho over RVD. RVD should never have gotten past last round.
I am actually a cosmopolitan, but, in this instance, I will have to enlist with Team America. Why? Because the wrestlers that Team America backs are simply better.

The overall #1 seed of this years tournament makes his way into the Elite 8 for the first time. The man has won the WZ Legend's Tournament, along with the Tag Team Tournament in the last year. Is this the year that the son of the Legendary Stu Hart finally makes it to the top?


Bret Hart is an accomplished wrestler in every company he has been with. While in the WWF and WCW, Bret Hart would go onto win many titles, including illustrious mid card titles such as the Intercontinental Title on 2 occasions, and the United States Title on 4 Different Occasions.


Not only did Bret Hart excel in the mid card, but he thrived as a main eventer. Bret became only the second man in history to become a five time WWF Champion. When Bret left the company, he continued where he left off, becoming a 2 time WCW World Champion.


Bret Hart is a Royal Rumble winner as well. Bret is also the only man to be a double Triple Crown winner. He won the Triple Crown in both the WWF, and WCW. Bret Hart is also tournament tough. Bret is the only Two Time WWF King of the Ring winner, and he won a Tournament for the Vacated WCW Championship at Mayhem in 1999.

Odds of Winning: #1. Bret Hart to me seems the man of destiny this year. I flip flop between either him or Austin, but the momentum is clearly on Bret Hart's side.

Oh, bowed out already? Benedict Arnold.
I'll go for Rock and Austin. I despise the others and will go against them, even if I have to argue for a misogynist and a murderer.
That's Vince McMahon the person writing that, but me, Mr. McMahon the character, wants to see every broom sweeping, puck chucking canadian bow out now.

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