Tales of The Forum

JGlass with some solid foresight in that thread.

Your back was up against the wall, Artist, when you received a hell of a rub. What a guy that JGlass is.

I quite like this story. That thread earned me a page worth (a last) of red and I was still pretty new, so I sent everybody a message saying I was leaving for good and got sympathy, only to make an alt and make things still worse for myself (didn't know alts weren't allowed. By this point I think JGlass had given up on me and I had given up on me. And had a solitary green mark in my rep page. hat being none other than Milenko.

Once again, being new and seeing that he had a big rep bar, I assumed he was super cool and so when he gave me some words of encouragement and was actually the guy in the end that inspired me to stay and weather the storm. So if you don't like me, you know who to take it up with. And that was my introduction to the WZ spam sections. Riveting so it was.

But JGlass and I came up through roughly the same time in the non spams and we were complimentary of each other so I think that's why he defended me. And hopefully that premonition did turn up good.
I can't remember all the interesting stuff from my only slightly more interesting real life, like fuck can I remember any of this.
You used to make pretty great sigs on MS Paint. That was cool.

Oh yeah, some of those were quite good...

Pretty much the only things I remember right at this point was Coco trying to find Psychoblack for realsies (recently mentioned to me) and WZ's invasion of the WWE forums, where loads of people changed their names to army shit. That was really fucking sad. I went over there a made a thread about Shawn Michaels hair loss, realised by their reactions that the posters there were exactly the same as the posters here and gave up.
Please give us a morsel of the forbidden fruit, oh wise and generous overlord!

I would but we deleted it back in the day so people would stop fighting over it. There was this huge argument over Sid deciding that no one was allowed to infract in his sections, including the G-Mods or IC/Sly. Everyone tried to explain the system to him but he decided he was changing the entire system. I explained that the mods were like section bosses, G-Mods were like middle management and admins were the big bosses. I was a G-Mod at the time so he laughed at the theory of me being middle management because he hadn't seen how I had earned any power here whatsoever.

Norcal was brought back on staff with the caveat that he was not allowed to infract in the WWE section so that Sid wouldn't get into it with him as well.
When the admins made a thread where admins and G-Mods discussed Sidious visible to the whole forum, that even the mods had never seen before. That was epic.
When Shocky was leaving the staff and messed with the editing feature so that a bunch of words were automatically changed to something else and it led to this exchange:

IC: Becca your boyfriend is going down for this.

Becca in a PM to me: IC wants to kill you.

Me to IC: What are you talking about boss?

IC: You edited all these words and we've spent all day fixing them!

Me: How would I, a G-Mod, do something requiring access to the admin CP?

IC: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..................................
Looks like it's up to us newbies to create stories just as awesome.

We sure did that back on WF, to the extent of forming a new Nexus and monopolising the Rants forum (WF's equivalent of the Bar Room). Ironically, it was on the heels of the creation of a memories thread just like this one.
Let's be honest: Everything about Sidious was gold.

Sid was pure comedy gold. I vividly remembering Sidious openly threatening to abuse his mod powers for anyone, who dared to make derogatory comments in a Batista thread, where the OP insinuated Batista might be gay (had something to do with Batista wearing a pink Polo shirt).
There's some really good stuff in the Board Room Archives. Doc basically called that there was an all-star moon base two years ago.

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