Taker's plans when he returns


Dark Match Jobber
So undertaker should be back in the ring in the next couple of months. If Jeff Hardy does leave the WWE, then I'm guessing John Morrison will chase the title for a little bit, but that leaves a gap for a major babyface in the title picture, as Morrison is still progressing. Do you think Undertaker will feud with CM Punk or another heel for the WHC when he returns, or have a personal rivalry with someone like Jericho or Ziggler?
I'd save the Y2J feud until Wrestlemania, if they aren't going to go the Cena way (Please no). That has money written all over it. Ziggler has done a good job getting over, and should get the rub from Taker for his return feud IMO. Even though that name is a joke, and it's hard to take him seriously because of it. He's got potential, and Taker will help elevate the young guys.
I would leave the jericho v taker match til when taker decides to retire because y2j has shown he can deliver, such as in the HBK story and he could give taker a send out in a great storyline that the man truly deserves. I think for this return though maybe have a classic Kane and taker storylines, or they could once again team the two of them up and have them go up against the Davey boy jnr and his partner and hopefully get them over as they seem to be struggling the audience right now.
Well first and foremost, I read that Taker and Michelle McCool were spotted at an MMA event getting into a car. Taker was sporting much shorter hair. I think that signals the return of the ABA.

As for his plans, I agree with the whole Taker/Jericho thing, but I dont think it will happen at Wrestlemania because of the Edge/Jericho feud we are expecting when Edge returns. I see him going up against someone like CM Punk at Wrestlemania for the title and kepping his streak alive. When he gets back however, I do think a Jericho/Taker feud is immanent.
Taker/Punk, Taker/Jericho, Taker/Ziggler, Taker/Knox, Taker/Matt.

They're our options for Taker on Smackdown assuming nobody switches from heel/face, face/heel.

Obviously the way WrestleMania is, it seems like the heel champion for Smackdown will be either Jericho or Punk, and Taker will most likely feud with the other one. Taker/Jericho is a much bigger match for Mania, but Edge/Jericho is a much bigger main event than Edge/Punk or Morrison/Punk. Personally, when it comes to WrestleMania, I think it would be better to have Edge/Jericho if they can, and if not, Morrison/Jericho, and put Punk/Taker down. Jericho and Undertaker is a huge match, but I think it might be better served for Survivor Series, seeing as how Undertaker doesn't fair too well being a part of a team, and they've already got more than enough other people to fill in those roles (Mysterio, Finlay, Morrison, R-Truth, MVP, HBK, Kofi, Bourne, Christian).

Taker/Ziggler over the Intercontinental title would elevate the championship a HELL of a lot. When's the last time you saw the Undertaker feuding over the INTERCONTINENTAL title? I'd love to see it.

Taker/Knox is a throwaway feud. The standard "two big men; Knox gets his ass kicked" situation.

Taker/Kane...I think they should stay away from that, seeing as it most likely will be Undertaker's retirement match. Don't do it until that happens.

Taker/Matt could work as an upper midcard type of feud. Naturally, it depends on when the two of them return. This would be the better match to start off with, I think, as Ziggler can beat the crap out of Finlay and get a much needed boost in the meantime, which would allow us to believe that he could have a legitimate feud with the Undertaker, instead of going directly from the smallest guy (Mysterio) to one of the biggest guys (Taker).

So yeah, I say, when Taker returns, if Matt's healthy enough, start off with those two. If not, feed Mike Knox to the Undertaker until Matt's healthy. Then you go to Ziggler. Then around Survivor Series, Taker/Jericho for the title. Around the Royal Rumble, you have Taker/Knox if you haven't done that already. Then you start Taker/Punk for WrestleMania. After that, its draft time.
The Taker/Jericho feud I think would be great, Jericho is only one of two big names Taker really hasn't feuded with, the other one being John Cena. Given Jericho's hatred of WWE legends and him being a "savior" of people, a feud with Taker could pretty much write itself. I don't think that particular feud will happen at WM, maybe sooner. The whole thing that the WWE has done, successfully with the exception of Mark Henry, is put Taker against guys at Mania that really look as though they're going to end the streak. When I see Jericho, I just don't get that "Oh man, he could really end the streak". Particularly not after seeing him job clean to Rey Mysterio. The only guy that's left in the WWE that is really the last big threat to the streak would be John Cena.

I wouldn't mind a feud with Taker/Ziggler if Ziggler picks up the IC championship. I definitely agree that Taker feuding with Ziggler over the title, or even winning the title itself, would really go a long way towards restoring the prestige of the strap. The only match I can recall Taker having for the IC title was against Jeff Jarrett back in his Double J days. Taker had the title won but the Road Dogg interfered and got JJ DQ'd.

Truth is, I wouldn't mind seeing Taker feud with younger guys like Punk or Ziggler. Wouldn't even mind if it was Jeff Hardy really. There are some good feuds that could be waiting for Taker and some that have a lot of potential.
You all will probably bash me for this, but this is how I would like to see it go down. They should go out, and take Lance Hoyt from FCW. Debut him in the WWE, but as a druid with some kind of medallion around his neck on the outside of his black robe. Meaning no one would know who is under the robe. Have some kind of production with music, and intense storytelling like they always do for Taker's soon to be return, but in the end of that clip a druid(later to be revealed) summoning a dark spirit. That dark spirit would be the Undertaker. Meaning he comes back as a heel. Darker than before, and more demon like. Lance Hoyt could be his only disciple, but that wouldn't be known for weeks. Wreaking hell on everyone in the WWE, except one man.....Kane.
I say he grows his goatee out again, like he had in the Ministry, change his theme music to thriller, and have the druids dance to his theme song as they come out. But Seriously, I would love to see him return and turn heel, and win back the World Title from CM Punk and have a lenghty reign as the champ.
Well. Taker needs to bide his time until he can start up a Mania feud with either Swagger, Cena, Jericho, or Punk. The Swagger and Cena feuds would inter-promotional, and the feuds will, obviously, be a factor of the face/heel status of the Undertaker.

So, that leaves who he feuds with. If Hardy leaves, then Punk will most likely stay face. So Taker won't be feuding for the title right off the bat. If Hardy stays, and Punk turns, then the Taker/Punk feud is wide open. Especially if Taker ultimately loses the feud, giving Punk a massive boost to his reign.

So. If Taker doesn't feud with Punk, then who is he feuding with? A Ziggler feud to just bide the time would work. A few months of back and forth and whatnot. A Matt/Taker feud would serve exactly the same purpose. As would Knox/Taker. Basically, what I'm saying is let the man feud with the younger guys for a bit.

If he comes back heel, which I am sincerely against, he'd feud with the likes of a face Punk, Morrison, Mysterio, the other faces you could scrounge up. Though I can't really think of any others, to be fair.
I'm assuming 'Taker won't win anymore world titles in his career unless he goes on another 4+ or so which I doubt. Plus 'Taker has always been better in grudge feuds rather than title feuds. I'd have 'Taker occupy Jericho until Edge returns. And I think 'Taker should give a boost to Ziggler and Morrison by giving them atleast a fluky roll over win. It's a fluke but anytime you beat 'Taker fluke or not you have to be talented! When was the last time you saw anyone beat 'Taker by a flukey roll up? And no Koslov's power slam didn't count. It had enough effect to keep 'Taker down.
I think that since this could possibly be taker's last year. he should have a run with the WHC. BUT a good run, whens the last time u saw taker with a good run as champ? his last 3 title runs IMO have been short and easily forgotten. I look forward to all the possible feuds. u have jericho, ziggler. punk, maybe even kane. And a taker title run could help ratings. But im sure wwe will find a way for hhh to have all the titles on every show so his number could reach 10000
I hope we see a long standing feud between Taker and Jericho. While they build up for that feud/match maybe at WM26 or Summerslam 2010, Taker can work on feuds with CM Punk, Morrison, Ziggler, and all the other up and comers on Smackdown.

Taker has always been used as a stepping stone to help establish younger guys. He's feuded with Edge, Orton, Hardy, and Cena. All three of which have carried the company for the past 3-5 years after finishing their starting feud with Taker. I believe Taker to be a building block for any up and coming star, and the more people he can help get over before retiring the better.

He's a Legend.

I hope to see Swagger, DiBiase Jr. Morrison, Punk, Ziggler, and the Miz get to feud with Taker to get them over and make them Main Even Stars.
PLEASE for the love of all that is good, let it be a WHC feud with CM Punk. Please. I belive things can be fantastic between them, matches, promos, all of it. Allow Taker to eventually go over, and then start a feud with Jericho, to culminate at WM, Taker defending the title (or trying to take it back, from a Jericho who beat him already? yes, that. Better) and defending the streak. It could have a better build than HBK-Taker, and would be a truly epic match up.

If ONLY the WWE could get those two things right. If only.
PLEASE for the love of all that is good, let it be a WHC feud with CM Punk. Please. I belive things can be fantastic between them, matches, promos, all of it. Allow Taker to eventually go over, and then start a feud with Jericho, to culminate at WM, Taker defending the title (or trying to take it back, from a Jericho who beat him already? yes, that. Better) and defending the streak. It could have a better build than HBK-Taker, and would be a truly epic match up.

If ONLY the WWE could get those two things right. If only.

The only problem here is that Taker could be better utilised (thats is, if he is retiring sooner rather than later) to feud with someone with Ziggler or another mid card heel (I am reluctant to say Matt Hardy) than Punk.

His feud with Jericho that would culminate at Mania would be strong enough without the title. Although sure, he could have a small few month program with Punk. But I'm sure Punk is game enough to say being a demon isnt "Straight Edge" and that Punk has never been suspended for setting caskets afire or burying people alive.
The only problem here is that Taker could be better utilised (thats is, if he is retiring sooner rather than later) to feud with someone with Ziggler or another mid card heel (I am reluctant to say Matt Hardy) than Punk.

His feud with Jericho that would culminate at Mania would be strong enough without the title. Although sure, he could have a small few month program with Punk. But I'm sure Punk is game enough to say being a demon isnt "Straight Edge" and that Punk has never been suspended for setting caskets afire or burying people alive.

I only say it becuase they have no one else. Who does Punk have next in line for a legit WHC feud? morrison? Like fuck he does. Taker should fill that role when he returns. I like the Ziggler idea, and possibly they could have a small feud with Taker going over. Lets not forget, a guy doesnt necessarily need to WIN to get a rub.

Punk could get over better, as could Ziggler, then culminate with the Jericho showdown. I only ask for the Punk feud because SD is all but out of ME options to face Punk
I think a Taker/Ziggler feud may be in order. It would really help put Ziggler over as a upper midcard and possible main eventer even if Taker beats him most of the time. I think Taker should face someone like Cena or Swagger at Wrestlemania, so he should steer clear of those guys. I think another possibility, even though it may be an outside chance, is that Taker is Jericho's partner. It would give us a great tag team and set up an eventual feud with Jericho. It's not very likely, but you never know.
I think the way I see it, is that the best way you're going to get Punk at his best in his heel run after Hardy and Summerslam? Put him in a feud with the Undertaker. With the No Mercy PPV now rebranded Hell in a Cell. Who better to solidify Punk's reign in than going toe to toe with the Deadman in the Cell?

The reason I back having Taker facing Punk is because you need a good reason for someone like Morrison to be pushed and I think he's a month or two short of being ready. I think he'll feature in the World Title Match at Summerslam no doubt, but Taker should be next facing Punk really, not to win it, but to put Punk over.

I think he can face some of the others and then start a feud with Jericho at the beginning of the year going into Wrestlemania and go on from there. But key is Punk for Hell in a Cell and Jericho for Wrestlemania, those two are givens!
ok this is my first thread this is simple what are they going to do with the undertaker when he returns at summerslam is he going to have a match or do one of his things that he does. what do you think:banghead:
I would love to see a Matt Hardy/Undertaker feud. I mean think about it, the WWE has been trying to get Matt into the main event scene, what better way to do it then by putting him into a feud with the Undertaker. How they would do it? I have no clue but I think that a feud like this could really elevate Matt and push him into the main event scene where he deserves to be.
now i dont know if someone has made this thread already but im gonna make it anyway

ok so undertaker returns soon at summerslam if im wrong tell me anyway what fued would u like to see undertaker in ...... i would like to
y2j vs undertaker
jeff hardy vs taker
cm punk vs taker
taker vs dohlp ziggler sorry i spelled that wrong but u know who i mean

thoughts ?
Jericho is currently in a tag team picture with Big Show and are Undisputed Tag Team Champs in case you forgot, and last night on Smackdown it looks like its going to be Jericho and Big Show vs Cryme Tyme for the tag titles. That pretty much dispells Jericho out of the mix.

Jeff Hardy is currently in a heated and very good feud with CM Punk. I imagine that the feud will continue to SummerSlam, and it just wouldn't make sense to put the Taker into such a feud, so I wouldn't count on that either. So Hardy and Punk aren't likely to feud with him.

As for Dolph Ziggler, I'm not quite sure if he is ready to take on the Deadman. If they did feud, it would be similar to the Taker vs Benjamin feud before the Royal Rumble. Aside from a couple solid matches, the feud was really dry and didn't do much for either of them. In regards to your list, I can't really see any of them against the Taker in the near future.
Don't bank so much on Ziggler, man.

I'd prefer it if John Morrison were to enter a feud with the Undertaker. It seems pretty plausible. The Issue with the other guys, is their size compared to the Undertaker. Recent feuds such as Batista vs Undertaker were pretty unique being that both wrestlers' size, strength, & ability were most menacing and made that feud more memorable than Taker's other feuds nowadays.

I just don't see any potential with a feud like Ziggler-Taker or Punk-Taker. Morrison is freakishly athletic and seems more like the guy that can enter a feud with the Undertaker & make it look good. The other wrestlers would probably go through the common 'I'm not afraid of the Undertaker' angle. I see something different with Morrison.

Though, if the feud doesn't happen between now and Survivor Series, a Morrison-Taker feud will most likely never occur until after WrestleMania.
I think its gonna be kane or if pushed right over the next couple of weeks Knox. Kane needs to go over Khali and start going even more crazy after that to the point where taker feels he needs to slow his brother down before he causes real harm yada yada yada. Knox is really good in the ring but isnt given any real opportunities outside of the elimination chamber where edge stole back the title. Really though if you look at that they had him qualify for it at a house show so thats a bit of a joke anyway. The only other option i see is Michaels comes back before taker and challenges him to a rematch but we're running out of time for that
Taker already took on Hardy along time ago I would love to see a Taker/ Punk fude for the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Title and for Dolf Ziggler that would be a sqash match undertaker would win in 4 mins and as for Y2J that could be a good match.
Just because the Undertaker is returning at Summer Slam doesn't necessarily mean he has to have a match at Summer Slam. I think a Jericho/Big Show vs Undertaker/Kane feud is a distinct possibility. Kane's whole thing with Khali is lame, and this matchup would bring some excitement to the tag team division on SmackDown. The way I see it, Jericho and Big Show are going to crush Cryme Tyme at Summer Slam, which would probably be followed by Jericho talking some shit and then Big Show trying to talk some shit, but mostly just coming across as mildly ******ed until Undertaker comes out and clears the ring. The following SmackDown would see Undertaker vs Big Show, with Jericho getting involved, Kane making the save, and now our feud has begun. Easy face turn for Kane, and Undertaker can ease his way back into ring action, since he's already said he's not going to be ready to fully return for Summer Slam.

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