SummerSlam in England


Championship Contender
Ages & ages ago Shane said in an interview that they could have SummerSlam in England soon.

I dunno if this thread has been done before, but I doubt it has been in the prison so..

Basically, do you think it would be a good idea or a bad idea?

IMO, a very good idea. They could make a lot of money from it. If they promoted it right, they could easily fill up Wembley & adding in floor seats, get well over 100,000 people.

Because it would be the first PPV in England for a while, it would create a lot of hype among the people in England, giving them more reason to go. If they did hold it in England, it would need a big time card though. I mean, near WM worthy.
People talk about how McMahons won't do it because of the time difference. I don't see that as being a problem. Have a gimmick like HIAC and a major title change, and some quality matches and Americans will still buy the show.

WWE make a fortune from doing house shows in the UK, so a PPV would do great business.
You could predict straight off the bat that neither World title would change hands though. They'd never allow that to happen anywhere else but the US. We'd get one title change at least, but nothing above IC/US title level.*

If the time delay excuse is true, that's still BS because it'd be a Sunday, who cares what time it's on? We stay up til 2am every week for RAW, and 1am for most PPVs (but then we don't pay for ALL of them) so why can't they either tape it for the US, or just show it in the afternoon?

*- When Raw came over here in April and they announced the Women's title match, i knew Beth wouldn't leave the champ. Sometimes WWE are so predictable
For a PPV it shouldn't make any difference where the show is. I can understand it on Raw. But on PPV it's part of what is supposed to be an important show. So even if it was in France a world title change would be possible.
I totally agree, but they used to have PPVs here once a year like Rebellion and Insurrection up until about 2002-2003ish abd the World title didn't change hands once, which is the basis for my previous statement. Did the WWF title change when Summerslam was at Wembley in '92?
Those PPVs were fro the English only. They never advertised on American TV from what I can remember. So we were told they were PPVs, but really they were house shows with cool sets.

Bulldog won the IC title. But that's because he was huge in England at the time. Burchill or Regal wouldn't sell shit in England these days.
Really? In 99, after Bulldog came back for his final run, he threw a paddy at Vince about a title shot and threw a trash can across the room and Steph got hit and that's where her whole amnesia angle started (before betraying Test anyway). I assumed that they were shown in the US too, if storylines were going to undergo dramatic changes.

No Burchill wouldn't see shit. Don't know about Regal though, he is uber popular over here (obviously)
Oh yeah I forgot about that. But I'm still sure that was just highlighted on raw or something.

Regal is only popular when he comes to the ring. He wouldn't sell a show.
Regal is only popular when he comes to the ring. He wouldn't sell a show.

That might be true, but, if he did a faction of Englishmen or something, got a big push, he'd sell in England if he had a WWE or WHC title shot.

It would work because the English would pay to see Regal in a title match, and Americans or anyone else would pay because they'd want Regal to get beaten.
If he got a huge push then maybe. But Regal will always look like a darts player, I doubt he would ever become truly over.

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