WWE Over The Limit - Randy Orton (c) vs. Christian (World Heavyweight Championship)

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Randy wins this one UNFORTUNATLY.
Does Christian have a chance? Sure he does.
Anything can happen in the WWE.

My prediction though is a RKO victory followed by a handsake attempt by Orton in which Christian HEELS and attacks Orton.
I can't see Christian winning the World title again this quick. I mean, it's possible that Christian could win but it's unlikely. This should be an excellent match. These two have proven that they work very well together. I could see Christian turning heel during this match or after the match. I do hope that he stays a face instead.
The sole reason I'm ordering this PPV. This match. Phenomenal match on Smackdown where we saw Christian lose the World Heavyweight Championship. I have never been this excited for Randy Orton match and I'm ready to see a hell of a contest. Christian, in my opinion, is better off without the World Championship for the time being. Being on the losing end of a couple Randy Orton matches will do a hell of a lot more than it would if Christian were still holding the title, defending against guys like Mark Henry and Sheamus for four months. I believe this match is just part of the storyline and therefore, I don't think Randy Orton will lose here...especially to someone like Christian. Christian's time will come again but not now. Match of the Year candidate will happen.

Hamler's Prediction - Randy Orton
No chance Christian wins this. Like it or not, Orton is "the guy" on Smackdown now. He is the top man on the blue brand, and this isn't going to change for a very long time. Christian might get another chance to wear the WHC, but it's not going to happen tonight.

The match between these two should be good, because their match for the gold on Smackdown a few weeks ago was superb. Smackdown could use another top heel, so I wouldn't surprise me if Christian decided to go apeshit after this match, and he could give Orton a viscous beat down. Christan is always going on about his long journey to become WHC, and another loss here could send him over the edge.
I don't see a way Christian wins this match. They've been doing a slow burn turn with Christian moving closer towards being a heel, and having him win the title tonight would do nothing but hurt that. Further, those who say Vince doesn't see Christian as a top guy havent been paying attention, because he's been fighting for the World Title on 2 straight PPV's, and has been all over Smackdown. Lck of roster depth certainly helps, but Christian ha more then proved his value at the same time.

Christian got the best match Ive seen out of Randy Orton in a long time, and that includes any of his matches with CM Punk. Here's hoping this isn't the blowoff to their 'feud', becaus there's alot of money in it if done right. But Randy Orton was drafted to Smackdown to be the number 1 guy, and to be that guy, he needs the title to do so. I dont see a reason why he won't hold onto it here. Orton wins clean, and Christian inches closer towards hopefully turning heel.

LSN's prediction: Randy Orton defeats Christian to retain the World Heavyweight Championship.
This match could go either way and I'd be happy. Randy Orton is my favorite and him having the championship makes me glad without a doubt and if Christian takes it back then I have no problems with that either. His reign was too short and he deserves a proper run with the title. Of course a loss can led to a bigger storyline and I'm fine with it as long as Christian gets his proper run with the championship but if it happened tonight I'd be even happier to see Christian take it back.
WWE has managed to make me unsure of this one which is a good sign since there really shouldn’t be any doubt. Christian isn’t on Orton’s level point blank and I don’t think he’s going to be able to get his second title here. He had his big moment and his big win with the title and while his reign was too short, he’s had his moment and there’s no need to have him get it again. Let him chase it for awhile and see where it goes. He doesn’t win here though.
Well this was the kind of match that I love to see and my favourite match of the night.

It seemed to take a while for the crowd to really get behind it, but credit to Randy and Christian for being able to get them roaring at the finish! What I really liked about this match was the amount of counters and awareness from their previous encounters that added a fresh spin to things we'd already seen.

I'm glad that Christian didn't turn heel straight after the match, as it could be a good idea to make it a gradual transition (if they DO go that way) rather than a spur of the moment thing. Perhaps because of Truth's similar turn on Raw recently is another reason to make it gradual.

Glad I stayed up to watch this last night, fantastic match.
This was the match of the night and just the match that I was expecting out of the two. I liked how they reversed the spots that had been hit in the last match thereby showing how they had learned from their mistakes. I also liked how Orton hesitated before going for the Punt thereby allowing Christian to hit him with the spear. This could play a big part in the future of their feud when Christian turns heel. Orton could claim how he showed pity to Christian when he could have easily finished him off because he considered him his friend. Also the dueling chants for Christian and Orton were heartening to see. If nothing else, Christian is the third biggest babyface in the WWE currently.

As for the feud, I would have one more face vs face encounter between them before turning Christian heel. Make it a ladder match this time and play up Christian's history in these matches. When Christian will fail to retain once again and that too in his speciality match, then the desperation of the situation will set in and his heel turn will be better.
Hmm...Let us see what they say on the PW Torch podcast today. See how MORE ticked off the Christian fans are now!!!! Chris Jericho talking about ....Wait and see this could mean BIGGER and BETTER things for Christian cause of his quick title loss!!!! Yeah. I remember a masked Kane beating Stone Cold for the WWF World Title on June 28, 1998 in a First Blood Match. Lost it back to Stone Cold on June 29, 1998!!!!! 24 hours later on Raw. How many YEARS after did Kane FINALLY win the World title again July 18, 2010 and hold for a few months...12 years!!!!!! 12 years!!!!!!!!!!
Definitely match of the night. Consistent with lots of offense from both, tons of counters and I never knew who was gonna win until the RKO came. Christian may get the title for a proper reign soon enough but there would've been no point in taking it from him in the first place if he was gonna take it back. Also nice to see Randy Orton with a new submission move added to his moveset. That was a nice one that nobody else is currently using so props for that one.
Randy Orton will retain the World Heavyweight Championship.

I got this right. This here was the match of the night. What an amazing match. I almost thought Christian had it. They should have main evented, honestly, because this was a contender for match of the year and far better than the Cena/Miz main event we got. This feud needs to continue as it could lead into something in the end that (unlike the Miz) could be awesome. Both guys did great.
This match was the SHIT, it should have went on last. It had all the right ingredients for a great closing to a PPV. The crowd was hot all throughout the match showing both superstars love, Booker on commentating was really good cause you could tell that he was very excited to see this match, & he did a pretty good job of calling the match IMO. I love how both guys came into this match w/a different approach & not falling for the same tactics that caught them up in there previous match against one another. The match moved at a nice pace & even though I knew what the outcome was gonna be, I still gotta give props to both Christian & Randy for playing the match out in a unpredictable fashion.
Over the Limit a match made for one reason, to get one guy who earned the title out of the picture. And what a way to go out...well almost.

I am watching the show (LOL story time:lmao:) and Orton vs Christian easily best match of the night in my opinion but it's ending to me was shitter than Miz vs Cena. Near counts, multiple finisher attempts and the match had everything. I loved how the crowd was on both Christian and Randy's side and thats how a crowd should be! Yet you have these great moments, the spear from Christian, the RKO that thank god never conected and then...

Christian flips over Randy behind him and BOOM RKO. Now I'm not a Orton hater but I'm sure becoming one. Why does he need the WHC? Vince says he is the top face on SD! and that he needs it to keep it alive. Who do you think people are going to rather see. A guy who was hated for most of his entire career and won many world titles and others along the last 6 odd year i think? Or would you go and see someone who had probably one of the greatest matches at wrestlemania, was in one of the best tag teams ever and even though he was used quite badly on his own still didn't complain knowing one day he'd get his shot. Randy or Christian? This is turning into a Christian should be WHC thread I can see but hear me out...

The guy would probably get WWE a lot of buys and fans because of his story. When Jeff Hardy won the WWE Title and WHC people were very happy me included even though it was short and he left I still enjoyed his road to the title. The Undertaker had never won the WHC and when he got it after years everyone was like HELL YH TAKER! Thats what people were like for Christian, I think he should have what Edge's career would have been by now, world titles, great fan interraction and all around a good guy and main eventer in the industry. I think the ending to the Orton v Peep was worse than shit. They were making history and then (farting noise) shit ending. I have a few questions here...

1. What did you think of the match ending?
2. Who do you think should have won the match?
and 3. Would you rather see Christian as World Champ or Orton?

Thanks everyone and hate if you want I'll understand but Christian is becoming one of my all time favorites in WWE now.:worship:
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