The Nightmare is Real; Ray Turns on Devon

Why did it have to happen? This is easily the dumbest thing that has happened in TNA recently, that is over Robbie E. X division champion. Seriously these guy have been a team for a long time but they should've been left as one, Not every team is the Rockers. I for one was content with there goodbye. Then we all had our jaws hit the floor. They haven't been singles wrestlers, why now? Atleast if it has to happen keep them off T.V. every week and make them irregular apperences.
If this post seems really disorganized it's cause I am speechless at this act of stupidity, I have enjoyed TNA lately aside from this last week, it's been a bad one for the most part
I really think you are all just hating, for hater's sake, and in three weeks you'll be on some other band wagon.

I admit, that D-von really can't make it as a singles wrestler. Whenever 3D cuts promos, it's always Bubba talking, and then D-von coming in for the "Oh, my Brother testify." And I actually believe that he just wants to go retire and run 3D academy.

Bubba on the other hand, is a GREAT candidate for a singles main event run. He has solid in-ring skills (more than many other main eventers) and is probably one of the top 3 promo guys in TNA right now. I think he needs to go the route of the loner (not join immortal) and just run rampage saying "I don't need a faction." I have always thought Bubba had the talent to go to the top, and I'd like to see him be given the chance to really go as a Singles champion. I don't think he could do this in WWE, but he DEFINITELY is one of the top contenders on the TNA roster for a championship.

The number one thing a champion has to do, is get a response. Every time he steps on the microphone, Bubba Ray is able to pull whatever emotion he wants out of the fans. He's the type of guy people would pay to watch get beat up. He can make you hate him.

I'm gonna watch this play out and can't wait for Bubba Ray to be holding the TNA Championship over his head.
Why did it have to happen? This is easily the dumbest thing that has happened in TNA recently, that is over Robbie E. X division champion. Seriously these guy have been a team for a long time but they should've been left as one, Not every team is the Rockers. I for one was content with there goodbye. Then we all had our jaws hit the floor. They haven't been singles wrestlers, why now? Atleast if it has to happen keep them off T.V. every week and make them irregular apperences.
If this post seems really disorganized it's cause I am speechless at this act of stupidity, I have enjoyed TNA lately aside from this last week, it's been a bad one for the most part

As stated b4 they have broken up and gone the singles route 3-4 times now and every time it's been a flop. WWE, WCW and now TNA all split them up once, not sure about ECW but most likely.

It's a flop, neither of them have any redeeming qualities as anything but a barely cohesive tag team. Neither can talk, sure Bubba can ramble on in a tough guy bully tone but sorry he is awfull. D'Von had maybe a brief run as something credible when he was getting Batista over.

They shoulda just let go and retire while they still have a shred of credibility as a historic tag team. I doubt they are doing anything to enhance TNA's image so why bother wasting time on something that has failed time and time again and in this case by the same writers.
I thought it started out great, both guys looked emotional, crowd was popping loud for them, D-Von even mentioned his sons and then here comes the swerve... The payoff?
You could hear a fucking pin drop in the Impact Zone.

This feud has been way too overdone between these two and if that's not bad enough were witnessing a second feud in just one year. Terrible booking, terrible storyline, and two over the hill wrestlers well passed their prime (if they have had one). To compare these guys to The Road Warriors, The Hart Foundation, Demolition, etc. is a joke IMO. Yes they have held a record amount of titles and yes they have held several companies titles but all these guys had going for them is the fact they were in some epic TLC matches with E&C & The Hardys...

Please Russo, I can't forgive you for Frank Trigg vs. AJ Styles (especially when I was in attendance for that garbage, a total misuse of one of the world's best wrestlers), but for the sake of your company, don't give these guys TV time.
I really think you are all just hating, for hater's sake, and in three weeks you'll be on some other band wagon.

I admit, that D-von really can't make it as a singles wrestler. Whenever 3D cuts promos, it's always Bubba talking, and then D-von coming in for the "Oh, my Brother testify." And I actually believe that he just wants to go retire and run 3D academy.

Bubba on the other hand, is a GREAT candidate for a singles main event run. He has solid in-ring skills (more than many other main eventers) and is probably one of the top 3 promo guys in TNA right now. I think he needs to go the route of the loner (not join immortal) and just run rampage saying "I don't need a faction." I have always thought Bubba had the talent to go to the top, and I'd like to see him be given the chance to really go as a Singles champion. I don't think he could do this in WWE, but he DEFINITELY is one of the top contenders on the TNA roster for a championship.

The number one thing a champion has to do, is get a response. Every time he steps on the microphone, Bubba Ray is able to pull whatever emotion he wants out of the fans. He's the type of guy people would pay to watch get beat up. He can make you hate him.

I'm gonna watch this play out and can't wait for Bubba Ray to be holding the TNA Championship over his head.


I'll give you this. Bubba Ray is one of the top five mic workers in WWE and TNA in my opinion. There is no way he will ever hold the championship and the thought of it would never enter anybody's brain. His singles run in WWE failed before they realized that the Dudleys are better as a team and put them back together. James Storm and Chris Harris had a great match after they breakup. D-Von vs. Bubba will never come close to that. The Dudleys should have left as a team.
Team 3D has been a team for a very long time and why i don't understand would TNA would do this now. In WWE they separate the two of them but it didn't last till they realize they are better off a team. Now because they been together for a long time why would the fans want to see them both face off one on one which i believe they might let them do that at the pay per view. What more can these guys do right now??
They suck at singles so this is definitely a feud I'm not looking forward to. They've had this feud a few times already and there is a reason why the all end the same way, and thats them getting back together.

Splitting up Team 3D is like splitting up the Road Warriors as in 1 doesn't work without the other. The fact is they need each other as a team and if history is any indication this feud will be a waste of TV time. I don't hate Team 3D but both Bubba and Devon are not good enough individually that they can exist outside of a tag team, they just don't have what it takes to pull it off. They may be fighting at Final Resolution 2010, but in 6 months they will either be back together or gone completely from TNA.
I just do not get the Team 3D hate. I do not really understand anyone who thinks Nash not retiring is a good thing but thinks 3D, especially Brother Ray, sticking around is so bad. I could understand it if they had an RVD spot or didn't put anyone over but that is not the case in the least. Everyone gets all happy because AJ was PWI #1, well Team 3D was their tag team of the year last year. IMO they have got more people over than anyone that isn't Kurt Angle. They put over the whole x-division (which propped it up again when it had started to falter and was the beginning of MCMG push), they absolutely made Beer Money, they put over MCMG and elevated them on several occasions and are basically responsible for making the Tag division in TNA thrive. They have done all this even without the titles. Since their run as the inaugural TNA World Tag Team champions they have only held the belts once (all of 63 days since mid july in 2007). They do not have the shackles that Angle does where they have to protect his main event status.

Anyone who thinks they are currently bad workers are crazy. They just had the best match on the most recent PPV and people want to run them out? So what they are big guys. Ray is actually quite deceptively athletic. Both of them can hit the power moves necessary for larger workers, which is a style not that many in TNA can pull off. However, the way they can convincingly bump with the smaller guys is overlooked, yet quite important. I know that there are mixed reviews on Ray on the mic but I do not see where these people are coming from. How good he is at working the crowd on the mic, and even during a match, is blatantly obvious IMO. This attribute is what helps him make the feuds memorable and get the other team over, especially when he is a heel. I see no problem with Ray working a short feud with Dvon (who I am guessing retires after that) and then if Ray wants to stick around and contribute to getting some people over, why not? He is clearly good at that, willing to do it and still plenty capable of entertaining.
I just do not get the Team 3D hate. I do not really understand anyone who thinks Nash not retiring is a good thing but thinks 3D, especially Brother Ray, sticking around is so bad. I could understand it if they had an RVD spot or didn't put anyone over but that is not the case in the least. Everyone gets all happy because AJ was PWI #1, well Team 3D was their tag team of the year last year. IMO they have got more people over than anyone that isn't Kurt Angle. They put over the whole x-division (which propped it up again when it had started to falter and was the beginning of MCMG push), they absolutely made Beer Money, they put over MCMG and elevated them on several occasions and are basically responsible for making the Tag division in TNA thrive. They have done all this even without the titles. Since their run as the inaugural TNA World Tag Team champions they have only held the belts once (all of 63 days since mid july in 2007). They do not have the shackles that Angle does where they have to protect his main event status.

Anyone who thinks they are currently bad workers are crazy. They just had the best match on the most recent PPV and people want to run them out? So what they are big guys. Ray is actually quite deceptively athletic. Both of them can hit the power moves necessary for larger workers, which is a style not that many in TNA can pull off. However, the way they can convincingly bump with the smaller guys is overlooked, yet quite important. I know that there are mixed reviews on Ray on the mic but I do not see where these people are coming from. How good he is at working the crowd on the mic, and even during a match, is blatantly obvious IMO. This attribute is what helps him make the feuds memorable and get the other team over, especially when he is a heel. I see no problem with Ray working a short feud with Dvon (who I am guessing retires after that) and then if Ray wants to stick around and contribute to getting some people over, why not? He is clearly good at that, willing to do it and still plenty capable of entertaining.

See, the "Team 3D Hate" isn't a product of our disrespect for Team 3D. I think there's not a person on this forum or, hell, in wrestling, that does not respect what Team 3D did for tag-teams around the world. The Team 3D hate comes because they are two guys who cannot wrestle as singles performers. It's very common with tag-teams. They are no Rockers, they are no Guns.

They did have a great match at Turning Point, but they had it against The Guns, and they had it as a tag-team -- what they're best at.

Unless this feud is leading to something more than these two wrestling at Pay-Per-View, one of them winning, the other one losing, they hug it out in the end and walk out, then it's pretty pointless.

I like Bubba, I always did. I love his mic skills and his attitude. But neither him nor D-Von are capable of delivering in singles competition. They're not very young, they're not athletic, they're not ring generals on their own, they're not interesting, they will never compete for titles. I don't see them as being a focal point of TNA. They don't even have the potential to be such. Pushing a guy like Robbie E. is perfect. He's young, he's green, he's got potential -- give him TV time, give him matches, give him titles. Don't waste our time with Team 3D. They will not have a good match, mark my words.

This feud would only be compelling if Team 3D has never even show hints of breaking up. That's years and years of friendship down the drain. It'll be special. But no. They broke up a few months ago, then got back together in a jiffy.

There are better things to do than waste TV time with team 3D. Give The Guns some mic time for example. Everyone loves them.
The cruelest of cruel turns by TNA. Here I was thinking that I would never have to see team 3D again in my life, how wrong I was. Not ONLY do we have to see them more, but ONLY them in this program, IE no team fighting them to make it semi bearable.

No, oh now. Just team 3D, and thats it. Pure torture. I literally cant think of anything worse than this.
Ya know whats even funnier. It was suppost to be OMG i never saw that coming, etc.
yet 15minutes later in the show they are already doing a retrospective of what happened in that segment as if it happened the week b4 or something and D'Von saying never b4 has he put his hands on him and why now.

Um, earth to supid guy, he was against you earlier in the year attacking you.
and um he's turned on you and vice versa in every organisation you've been in.

Typical bad storyline writing indicitive of wrestling today, what happened a month ago is a completely different era.

as for the there's not one person that can say they didn't do anything for tag teams and are useless as singles which is where the hate comes from. Thats pretty much it. Same with the likes of Cena, noone can say he isn't a marketing machine, but he still sucks :)
Team 3D should just fuck of and get the fuck away from the camera. They've been uninteresting and stale for quite a while now and had overstayed their welcome for fucking ages and now this shit.... WHY? Do the fucking fans want to see these 2 old talentless fucks sit clamor around the ring like epileptic penguins? No so why fucking why? There is no reason for them to be even near IMPACT but who the fuck can they put over in a fued between each other? Yet another example of TNA trying to create short term interest in their product. I have a feeling Scott Steiner's gonna make an appearance in this.
Wow. More haters.

I can see from some of what I've read on here that some people complain just for the sake of complaining, and on top of that, some of these folks have never truly watched the Dudley Boyz/Team 3D. If they had, they would realize:

1). These two are not old by any stretch of the imagination. So for all you folks on here who keep acting like they have a couple years over Ric Flair and Hogan, THEY'RE IN THEIR MID-TO-LATE 30'S AND THUSLY STILL IN THEIR PHYSICAL PRIME AS WRESTLERS.

2). These two are not gigantic fat asses as some of you have described. Bubba has a little bit of a gut, sure, but he's not fat. And I CANNOT believe a couple people said D'Von was fat. HAVE YOU SEEN HIM?! At the risk of getting spammed, but needing a great analogy to prove a point just that same - that dude is so well built he has muscles in his shit! He is in no way, shape, or form FAT. As with Samoa Joe, Bubba's weight doesn't hinder him in the least bit. Bubba is amazingly athletic for someone of his stature. See, I think Vince McMahon has some of you folks brainwashed into believing that one simply cannot ever succeed in this business without a roided out herculean physique. I assure you all that Vince's creedo is simply not true. Bubba, Joe, Dusty Rhodes and others are living proof of that.

Now then, without condoning another god-awful tag team split angle (something I've never forgiven Vince McMahon for inventing), I will say that I would love to see Bubba pursue a singles path. He was pretty good the last time he went solo, and he even has some singles gold under his belt to prove it. He has a pretty sweet repertoire of moves at his disposal, he's excellent on the mic, and I think he can go pretty far if TNA lets him. Sadly, the same cannot be said of D'Von. It hurts me to say it, but D'Von simply cannot make it without being in a tag team. He's a good wrestler, he's not all that bad on the mic, but he just wouldn't do outside of his element. I do hope he goes home to his family and runs the 3D Academy.
I was rather shocked at Bubba when he turned on Devon. I was adjusting to the fact that the greatest tag team ever was going to finally hang up their boots and leave pro wrestling forever. Part of me is glad that they are still going to wrestle but dissapointed that it came to this. They come out for one last time to thank the fans for supporting them throughout their 15 year, 23 time tag team championship filled reign and then Bubba fires his arm into the back of an unsuspecting Devon ending Team 3Ds legacy. I know they have had altercations throughout their career but have always reunited as they cant function without each other. Now, We are going to watch 2 people who have stood side by side for over 15 years now face each other. Team 3D was awesome, bur are they going to be as good when they are on their own? I dont think so!!!
It should go wothout saying that their match will probably be terrible. I thought they were done? We got to see the epic awfulness of them involved with a world title match back in spring of 2009, so there HAVE been worse things for Team 3D before. I'm not looking forward to this match whatsoever, and it's up to TNA to make me even remotely interested during the buildup (if there will be any at all) because these guys belong in the tag team division, not facing each other in a 100% pointless feud.

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