Survivor Series Elimination Game, Round 1, Match 5

Whatever happened to the good old days when young men used to *********e to lesbian bondage films with a rope tied tightly around their neck?
Frayed extension cords plugged in near kiddie pools are more fun than rope. More power = more kink.
I'm OK with this.

And when the kid didn't deliver his lines well, GD tortured him with a soldering iron. And he still sucked.

But....but.....but..... he was gone for a while!

So when MRC, and he was never as beloved by the millions (and millions) as NSL was.

And Coco, I keep a car battery with jumper cables in my bedroom for that very reason. Sometimes I like to use my foot bath massager during.
I'd love to trap the chipmunks in the foot bath and let the chips (...) fall where they may. See if one of them finds a way to <foot bath equivalent of Christopher Walken butter speech from Catch Me If You Can>
Damn, I'm all riled up now. Maybe I passed judgement on bestiality too quickly.

You should still vote for NSL.
Your begging is very Milenko-esque. I think we all know how that'll play with the voters.
I like to think of my begging as being a way entirely of my own. Milenko is an amateur, like the old one legged homeless guys who jiggle around a cup of change. I'm a pro, like the guys in Times Square that ask you if you want a free CD and then when you go to shake your hand they grab you and won't let you go until you donate a few bucks to them.
7 Coco the Monkey
6 GD
5 Mantaur Rodeo Clown
5 Barbosa
6 Miko


6 Jglass
7 IC25
5 Mighty NorCal
1 Night Shift Loser

+1 IC25
-1 MRC
You keep talking dirty to me like that and I'm gonna have to refill my footbath.


A prostitute is fucked by more men than your mother. That doesn't mean the prostitute is a better lay.

Interesting analogy but nobody loves prostitutes, fuck Pretty Woman. Besides, I'm one of 8 kids. I'm sure my mother could take her to the cleaners in the amount of sex department.
Well my mother is a virgin. Point being that MRC is a better lay than both the prostitute and your mother.
8 Coco the Monkey
6 GD
5 Mantaur Rodeo Clown
5 Barbosa
6 Miko


6 Jglass
7 IC25
5 Mighty NorCal
0 Night Shift Loser

+1 Coco
-1 NSL
I don't think it's begging to inform people that a vote for me is a vote for the board's foremost authority on Remington Steele. Make of that what you will.
8 Coco the Monkey
6 GD
4 Mantaur Rodeo Clown
5 Barbosa
6 Miko


6 Jglass
7 IC25
6 Mighty NorCal

+1 Norcal
-1 MRC
And I don't think it's begging to inform them that while Remington Steele is a fantastic show, Scrubs is a superior show that I would safely say that I am the forum's authority on.
The mere fact that you would glibly say Remington Steele is a "fantastic show" proves just how valuable your opinion is.

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