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Superstars in Need of a New Finisher


Dark Match Winner
Though some viewers don't see the point in it, a finisher is a very important part of a superstar's arsenal, a match, and the overall characters in the company. They're part of what the fans want to see, evident in their huge pops when its hit. This is to discuss superstars who seriously need to change their finisher if they ever expect to make it in the business, because some of them just aren't credible enough...at all.

The Miz

This guy is on his way to making it big in the very near future, but unfortunately, the Skull Crushing Finale isn't gonna do it for me. I just don't believe it when I see it. The Reality Check sucked, so I guess this was a slight improvement. I think The Miz, being a smaller guy in build, should perhaps adopt a submission finisher, like the Texas Cloverleaf and call it something flashy like "The Dimepiece." Just a thought.

John Morrison

The Moonlight Drive worked for a bit while he was on ECW, but he's on Raw now and thats not gonna cut it. The Starship Pain isn't good enough to carry him over either, as nice as the move looks. That move should be a normal match move, not a finisher. If I see anything working with Morrison, it would have to be some sort of wild jumping karate kick. As nice as The Nitro Blast is executed, that's HBK's move.

This is only two, but there are many who require a change.
Good thread, there are plenty of guys who, with the right (new) finisher, could have a much easier time getting over. Gonna have to disagree w/Miz needing a new one, maybe he needs a new name for his current finisher but I think it fits his charecter well and that he does a pretty good one. Heres the superstars I believe DO need a new finisher.

John Morrison- Like you said, had the Moonlight Drive, moved to RAW now only has Starship Pain, his current move is too inconsistent to be considered a finisher, a change is definitley in order.

MVP- This guys finisher has been changed so many times I don't know what to think, his current finisher, the "Play of The Day" or whatever he calls it know just isn't cutting it, I appreciate the ode to Benjamin (if it is that) but MVP's version of this is terrible, he does it all wrong, and it does NOT look convincing enough to finish a match, I think the Emerald Fusion is a great idea, or the Drive By Kick, both have been used by him at one point, both are solid, convincing moves.

John Cena This is more of a personal preference than anything, so please don't bash me too hard. The AA is a great move, it gets the fans going and always elicits a huge pop, but to me it doesn't look convincing, I think he should revert to the Death Valley Bomb, it is a more convincing move, it will elicit an even BIGGER pop from the crowd, and the IWC would absolutley love it.

Wade Barrett- Talk about a move that lacks believability, this is such a common, simple move that I'm suprised the WWE even considered giving him this move as his finisher. This is a move more commonly used by cruiserweights and high flyers to "plant" another wrestler to set them up for a top rope manuever, it should not, i repeat SHOULD NOT be used as Barretts finisher, maybe if Barrett has to take time off due to the Visa shit, he'll come back with a new finisher.

R-Truth- The Lie Detector should be used as a signature, not a finisher. This move barely looks like it hurts and focusus more on Truth spinning around than impact on the opponent, a new finisher could help Truth immesurably.
The Miz As was said before, I think the Miz should use the Piledriver as no one in WWE does it anymore except the King. I dont know if they ban to move or if it's because Eric Young is doing it although it didnt stop Michelle McCool from taking the styles clash. Or there's the Burning Hammer lol

Wade Barret I think he should use Marc Mero and Test TKO finishing move. It looks convincing easily with his size. It would look way better than that finisher is has and it looks believable. And then there's the F-5 which many of the new generation hasnt seen, it's been 6 years and that move was over greatly. There's actually a lot of moves because his size.

R-Truth He should use the new move he was doing lately as his finisher as it looks devasting. The suplex to a stunner/jawbreaker. It looks crazy as it comes out of nowhere when he does it. Way better that the stupid lie detector.

John Morrison Something he cant botch hmmm. Something flashy and high impact. Something that can get him over. I dont know, prolly the Michinoku Driver or other flashy finisher that he cant botch up
I really don't mind the Starship simply because it's over with the fans. Yes the smart fans think he botches it and think he needs something more realistic, but you know Vince has always been high on high spots that get the kids to buy merchandise.

Wade Barrett

First of all how many finisher has the E tried out that is a modified fireman's carry drop. It's bad enough that the attitude adjustment is dull, we have to deal with this and expect it to get the 3 count? Give him something more dominating.

Skip Sheffield: I don't know why they don't have Skip doing double power bombs yet... the guy is a big man heel and so far the most dominant big man move i've seen him do is a clothes line.

The Big Show: I'd rather see him do the chokeslam than the KO punch.
R-Truth - Spinning elbow - Finisher? No.

The Miz - Skull Crushing Finale - Looks -decent- if sold right,but sort of like JJ's stroke,just not enough impact.

John Morrison - Starship Pain - Not like the name at all,imo...unless it's botching and looks different,which happens a lot. He either almost completely misses, hits with the wrong part of his body, or lands on his knees to the point where his upper body barely touches his opponent.

Wade Barret - (No idea what it's called) - Looks nice when used against smaller people,and sold right,but a finisher it's not.

Heath Slater - I don't even know if he has one,needs one.

MVP - Both of his main "finishers" he has ever used have been so overused, they just don't look good anymore.
The Miz As was said before, I think the Miz should use the Piledriver as no one in WWE does it anymore except the King. I dont know if they ban to move or if it's because Eric Young is doing it although it didnt stop Michelle McCool from taking the styles clash. Or there's the Burning Hammer lol

Undertaker does a version of a piledriver.
No one else is allowed because the move is very dangerous. Like Evan Bourne is the only one allowed to do the shooting star press because the move is to dangerous.
And for McCool taking the styles clash. Styles took Crash Holly's Crash Landing and Crash took it from someone else and so on.
Now onto the thread.

Hart Dynasty- Their finisher looks very weak. I would have them do the doomsday device instead (I think it was the road warriors finisher) because it looks much better.

David Otunga- When performed right a spinebuster looks very painful and awesome, imo. But the way he performs it would look better if he was taller but the way he does it seems very weak.

Michael Tarver- Used to be the knockout punch but they made him stop using it because of the big show having the exact same move. So instead of change a finisher here how about give him one.

John Cena AA is fine as long as he preforms the stf after but on its own it looks too weak. Maybe he should just have the submission as his finisher.

Miz- His move is fine with me, they just have to tweak it a little so he can somehow make the move look faster
For the Miz I think he should go back to the Reality Check. I always thought it looked good and was right for him with his size.

Any Diva that uses a DDT as a finisher. This needs to get fixed

Drew McIntyre-I'm a fan of his but a DDT for a guy he size...really? "Oh but he kicks his leg out and then does the DDT" Guess who else has a DDT for a finisher? Almost every damn diva!

John Cena-For someone of his strength, this just doesnt work. Maybe move it to a signature move, but not a finisher. Some sort of Power Bomb would be better.
Hart Dynasty- Their finisher looks very weak. I would have them do the doomsday device instead (I think it was the road warriors finisher) because it looks much better.
The only thing is they aren't the Road Warrior Dynasty... they're the Hart Dynasty... there gimmick is that they act like the harts... I'm pretty sure they also do the sharpshooter...

Evan Bourne
Not that the SSP isn't beautiful when he does it, it is... but he needs a second finisher. Can you name someone who is majorly over that had 1 finisher? I can't... I guess Matt Hardy, but that's only because he got too fat to do a flying move....

Skip Sheffield
From what I can understand, his actual finisher is that he gives his opponent a piggy back ride and then hits him with a stunner... basically a strongman version of the Stone Cold Stunner... except the only finishers you see from "Nexus" is the 450 splash by Gabriel and Barrett's flip FU... I refuse to call it an AA... so if he's allowed to use his finisher, maybe he won't need a new one...
If Evan Bournes push is going to go anywhere, he needs a new finisher to use, preferably a quick one that he can pull out of nowhere. I'd shy away from a submission move because of his size.

John Cena needs something new, and needs AA shifted to a signature move. It looks incredibly average to say the least, and we all know Supercena needs more moves than his current set.

The Miz needs something new, because Skull Crushing Finale is far too slow. That's the sort of move you'd use on an already beat down opponent, he needs something much quicker.

The same applies to Christian. The move takes too long to set up, making it a rather weak finisher. He needs something new and fast, maybe even a submission hold if he could make it convincing.

Matt Hardy needs another finisher, again a faster one (because almost every single Twist of Fate I have seen of late has been botched), it seems like he needs more time to set that move up properly.

Edge. Half his match ending spears look completely weak. It's just annoying. I'd rather him spear someone, then set them up in a strong looking finisher, instead of ending the much on a spear nearly every single time. Hell, give the guy a vicious looking submission or something. He's even more bland than Cena to me.

Truth and JoMo both need new finishers, and have their current ones shifted into signature moves. They look great when they hit, but they are unreliable. Hell, just give JoMo the super kick back, HBK is gone and JoMo's execution of it is fantastic.
John Cena They guy has no cool moves at all. It would be in his best interest to learn something new

MVP His moves are rather boring, the playmaker is too weak looking i would assume he would do some time of tigerbomb that would make me happy

Jericho He needs to lose the codebreaker, perhaps only do the walls of jericho again, it was entertaining to watch him lock the walls in on someone. It was a better way to win a match.

Drew Mcintyre The DDT isnt working for me either. It looks stupid, looks like a MMA takedown. If hes going to do DDT's he should at least do a better one that looks more dangerous then him just landing on his back its like a tombstone piledriver now, no mat contact at all.

Moves arent as entertaining if they dont look dangerous, The F5 looked dangerous and so does the shooting star bourne. Cena's firemans carry really took wrestling to a lower level for me. It was a way to not even try all his moves are kiddy safe and repeating.

Hart Dynasty I like the idea of the Hart Attack but it doesnt look good enough, the clothesline should be turned into a drop kick or something.
MVP:I have the most amazing ability to suspend disbelief for just about everything and his finisher bothers the hell out of me. Not only does it not look all that painful, it looks dangerously easy to get out of. I'm going to need him to change that as soon as possible.

Alicia Fox: I actually find Alica Fox to be non-terrible, so non-terrible that I could see her developing into something awesome, but I cringe every time I see that sloppy Axe Kick. Not that Axe Kicks aren't awesome sauces, but does she really want the last thing we remember from her matches is a move she can't execute that well yet? Why emphasize that sick looking backbreaker she does?

Big Show:For some reason, my ability to toss reality out the window is not working for this Knockout Punch thing. Which is kind of strange, because it probably makes sense that a 500 pound fist would knock someone out, but that would kinda have to make a 500 pound big boot, and a 500 pound charging forearm, and a 500 pound. . .whatever. I feel like this shouldn't bother me. . .but, whatevs.
MVP: Like everyone says, his moves have been used forever and used way too often by other superstars. Go back to the drive-by kick, that was sweet.

Skip Sheffield: he should go back to the back-pack stunner drop he had. When he first used it i was really impressed with it.

Mark Henry: for someone as big as he is, his move doesn't look to painful. His move looks like something i would see rey mysterio taking chavo guerrero down with.

Darren Young: his full nelson flip over flap jack move doesn't look like its executed properly and theres no "umph" into when the opponent falls.
I like some f the ideas going on in here. Here's my take.

The Miz- The texas cloverleaf is a move i always liked for some reason or another, would work well with him needs to change the name of it though.

Evan Bourne- The SSP is a unbelievably hard move to pull off, but i think a move that might work with him is the buzzsaw kick ala Tajiri or something along those lines.

Cena- I liked the AA but maybe if he does a powerbomb into the AA that might make it look a littler better? idk

Wade Barret- His finisher is ok as a signature move, maybe give him the TKO as said by someone earlier or maybe a double underhook powerbomb?
Someone in WWE should steal Petey William's Canadian Destroyer.... That'd be a great finisher for Miz....but some wrestler aren't comfortable taking that move.... I was watching a Petey Williams interview where he said CM Punk and a few others didn't want to take it.
as far as finishing moves here is my opinion-

Chris Jericho- love the Codebreaker, should be called the Downfall now because of his new show

John Morrison- needs a new finisher ASAP....i could see him using a split legged moonsault where it doesnt take a whole lot to measure up where he is gonna land....maybe add in a superkick

Primo- does he even have one? if he used a wide leg frog splash he might actually get somewhere

Wade Barrett- muscle buster

Zack ryder- needs something else but still named the zack attack.....maybe the stroke like jeff jarrett

the miz- needs something else....im not sold on it right now...maybe i will be but not right now....maybe a twist of fate into stunner would be nice

mvp- desperately needs a new finisher, the only person to sell the playmaker and make it look good was Benoit.....maybe he could use the mic drop like kennedy, cuz he makes the play of the day look weak....and they should the play of the day name cuz its lame....call it the MVM, most valuable move....i also actually see him using JTGs move the shout out....its fast and hard hitting like MVPs style.....
I noticed a few people don't like McIntyre's Future Shock DDT. It's got potential as a great finisher if it can be snapped off quicker. Also, I'd love to see a high impact lariat as a finisher and Skip Sheffield is our best hope for now.

Cena: I'd prefer a whole new moveset but let's not get ahead of ourselves. A toss out of a fireman's carry is NOT impressive. Nor is his execution of his STF (which is really a STS. But I'm surprised WWE still approves this move seeing as it's rather close to the Crossface aka the big no-no.)

Barrett: I hate Cena's AA, I hate this move more. With a man of his size and power I'd like to see him use an argentine backbreaker move (not the Burning Hammer though, WWE would never go for that seeing it's more dangerous than most piledrivers).

Kofi: Make the SOS a permanant finisher (except maybe Big Show), TiP as a signature.

CM Punk: The GTS isn't doing anything for me, specially since half of 'em recently have been botched. I'd much rather see something that just yells "straight edge", maybe some other sort of striking move....OR bring back the anaconda vise!

Morrison: Either give him back the Nitro Blast or let 'im use that springboard roundhouse Flying Chuck move. Probably the former seeing as Kaval (aka Low-ki) uses the latter as a signature move.

R-Truth: Ya the lie detector needs to go. Can't thing of what to do for him though.

Miz: The SCF can work on most opponents but I'd like to see a back-up.
Hawkins and Archer (The GateCrashers) need a tag team move. We understand that they have singles moves and they finish off their opponents by doing those moves in succession. But it would be great to see them do a double team move as a finisher as all the great tag teams have one. Harts have the Hart Attack, LOD had the Doomsday Device, Dudleys have the 3D, and Hawkins and Archer have...The Gate Crasher...whatever it happens to be.

Loso pretty much said my dream move in WWE. I wanna see the Canadian Destroyer in WWE and I would love it if Evan Bourne did it.
Morrison: I loved the Moonlight Drive. I would like to see that brought back as his primary finisher.

R-Truth: The Lie Detector is a mid match move at best. His finisher should either be the axe kick, or the front suplex facebuster he used in TNA.

Wade Barrett: There is no one active in WWE right now using an effective looking uranage. The closest thing is the Side Effect and I've never liked Matt Hardy's delivery of it. Let Barrett use a version like the Rock Bottom. Its strong move that fans believe is effective thanks to The Rock and Booker T.
The Big Show: The knock-out punch is such a worthless move and less than believable. I don't know why they got rid of his choke slam because that was an exponentially more devastating move.

Chris Masters: Full nelsons aren't something to scoff at in real life, but they just look lame in an entertainment which is fake specifically so the performers can do cool looking moves on each other.

Dolph Ziggler: Bulldogs, even reverse ones, are basic moves, not finishers.

Drew McIntyre: DDTs are so last millennium. A DDT is a move that you do to stop someone else's momentum in a match when you're getting pounded on, but a finisher? Not really.

JTG: It's a somewhat cooler looking version of the bulldog style lariat that I loved seeing Bret Hart do, but it really doesn't strike me as a move that could stun an opponent long enough to get a three-count.

Matt Hardy: I know it's pretty much the same thing as Randy Orton's RKO, but it seems to take way too long to set up and doesn't have the same "out of nowhere" shock value.

Chris Jericho: As much as I love the guy, the Codebreaker is just a lame finishing move. When he goes for it, it seems like the opponent should be able to just catch him and hold him up every time. Not that the Walls of Jericho was that much better since it was just a standard Boston crab instead of the high angle bend-at-the-neck crab that he called the Lion Tamer.

Goldust: Was the Curtain Call ever a good finisher?

Primo Colon: I haven't seen him wrestle solo in a while. Does he use the Backstabber? If so, that sucks. Always a crappy move. The frog splash not so great, either. Splashes have always seemed like rudimentary moves to me.

R-Truth: A corkscrew forearm? Really?

The Miz: I suppose his finisher is okay, but it seems to be a bit slow and he tends to take his sweet time covering plus he has to roll his opponent over - it doesn't look devastating enough to have knocked his opponent cold where he could take all that time.

The Great Khali: It looks like he just picks them up and just drops them. Oh no... I fell a couple of feet.

William Regal: I've seen great STF's - Regal's looks very weak maybe because of the way his arms are positioned.

Wade Barrett: A guy with the kind of potential and push he has should use something other than a forward slam.
I can't believe some of the people on this forum.

Chris Jericho: not at all, Chris is a great finisher and should be kept in his arsenal, it allows him to catch his opponent in the air creating those awesome finisher moves like Shawn against Shelton Benjamin and Rey Mysterio, Batista vs John Cena etc.

Wade Barrett: are you absolutely kidding me? the move in itself looks great, he does it with great brutality, and he slams them so it actually looks legit, it looks like a stiff throw that could cause legitimate damage to an opponent, if you're gonna tell him that he's not gonna be using that move, then I'm lost for words, simply lost for words.

Dolph Ziggler: Bulldogs, even reverse ones, are basic moves, not finishers.

It's a reverse leaping STO, it's definitely a finisher, besides a bulldog has been used as a finisher before, see Maria Kanellis.

Matt Hardy: I know it's pretty much the same thing as Randy Orton's RKO, but it seems to take way too long to set up and doesn't have the same "out of nowhere" shock value.

Too long to set up? not at all, this is the same argument I used for Christian back when he was being ranted on about his finisher, it can both be set up quickly and it can be set up slow, so it cancels itself out.

Hart Dynasty I like the idea of the Hart Attack but it doesnt look good enough, the clothesline should be turned into a drop kick or something.

It works just fine, it's been used before, it looks like it could really hurt a whole lot, and that makes it legitimate, also a drop kick? for Tyson Kidd to perform a drop kick he damn well has to leap rather high to jump from the ropes to the opponent, and not hit David Hart Smith

Someone in WWE should steal Petey William's Canadian Destroyer.... That'd be a great finisher for Miz....but some wrestler aren't comfortable taking that move.... I was watching a Petey Williams interview where he said CM Punk and a few others didn't want to take it.

For The Miz? seriously? he couldn't possibly leap like that, and he's still working on improving his wrestling ability, if you let him do that move as a finisher, it could potentially kill someone.

The rest of the people saying The Miz needs to change his finisher is wrong, the move looks good, looks like something that could really hurt, it's been used by Jeff Jarrett for years, and he probably performs it far worse than The Miz does.

The people saying Evan Bourne is dead wrong as well, especially those trying to cover it up to say to help his push, Evan Bourne's finisher helps him get over, just like Jeff Hardy getting over for the Swanton Bomb, let's realize it, kids loves high flying moves, why take that away from him?

I can't really name any moves that should really be replaced, and what move they should be using, because the moves are just fine as they are, R-Truth is probably the worst one of them, but I wouldn't give him a new finisher, I would just have him revert back to one of his old finishers.
According to Wiki...

Sweetness (Jumping Russian legsweep) – 2008–present

Which sounds like a lame move, Heath Slater Needs a new one.

Also according to Wikipedia

Wade Barrett's move is called The Wasteland

BUT I agree He needs something better than that it is not "effective" for a three count but as a set-up for a REAL finisher! As for the finisher maybe a variation of a Chokeslam, Rock Bottom, Powerbomb, Clotheline, or a suplex. Something in that lining.
Good thread, there are plenty of guys who, with the right (new) finisher, could have a much easier time getting over. Gonna have to disagree w/Miz needing a new one, maybe he needs a new name for his current finisher but I think it fits his charecter well and that he does a pretty good one. Heres the superstars I believe DO need a new finisher.
I enjoy this opening comment, as I echo the sentiments. Let's see how this goes from here.

John Morrison- Like you said, had the Moonlight Drive, moved to RAW now only has Starship Pain, his current move is too inconsistent to be considered a finisher, a change is definitley in order.
I also agree. This move was always used as a signature move during his heel days, but when he turns face it finishes his opponents off? I don't buy that for a second. It will always been seen by me as the flashy signature move that looks good but never has the true way to put the opponent down for the three count.

MVP- This guys finisher has been changed so many times I don't know what to think, his current finisher, the "Play of The Day" or whatever he calls it know just isn't cutting it, I appreciate the ode to Benjamin (if it is that) but MVP's version of this is terrible, he does it all wrong, and it does NOT look convincing enough to finish a match, I think the Emerald Fusion is a great idea, or the Drive By Kick, both have been used by him at one point, both are solid, convincing moves.
I don;t think he would go back to the Drive-By Kick unless a heel turn. Even then I am not sure it would seem normal as they would probably change the name to some other stupid sports like "The Field Goal" because punt is already taken. I can't really see the Emerald Fusion as his finisher because it just doesn't seem flashy enough for a character like MVP's.

John Cena This is more of a personal preference than anything, so please don't bash me too hard. The AA is a great move, it gets the fans going and always elicits a huge pop, but to me it doesn't look convincing, I think he should revert to the Death Valley Bomb, it is a more convincing move, it will elicit an even BIGGER pop from the crowd, and the IWC would absolutley love it.
I strongly disagree here. The Attitude Adjustment is a move that whether haters like it or not will always be associated with John Cena. It is a move where he can take a beating during most of the match and still pull it out of nowhere and get the win.

Wade Barrett- Talk about a move that lacks believability, this is such a common, simple move that I'm suprised the WWE even considered giving him this move as his finisher. This is a move more commonly used by cruiserweights and high flyers to "plant" another wrestler to set them up for a top rope manuever, it should not, i repeat SHOULD NOT be used as Barretts finisher, maybe if Barrett has to take time off due to the Visa shit, he'll come back with a new finisher.
OK, strongly doesn't even begin to describe how much I disagree with this. Because a cruiserweight uses it as a set up move a powerful heavyweight can't? There are differences in how a cruiserweight hits it and how Wade Barrett hits it. The cruiserweights are more or less using it just enough to keep the opponent down for the real finisher to follow up from the top rope. Barrett has power, intensity, and anger all in his moves which makes him try to hurt the opponent. The cruiserweight sets the down gently compared to what Wade Barrett does to them.
Absolutely no one.

Look, some of the best finishers in the history of wrestling are so simple, my grandmother could perform them. It isn't the finisher, but so much the build up to the finisher that has to change. So many people love the RKO, because it's so sudden, and many wrestlers have tried moves that you can hit at a moment's notice. The difference is, Orton knows how to build up the RKO, while making it look sudden. Guys like Ziggler and MVP are looking for moves that can be hit at a moment's notice, going for the Orton pop, but they'd be better suited trying to actually build up the move, rather than going for the sudden pop.

Remember; Hulk Hogan was the most over face for a decade, and his move was a leg drop. Roddy Piper got over with a sleeper, and Ric Flair the figure four. It isn't about the finisher, it's about the build up to it
My 25 cents worth...
Basically ANYMOVE that takes more than 5 seconds to setup needs to be changed.
When I first saw "The worm" I thought "Christ! what a lame move. I could go get a sandwich and a beer before this move is finished!" It only would have been a good move if the guy on the ground got up right before S2H finished and clocked him-making it a funny spot.

With that said, MVP has something simliar, where he gets ready for some "Ballin'", does a little jig, and then hits his move. Yawn. Nothing buries a guy more than having to lay down for crap finishers like that.

One of the other ones is HHH (cups are being thrown at me right now). The Pedigree always made me laugh. Sometimes it looked like an efficient move... but only sometimes.

He is VERY slow in setting it up, and no one should ever suggest the opponent get out of the move.

Someone mentioned Chris Jericho's Codebreaker being called "The Downfall"? Excellent idea. I think Chris should keep that finisher and make it a prelude to the walls of Jericho. Perfect setup.

And that's the truth... the DAMN truth!
The Truth---the ax-kick was way better. Booker T. is not in the WWE anymore, so let him use that.

Wade Barrett---doesn't look like his finishing move is a finisher either. Maybe the torture rack backbreaker that Abyss uses would work better for a man his size.

John Cena---use an actual death valley driver the way Saturn used it rather than the Godfather

Santino---the COBRA. Really? Really? Maybe have him use something similar to the mic check.

Drew McIntyre---half the time when he executes it, it doesn't look effective. He should use a showstopping legdrop instead.

Zack Ryder---while I like the Zack attack, the Ruff Ryder should be used as a finisher too.

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