Tales of The Forum

Anytime XFear would throw a fit was a grand occurrence. Sly was usually the target and it ended with X leaving for ages on end.

There was my Rookie of the Year campaign where D-Man, Sidious and others were involved. Coco claimed to be the REAL Rookie of the Year when he was, in fact, a twat-waffle like he is today.

And who can forget Will getting Edge so close to the winning the Wrestlezone Tournament... and the 'Word Fort' argument.
Anytime XFear would throw a fit was a grand occurrence. Sly was usually the target and it ended with X leaving for ages on end.

There was my Rookie of the Year campaign where D-Man, Sidious and others were involved. Coco claimed to be the REAL Rookie of the Year when he was, in fact, a twat-waffle like he is today.

And who can forget Will getting Edge so close to the winning the Wrestlezone Tournament... and the 'Word Fort' argument.

I'm still trying to figure out how Edge losing to undertaker in the main event of Wrestlemania was better for Edge.
There was my Rookie of the Year campaign where D-Man, Sidious and others were involved. Coco claimed to be the REAL Rookie of the Year when he was, in fact, a twat-waffle like he is today.
I had more nominations than some of the people who actually made the poll. And yet I was excluded because D-Man was the choice of the administration.

Do they not teach math in Kentucky?

And as usual, the only people you'd dare identify as "twat-waffles" are those who've already slighted you. You're a retaliatory, ********* tool. If I'd shit on everyone BUT the almighty Lariat, you'd have shut your mouth like a good little boy. You don't care about me. You care about me making you look bad. Which isn't your biggest problem, because you look like garbage all on your own.
I just remembered Ferbian's generic tattoos, his love of Linkin Park and Supernatural, and his desire to make an impact in the wrestling sections.

He was like a cooler version of Dagger.
I had more nominations than some of the people who actually made the poll. And yet I was excluded because D-Man was the choice of the administration.

Do they not teach math in Kentucky?

And as usual, the only people you'd dare identify as "twat-waffles" are those who've already slighted you. You're a retaliatory, ********* tool. If I'd shit on everyone BUT the almighty Lariat, you'd have shut your mouth like a good little boy. You don't care about me. You care about me making you look bad. Which isn't your biggest problem, because you look like garbage all on your own.

Didn't Coco come up with the word fort? Or was that someone else I am forgetting. So much good shit happened back in the day. I miss Sidious, though. As much shit as he caused and as mentally unstable as he could come off, he was a damn good poster and moderator (not to mention extremely witty).
Echelon called me a piece of shit or some such when I made fun of train simulators.

LCW was so funny that it made me cry laughing.
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This is my favourite ever post on these forums. Reading it to the UK WZ collection is a fond memory.

I kind of like the build up stories…

One by one the son’s of Jobbers work their way back into the WWE (let’s say a max of 5) with very little fanfare. The commentators may make a comment about who they are, but no big deal is made and they get little fanfare.

In their initial match they individually get destroyed.
Seemingly having no talent what so ever.
As time passes on, each week following they get destroyed.
The Commentator makes a comment why are they even here…
They are made fun of/ pranked / etc by the other wrestlers on a weekly basis.

At the same time over the course of a several weeks the GM is contacted and seen speaking on the phone secretively or receives messages….so that we know something is going on..but we have no idea who he’s talking to.

Finally one week the GM says that he’s going to give the champions (heels and faces ) a night off and allow each of them to pick which one of the jobbers they want to beat down as a practice match with the little formality that their titles are on the line…

(Just like in the old days, even though you KNEW there was no way the Champion was going to lose)

However in this case, in each match the jobbers wrestles to their actual ability which catch the champions off-guard…and as the match goes on each jobber has two more jobbers that make their way to ringside.

The combination of the three with a little cheating allows them to steal the match and the title. This would happen for the US Title and Tag Team Titles.

The Champs are livid and go to the GM…but the GM says what can I do, you picked them as your opponent.

Last match is the championship match for the big belt. If the champion is a heel, then the other heel champion that lost his belt will not only warn the champion of what’s going on with these jobbers, but will also say that he’s got his back.. (the same would be done if it was a face)

Right before the match, we see back stage the GM call the “back-up” into his office as he’s on his way out with the Champion. The Champion continues to head out to the ring. The next thing we see his a huge forearm with cast clock the wrestler on the head and he’s out cold.

The mystery figure… who we do not get to see, shakes hands with the GM…and the GM says good luck. (this would work great with Teddy Long since he’s on the outs with Vince )

The Champion is in the ring and out comes his opponent along with the other jobbers holding their belts at ringside. Champ holds his own…until the mystery figure, black trench and mask makes his way to the ring …

Champion gets distracted. Jobber goes for cheap shot and roll up, doesn’t get the three count.

The other jobbers jump on the apron to distract the Ref.
Mystery guy comes up on the apron
Champion grabs him by the jacket and goes to remove the mask
Mystery person clocks him with a forearm…and the Champion is out..

Jobber covers and wins the Heavyweight Belt..

Mystery guy takes off is coat and we see he’s wearing a three piece suit but with a thick heavy cast on his forearm.

He takes off his mask and it’s Iron Mike Sharpe (King of the Jobbers)

Remember the time period in which he wore that cast on his forearm. .I think that was the period, he was most successful in actually winning a match or two. Therefore he should use it now.

He would cut a short promo: on how things in this business hasn’t changed….20 years and nothing’s different….it isn’t the most skilled or talented that get the breaks..not the ones who have to work hard and train….it’s the ones who are deemed most marketable , those who looked good on camera …he would say how for 20 years, while he was away from wreslting…all he could think about is how he gave this business everything..all the sacrfices for other people to step over him. …..all he was known for was jobbing…

Night after night .week after week..year after year…

People used to laugh at Iron Mike Sharpe…

He then raises the hands of his men with their belts

And says …….so who’s laughing NOW…
I had more nominations than some of the people who actually made the poll. And yet I was excluded because D-Man was the choice of the administration.

Do they not teach math in Kentucky?

And as usual, the only people you'd dare identify as "twat-waffles" are those who've already slighted you. You're a retaliatory, ********* tool. If I'd shit on everyone BUT the almighty Lariat, you'd have shut your mouth like a good little boy. You don't care about me. You care about me making you look bad. Which isn't your biggest problem, because you look like garbage all on your own.

Don't they teach humor in England? Because your attempt at it is the only laughable part about you.

That and you feel the need to be an asshole to me and others for no apparent reason. And I assure you no one on these forums will ever make me look bad.
Based on that dry, stupid sense of humor Coco has, it can only be narrowed down to Canadian or British.

No one can be that big of a cunt and obnoxious and be an American.
Don't worry. Everyone is already acutely aware of how self-centred and obnoxious America is. You don't need to point it out.

Oh so that's the un-entitled superior feeling I have, for a moment there I thought you foreigners were all the same. Back to geography class I go.

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