Takers Return

Personally, I'd enjoy seeing Cena turn heel and beat the crap out of 'Taker and end his WM streak. It would be the biggest heal-turn and negative crowd reaction since Hogan turned heal at WCW Bash at the Beach 1996. Might even see almost as much trash throw in the ring as they did that night as well.
What about Swagger? The WWE had a tendency of bringing in big guys to face Taker, and they clearly want to build Swagger up, so why not a prolonged fued with Taker. It could even be a long, twisted fued. They could do a match where Taker wins, Swagger wins a second match, then a Buried Alive match, or a Casket Match where Swagger has help to win, say from Kane (back in the mask though) and then over the next few weeks the lights go out and Swagger keeps getting hit with an urn, and finally Paul Bearer brings Taker back for a Hell in a Cell or Boiler Room Brawl/some other type of Urn match. It would be a great fued and give Taker something he hasn't done before, it would build up Swagger and get him over, and could last several PPV's for a really good program.
Personally, I'd enjoy seeing Cena turn heel and beat the crap out of 'Taker and end his WM streak. It would be the biggest heal-turn and negative crowd reaction since Hogan turned heal at WCW Bash at the Beach 1996. Might even see almost as much trash throw in the ring as they did that night as well.

If Cena is the one who ends the streak that just might be enough to make me stop watching WWE forever.

Now, on Taker fueds I'd like to see.

John Cena vs. Undertaker- I think this would be good but I don't think Cena will ever turn heel, I guess they could do it face vs. face. Or, hear is a possbility, turn Taker heel. He could go back to the Attitude Era Lord of Darkness thing. It could possibly work. But Cena absolutely cannot go over taker at Mania. But other than that it's be a good fued.

Jack Swagger vs. Undertaker- I would love to see this fued. I think Swagger could pull it off, it would be kind of like Taker vs. Lesnar, and they could have some great matches. I'd love to see it.

Undertaker vs. Carlito- Carlito is going to turn on Primo from what I've heard, so I'd like to see Carlito or Taker switch brands and this could be a great way to push Carlito into the Main Event scene. It could start by Carlito coming out and saying, something like, you know that I don't like cool, and someone who really isn't cool is Undertaker. He buries people alive, he cruicfies them, he sends them to hell, he's a devil worshipper, that's definitley not cool. As a matter of fact, this could work on a redebuting Carlito's Cabana with taker as the guest, and then he could spit an apple in Taker's face, and Taker could go psycho on him and it would start a fued. I could see Carlito cheating to go over on Taker, then maybe forcing a countout to win the match, then ends up in Long setting up a Hell in a Cell or Steel Cage match to end the fued, with so no one can get in, there's no way to cheat, and there is no way to get count outs. I really think these guys could put on some good matches and it would further Carlito.

The Miz vs. Undertaker- I think these guys would put on good matches and I doubt Taker would bury The Miz like Cena did. This could really further The Miz's career greatly. It could start with The Miz coming out on RAW and calling Taker and Taker not showing, so Miz is "1-0". Then Miz shows up on Smackdown and call's him out. Taker doesn't show on his home show so now Miz is "2-0", "1-0" on taker's home turf. So next Smackdown Miz calls him out and when he doesn't show, Miz starts to declare himself "3-0" but before he can the lights go out there is some staticy white noise crap on the PA and static picture flashes on the titantron. Lets say Miz wins the IC title in an open challenge at breaking point, and the next night is when he starts the call outs. Then the next week Miz is in a match against someone and if they win they get a title shot and during the match the lights go out, and purple lights come on and lightning strikes the top of the ramp or something and Miz gets beat on a schoolboy pin. Now at HIAC (*sigh* stupid) The lgihts go out and Miz loses his title, setting up a match at Annihlation against taker (voted for if it keeps the Cyber Sunday format, it's just booked regular if not) and Miz brings out a fake Taker like DiBiase did once and beats him. So now at SS we have Taker's return (I know it's supposed to be by Summerslam but still) in a SS Tag match 5 on 5 Taker's team vs. Miz's. It could be Taker's Ministry (Kane, Goldust, maybe Hawkins in a new gimmick, maybe Jeff Hardy if he's out of the main event and Taker) vs. Miz and his Mizfits, whatever team he comes up with. So Miz's team can pull the upset by cheating. So this sets up Miz/Taker in a casket match (HIAC PPV was would have just happened so no HIAC) which Taker wins, ending the fued.

B.O.D. vs. Team Extreme vs. Edge/Jericho- So Edge and jericho have the titles. They can work there way through the Tag Division and claim they have no more competition left. They issue an open challenge for Summerslam. The weeks up to the PPV show Jeff Hardy talking to someone on a cell phone, but it is not revealed what they are talking about or who he is talking to. So at SummerSlam Edge/Jericho await there opponets when The Hardyz music hits, revealing Matt is who Jeff was talking to all those weeks, and they've reconciled. Before the match starts Teddy Long announces another team wants to accpet the open challenge, and this will now be a triple-threat tag team contest. The fans are puzzled but then the gong tolls followed by the lights going out with the intro to Kanes music playing. It hits it's peak and breaks back into Taker's music while Taker and Kane walk to the ring together, fire explosions on each side of the ramp, like Taker did at WM 24. This starts a fued culminating in a TLC match, which would be epic.
If Cena is the one who ends the streak that just might be enough to make me stop watching WWE forever.

No, I really can't stand Cena. But just like Batista he needs to do something to make him matter. If he wants to really make a name for himself (kayfabe) then end Taker's streak. That would get alot of attention, and heat, on Cena. Hey, it helped Hogan when people got sick and tired of his red & yellow crap in WCW.... he became Hollywood Hogan, made the world hate his guts; but it got attention on him like never before and he mattered again.

I don't like Cena, but Undertaker has one of the dumbest and most unrealistic gimicks I have ever seen. Add this to how much anyone over 12 hates Cena and boos him out of the building..... beat Taker at WM and turn heel and watch how many people become Cena fans.
I would like to see Jack Swagger/Taker fued. Swagger should get a cheap win in the first match,Taker could get the seconds win then have a stip match with Taker victorouis. All these matches should be competitive and show Swagger is nearly at Takers level...but not quite. This would give him a massive push. Also maybe Angle will return from TNA and that could set a fued up with Swagger. As for Takers streak, I'd say it SHOULD end in his last mania match to a up and coming star. That could be his greatest gift to the business.
Since I don't know the man personally, and I know that old wrestlers like to stick around the business when their time is done I think a feud with Ted Dibiase Jr. makes the most sense. His father introduced the world to this man, and now the son of the same man gets to destroy his Wrestlemania Legacy. It would be a great way to tie things up, and would be kind of mysterious as well. Who would have thought that Teddy Sr. would bring Taker in, and his son would take the Deadman out. Simple, but the irony is bliss.
I'm hoping for a Jericho/Taker feud, but not right when Taker comes back. That should be saved for Wrestlemania. Apparently there have been talks of Undertaker feuding with Ziggler. I wouldn't mind that as it would really elevate Ziggler as an upper midcarder.

Another possiblity is CM Punk. If Edge is actually injured and Hardy is leaving Smackdown will be hurting for main event talent. Taker could take up a few months by facing Punk and it could really solidify this as a strong title run for Punk while furthering his heel turn.
Okay, I have a few things to say.

1-I dont believe you have to have a Jericho/Taker feud and in fact, I would hate ot see this. I really don't think that they would have any chemistry in the ring, and Jericho on his best day is about as compelling as a watching paint dry. Unlike Taker and some others who have been there for a while, he hasn't adapted his style to fit with the 'new' WWE. He's still the same perosn he was before the left to try his hand with Fozzy and with muscial theater.

2-Taker/Cena could be a great feud. And contraty to what a few people have posted, they could work a face/face feud. There actually used to be quite common in the late 80's/early 90's. And if someone turns heel, why would it have to be Cena? Again, contrary to what a few small minded people say, Cena is fairly popular with most of the crowd and though I have never been big on him, I can't say that he isn't entertaining. He's the PG version of Stone Cold. You can't help but root for him against the way everything is stacked against him.

3-HHH, someone said that there was never a long run of taker/hh feuds. and in some ways that is right. That is because they are both so central to the WWE verse that you can't have them revolving around each other for months on end, you need them to prop up other, lesser stars and talen. and length of a feud doesn't mean that they haven't had some truly amazing matches between them. As much as I don't particularly enjoy HHH and find him way to hyped, I have to say that when he and taker are in the ring together, just like when taker is in with hbk, kane, foley and a hand ful of others, there's magic in the match.

4-Me > You? I don't know what you know about business, but no one FORCES someone to retire. Taker has had the option to retire at any time, as do pretty much any athlete/actor in similar fields. WWE could have chosen not to renew a contract with him, or to buy out his contract or so on, but no one coudld FORCE him to retire. As he has stated in the past in the 'noncharacter' interviews, Mark Calloway will retire when he feels that he can no longer perform at a level to remaain in competitive action with the younger superstars and so far, due ot his abiltiy to constantly adapt his in ring style and still pull off the big moves as needed (name one other 40+ year old, near 7foot wrestler) who will still do a La Plancha suicide dive Over the Top Rope from a running start?

Sure he's not wuite the powerhouse he was eaven back in 2005, but then he unlike others doesn't have to be. ANd unlike others who constantly need to be in the path of a title to be even mildly interesting (Orton, HHH, Batista, and so on), Taker's matches never fail to be compeling becomes he does make changes to his in ring moves, while still adding in to the Old School moves that made him famous. I really think that others should follow his example instead of HHH or Flair/Hogan and others and not stick to one set and attitude/pesrsonality. HOgan was what he was because he couldn't be anything else. He didn't have the in ring talent to do anything but what he did, though in his early career he did show more ability than after he really hit the big time. Unlike hogan though Taker never allowed himself ot be pifeonholed or to fade from significance. When taker comes to the ring, no matter who the opponent is, you know that you're in for a good time. His willingness to subjigate himself and allow others to shine puts him aboce almost any one else in the business. For him, it is company first, then his own ego last.

And let's face it, taker is in his early 40's. Hogan is almost 60, flair was up there, and so are others who you see. Taker will always have a spot with WWE and even if he does retire from a full time on screen position, he'll still show up for the odd special match here in there or for face time to boost ratings/draws. I'd like to see him in an advisor role to an up and comer. I'ts too bad WWE and Kevin Fertig failed with the 'Mordecai' angle and the Nathan Jones left and never panned out. He has a lot he could teach to some of the big young guys either in WWE or who are trying to break into the biz.
ok so this is my first post please be nice. :undertaker2:
two scearios.
1) taker is retiring soon. one maby two years.
ok so he comes back just befoe ss. stalks jerico for a bit then jerico is running his mouth one night and the lights go off lights ack on jerico is lying in the ring and there is a mysterious smoke around him. next week jericho comes out and demands to kow who attacked him. lights of u hear some one fall over light s on and jericho is in the ring with a black rose across his body and a black set of rosory beads. next week it is anounced that jericho will have a atch with a mystery apponent. the man who has been attacking him. jericho is in the ring lights o off and taker comes down the ramp. jericho is stunned he loses quickly. and that goes on for a while through to hell in a cell were undertaker wins. next we have a feud with hardy he has the title now i know its been done before but i cant reist. now i hate cm puke as champ dont think he is ready. YET. so this ones gonna work by taker signaling he wants his title back. then the next week jeffs gonna come out ans se up a ladder and say if u want it come get it. taker comes out hardy jumps on him and leaves with taker on the mat. next week its taker and a partner vs jeff and partner. hardy pins taker. at hell in a cell its hardy taker in the cell. with taker coming out champ. he retains it untill he retires just after mania. goes on the feud with cena the cm puke for mania it will make him main even material.
scenario 2 taker has heaps of time
taker comes back for jerich then goes after punk who is champ. later he feuds with jeff ardy for mania while he is champ. then u have taker as champ for like a year. cena, kane, morrison, matt hardy,give swager or bourne a feud with him aswell then have him in a feude with edge when he returns early next year. after mania cant do edge adain. and maby have him drop it to him or i would like it to be evan bourn who interfears with a match then wins it in a triple threat tlc. that would be sick as. then taker tays around getting some more title reigns and doing what he does best raising lower wrestlers.
I think they should turn 'Taker heel, let's face it 'Taker is awesome but some dude who takes souls, sends people to hell, and is extremly satanic, isn't really babyface matirial. Plus it would be fresh! We can have angles like when a baby face is about to win a match everything goes dark, and when the lights return we see the babyface in the center of the ring with there hands crossed across there chest, and this could go on for weeks until 'Taker finally is visible towards his return and is confronted. Although this might not work because Smackdown is in dire need of Main Event babyfaces.

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