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Survivor Series on the chopping block again


So a year on and the talk begins about ceasing the Survivor Series PPV again and the reasoning behind it lays with the fact very few people are interested in the survivor series team matches?

Ironic when the last time they were featured nicely was four years ago in 2006, that was the last year I honestly thought the Survivor Series concept was used correctly (Rated RKO vs Team DX, everyone in that match was feuding with someone and it gelled well same with the Legends/Spirit Squad and the Team Cena & Team Big Show matches) so my question is with all these gimmick PPV’s why does WWE feel the need to cease one of the traditional shows?

Survivor Series is one of them PPV’s I enjoy most along with the Mania & Summer Slam shows, so for WWE to cut it I feel a bit disheartened as to the reasons given considering CREATIVE have given up on the team verses team concept and Vince feels it’s the fans that doesn’t want to see it used any more.

Would it not be beneficial for WWE to use the Survivor Series concept matches one last year (this year) have maybe 3 of them and make them intriguing like they did in 2006 and see if the buy rates improve or not?
There's no point since they have Bragging Rights now which is very similar. The Survivor Series I believe has to be cut since they are not going to do away with Bragging rights which as I said is very similar.
Survivor Series is an outdated concept now that Bragging Rights has become a PPV centered around and tag team elimination match. 2010 was full of elimination style tag matches and I felt going into Survivor Series, that the PPV being right after Bragging Rights is overkill. People may not like that the PPV is being replaced, but the company needs to evolve and make changes to stay relevant. As much as it pains me to say, Survivor Series IS NOT relevant anymore. I've said this on a previous thread and I'll say it again: WWE should replace Survivor Series with Starrcade. The PPV was originally held in November and would be a great nostalgic, "Old School" PPV of sorts. They could bring back old fans with paying tribute to the legends of the business, give pay days for special appearances. WWE is on a youth movement of sorts, but paying tribute to where the sports entertainment industry has been in the form of an entire PPV dedicated to it I believe would be a great way to get PPV buys and educate the younger fans on the history of the industry.
I do agree with the youth movement last year was a big eye opener for it with four main eventers retiring and taken extended time off and basically throwing the WWE into a spin, I'm an advocate for the youth movement.

However with 13 pay per views I believe the Survivor Series has a place in the mix and maybe a name change sure but the elimination tag matches (4Vs4 or 5 Vs 5) has a place in the current product.

Take a look back at history of the Survivor Series most of the elimination matches had guys thrown together against a team of guys they were feuding with on tv and ppv's and this ppv was used to prolong the feud and an extra match.

I'm an old school fan and love the elimination concept but I do agree having Bragging Rights the ppv before Survivor Series does overkill maybe combine each show take the Bragging Rights name and have two or three Survivor Series 5/5 or 4/4 matches on the card.
Survivor Series is a huuge PPV and while u can get rid of the concept, I wouldn't want to get rid of the PPV period. Maybe bring in a new gimick or two like a new type of cage match. Braggin Rights is nowhere near the same league as Summerslam, Survivor Series, Royal Rumble or Mania. Every other PPV is not well attracted as the ones they had around for a while. Moneywise, I think Survivor Series would still sell more than Braggin Rights. It would be a wrong turn if they got rid of a PPV that's been around for years...
I don't feel that they should get rid of it altogether, but maybe the concept has grown stale a little. Perhaps they could tweak it a little. Remember the seemingly epic War Game matches the WCW would put on. The 4 Horsemen vs The NwO in particular, those were pretty entertaining to watch. WWE could do a similar match between the Corre and Nexus. (Assuming C.M. Punk doesn't seriously contend for the title.) They would have plenty of time to build up a storyline and a feud and the end all would be a Survivor Series type match where the losing group would have to disband.

Of course this match would hopefully not make use of two rings, that was a bit much.

ALSO, for those who didn't get to watch the War Games match, here's a link for it.

i agree if they really are tired of the elimination tag format or just unable to come up with a proper storyline to make it work they should do something different but not take out the event. As far as i'm concerned the main ppvs are Wrestlemania, Summerslam, Royal Rumble, and Survivor Series! All the rest may as well still keep the In Your House ahead of the name. I wouldn't mind seeing War Games brought into the mix for SS... you have to keep the name though and updating it to WarGames for the main event would be awesome... one match, once a year and keep it that way, don't overdo it like EC or especially Hell in a Cell.
I love Survivor Series, but having Bragging Rights so close to it kills it. I really like the concept, and it has resulted in some great, unique matches in the past. But they have not used it well in some time...sometimes they have not even bothered with the 'classic' Survivor Series matches, and other times they tack one on as an afterthought. I would hate to see it go, because I think if they put some effort into it, they could do some fun things. On the other hand, you can be pretty much assured that they have no intention on putting any effort into it...so I guess maybe it's time to put it on the shelf, at least for a while. Maybe bring it back in a few years, after someone able to book it well comes along.
I do not want to see it go. I love the Survivor Series pay per view. I also like Bragging Rights as a ppv as well but I am not sure if they should have the Raw vs SD match at Bragging Rights because that takes away from Survivor Series. If they thought about it, they could have matches at Bragging Rights, leading into Survivor Series. Maybe have 7 Raw vs Smackdown single matches and even one two on two regular tag match. The chamnpions can even face off. Whoever wins the most matches, can win the Bragging Rights trophie, then at Survivor Series, maybe a SD vs Raw match but they don't have to do that every year. I just think at Bragging Rights it should be 7 matches and see who wins the most. The champion vs Champion match would be non-title but they could feud until the pay per view. Say if Cena, is the champ on Raw and Edge is the champion on Smackdown, then that would get more pay per view buys if they feud and face off at Bragging Rights because they always have good matches. Sorry to get off topic and talk about Bragging Rights, but I just think Survivor Series needs to stay and they should drop the Bragging RIghts 7 on 7 match. All the Survivor Series matches need to make sense though like the Rated RKo vs DX one in 06.
The Survivor Series should go back to the original format and have actual Survivor Series matches. I’d go with 4-on-4 instead of 5-on-5.

NXT’s Faces vs. NXT’s Heels
Superstars Faces vs. Superstars Heels
Smackdown’s Face Divas vs. Smackdown’s Heel Divas
Raw’s Face Divas vs. Raw’s Heel Divas
Smackdown’s Faces vs. Smackdown’s Heels
Raw’s Faces vs. Raw’s Heels

I think 6 4-on-4 Elimination matches is enough to fill a card. No need for any Title matches. How exactly is this not as marketable as it once was?? I think, because they changed the format to a standard WWE PPV.
What I would love to see is Bragging Rights mixed in with Survivor Series.

They should do the regular 4 on 4 or 5 on 5 matches and then all the survivors from said matches get put into a Raw vs. Smackdown match for "Bragging Rights." And since everyone complains that there's no real "prize" make it so whatever show wins gets the final spot in The Royal Rumble.
I notice that a number of people feel that they shouldn't get rid of the PPV but should get rid of the Survivor Series matches themselves. Er, I assume that if they do get rid of Survivor Series, they would replace it with another PPV (i.e. pretty much just rename the PPV).

As for the importance of the matches themselves, back in 1992, the only elimination match was a 4-on-4 tag-team elimination match (i.e. it was two tag teams against two other tag teams, and when someone was eliminated, his tag team partner was eliminated as well, so it was best 2 out of 3 falls).

-- Don
I thought last years Survivor Series was great. It attracted 435,000 PPV buys which was a hell of alot better than 09's buyrate. At least there was only 1 survivor series elimination tag match rather or 2-3 like usual, because of bragging rights. but survivor series is one of the "big traditional" ppvs. i agree with bigbootydaddyV about a modified war games or a new unique "survivor series only" gimmick match to freshen things up.
I thought last years Survivor Series was great. It attracted 435,000 PPV buys which was a hell of alot better than 09's buyrate. At least there was only 1 survivor series elimination tag match rather or 2-3 like usual, because of bragging rights. but survivor series is one of the "big traditional" ppvs. i agree with bigbootydaddyV about a modified war games or a new unique "survivor series only" gimmick match to freshen things up.

It's not about the matches needing to be fresh/modified it's about creative looking at who's available and putting together 8-10 guys that will get fans thinking wow must see match.

Look at some of the Survivor Series teams their has been, the best one in recent memory was Team Miz from 2009, Miz, Mcintyre, Sheamus, Swagger & Ziggler.

The problem is WWE creative & match makers not being able to pair quality teams up against each other that looks good on paper. I've got no knowledage of being booker however as a fan I know I could write down two 8 or 10 man elimination matches that look quality on paper and coinside with current feuds, if a fan can do this WWE sure as hell should be able too.
What I would love to see is Bragging Rights mixed in with Survivor Series.

They should do the regular 4 on 4 or 5 on 5 matches and then all the survivors from said matches get put into a Raw vs. Smackdown match for "Bragging Rights." And since everyone complains that there's no real "prize" make it so whatever show wins gets the final spot in The Royal Rumble.

I like this idea, as well as the WarGames idea. I'm thinking the above quote idea for Survivor Series and use the WarGames concept at another PPV, maybe incorporate it into SummerSlam.

That being said, I used to always look forward to Survivor Series. I loved the idea of seeing guys that you normally wouldn't see in the same stories working together on a team. I remember back when they had Don Muraco and Ken Patera on the same team together (with Hogan, Orndorff, and Bigelow) and it was awesome because Muraco and Patera were two of my favorites back in the day. You also had Jake the Snake, Steamboat, Beefcake, and Duggan teamed up with Macho Man which was a great showcase of talents all on the same side. It was just fun and refreshing.

I do think there is an oversaturation of ppvs. If they combined a couple, or maybe combined one or two and ditched one or two I think it could only help. Sometimes simpler is just better. There could be much better builds and probably better stories when given the time to heighten or elevate anticipation. Sure, there's the profit (greed) aspect of it but I think when you let things get watered down too much it actually hurts it in the long run. They don't need to get rid of the Survivor Series, they just need to take time, put forth a little more effort, and just write compelling stories that lead up to the team concept.
The Survivor Series should go back to the original format and have actual Survivor Series matches. I’d go with 4-on-4 instead of 5-on-5.

NXT’s Faces vs. NXT’s Heels
Superstars Faces vs. Superstars Heels
Smackdown’s Face Divas vs. Smackdown’s Heel Divas
Raw’s Face Divas vs. Raw’s Heel Divas
Smackdown’s Faces vs. Smackdown’s Heels
Raw’s Faces vs. Raw’s Heels

I think 6 4-on-4 Elimination matches is enough to fill a card. No need for any Title matches. How exactly is this not as marketable as it once was?? I think, because they changed the format to a standard WWE PPV.

Couldn't agree more

Bragging Rights plain sucks.... Survivor Series is one of the big 4 that brought WWF to the dance, It should remain forever, or what happens next, SummerSlam and WrestleMania scrapped because they are not themed PPV's?

Survivor Series is a theme, they've just chosen to make everyone out for themselves and noone teams up for very long.

Scrap Bragging Rights instead.
Elimination tag matches are my favorite stip match and have been throughout the entirety of my wrestling fandom. There are a lot of possibilities for what could happen, and feuds can be furthered, or created by people on either side. Survivor Series '93 was, if you remember, the PPV that kicked off the Bret vs. Owen feud, which has gone down as one of the best in the '90s. I think that the problem is that it takes place right after Bragging Rights, the centerpiece of which is an elimination tag match. Couple that with the 7-on-7 main event elimination tag at Summer Slam, and one can easily make the case that the concept was overdone within that time frame. This is, of course, in addition to the EC PPV in February, which still features elimination matches, albeit that the stip is quite different.

If they think that fans are wary of the elimination tag matches at Survivor Series, don't scrap the PPV (one of the original "big four", no less) if the issue is that they're bored with the stip after paying $90 for the same type of matches in the past two months (not to mention "teaser" matches on TV). If you consider that we have NOC in September, HIAC and BR in October, then Survivor Series in November, that's a short span of time for a lot of people to be shelling out $45 for each PPV. It's quite possible that buy rates might be low because people need a break from PPV splurging. Let's face it: PPVs are not cheap, and a lot of people find it hard to justify buying 'Mania every year, never mind four PPVs in a span of eight to ten weeks. The recent economic woes in the US only add to this issue.

The brand extension is pretty meaningless these days, and Bragging Rights pretty much means fuck all. I say that the compromise is to have Survivor Series consist of standard title defenses and two elimination tag matches, one or both of which could be Smackdown vs. Raw (alternatively, if they must, make that the only elimination tag match of the night). Meanwhile, refrain from making those matches a big attraction at other PPVs. Obviously Vince likes making money and PPV buys are a way to do that, but I'd consider scrapping the two PPVs in one month idea and doing away with BR altogether. That it was arguably the worst PPV of last year (minus Bryan vs. Ziggler, obviously), doesn't help.
How about if WWE were too keep the name Survivor Series and alternate the event between King of the Ring tournament one year, Elimination chamber match the next, and have 1 tag team elimination match on every show, but keep the name of the show.
The way they are currently, having Survivor Series and Bragging Right back to back is a bit of overkill. I like the Bragging Rights idea, and Survivor Series has been one of the staples of the WWE for as long as I can recall so I don't wanna see it go either. Perhaps they could keep the PPV name, but change the concept just a little bit? For instance, they could keep up with the "survivor" aspect of the name and have an elimination cage match or something? Have like 3v3 cage match where the winning team is the first to have all 3 of its members escape the cage? Then you get the added strategy question of is it better to escape quickly and leave your teammate in the cage down 3-2, or maybe throw one of your opponents through the door/let him escape easily so you have 3-2 advantage, etc?
Survivor Series is an outdated concept now that Bragging Rights has become a PPV centered around and tag team elimination match. 2010 was full of elimination style tag matches and I felt going into Survivor Series, that the PPV being right after Bragging Rights is overkill.

Frankly, I fell that the WWE should have integrated Bragging Rights into Survivor Series. Give the winning team spots in the Rumble, have their brand main-event with their championship match @ Wrestlemania, etc...

Done right, Survivor Series could have gotten a major shot in the arm to keep it going.
Man, nearly every year I feel like we go through this discussion. Along with the Royal Rumble, the Survivor Series is my favorite pay per view from back in the day. But anymore the event is so watered down it doesn't have the same luster as it once did. If they would just combine both rosters for just this one event, like they do with the Royal Rumble, they could have some of the great elimination matches and add an entirely new element to the rosters overall.

They don't even have to have simply RAW v. Smackdown matches. They could also utilize faces from Smackdown/RAW v. Heels from Smackdown/RAW.

The Survivor Series used to be such a good stepping stone to the Rumble back in the day and was a great way to heighten and create new story lines. New feuds always began, and a lot of them culminated at the Survivor Series. Think of it this way, The Survivor Series could even be a good stepping stone for the semi-annual roster draft.

Say for example, Randy Orton was in an elimination tag match with someone from Smackdown, say, Dolph Ziggler.. These two could go at it during the match, maybe have a couple run-ins later down the line, and then when Ziggler is ready to come to RAW, he gets drafted, and as soon as he debuts. BAM! Orton attacks Ziggler, and we've got a new program.

It was just so simply awesome, and I think the WWE and a lot of fans have lost sight of that.
I think the only reason that we had Survivor Series last year was because of Nexus. If you might remember Vince actually said that Survivor Series was going to be taken off the calender but later on (this is when i think they came up with the idea of Nexus) they decided to continue with the concept.

At the time of NXT episode 1, one guy must have come up with the idea of Nexus, regarding what to do with the group after the show ends. That was basically the biggest storyline of the year and a PPV like Survivor Series could fit better than anything.

I think the reason that we have Bragging Rights, which is very similar to Survivor Series, is to replace it. Let's face it, we don't even see 2 wrestlers forming a legit tag team nowadays, let alone coming up with 7-8 different group of wrestlers.
If they axed Survivor Series they should bring back the 'King of the Ring' as a PPV to replace it. I think fans are interested in seeing tournaments and Sheamus was crowned Nov/Dec last year which is pretty close to the Survivor Series date. Be sad to see SS go but good to bring back a classic event that should of never left the PPV calender.
If they axed Survivor Series they should bring back the 'King of the Ring' as a PPV to replace it. I think fans are interested in seeing tournaments and Sheamus was crowned Nov/Dec last year which is pretty close to the Survivor Series date. Be sad to see SS go but good to bring back a classic event that should of never left the PPV calender.


I concur, or keep the Survivor Series name, and alternating the event between elimination matches one year and King of the Ring tournament the following year.

Problem is would people want to shell out whatever on a PPV when they've had the concept used on RAW in 2008, 2010 and used on Smackdown/Judgment day 2006 PPV?

Unless it's used to wet your apperite for the up coming PPV then having a concept used on a free tv show on PPV.

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