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Team 3D No More Soon...Coming to WWE Back as Dudleys?


SmackDown! is MY Show
From WZ.com

It is believed strongly by many that Team 3D will not be resigning with TNA. Brother Devon has made it publicly known that he would like to and is likely to return to WWE with or without Brother Ray. Their contracts are set to expire come September.

I for one will be happy if Team 3D leaves TNA as they are really washed up and Brother Ray is a fat man now adays as he is no where near his former self. So if i was TNA I be happy that Team 3D doesnt want to resign least then they can focus on some other teams that are washed up.

But Devon thinking of going to WWE I can see that especially if he was put on the new ECW i think he could make on his own in helping get some younger guys over but Ray will never do that.

So Team 3D no more dont bother me and maybe Devon to WWE doesnt bother me but Ray would need to lose some weight and lets face there is no tag team division in WWE so there be no use for them as a team.
Actually, this is great news for TNA and the WWE. For TNA, this means more room for actual new/fresh talent (hopefully?). And for the WWE, good for their tag team division. I doubt they will enter the WWE in separate directions like in 2002 with Reverend D-Von and Bubba Ray as a singles wrestler. Of course if they remain as a tag team in the WWE, there will be no choices but to form other tag teams for them to feud with which can shed a lot of light on their tag division, like previously noted.
Hm. This move has been coming for quite awhile. I don't know, but I've always thought that Ray is an asshole. Devon seems much more smooth. I respect what they've done for tag team wrestling, and no doubt they're one of the greatest tag teams of all-time, but Ray really needs to lose weight if Team 3-D wants to go out on top. Honestly, I don't see them going to ECW. I'd perfer them on Smackdown, seeing as how besides the Major Brothers, they've got no other face tag teams, and The Dudleyz could show Deuce and Domino the ropes.

But yeah, this is good for TNA. Team 3-D would always hang around in there, but I just don't see teams like them and The Steiners being used that frequently, especially not leading the tag division. Anyway, the Motorcity Machine Guns should finally get a damn push now. That, and it's a shame Jerry Lynn isn't staying in TNA, because I would've liked to see him continue to feud with them, because they always created high-paced matches.
Couldn't care less if they leave. They're the same as the VKM. Don't care if they leave, as long as they don't make a return -ANYWHERE- in ANY promotion. AJ is right, They are just shells of their former selves, it's time to call it quits. They haven't done shit in TNA except capturing every major tag team title out there, and sometimes it seems the only reason they went to TNA was so they could do that and say they were better than the rest.

I for one hope that they both leave, Ray tries to get back into WWE and is denied, forcing retirement to the both of them. It's what is best, for them and for the fans (if there are any anymore).
Team 3d has alot left in them, i do believe you are right about tna and 3d though i dont see them lasting any longer, i hope that they can end their career in the wwe and leave on a positive note rather then a negative one that they have now, like last week they had to play heels cause the crowd hates them they get massive x pac heat.
I actually think this is a very good idea for TNA because most of the tag teams there are so young.And most of them have talent and they aren't washed up.Where asTeam 3D never really never had talent and are washed up.Going to WWE would bring back old star power.I think this is an actual good thing that is happening.
I think if Devon comes to WWE alone, he'll definitely go to ECW, because they barely have any "originals" left. But if they come together, they'll probably go to Raw or Smackdown because they'll need to win a tag team title since WWE is lacking good tag teams to be tag champs.
Another thing to consider about this move is the fact that maybe they'd like to hang it up as the names they made famous. In short, finish their careers as The Dudley Boyz and not so much as Team 3-D which looking back feels like a hollow shell of what Bubba Ray and D-Von used to be.
I remember on a shoot interview with Team 3D Brother Ray and Devon said before they retire they want one more stint in wwe..So i guess its coming. But i like team 3D and i like them as heels like in ECW and yeah if they do go back to wwe it will be in the wwes version of ecw.
Would Vince really be forgiving though? I mean, Jeff Jarrett may never need another job with W.W.E. again.. but if he did, he damn sure wouldn't get it for the screw job he pulled on them in '99.

And for the Dudleyz/Team 3D, they've cut some tough promos to make it look really bad for them to return to W.W.E. If I was Vince, I'd bring them back purely because he of all people should know how badly W.W.E.'s Tag Team Division sucks right now.. but at the sametime, he may bring them back to job left & right.. & even worse.. them going to the E.C.W. brand wouldn't exactly be great, especially if they're only gonna lose to the likes of Big V & Striker.

I want the Dudleyz back in W.W.E. just like I want one more table elimination/ladder match between them & the Hardyz.. but I don't know how realistic that is..
IIRC, didn't these two just open a wrestling school about a year ago in Florida near where TNA is doing tapings? Nonetheless, I'm not 100% the WWE would want them one without the other, but I suppose we've seen stranger (Matt Hardy). I wouldn't mind seeing 3D back in the WWE, the Tag Team division is in desperate need of a revamp on both brands.
I'm not 100% the WWE would want them one without the other, but I suppose we've seen stranger (Matt Hardy). I wouldn't mind seeing 3D back in the WWE, the Tag Team division is in desperate need of a revamp on both brands.

Regarding the Matt Hardy part of your quote.. I have to disagree. Matt Hardy is actually the far greater wrestler over Jeff. Jeff is only better through the eyes of the fans because of 2 reasons. 1.) He takes high risk to another level & seriously threatens injury to himself. & 2.) Hes more open & involved with his look, which the fans flock to.

Matt is only discarded because hes.. plain. The biggest thing to happen to him (in my opinion) was Lita cheating on him. He may of never had a job in W.W.E. again, had that not of happened. (granted the original reason he was released is because W.W.E. picked Edge over him, thinking there would be issues)

Now then.. regarding the Dudleyz/Team 3D returning.. I do agree that W.W.E. may not want one without the other. The Hardyz can be successful single's stars.. thats been proven already. But the Dudleyz had their chance during the initial brand split & failed.. miserably. Bubba had a better chance, but the fans kinda filtered away from him.. & poor D-Von was a preacher that had the Animal for a coin-collector. (by the by, what happens to the money people actually give to the wrestlers in gimmicks like that?! Does anyone know?)
There is no bigger fan of the Dudley's than me, but I think it's time for them to bow out gracefully. They have accomplished more than just about every other tag team in history so there is really nothing left for them to do in this business. I am in hopes that they retire from the ring when their current contract is up, but stay active in the business.
Dudleyz want to back to WWE to finish their careers on a high im guessing they could say that the reason they left the WWE was to recoup and sort themselves out, and capitalise on their past history with the company to put them in a top position very soon or right away. Its GREAT for WWE as it allows them to expand their crap tag division and give them some respect in that way. Dudleyz picked their spot perfectly, they will get top positions because WWE needs it and they will get better respect than they did on TNA because WWE can promote them better than TNA ever could with WWE larger fan base. TNA also benefits from the money they save on wages and they can also push more tag teams that are not previous WWE employees
From WZ.com

It is believed strongly by many that Team 3D will not be resigning with TNA. Brother Devon has made it publicly known that he would like to and is likely to return to WWE with or without Brother Ray. Their contracts are set to expire come September.

I for one will be happy if Team 3D leaves TNA as they are really washed up and Brother Ray is a fat man now adays as he is no where near his former self. So if i was TNA I be happy that Team 3D doesnt want to resign least then they can focus on some other teams that are washed up.

But Devon thinking of going to WWE I can see that especially if he was put on the new ECW i think he could make on his own in helping get some younger guys over but Ray will never do that.

So Team 3D no more dont bother me and maybe Devon to WWE doesnt bother me but Ray would need to lose some weight and lets face there is no tag team division in WWE so there be no use for them as a team.

I think its a good move for WWE to bring them aboard...The ECW Brand (due to Vince) is weak. If the rumored Joe defection actually pans out and the Dudley leave too then these additions would bring some legitimacy to the Brand. I would be interested and would tune in thats for sure.

I have read a few times that devon dudely plans to return to the wwe with or without buba ray but we all know were devon goes buba ray will porbably go and i mean what the use for devon if thiers no bubba ray right? So im just askin does anybody think the dudelys could still make an impact in the WWEor would they just be useless weight?? Anybody?
My dad works at the DMV down in Melbourne, Fl. HE told me that Devon came to get hhis drivers license and he was wearing a RAW T-shirt. I told my dad that was wierd(kinda like a Coke salesman wearing a Pepsi Shirt)

Could this have an significance?
Maybe, who knows I mean I would be torn on the Dudleys return to WWE I would give them a chance but my initial reaction is a bit of throw up just came up and I had to force myself to keep down.
i think they can only help wwe at this point. they're an established name, they're veterans who can help work with the younger tag teams on raw or SD. if bubba ray doesn't want to/can't get back to wwe, d-von could always go by himself and try to be a singles star back on ecw. i also heard that there was talk bubba could just return, and be a road agent (or producer, or whatever the hell they're calling those people these days)
i hope they do the wwe needs some good tag teams it would be nice to see the stieners go to wwe and aj styles
Aj Styles wouldn't last in the WWE he would just goto ECW and be used like Punk. But if the Dudleys came and some other tag teams poped up to sort of make it interesting then I guess I could be ok with it, in TNA right now the Dudleys just seem so stale even though I know they have talent.
i hope they do the wwe needs some good tag teams it would be nice to see the stieners go to wwe and aj styles

Have you watched the Steiners??? God, they're worse than Khali. But they Dudleys would help the tag team division on either show and AJ would be a nice addition to the cruiserweight division.

As long as D-Von doesn't try to come in as a singles...they tried splitting them up once and it failed miserably. The closest thing to something good coming out of it was the debut of Batista as D'Von's enforcer.
That's great news! I hope they do come back. I always liked the Dudley's, even if they are older. These guys, unlike most tag teams today, have been together for almost their whole careers, and managed to win the hearts of both WWE and ECW original fans. Let them come to WWE, and give them one or two more stints with the belts, let them put a few guys through tables, and maybe one last ladder match on a big PPV. I think the Dudleys have a lot left in them.

DEVON...............GET THE TABLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meh I wish they would just retire now. For those who say having them in ECW would help I think you need to get you're heads checked. ECW is dead and Team 3D are all washed up. Time to pack up and go home now.

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