The Structure of TNA


Championship Contender
Right now the IWC have been complaining about TNA saying the Television Title should be scrapped and more focus should be on the X-Division, Well here's how I will strucuture TNA

General Manager: Paul Heyman

Shows: Impact Wrestling & Xplosion.

World Title:
Mr. Anderson
D'Angelo Dinero
Kurt Angle
A.J. Styles
Austin Aries
Robert Roode
Samoa Joe
Jeff Jarrett

Eric Young
Robbie E
Rob Terry
Matt Hardy
Magnus/Douglas Williams
Matt Morgan
Christopher Daniels
Bully Ray
James Storm

Shannon Moore
Amazing Red
Shimma Xion
Alex Shelley/Chris Sabin
Brian Kendrick
Petey Williams
El Generico
Jeff Hardy
Rob Van Dam

Tag Teams:
The British Invasion
Beer Money, Inc.
Moter City Machine Guns
Ink, Inc.
Gunner & Murphy
Crimson & Red
The Hardy Boyz

Knockouts Championship:
Angelina Love
Mickie James
Madison Rayne
Velvet Sky
Miss Tessmacher
Alissa Flash
Okay. That's ... pretty nice. I don't disagree with much except keep Heyman the fuck away from TNA.

What's the purpose of this topic again?
Yea, Heyman wants to turn TNA into UFC. Which is fuckin stupid. You don't make a great sports movie by having it be essentially a 2 hour game.

I think this is a IWC "Be the booker" thread basically.
I agree that the TV title and KO tag team titles should be gone, unless TNA goes to 3 hours. I'd also like to see a points system for title shots, similar to Chikara's with their tag team titles. And yeah, keep Paul "Scripted MMA" Heyman far away.
Yea, Heyman wants to turn TNA into UFC. Which is fuckin stupid. You don't make a great sports movie by having it be essentially a 2 hour game.

I think this is a IWC "Be the booker" thread basically.
Heyman is an imbecile and I never drew any pleasure out of the "be the booker" stuff. I suck at it. I'd rather sit back and enjoy whatever I can and not fantasize about doing it myself. I'd put the damn thing out of business.
Okay. That's ... pretty nice. I don't disagree with much except keep Heyman the fuck away from TNA.

What's the purpose of this topic again?

I read what about Heyman's plans for TNA if he had worked for them, but I don't think it can work he doesn't want anybody over 40, and for guys like Christopher Daniels, he going to get release because he is 40 years old I believe. if a guy is over 40 and can still draw then that is what he needs. guys that are bunch of 21 year olds, they gonna need veterans to help put them over so they can lead the company
I read what about Heyman's plans for TNA if he had worked for them, but I don't think it can work he doesn't want anybody over 40, and for guys like Christopher Daniels, he going to get release because he is 40 years old I believe. if a guy is over 40 and can still draw then that is what he needs. guys that are bunch of 21 year olds, they gonna need veterans to help put them over so they can lead the company
Well Heyman's love child ECW didn't set the world on fire, I don't see how his "5 year plan" was going to do anything.

- He wants to incorporate UFC aspects in pro wrestling, hoping that this would draw UFC fans. Bullshit. If UFC fans wanted to watch UFC, they'd fucking watch UFC. At the same time you're shoving MMA crap down pro wrestling fans' throats, and most of us can't stand this dreck so you turn your audience off.

- He wants to fire everyone over 40. So bye bye Kurt Angle, bye bye Sting. Two of TNA's biggest draws, if not their biggest draws. Bye Christopher Daniels. Thanks for coming. He's left with a bunch of greenhorns like Generation Me and Amazing Red who don't know jack shit about anything, a bunch of guys who will turn 40 in a few years (and following his logic he'll fire them as soon as they blow the candles), and very few guys in their early 30's. Fine. But none of them has any name recognition. How is he going to add that to their repertoire when it's a known fact that he can't handle money. Marketing your product and advertising costs money. How is he going to make that money when he just cut loose such draws for TNA like Kurt and Sting? He's going to live off the cash he won't have to spend for their contracts? Fine, go wild, but how long will that last? Is the IWC going to sustain TNA and tune in at once? Hell no. A lot of the IWC will always bitch and moan and find a reason do dislike TNA. TNA will always be looked down upon and that's that. What about Spike? Spike's the one that wanted Sting back. Spike wanted M.E.M back. Spike wanted Hogan in. Spike calls some of the shots and whenever they do they want the legends involved because they're just that - legends. What happens then? He tells Spike to blow it out their ass? Hell no. They'll say jump and he'll say how high and that goes against everything he runs his gums about. Heyman's not a businessman, he's a booker, it's all he's good for.

I appreciate his passion and his ideas are innovative but only on paper. He's just saying everything the IWC wants to hear, or at least the portion of the IWC that's brainless, and that's about it. He's just as worse as that turd Cornette. All bark no bite.
Well....Just cause I ave nothing else to do.

TNA 2011 (After BFG)
General Manager: Dixie Carter (IW) & Doug Williams (Xplosion)

Impact Wrestling & Xplosion.

World Title (IW):
A.J. Styles
Austin Aries
Robert Roode

Television Division (Xplosion):

Eric Young
Matt Hardy
Matt Morgan

X-Division (IW):

Shannon Moore
Zima Ion
Alex Shelley
Brian Kendrick
Rob Van Dam
Samoa Joe
Kid Kash
Low Ki

Tag Teams (IW):

The British Invasion (Magnus & Rob Terry)
Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelly & Chris Sabin)
Ink, Inc. (Shannon Moore, Jesse Neal & Christina Von Eerie)
The Hardy Boyz
The American Wolves
James Storm & Chris Harris

Knockouts Championship:
Velvet Sky
Mickie James
Madison Rayne
Miss Tessmacher

Knockouts Tag Team Championship (Xplosion):
Sarita & Rosita
The Beautiful People
Tara & Winter


Kurt Angle (Rest/Olympics)
Sting (Rest)
Scott Steiner
Devon (Backstage)
Ric Flair
What happen? everyone was like.. hell yeah paul coming to TNA!!!! yay!! a few months ago when it was rumored that P. H. was in neg with tna and everyone was saying that P. H. was going to be the saving grace of tna :worship: but :wtf: happen? Sour grapes i suppose.
Austin Aries in the World Title scene, really? Now the kid may be good, but there is no way you can let this guy in the main event scene anytime soon. He needs to pay his dues for a long long time before he moves up. TNA has plenty of guys in the World Title scene at the moment anyway.

The one guy I would like to see get a big push is Matt Morgan. I think he just has the look of a world champ. He decent on the stick and decent in the ring. He still needs work, but I think he is a future star.
WOW im amazed at how quick the IWC turn on people. 5 years ago they all loved RVD, Matt Hardy, and Paul Heyman. Now they are all the devil! Zach Ryder and Miz take notice lol.

TNA's biggest problem is they keep trying to compete with WWE instead of doing their own thing. Bottom line is trim the fat, fire the current creative staff, Hire guys like Raven and Kevin Sullivan to book the show, Since UFC is leaving Spike get Spike to add air Xplosion on saturday afternoon (much like WWF Superstars and WCW Sat Night), go on the road (mainly around the south) and if they are gonna rip off old storylines watch old UWF, WCCW, and NWA footage. THAT WAS BOOKING! Plus most people dont know about them so they wont be accused of ripping off old WWF/WCW angles lol.

For me:

World Champ: Matt Morgan (Managed by Ric Flair... If He can stop bing a douche!)
1. AJ
2. Sting
3. Kurt Angle
4. Mr. Anderson
5. Bully Ray (Shouldn't get the title but he is THE BEST HEEL in TNA)

TV Title (should be the no. 1 contender Like the US and IC used to be back in the day): Bobby Roode (Managed by Ric Flair... see World Title)
1. The Pope
2. Gunner
3. Crimson
4. RVD
5. James Storm

X-Div Champ: Doug Williams (To me he is the X-Div what Dean Malenko was the the cruisers in WCW)
1. Low-Ki
2. Kid Kash
3. Brian Kendrick
4. Chris Sabin
5. Paul London

KO's Champ: Sarita
1. Velvet Sky
2. Angelina Love
3. Tara
4. Winter
5. Mickie James

Men Tag Title: Alex Shelly/Austin Aries (A Modern Day Edge & Christian)
2. Matt Hardy/Shane Helms/Shannon Moore (OMEGA)
3. Bully Ray/Abyss
4. LAX
5. Daniaels/Kazarian

Release: Hogan, Scott Steiner, Anarquia, Devon, Amazing Red, Magnus, Rob Terry, Jesse Neil, Murphy, Jeff Hardy, Whoever is now playing Suicide, Okada, Robbie E., Cookie, and Samoa Joe (Let him go back to ROH and rebuild himself)
Right now the IWC have been complaining about TNA saying the Television Title should be scrapped and more focus should be on the X-Division, Well here's how I will strucuture TNA

General Manager: Paul Heyman

Shows: Impact Wrestling & Xplosion.

World Title:
Mr. Anderson
D'Angelo Dinero
Kurt Angle
A.J. Styles
Austin Aries
Robert Roode
Samoa Joe
Jeff Jarrett

Eric Young
Robbie E
Rob Terry
Matt Hardy
Magnus/Douglas Williams
Matt Morgan
Christopher Daniels
Bully Ray
James Storm

Shannon Moore
Amazing Red
Shimma Xion
Alex Shelley/Chris Sabin
Brian Kendrick
Petey Williams
El Generico
Jeff Hardy
Rob Van Dam

Tag Teams:
The British Invasion
Beer Money, Inc.
Moter City Machine Guns
Ink, Inc.
Gunner & Murphy
Crimson & Red
The Hardy Boyz

Knockouts Championship:
Angelina Love
Mickie James
Madison Rayne
Velvet Sky
Miss Tessmacher
Alissa Flash

I appreciate what you are aiming for here with your roster alignment. You've obviously put thought and effort into this post, which is commendable. However, I feel there are some serious flaws in what you proposed.

1. You have more or less created a system where no one can truly advance. You have clearly defined wrestlers which are in a division, limiting their upward or downward mobility based on how over a character gets or crowd reaction.

2. The placement of some of the wrestlers defies all logic. You've placed wrestlers into divisions that they have no business being in. Let's look at the World Title for example.

-Samoa Joe has no business competing for a main title, or any title for that matter, as he hasn't won a match in some time.

-The Pope is nowhere near the World Title, yet you have him included.

-Jeff Jarrett's days of being a World Title contender should be over.

-Austin Aries is clearly a personal choice, not a realistic one. The fact is he is an X Division wrestler.

-You put Robert Roode in the hunt, yet passed over James Storm. Still, somehow they are still supposed to continue as Beer Money.

-You left out viable names like Abyss, Crimson, Rob Van Dam, Matt Morgan, Jeff Hardy, and Bully Ray. Why would any of these men compete for lesser titles when they have either already been World Champion or have been on the cusp. It makes no sense for these men to be demoted in this fashion.

3. You made an effort to save the Television Title, but the fact is it is a lost cause. TNA gave up on the title long ago, deciding to make it a pointless prop in another failed attempt to get Eric Young over. The title shouldn't be saved, it should be discontinued.

I have little complaint with the Tag Titles or the Knockouts Title, as I feel you have more or less gotten them correct (my lone complaint being bringing back either of the Hardys).

To me, TNA is best served to focus on their World Title, X Division Title, Tag Team Titles, and Knockouts Title. Outside of the X Division, there is little point in "placing" wrestlers in particular divisions. Every wrestler should aspire to become a champion, no matter which.

TNA is on the right track with their Bound for Glory series. They have assembled wrestlers from various positions on the card and given them the opportunity to earn a shot at the World Title. That is how to continue their upward trend. Focus on the importance of winning championships, not confining wrestlers to immobile spots on the card.
Yea, Heyman wants to turn TNA into UFC. Which is fuckin stupid. You don't make a great sports movie by having it be essentially a 2 hour game.

I think this is a IWC "Be the booker" thread basically.

UFC are having more PPV buys than fucking WWE. Wouldn't you like that for Impact Wrestling?

Heyman would use all the TNA wrestlers that are criminaly underused(meaning pretty much everybody) and give them life. I would bet you one thing: on the very first Heyman Impact Wrestling show, it would be better than anything you've ever seen in TNA before. When Heyman went to the developpement territory for the WWE, OVW on his very first show sparks flew and people kept talking about it days after it happened.
UFC are having more PPV buys than fucking WWE. Wouldn't you like that for Impact Wrestling?

No. That would be great but UFC is fucking UFC. Wrestling is Wrestling.

Your basically saying, "fuck wrestling, let's do what ufc does and expect people to like our shit better instead of realizing people want wrestling and not ufc because if they want ufc they could simply watch it"

Heyman would use all the TNA wrestlers that are criminaly underused(meaning pretty much everybody) and give them life. I would bet you one thing: on the very first Heyman Impact Wrestling show, it would be better than anything you've ever seen in TNA before. When Heyman went to the developpement territory for the WWE, OVW on his very first show sparks flew and people kept talking about it days after it happened.

Please, get off his nutsack. It's starting to get extremely pathetic and annoying.

Tell me who is underused?

TNA gave Mr Anderson life, Bully Ray life, Pope life, Matt Morgan life, Tara life. There is nobody on the roster that is underused when it's a 2 hour fucking wrestling show with over 50 wrestlers who need time.

I would bet, Heyman paid you to post this. You know he's about that Heyman Hustle!
I appreciate what you are aiming for here with your roster alignment. You've obviously put thought and effort into this post, which is commendable. However, I feel there are some serious flaws in what you proposed.

1. You have more or less created a system where no one can truly advance. You have clearly defined wrestlers which are in a division, limiting their upward or downward mobility based on how over a character gets or crowd reaction.

2. The placement of some of the wrestlers defies all logic. You've placed wrestlers into divisions that they have no business being in. Let's look at the World Title for example.

-Samoa Joe has no business competing for a main title, or any title for that matter, as he hasn't won a match in some time.

-The Pope is nowhere near the World Title, yet you have him included.

-Jeff Jarrett's days of being a World Title contender should be over.

-Austin Aries is clearly a personal choice, not a realistic one. The fact is he is an X Division wrestler.

-You put Robert Roode in the hunt, yet passed over James Storm. Still, somehow they are still supposed to continue as Beer Money.

-You left out viable names like Abyss, Crimson, Rob Van Dam, Matt Morgan, Jeff Hardy, and Bully Ray. Why would any of these men compete for lesser titles when they have either already been World Champion or have been on the cusp. It makes no sense for these men to be demoted in this fashion.

3. You made an effort to save the Television Title, but the fact is it is a lost cause. TNA gave up on the title long ago, deciding to make it a pointless prop in another failed attempt to get Eric Young over. The title shouldn't be saved, it should be discontinued.

I have little complaint with the Tag Titles or the Knockouts Title, as I feel you have more or less gotten them correct (my lone complaint being bringing back either of the Hardys).

To me, TNA is best served to focus on their World Title, X Division Title, Tag Team Titles, and Knockouts Title. Outside of the X Division, there is little point in "placing" wrestlers in particular divisions. Every wrestler should aspire to become a champion, no matter which.

TNA is on the right track with their Bound for Glory series. They have assembled wrestlers from various positions on the card and given them the opportunity to earn a shot at the World Title. That is how to continue their upward trend. Focus on the importance of winning championships, not confining wrestlers to immobile spots on the card.

I never said in the system no one couldn't grow but for the time being here's an idea in which they could prace their current roster.

Samoa Joe hasn't won a match in some time but thta's jsut because in the way TNA's bad booking, He's competed for The World Title before and would fit there. Maybe a repackaging but he's good.

The Pope is nowhere near TNA's World Title, Again bad booking by TNA, He's feuded with the likes of AJ Styles and Mr. Anderson and has competed for the World Title. He's fast paced- in the ring and good on the mic. ANy reason why he shouldn't be a World Champ?

Okay obviously you're one of those people who's only seen Austin Aries compete in TNA, Austin Aries can work a good Ground Game, also if you seen his ROH and is good on the mic. The gimmick may only be the thing not working for him.

I put Bobby Roode over James Storm because Bobby Roode has a fire that can work with the Main Event. James Storm's gimmick deep down inside is more of entertainment and comedy, It would get old quick, And yeSs I have them continue as Beer Money because just like Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards are in the World Title picture but still compete as the American Wolves, same as Storm and Roode.

I put these men on the cusp because the TV Title could be used as TNA's version of the IC/US Title if booked right. AJ was a former World Champion but when he competed for the TV Title with Doug he brought prestige.Most of those names you said failed or just aren't ready for the World Title picture.

The TV Title is a lost cause? This is now starting to seem like your opinion now. Like I said the TV Title can be saved. With TNA's roster you can't just throw everyone into the Main Event, There still needs to be a solid mid-card/upper card division and it's obviously they're not doing that with the X-Division so yeah.
Instead of infracting the hell out of all of you spammers, I'm in a good mood. So I'm going to just move this pointless thread into the spam-friendly section, where it belongs.

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