Summerslam 2011 - Randy Orton VS Christian - No Holds Barred Match - WHC

I have really high hopes for this match and I think it could be a show stealer.

To give this fued a proper blow off they need to go insane with this match and the stipulation. Christian and Orton have proven that they can pull off a great match together and they need to step it up for this one. Chairs, tables, ladders, trash cans, kendo sticks, etc. Go really extreme. That is what will give the fued the proper blow off it deserves.

In terms of who wins, I say Orton will win here and Christian will move into another midcard fued while Orton takes on new guys like Cody Rhodes and Sheamus and maybe even Daniel Bryan.

Again, I have very high hopes for this match.
Hopefully this is the final match, and I don't say that in a bad way. Both have been amazing in the part months and they have only been getting better. Christian has been given the chance that so many wanted. People have been calling for his shot at the top for years and he is finally getting it. What has Christian done since he did get a chance? He has been working great and is the top heel on Smackdown. This must go to Christian as he has only just won the title. A loss makes him look weak and win a gets him over big time. Orton will be fine without the victory and the NO DQ makes this even more exciting.

These two have free run to go nuts and anytime Orton has that it brings something great. The past matches have been incredible and I expect nothing less. No DQ, nothing is going to be held back. The winner moves on which will hopefully be Christian for a feud with Sheamus over the title. Looking forward to this, with Christian going over big time.
This has to be the last match. Don't get me wrong, I have LOVED the feud - but it's been going since May 3.

I can't believe it, but I actually think Christian may somehow come out on top of this feud. Despite the fact that on kayfabe paper, this match should be Orton 100%, it just feels like Christian has been legitimized over the last few week. He has a big TV winning streak and you can make the argument that he's the sole reason the feud has survived as long as it has.

Give me Christian with the win via (legal) interference. My guess: Rhodes and Dibiase. If you've been reading the SmackDown tapings dark match results the last few weeks: it's always the same match. Christian vs. Orton in a street fight for the WHC. Christian wins after Rhodes and Dibiase interfere. Not saying it'll be a carbon copy of that but... IF someone costs Orton the match, who better than old Legacy? (assuming Jericho or someone not on TV now doesn't shock the world).

PLUS, if Christian wins and the feud is over - they've already established a credible face that can challenge him: Sheamus. Sheamus has the crowd behind him right now. If he were to beat Mark Henry at SS (which he should/will), and in the last segment of following SmackDown be revealed as the new #1 contender, the crowd would go wild. Orton can feud with Rhodes/Dibiase. Christian and Sheamus go compete for the WHC at Night of Champions.

Or, just throwing it out there, because NOC is the next PPV, perhaps the feud isn't over no matter who wins wins. The WHC match at NOC could always be a scramble. Christian could win at SS, Orton wins the scramble and they face again at Hell In A Cell. Just one possibility.

To sum, there's a million possibilities and no wrong answer as to what will happen. I still get the feeling Christian will somehow win. I actually think this feud with Orton and how his character has carried it has given him (in real life) a LOT more credibility as a main event superstar.
I hear people claiming Orton will win the World Heavyweight Championship and face Mark Henry sometime in the near future. I wouldn't necessarily have a problem with this but I think there are some ideas more appealing then that. While Sheamus and Mark Henry wrestle to a double disqualification, Christian will retain against Orton. Mark Henry comes out on Smackdown claiming he wants a World Championship match, so does Sheamus and eventually Randy Orton. No one wins the number one contenders match and we're left with Christian having to over come another obsticle come Night of Champions in a Fatal Four-Way match. Christian's winning this.

Hamler's Prediction - Christian retains the World Heavyweight Championship
I have really high hopes for this match and I think it could be a show stealer.

To give this fued a proper blow off they need to go insane with this match and the stipulation. Christian and Orton have proven that they can pull off a great match together and they need to step it up for this one. Chairs, tables, ladders, trash cans, kendo sticks, etc. Go really extreme. That is what will give the fued the proper blow off it deserves.

In terms of who wins, I say Orton will win here and Christian will move into another midcard fued while Orton takes on new guys like Cody Rhodes and Sheamus and maybe even Daniel Bryan.

Again, I have very high hopes for this match.
If you use too many weapons, it looks hokey. People see most of the weapons as "fake plastic pre broken shit". In pro wrestling, more doesn't always mean better.

I don't see why it would make sense for it to be weapons crazy. Christian is scared shitless of Orton and the more weapons he brings in just means the more weapons crazy scary Orton and beat his ass with. Orton is a more methot(d?)ical guy. So he's not going to go crazy either.

As far as who they feud with next, Sheamus and Bryan are both faces, so they wouldn't go against Orton. I can definately see Mark Henry. They just keep building him up and up. Hopefully not just to elevate Sheamus.
I have really enjoyed Christian and Orton's promos in this feud. It has been going for months now, and I still want more of it, which is an indication of how good this feud has been. Some really interesting quotes from their promos

-- Randy Orton: I have unfinished business with you.
Christian: Maybe the unfinished business is with the voices in your head

-- Christian (via satellite): I can come down there and beat the shit out of you (don't remember the exact words)
Randy Orton: Why don't you come down here and say this on my face!!

I would love Christian to come out winner in coming match on summer-slam just to keep this unfinished business going, since I think this feud is gonna end with Orton winning. I liked the idea of one of the fellow poster that legacy (Debiase and Rhodes) should interrupt the match. Legacy has a past with HHH, and HHH has already confronted Christian, so Christian making a heel stable with Legacy will not only keep this feud fresh, but also give some meaning work to legacy.

Making the match 'No-holds-barred' means that not only match is gonna be faced paced and crazy (involving Orton and Christian going into the crowd, disturbing furniture near commentary team, or may be even use weapons), but also there would be external interruption helping in deciding the winner.
christain is without a doubt retaining here. his reign is very entertaining and the wwe would not want to mess that up. next in line for the title is sheamus then me lol. go christain!!!!:)
up until the end of smackdown tonight i thought without a doubt randy orton was gonna walk out of summerslam with the world heavy weight championship :banghead: BUT at the end of smackdown with the way christian was talking it seems like hes got something...or should i say SOMEONE up his sleve for summerslam! my personal guess is hes either getting a body guard or maybe even chris jericho makes a surprise return and screws orton out of the victory? :shrug: anything can happen but bottom line is i hope christian retains the title against randy orton at summerslam and gets a couple more monthes atleast with the title but knowing wwe...randy orton is gonna win the title back and maybe even punt christian out of action for awhile but i hope im wrong
This feud has been nice. It gave us a Christian heel turn, nice matches, and promos. I just hope this is THE last time. I'm sick of this clogging Smackdown (though it has been a nice feud) and PPVs since Over The Limit. I think Christian will and should win. Don't screw him or us, WWE. Orton doesn't need it, and (not on topic) neither does Cena.
Someone is coming back in this match. "It's no holds barred, which means anything goes and trust me when I say this, I have the best thing"...No Holds Barred matches to me have always been a great way of getting heels shady finishes using other people.

Anyone ready possibly for a Tomko return?
This feud has been amazing and produced the match of the night at multiple PPV's in a row. There really is only one outcome left that they have not done yet. Christian has not retained clean against Orton. He has lost and he has won via DQ. Now he should win the match cleanly because there really is nothing else they can do with this feud. It will probably end after this match too. It started with Christian not being able to defeat Orton and him finally winning despite being heel now should be the ending. Sheamus could challenge Christian next and Orton could squash Henry or do some other filler feud before becoming world champion again. Regardless of results, I think they will steal the show again.

Christian will retain the World Heavyweight Championship.
This feud has been amazing and produced the match of the night at multiple PPV's in a row. There really is only one outcome left that they have not done yet. Christian has not retained clean against Orton. He has lost and he has won via DQ. Now he should win the match cleanly because there really is nothing else they can do with this feud. It will probably end after this match too. It started with Christian not being able to defeat Orton and him finally winning despite being heel now should be the ending. Sheamus could challenge Christian next and Orton could squash Henry or do some other filler feud before becoming world champion again. Regardless of results, I think they will steal the show again.

Christian will retain the World Heavyweight Championship.
I don't mean to pick on you but that makes no sense. Why on earth would a chickenshit heel ever beat your top face clean? It defies logic. It's like having Clint Eastwood lose cleanly in a gun fight to "the ugly" in "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly".

The feud isn't a feel good story about Christian finally beating Orton clean. It was about Orton being better than Christian and it driving Christian to do despirate things. Christian is a great heel, I'm sure he'll understand that he shouldn't go over Orton clean. Plus it would really hurt Orton as a babyface.
I think this feud still has legs, to be honest. Im not a fan of them essentially re-introducing the CLB character with Christian, but both men have been fantastic. Orton has won me over with his wrestling style through this feud, and it hasnt just been when he's been facing Christian. Orton simply doesn't waste a move in the ring, and everything he does has a purpose. So maybe its due to this feud, or its just that Ive taken notice. I think this one lasts until HIAC, which is where Orton wins the blow-off match.

Christian sold me on the idea of him winning the WHC match with a one minute promo at the end of SD! after Ortons match Friday. Before that, I had no belief that Christian had a chance. But when he talked about having the "Best Thing Going", the obvious name that sprung to mind was Edge. But it got me thinking.......could he have been talking about Teddy Long when he said he has the "best thing going?" I tend to believe they brought in Aksana for more then just seducing Teddy backstage. Perhaps Christian is using her as an asset for the purpose of Christian threatening to expose Teddy in some way. . I could see Orton beating down Christian for some time, only for "the best thing going" type, someone that Christian has "conspired" with Long to help, and Christian gets the win. Just a hunch, as Im hoping Christian retains here.

LSN's prediction: Christian retains the World Heavyweight Championship.

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