Survivor Series Elimination Game, Round 1, Match 6

The Team With No Name
8 nickb03
6 CH David


The Hematomas
7 IndyJon22
15 jmt225
11 GuyCompton
3 Fizzy

- GuyCompton
+ CH David
The Team With No Name
8 nickb03
7 CH David


The Hematomas
7 IndyJon22
15 jmt225
10 GuyCompton
3 Fizzy

- GuyCompton
+ CH David
The Team With No Name
7 nickb03
8 CH David


The Hematomas
8 IndyJon22
16 jmt225
10 GuyCompton
2 Fizzy

The Team With No Name
6 nickb03
8 CH David


The Hematomas
8 IndyJon22
16 jmt225
11 GuyCompton
2 Fizzy

+ Guy
- Nick
The Team With No Name
7 nickb03
7 CH David


The Hematomas
8 IndyJon22
17 jmt225
11 GuyCompton
1 Fizzy

The Team With No Name
6 nickb03
7 CH David


The Hematomas
8 IndyJon22
17 jmt225
11 GuyCompton
2 Fizzy

- Nick
I love me some Nick and some of most of the guys on Nick's team (if I properly recall who they all are). But the MMA people are a real team. They're not only awesome individually but they're a pretty hawt unit. That's what you say about romantic relationships with three or more people. Pretty hawt unit.
Nick is by far my favorite member of the team. However, his team also includes those such as Big Sexy, Thriller, and CH Dave while the other team includes jmt and GuyCompton
The way I looked at it, Nick's team was stronger as a whole as the MMA team. They were pretty much evenly matched individually though.
Already forgot about Killjoy and Big Sexy.

Yeah, I threw my weight behind the right team.
The Team With No Name
7 nickb03
6 CH David


The Hematomas
8 IndyJon22
17 jmt225
11 GuyCompton
2 Fizzy

+ Fizzy
- CH
Guy and IndyJon both have more points each than either of your surviving teammates.
LSN finally figured it out!

7 nickb03
5 CH David


The Hematomas
9 IndyJon22
16 jmt225
12 GuyCompton
2 Fizzy

- JMT (getting a little to high for my likings)
+ David

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