Survivor Series 1999- Main Event


Dark Match Winner
Triple H (c) vs. The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

My friends and I were having a very heated discussion today during lunch as to what would have happened if the triple threat match for the WWE Championship had gone through that night as planned.

My friends argued that Triple H would have retained because of the push he was receiving at the time, but I, on the other hand, maintain that there would have been a new champion. Between The Rock and Austin, it's a wild card because both were at the peak of their popularity in this time period.

But I tend to think that there would have been a new champion with some sort of back and forth between Triple H and Rock/Austin at least through Wrestlemania 16 culminating in Austin leaving for surgery AFTER Mania.

Your thoughts as to how you think this would have gone down.
I would go with HHH because the Big Show was only champ so HHH could do his thing with McMahon and win it back next month. Austin definitely wouldn't of won it because of his neck injury and would have had to take time off anyways and the Rock was so popular he didn't need to be champion, HHH used that title perfectly and the title enhanced his character because of it, in essence HHH needed the title more at the time.

It just makes sense that HHH would have retained, he was getting a monster push and was doing very well as champ so why have him lose it?
I believe HHH would of retained as they were thinking about turning Austin heel then. Obviously with the injury it didnt happen but I believe HHH would of won due to Austin and Rocky arguing and Vince also involved
I think HHH would have retained and continued to feud with the Rock. As for Austin there was always the rumors back in 1999 that he was the one who was suppose to end up marrying Stephanie and turn heel to feud with Vince.
Hmm.. Interesting.. First of all, the match wouldn't have gone as planned because Austin was already booked to have been run down by the mysterious person and to answer the question, I think it may have to be The Rock, If Austin didn't get run down, then they would have him injured some how in the actual match and I choose The Rock because they were planning a HHH/VKM feud after this and since it was personal, there was no need to have the WWE Championship in the mix.
This match along with Austin vs Hogan are two matches I wish would have happened but never did. If Austin wasn't hurt I still don't see him winning. Triple H most likely would have keep the title or they could have let The Rock win it. However, I wonder if Austin was healthy enough to wrestle just this match. If so I feel like the match would have been great, Trips could have won and have Austin chase him to the back where he gets laid out by the car. That way we could have still had the match and they could have run the same angle upon his return.

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