Survivor Series Elimination Game, Round 1, Match 5

Survivor Series poster tournament, to prove which posters do and which posters don't know how to do basic arithmetic.
11 Coco the Monkey
10 GD
8 Barbosa
8 Miko


11 Jglass
2 IC25

THIS IS THE CORRECT SCORE. Come on, guys, get with the program. I've let the not numbering posts thing slide this round (I'm guilty of it too), but I now see it was instituted in the last game for good reason. I'm making this necessary for your vote to be valid in the next round.
11 Coco the Monkey
9 GD
8 Barbosa
8 Miko


11 Jglass
3 IC25


We NJ residents stick together.
10*Coco the Monkey
9 GD
8 Barbosa
9 Miko


11 Jglass
3 IC25

- Coco The Monkey
+ IC25

*Not to be a pain in the ass, but this is still wrong, supposed to be 9.
I agree. Where the fuck does the other point go, Mr. Rocket Scientist?

Don't know where the other point went, and frankly don't really care. All I do know is I went back through the entire thread and added up your score, including all +'s and -'s, and it added up to 9 to this point. If there is another point to track down, that's another issue, I did not check the scores for anyone else.

But it's all fine with me. If you are comfortable advancing to the next round knowing that there were scoring errors, who am I to judge? Your team is probably going to advance anyway, and may advance through round #2 as well (unless you face SNS, then you're going down for sure). If it were me, I would want to advance fair and square. But that's fine, whatever it takes, right?
I'll just say that I trust tdigle's math more than I trust your ability to do anything other than clean Vince McMahon's taint with your tongue.
And that's typical of the response I would expect. Rather than admit you're wrong, just baffle them with bullshit.

SSC went back and checked and updated the scores. He confirmed at that point your score was 7. Then three guys in a row gave you a +1, and all of a sudden you are at 11.
Whatever it takes I guess.
The fact that you're easily baffled doesn't mean that was the intention of my post.

Actually I'm not easily baffled whatsoever.

For the record, why don't you grow a pair and go back and check the math yourself? It should take 2 or 3 minutes to check on your score alone (well maybe longer for some, who knows), and when you confirm I am right, be big enough to come back and let me know.
That's actually pretty funny. Like I said, whatever it takes.

I'm done with this. As I said, your team is going to advance to the next round anyway, so this discussion is all irrelevant. Good luck in the next round of the tournament. Not that you'll need it. If your score starts to decrease, I'm sure some additional points will appear from out of nowhere anyway ;)

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