Over the Limit a match made for one reason, to get one guy who earned the title out of the picture. And what a way to go out...well almost.
I am watching the show (LOL story time

) and Orton vs Christian easily best match of the night in my opinion but it's ending to me was shitter than Miz vs Cena. Near counts, multiple finisher attempts and the match had everything. I loved how the crowd was on both Christian and Randy's side and thats how a crowd should be! Yet you have these great moments, the spear from Christian, the RKO that thank god never conected and then...
Christian flips over Randy behind him and BOOM RKO. Now I'm not a Orton hater but I'm sure becoming one. Why does he need the WHC? Vince says he is the top face on SD! and that he needs it to keep it alive. Who do you think people are going to rather see. A guy who was hated for most of his entire career and won many world titles and others along the last 6 odd year i think? Or would you go and see someone who had probably one of the greatest matches at wrestlemania, was in one of the best tag teams ever and even though he was used quite badly on his own still didn't complain knowing one day he'd get his shot. Randy or Christian? This is turning into a Christian should be WHC thread I can see but hear me out...
The guy would probably get WWE a lot of buys and fans because of his story. When Jeff Hardy won the WWE Title and WHC people were very happy me included even though it was short and he left I still enjoyed his road to the title. The Undertaker had never won the WHC and when he got it after years everyone was like HELL YH TAKER! Thats what people were like for Christian, I think he should have what Edge's career would have been by now, world titles, great fan interraction and all around a good guy and main eventer in the industry. I think the ending to the Orton v Peep was worse than shit. They were making history and then (farting noise) shit ending. I have a few questions here...
1. What did you think of the match ending?
2. Who do you think should have won the match?
and 3. Would you rather see Christian as World Champ or Orton?
Thanks everyone and hate if you want I'll understand but Christian is becoming one of my all time favorites in WWE now.