Superbad: Not Funny

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
I'm like 6 months behind everyone else, but fuck it. My collection is too big, I can't watch everything.

I watched this last night. Amusing yes. I liked it. But it's not laugh out loud funny. I was amused throughout, I might have smirked once or twice. But there wasn't one solitary belly chuckle. It's the same as American Pie. Amusing, but just not funny.
What is wrong with you, Superbad is the funny fucking shit in the world. Hell “Seth” lone in this movie is the funniest shit to watch. I can watch this movie any day and laugh my ass off. Plus its way better than American Pie, the only good scene in American Pie is the “Pie Fucking” scene. Your probably didn’t like the 40 Year Old Virgin either?
The 40 year old virgin is fuckin' hilarious, I don't care what anyone says. Not many times I've laughed that hard in a movie.

It was better than Superbad, I'm kinda with Jake on this one. It was funny, but not hysterical. It had it's off and on moments, and basically anything with the cops was hilarious, outside of that it was just a few giggles here and there.
The 40 Year Old Virgin is amusing. But not funny. Some people are too easy to amuse.

There is nothing in this film that makes it stand out. None of the conversations were witty. Yes again they were amusing. But it was no different than the sort of shit me and my friends say. If it's somebodys job to write a funny film, shouldn't they write stuff that normal people can't just think up themselves?
I thought it was pretty funny, I laughed out loud two or 3 times through it. To be fair though it keeps you amused like you said all the way through it. There arent many films that make me laugh out loud all the way through, but then again there aren't that many that keep you amused all the way through. I just love the film as a whole and it's better than American Pie.
It's a certain type of humor Jake. Just like British humor is it's own kind of thing.

Personally, I think all British comedys aside from Monty Python are absolute trash and not in the least bit funny, but thats because I don't enjoy British comedy.

Superbad is hilarious if you're a fan of things like "The 40 Year Old Virgin", "Knocked Up", or Family Guy. It's very irreverent humor. Not witty Woody Allen humor.

Superbad is absolutely hilarious, but thats because I enjoy that type of humor.
It's a certain type of humor Jake. Just like British humor is it's own kind of thing.

Personally, I think all British comedys aside from Monty Python are absolute trash and not in the least bit funny, but thats because I don't enjoy British comedy.

Superbad is hilarious if you're a fan of things like "The 40 Year Old Virgin", "Knocked Up", or Family Guy. It's very irreverent humor. Not witty Woody Allen humor.

Superbad is absolutely hilarious, but thats because I enjoy that type of humor.

Come on xfear. Sure it's good. But hilarious? That wasn't anything in that film that you and your friends haven't said between yourselves.

If you're a Hollywood screenwriter I want you to come up with shit that I can't come up with myself. I can't write like that. But I can certainly have converstaions like that.

I think this film is pretty good by the way. I just don't see why it's as popular as everyone was making out. I can easily see why it's at least a 4 star film. But I think the majority of younger people who like it, like it because of word of mouth. And not because they really liked it. Probably the same reasons 13 years olds like South Park now, even though they don't understand all of it. Their mates watch it, so they do to.
Oh if you're asking why every teenager on the planet Earth loves the movie and quotes it endlessly, is because it's an extremely quotable movie. Like everything Judd Apatow does. Freaks and Geeks right on down to Superbad they've all been characterised by their dialogue. Just like Quentin Tarantino movies.

Hey, I thought Jackie Brown was mediocre at best, but it's still got some great dialogue in it. Same you could say for this I guess. I don't think it's a 5 star comedy, but I find it to be quite entertaining and funny every time I watch it.
I have to agree, Superbad isnt the that funny. I feel the same way with Anchorman, yes they both have thier moments, but the way my friends quote Anchorman, I fail to see why it is so amazing.

I watched Dodgeball last night, I found that more entertaining than either Anchorman or Superbad, even though it has quite a lot of the same actors in it.

But to me, my all time favourite comedy has to be BASEketball. Yes it is almost 10 years old (already? I feel so damn old), but the jokes remain fresh and it is becoming more relevant due to the fact the English Premier League had plans to switch cities to play games, all in the quest for money.
I have to agree. Superbad was very bland. I damned near fell asleep watching it. After how The 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up pushed the envelope so much, Superbad was just to dry and humorless. It wasn't gross. It wasn't witty. It brought nothing to the table but high school grade potty humor. I was highly disappointed and was glad that I waited til it was on dvd, but still pissed that I wasted a Netflix spot on it.
I agree with what everyone here has said...Superbad was funny...just not unbelievably...laugh out loud..almost piss yourself funny. Had it's good times...and it's bad times. Like Jake said, it wasn't anything I haven't said/ heard from my friends...but I think that's what's good about portrays teenage life...and the awkwardness that comes with it to a tee.

"The funny thing about my Back's located on my cock"

And I'll always love the line..."By the time I get to college, I'll be like the Iron Chef of pounding Vag"- The delivery made that line least to me.
I used to enjoy movies like Superbad, and then I saw Superbad and enough was enough. 40 Year-Old Virgin, Knocked Up, Superbad, they are all the same movie. Same plot = sex and booze, like that's what life is really only about and same actors = talentless actors that play the same characters. I hate these types of movies now and Superbad was the realization of the hatred. I do not find them funny as they are unintelligent, mundane, unrealistic as in they contain no moral lessons applicable to life, and pathetic. Not to mention the fact that they are trying to make nerds cool and popular. Isn't that an oxymoron, a popular nerd. Nerds are not supposed to be popular, that's why they are nerds in the first place. I cannot stand Superbad or any movie like it and refuse to watch any like them. If anyone else like them, that is fine, just know you won't learn anything significant, except maybe how to draw a penis or score some free beer.
I liked it, I mean it's not the witty observational humour of wes anderson and woody allen but it's a certain kind of humour. I love that humour but I can also sit down and laugh out loud at movies like Rushmore and The Royal Tenanbaums.
I had heard so much about this film that i thought even though it seemed like your typical teen comedy i would give it a chance. It did have some funny moments but it was no where near as good as people have mad out, i just couldnt see what the big deal was.

I agree with Straight_Edge_Mystic, whenever you hear "From the creators of Superbad" on tv you just know what the film is going to be like, an ok teen comedy film but films you can live without.
I totally AGREE, I thought Superbad, was Super Bad, It was horrible. Not funny or original at all.

It was a simple, pothead, Drunk person comedy, and being as I do NEITHER, I was NOT amused.
Most will disagree and say that it was ''Amazing'' or hilarious. Well, whatever. My patience for internet people and their half assed opinions not withstanding, I hated this movie.
The 40 Year Old Virgin is amusing. But not funny. Some people are too easy to amuse.

One might say that you believing that makes you too difficult to amuse but really I'm sure that you agree that it's all based on taste more than anything. :) I didn't find Superbad to be laugh out loud funny either except for a few parts that I honestly don't recall at the moment. I do see where you are coming from with it being everyday like convos but if that's the kind of things that people say with their friends, that may be why it's funny cause it resonates with the audience.

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