Takers Return


The Irish dark light
Hey guys,

So the taker should be back in a couple of months and Jericho has recently made comments about taker living off his reputation. I feel fairly certain that he will return to fued with Jericho and they will have some great matches....but what do you guys think the best storyline would be for them???

I think Jericho will do his usual verbal attacks leading to a "i'm the best in the business" VS "the phenom" PPV Event. Personally i would love to see the mind games of the taker starting about a month before he returns and really shake up Jericho.

What do you guys think is the best angle for the return of the Phenom??

:undertaker2: R.I.P.
I think that one night after Jericho wins a match he goes on the mic and talks about how great he is and then as he is walking up the ramp and his video is showing on the titantron they have like "virus being uploaded" into jericho's video and when it reaches 100% all the lights go out and the building is dark. Then some sort of a threat appears on the screen as a bible quote along the lines of "there shall be no other like me" (I'm not religious so idk but I'm just thinking). Then the lights go back on and nobody real knows what going on and Jericho leaves. The next week as Jericho comes out for a promo stating that Y2J is unstoppable and no virus can bring him down bla bla bla... and how he should be champion so the champion comes out (whoever it is at the time) and gives Jericho a nontitle match that night, and if he wins he gets a title shot. During Jericho's match against the champion have Jericho knock out the ref and go for a weapon. When he reaches under the ring he finds a newspaper and on the cover it says "Jericho dies in horrible accident". This distraction provides the champion enough time to capitalize and win the match. Jericho angry takes a cheap shot on the champ after the match and begins to beat the champ. All of a sudden the lights go out and when they come back on the champion is gone. The next week Jericho comes out complaining how somebody cost him his title shot and deserves another chance. The champion comes out and tells Jericho that he lost because "someone" made him lose. Jericho then goes on a rant asking who that someone is and when the champ asks Jericho if he really wants to know Jericho says "yes so I can kick his ass" and the champ tells Jericho okay. The champ returns to the back and out go all the lights. The lights come back on and Undertaker is in the ring and tombstones Jericho. The feud then goes on from there.
i thnik that returning to face jericho would be a stupid idea, it's takers last year, we all know he isn't getting another world title match, but i believe that jericho will get at least 1 world title run in this year. taker will come back maybe have a feud with one of the younger groups, maybe the heart dynasty or dolf zigler, something like that, have taker push the younger talent. he hasn't done that for a while now. thats what i'd like to see
that may be wat you would like to see, bnut odds are its not gonna happen. if this is takers last year theres no way they're gonna use him to push young talent. No way. They're gonna main event him immediately. Jericho, Hardy, and Punk. Those are his options until mania. Hopefully we'll see y2j vs taker at mania. but logically, having taker put against morrison or ziggler? really? waste of merchandise sales, and buy rates for ppvs.
I hope he feuds with Ziggler. Well, I saw some matches with Ziggler and I wasn't very impressed but all the IWC seems to be, just like with The Miz, I don't see anything in both of them to make me say: "OMG! This guy will be great", something is missing, I hope they change my mind.

With Undertaker feuding with someone 'fresh' in the roster like Ziggler, they could with the feud itself change the way Ziggler acts, just think about it, all he does is getting a cheap heat by saying his name with Taker they can make all his persona appear, just like they did when Kennedy feuded with Undertaker, when he cut the greatest promo I've ever seen from Kennedy.

So he needs to push younger talent, I'm not sure this is last year, they could have made him retire this year at Wrestlemania 25, it was in Texas and all, it doesn't matter now, he will feud with Jericho I'm sure of that it will be great inside the ring and outside the ring with Jericho's skills as as an entertainer although I think he is getting very stale by the minute, but that's another thread.
The fued can go from summerslam to the rumble and jericho can then go fro thr rumble to wm26 for the gold. Taker will be getting the best heel in the business more over than ever and deserves good fueds if indeed his time is coming to an end. He has put over many a up-and-comer in the past and has no problem doing so (remember maven in the rumble and after anyone?) but the big time matches is what the wwe need at the moment and belt or no belt it doesn't get any bigger than taker/jericho HIAC. I'm getting very excited about this one now.
I fully envision an Undertaker / Jericho match at Wrestlemania 26.

If Taker is actually a few months away from his return, I can see this one being held by creative until the Road to Wrestlemania.

It's one of the few high profile feuds we really haven't seen before. By high profile, I mean two legends going at it full throttle for several months.

Of course, we also haven't seen a HHH / Undertaker feud get drawn out for any extended period of time either...

There will most definitely be a Taker / Jericho feud at some point, but I truly hope the "E" doesn't rush it and lets it play out on the grandest stage of them all.
Well if they really do a Taker - Jericho feud, hopefully they will make it Intercontinental Title vs Undefeated Streak at WM..... That way taker can remain undefeated and then he can become a Triple Crown Champion and also a Grand Slam champion as well... then he would have done it all and added more to his Legacy.. :undertaker2:
I think that if it is Taker's last run that he will get to go out any way he possibly wants to so it is up to him. If he wants to go out on his back against Todd Grisham, let him. He has done so much to help WWE and he is the business.

I could very much see him losing to Jericho or HBK at WM26 to end his career. I know that HBK was done last year, but it was the best match of the show by far. That would be another feather in HBK's hat that he retired Flair and Taker. Then whoever retires HBK would have instant superstar credibility.
I'd be very interested to see a feud between Taker and Jericho. If you think about it, it makes a lot of sense.

1. Jericho's schtick now is that he's the "savior" of the WWE. It's always about how he's sort of this guiding light for how other superstars and people in general should be. Jericho is religious and he does sort of work that into things, though he's subtle about it. Michaels was sort of doing the same thing with the whole light vs. dark thing, but Jericho could take it to another level.

2. Jericho also has the angle of hating the WWE legends and Taker qualifies. Jericho did it with Michaels and Taker is the only other guy on the roster that he can legitimately do that sort of thing with. While focusing on how dark and twisted and evil and vile Taker is, Jericho can also rant about how he's been holding on for so long. Not wanting to let go of the spotlight and all that.

3. The only big names in the WWE Taker hasn't feuded with are Jericho and John Cena. Well, Taker and Cena did have some matches during Taker's American Badass years but nothing since. Either way, those're two that Taker has never had any sort of major interaction with, Jericho in particular. I don't even think they've been in tag matches against one another. Putting Taker in a completely fresh feud is exactly what WWE needs to do with him.

As to this being Taker's last year, I say blah blah. Everybody from your random poster to Dave Meltzer has been saying that every year is Taker's last year in the business. I've been hearin' that crap for 5 years. I don't believe Taker will leave the business until he's been involved in 20 WrestleManias. The streak won't end unless Taker wants it to. Nobody really has the kind of pull with Vince that Taker does because Vince has never had anyone as loyal among his wrestlers.
Taker is one of those guys like Shawn. he's going to get huge pops if he's out there fighting a no name or a world champion simply because he's the Undertaker. He's a legend in his own time and the fans treat him like one. The storyline can be anything and it'll likely be a guy attacking him to try to make a name for himself, which is just fine as it's worked about every time they've tried it. He'll make his big grand return and everythign will be fine again. He'll draw because he's not something you see everyday, which is why he's the modern day Andre the Giant.
I like the idea of taker vs jericho feud but it cannot last thru til WM26, would you really want that match at WM ?? At WM is should be taker vs a heel cena .... with cena costing taker the rumble possibly to start it all.
The best way for Jericho/Taker to work is to make his return a shock. Let Jericho unmask mysterio at the Bash then have jericho claim that he is an unstoppable force on Smackdown. Let him beat morrison, hardy, even edge. Just so he can say hes beaten everyone in wwe and is retiring as the best at what he does and right in the middle let the acolyte guys with the torches and hoods come out and play the undertakers music. then let him appear out from under the ring and Tombstone Jericho. Leading into a major match between the two.
Actually I wouldn't mind seeing Taker return during the 3 Stages of Hell match between Orton & HHH. After all it is a gimmick match that suits Taker's character anyhow. No one would expect him to return, and it would be a genius way to put the title in jeopardy once again. Or at least keep the title up for grabs again. It builds a solid suspense especially for RAW, as things have been stale lately.

So the Undertaker probably doesn't have much longer left in his career before he retires for good. He has, i daresay, maybe a few more good matches or feuds left in him. That being said who would you like to see the Undertaker feud with before he retires? Don't just give a list of people you'd want to see him face, try to explain how the feud would be built and WHY they would be fighting.

Jericho is an inevitable feud which i think will work very well with Jericho criticizing the fans for cheering the demonic and satanic lord of darkness while they boo an honest and good man like chris jericho. But who else?

Perhaps if Ted DiBiase branches out as a singles competitor, and goes to Smackdown in the next year's draft, we could see an old school vs. new school feud between the two of them. Similar to Randy Orton and the Undertaker's feud a few years back. It would be pretty funny to see DiBiase try to bring out an Underfaker like his dad did too. :undertaker2: VS :undertaker2:
Maybe he could have an army of undertaker impostors: one for the original undertaker, one for the ministry undertaker and one for the biker undertaker. Undertaker would have to "struggle against his past", or something like that. I don't know I'm just making shit up...
Well to honest The Jericho vs Taker feud is inevitible. Its going to happen, ill bet my house on it.I think its going to be a really good feud maybe for the World Title and we will see it cultimate at WM 26.

As for another feud I could see would be Punk vs Taker upon takers return you give him a Title run that leads into Jericho vs Taker. Punk says that hes beaten Edge,Jericho,Hardy(who would have probobly left), and that theres no one else then boom Takers light hit and there you go.

After WM 26 its a toss up because you never know whats gonna happen. One thing id really like to see if John Cena turn Heel get drafted to SD! and voila a potentially Great feud between John Cena vs The Undertaker.

So thats my list: CM Punk 1st
Chris Jericho 2nd
John Cena 3rd
I agree that an Undertaker vs. John Cena rivalry would be incredible and would be big money, awhile ago i thought about this and i realized that if they wanted to turn Cena heel they should have him feud with Undertaker and then beat him at WrestleMania, then next week he comes out and brags about killing the Undertaker's Wrestlemania legacy. Not onyl would that make John Cena the most hated wrestler in history, it would provide an unforgettable wrestlemania moment.
I think a feud with Punk is a good idea, too.
They're pushing Punk as a top star and you can't do that without letting a guy go over a seasoned veteran.
Edge went over Foley and Undertaker, Jeff went over Trips.
And I don't think going over Edge and Hardy is enough to make Punk really big. And since HBK and Triple H are on Raw (not that Trips would put Punk over...) the responsibilty falls to Taker to make a huge star out of Punk. I definately don't think it should be at Mania, obviously. But Survivor Series would be good.

I wouldn't mind one last, short feud with Kane. They have so much history and there has never been any real closure to the Kane/Taker saga. So I'm thinking, these guys go at it one more time to finally put the feud to rest.

And finally, this is an odd one but Taker vs John Morrison. I ask you, why the hell not?
It might end up like a bit of a cliche, JoMo being cocky, Undertaker scares the crap out of him repeatedly etc etc.
But everyone compares JoMo to a young Shawn Michaels. And really, who did Undertaker have better matches with than with HBK?
Dunno bout you guys, but I wanna see some Taker vs Morrison.

EDIT: Also, the Taker vs Cena feud would be big. But the crowd would boo Cena out of the building during the match. And the crowd might get pretty pissed if Cena goes over Taker. Especially if it's at Wrestlemania.
It doesn't really matter. Taker pulled a great match with HBK, made me actually sorta care about his feud with Edge after the 3rd time Edge brought out La Familia, and Taker made me pay attention to Batista. If he can do those things, he can carry anyone else we need him to carry to pull off an awesome feud. Except maybe Benjamin. But that's because no one gives a shit about Benjamin.

Cena should only face Taker if they want Cena heel. That's the only way it could work. Face vs. Face wouldn't' work, because the crowd would force Cena heel. They wouldn't put up with that shit. There are only a few wrestlers that even Cena couldn't work face against, and the Undertaker is one of them.

If you're wanting the biggest bang for your buck, go with a Jericho/Taker feud. That would rock the shit out of everything the WWE could possibly come up with as an alternative.

Or, if you're looking for a wrestler to finally end that streak, go with motherfucking Jack Swagger. Fucking hell yeah. Have Swagger build and build on Raw, then start a cross-promotional feud with Taker. Swagger was born to steal the Undertaker's streak. Fuck yeah.
EDIT: Also, the Taker vs Cena feud would be big. But the crowd would boo Cena out of the building during the match. And the crowd might get pretty pissed if Cena goes over Taker. Especially if it's at Wrestlemania.


You start the feud by building up a face vs. face wrestlemania match Cena vs. Undertaker. Then at WrestleMania Cena gets boo'd out of the fucking building and everyone and their mother is behind the Undertaker. Then John Cena gives the figurative finger to everyone and all their mothers, and superman beats the Undertaker, 1 2 3 in the middle of the ring at wrestlemania. People flip their shit and throw garbage at Cena, wrestlemania closes.

Next night, Cena comes out and says he's finally sick of the fans treating him like shit. He says that all hes ever done is work his ass off for the company and the fans still disrespect him. They even had the balls to ruin the greatest moment of his career by throwing garbage at him on the grandest stage of all. He says hes tired of acting like the disrespect of the fans doesn't bother him and he's tired of trying to please a public that doesn't want to accept him as a wrestler. Cena can then go on to draw even more heat by saying that he works harder then the undertaker and has contributed more to the wwe than the undertaker has. At this point we hear the "dong" and out comes the phenom...
I could see him in a feud with Jericho also...especially with all the legend crap Jericho has done. maybe they can work out a way to where Jericho and edge face the B.O.D. for the titles during the feud.

Undertaker could also face Legacy...Orton has never liked him and Taker is the only legend he has never beaten, plus Taker has had many matches against their fathers which would make an interesting feud.

Who says two superstars have to be heels for a good feud? HBK and Taker arent heels, and that match at Mania was the greatest ever. Cena vs Taker has been beaten to death enough in the past.

CM Punk could be the only other good choice because of one thing...GOLD. Punk has pretty much turned to heel anyway if you want to base a feud off that, and Taker shut up Cena, what's gonna stop him from doing the same to Punk.

If Undertaker ever decides to retire, it should be against a marquee name in a marquee match (like hell in the cell). Taker has always been on top, and he should retire that way
undeertaker/jericho. and maybe taker/punk

but the one i want to see is taker/cena. i dont know why your all saying the only way for this to work is for cena to go heel.they didnt turn batista heel when they fueded.or even after there fued.two top faces going at it,it worked fine.i can imagine the atmosphere being similar to there match.with a majority of fans siding with taker.and the new kiddy fans siding with cena.i think it would a a battle of new school vs old school.

say they have a conflict in the royal rumble.cena eliminates taker.taker gets pissed and then eliminates cena from the rumble.they fued all the way to wrestlemania.taker goes on about how cena stepped into his business and cost him a shot at mania and how cena dug his own grave and needs vengence on cena for wat he did.cena,while trying to defend his side of the story.maybe says he did what he had to do to get a main event spot a wm.and that taker got in his way.and he does his whole i never back down from a fight thing.it would be epic.and maybe cena could grab the title at some point between RR and WM.and it could be the champ vs the streak.though i dont think cena should end his streak.that should be something taker takes with him after he leaves the business.be a slice of his own legacy.
I'm still a bit shocked that Undertaker and Chris Jericho has never really had a real fued. So, of course, I would LOVE to see it. I like what TheNextVinceRusso said about how Jericho would criticize the fans for cheering a demonic creature like The Undertaker, but boo an honest, truthful man like himself. This fued would be phenomenal and I would love to see it happen before Undertaker retires, which hopefully is atleast 2 or 3 years from now, at the least.

Another fued I would love to see Undertaker involved in would be the World Heavyweight Championship scene. He's a 6-time World Champion, but only had one really dominant reign, and even then, he lost his title due to a screwjob. Now that Vickie is out of Smackdown and WWE, maybe Undertaker can finally hold the World Title for an extended amount of time. I see that a lot of you would like to see Undertaker vs. Punk for the title, but I'm just saying that I want to see Undertaker in the title scene and winning it.

Another fued I think could work is a fued with Undertaker against The Hart Dynasty. The Hart Dynasty want to make a name for themselves and a fued with Undertaker would be a perfect way to go. I'm not sure what their motivation would be, but I would like to see it. It would start off as a handicap fued and then Kane can get in and help out his brother (hopefully not turning on him later).
Undertaker has had many good matches and feuds, but there are some wrestlers that would even have what some would say an amazing feud. Here are the wrestlers I think Undertaker should feud with and why.

Feud 1: Undertaker vs Ted DiBiase
The story is that Ted is tired of hearing how good Undertaker is and how he is the best wrestler period of all time and that really pisses off Ted so much to lead him to challenge The Undertaker to a match at WrestleMania, but as it looks like The Undertaker is about to win, Ted DiBiase comes and interferes in the match and trys to hit The Undertaker, but instead hits his son and then gets booted in the face and Ted gets tombstoned piledrivered right into the mat.

Feud 2: Undertaker vs Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho goes on a rampage about how there is no one else in the WWE for him to beat and that he is the greatest wrestler on SmackDown before, now, and future. This leads to a series of gongs going off and the lights go off and when they come on Chris Jericho has a note saying "he's coming" and then Chris Jericho is left in the ring confused. The next week, Chris Jericho is in the ring again and he keeps asking on who wrote this note and then on the titantron it shows all of Undertakers achievements and then Undertaker turns the lights off again and when they come back on Chris Jericho is laying on the ground with Undertaker appearing above him. This leads to a match at SummerSlam in which Undertaker loses to Chris Jericho, then at the next pay-per-view Breaking Point, Undertaker beats Jericho, but Chris Jericho wants to end it all with Undertaker and so he challenges him to a Hell in a Cell Match at No Mercy which Chris Jericho loses.

Feud 3: Undertaker vs CM Punk
CM Punk just got done defeating Jeff Hardy to retain his World Heavyweight Championship and after that match The Undertaker comes out and chokeslams CM Punk and raises the title up high declaring that he is next in line for a title shot and so they have some matches here and there leading to a match at Royal Rumble in which The Undertaker wins by DQ and then that sets up a match between them at No Way Out in a Falls Count Anywhere Match and Undertaker loses to CM Punk with some help from Mike Knox and Dolph Ziggler.

Feud 4: Undertaker vs John Morrison
This feud would be a tough one because John Morrison is a good face and to turn him heel would be stupid, but if they were going to do this I think they should have a match at Judgment Day in which The Undertaker wins. This feud would be a short one, but the reason for this match is because John Morrison demands better competition.

Feud 5: Undertaker vs Mike Knox
This could be some sort of feud that was the same way they did for when The Undertaker feuded with Kane.

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