Tap or Snap presents TNA 2011

Tap or Snap

It's Time to Play the Game
This starts after Destination X so whoever the champions were, they will be champions in this for now. One thing that has changed though is that the Knockouts tag titles are scrapped.

Main Event
AJ Styles
Kurt Angle
Mr. Anderson
Samoa Joe
Rob Van Dam
Jeff Jarrett
Jeff Hardy

Bobby Roode
Bully Ray
Christopher Daniels
D'Angelo Dinero
Eric Young
James Storm
Matt Morgan
Douglas Williams

Lower Card
Rob Terry
Robbie E

X Divsion
Brian Kendrick
Amazing Red
Shannon Moore
Chris Sabin
Alex Shelley
Austin Aries
Kid Kash
Zema Ion

Angelina Love
Madison Rayne
Mickie James
Ms. Tessmacher
Traci Brooks
Velvet Sky

Tag Teams
Motor City Machine Guns [Chris Sabin/Alex Shelly]
Ink Inc. [Jesse Neal/Shannon Moore]
Beer Money, Inc. [James Storm/Bobby Roode]
The Security Force [Gunner/Murphy]
The British Invasion [Douglas Williams/Magnus]

Immortal: Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Abyss, Bully Ray, Jeff Jarrett, Matt Hardy, Mr. Anderson, Ric Flair, Scott Steiner and Karen Jarrett
Fortune: AJ Styles, Bobby Roode, Christopher Daniels, James Storma and Kazarian​
TNA Impact Wrestling
July 14, 2011
Impact Wrestling Zone
Orlando, Florida

The show begins with Immortal making their way down to the ring. Eric Bischoff is on the mike and says that Destination X went off without a hitch except for Abyss losing his X Division title! Abyss drops to his knees and begs to be able to stay in Immortal. Bischoff says that if Abyss wants to remain in Immortal he will have to defeat Mr. Anderson to win the TNA World title! Abyss assures him that he will. They are interupted by the music of Sting who makes his way down to the ring. Sting says that at Hardcore Justice the World title will be coming to him. Immortal attacks him and beats him down until KURT ANGLE makes the save clearing the ring of Immortal.

Match One: Ink Inc. [Jesse Neal/Shannon Moore] vs. The Security Force [Gunner/Murphy]
Neal and Gunner begin the match. Gunner gets the upperhand after Neal fell from the top rope. Gunner slammed him down with a spinebuster before tagging Murphy in. Murphy dominates Neal for several minutes before finishing him off with Assisted Suicide.

Winners via pinfall: Gunner and Murphy

After the match, Gunner got on the mike and said that Beer Money better look out because their titles are soon to be gone.

Backstage, Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett and Hulk Hogan talk. Hogan says that in the co main event Jarrett will take on Sting and if he wins he gets a shot at the World title at Hardcore Justice but if he loses he's out of Immortal! Jarrett just smiles and nods.

Match Two: Austin Aries vs. Kid Kash vs. Zema Ion vs. Sangriento [Number One Contender to the X Division Championship]
Amazing X Division showcase match. So many highflying moves all around. All of the men in the match showcased their skills until Austin Aries gained the victory with the Brainbuster.

Winner via pinfall, and Number One Contender to the X Division Championship: Austin Aries

Backstage, Hernandez walks down a hallway when Eric Young approaches him. Young says that Hernandez is a very bad man and that he needs to leave TNA! Hernandez grabs Young by the face and shoves him. Young quickly gets back to his feet and challenges Hernandez to a match at Hardcore Justice. Hernandez laughs and delivers a lariat taking Young down to the floor before saying that his challenge was accepted.

Mr. Anderson makes his way down to the ring with the TNA World championship over his shoulder. He gets in and says that it is unfair that he is being forced to defend his title tonight. He continues by saying that if he wins tonight he shouldn't have to defend his title at Hardcore Justice against anyone! Samoa Joe walks out on stage to a huge pop. He says that at Hardcore Justice not only will Mr. Anderson defend his title against either Jarrett or Sting but also he (Samoa Joe) will take part in the match! Anderson says that it is completely unfair and that he will quit if he loses his belt. Joe just smirks.

Match Three: Jeff Jarrett vs. Sting [Number One Contender to the TNA World Championship]
The match begins with a series of chain wrestling moves until Sting takes the upperhand. After a few minutes of being beaten down Jeff Jarrett makes a comeback. They fight back and forth for a few minutes but Sting launches Jarrett out of the ring. Sting gets out only to be blindsided by Bully Ray. Sting tries to fight back but can't as Ray hits him with a chair. Jarrett tosses Sting back in and finishes him off with The Stroke.

Winner via pinfall, and Number One Contender to the TNA World Champion: Jeff Jarrett

Jarrett and Ray celebrate in the ring before Samoa Joe runs down and nails the Muscle Buster on Ray as Jarrett flees to the back. Joe chases him throughout the backstage area but Jarrett is tossing things at him to try and stop him. Joe continues chasing him only to be clotheslined by...HULK HOGAN! Hogan stands over him and says you better not think you're gonna win the title brother!

Match Four: Sarita vs. Winter
Winter puts up a lot of fight but Sarita is too much for her and she is finished off with La Reienera.

Winner via pinfall: Sarita

Backstage we see Eric Bischoff tells Abyss that he better be ready to beat Mr. Anderson or else Immortal will lay him out in a pool of his own blood. Abyss says that he ready and will beat Anderson!

Match Five: Mr. Anderson [c] vs. Abyss [TNA World Championship]
Anderson and Abyss put on a great main event with plenty of back and forth action. Anderson hit Abyss with the Mic Check but Abyss managed to kick out. Abyss hits Anderson with the Black Hole Slam but Anderson got his foot on the rope. More back and forth action until Anderson hit the Mic Check once again to get the pinfall.

Winner via pinfall, and STILL TNA World Champion: Mr. Anderson

After the match, Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, Bully Ray, Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner make their way down to the ring. They begin beating the hell out of Abyss. Mr. Anderson smiles and beats on him as well. They leave Abyss in a bloody heap. Bischoff raises Anderson's hand and announces that Anderson is now a member of Immortal.​

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