Summerslam 2011 all over again.....

FlexAmerican Dynamite

With HHH unnecessarily being put as the special ref and claim a bit of focus in a match where nothing more is needed besides the clash between two of the biggest stars in the company (Cena/Bryan) with the MITB winner (Orton) waiting in the wings to cash in.

At least Del Rio won't be ending the show this year....
I don't get the complaints about it being Triple H. He didn't ruin the match in 2011.

I don't like it just because I'd prefer a straight up clean match, but if they're going this stupid route, Triple H is a better option than fucking Maddox.
It's not about HHH ruining the match per say, it's the fact that regardless the winner the focus will be on HHH. A little bit of history.

2011- Show ends with HHH dumbfounded by Nash's return and shocking (I guess) Del Rio cash in.

2012- A horrible Brock/HHH main events with an almost teary eyed HHH ending the show by being booed out the arena.

2013- ???, but it's not completely out of the question for it to be similar to the above.
I don't get the complaints about it being Triple H. He didn't ruin the match last year.

I don't like ti just because I'd prefer a straight up clean match, but if they're going this stupid route, Triple H is a better option than fucking Maddox.

People just wanted to see a great one-on-one match. This match has been 7 years in the making. Why does HHH have to stick his big fucking nose in it? Yeah, it's better than Brad Maddox, but it's a whole lot worse than Mike Chioda.

Personally, I'm thinking this is just a way for HHH to cost Bryan the match, turn heel, and then proceed to, I won't say bury, but beat him in a match or two. Hopefully I'm wrong about that, but HHH's actions in the past give me no reason not to automatically think he's up to something like that when he involves himself like this. Fuck him.
People just wanted to see a great one-on-one match. This match has been 7 years in the making. Why does HHH have to stick his big fucking nose in it? Yeah, it's better Brad Maddox, but it's a whole lot worse than Mike Chioda.

Personally, I'm thinking this is just a way for HHH to cost Bryan the match, turn heel, and then proceed to, I won't say bury, but beat him in a match or two. Hopefully I'm wrong about that, but HHH's actions in the past give me no reason not to automatically think he's up to something like that when he involves himself like this. Fuck him.

That I totally agree with.
People just wanted to see a great one-on-one match. This match has been 7 years in the making. Why does HHH have to stick his big fucking nose in it? Yeah, it's better Brad Maddox, but it's a whole lot worse than Mike Chioda.

Thank you. Took the words right off of my fingertips.

Personally, I'm thinking this is just a way for HHH to cost Bryan the match, turn heel, and then proceed to, I won't say bury, but beat him in a match or two. Hopefully I'm wrong about that, but HHH's actions in the past give me no reason not to automatically think he's up to something like that when he involves himself like this. Fuck him.

I hope you're wrong as well, but I can see it. Triple H can get bent. If there's a merciful god somewhere out there, Triple H comes down with some sort of dysentery this weekend.
So the question now is who gets screwed?

Probably Bryan but either way he loses. He either cheats to win or gets screwed but either way he comes out of the match the same. I don't care if Bryan loses but at least use the match to put him over more. At the end of Summerslam its all about Triple H and that's just not needed, or wanted, or does anyone any good besides Triple H.
I'd be shocked to see Triple H turn heel this weekend. Vince seems to be filling the heel niche role, setting up some sort of Vince versus Trips interaction at Wrestlemania. That's not to say that Triple H won't butt his big nose into the action in some manner, I just simply don't see him doing so as a heel. If anything, I could see him helping Daniel Bryan win (which would suck because I want to see him win on his own).
A referee is an underrated aspect of a match. No matter what happens, the match will not be as good as it would be with Mike Chioda in charge.

Bryan should walk out as champ. Bryan will not walk out as champ. Sad, very sad, but true.
People just wanted to see a great one-on-one match. This match has been 7 years in the making. Why does HHH have to stick his big fucking nose in it? Yeah, it's better than Brad Maddox, but it's a whole lot worse than Mike Chioda.

Personally, I'm thinking this is just a way for HHH to cost Bryan the match, turn heel, and then proceed to, I won't say bury, but beat him in a match or two. Hopefully I'm wrong about that, but HHH's actions in the past give me no reason not to automatically think he's up to something like that when he involves himself like this. Fuck him.
The match is 7 WEEKS in the making, not 7 YEARS. 7 Years ago Bryan was wresting in high school gyms after not being good enough at the time for WWE. 7 years ago John Cena was WWE Champion for an entire year. Don't tell me this is 7 years in the making, that's a load of shit. The 2 of them probably barely knew each other (despite the Velocity match) back then.

I agree I'd rather it be without a special ref, but I don't at all mind the idea that they are incorporating the McMahon feud, which needs PPV exposure. Storyline wise, it makes perfect sense.
I agree I'd rather it be without a special ref, but I don't at all mind the idea that they are incorporating the McMahon feud, which needs PPV exposure. Storyline wise, it makes perfect sense.

But there isn't going to be closure until Mania, and even then I highly doubt that's truly the end.
Could probably see Triple H being knocked unconscious and Brad Maddox taking over and screwing Bryan. Which is completely stupid, but it's WWE logic.

A Dusty Finish of that sort would be more likely if it was just a regular ref. Triple H isn't getting knocked out of this match unless the MizTV logo and Brodus Clay's disco ball simultaneously fall on top of him. It's more likely that either Vince or Maddox simply distracts Triple H, while the other tries to clean Bryan's clock. Then, much like when Vince sent Johnny Ace to ring the bell in MITB 2011 main event, Cena will intervene and say that he doesn't want to win that way.

It'll be an overbooked schmoz in any event. That's just my take.
Quit your bitchin, people.

HHH being inserted into the SS main event as the special ref doesnt hurt the main event. I dont think its event meant to add to it...I believe its to further this on going storyline between HHH and Vince. This will probably culminate at WM 30.
:eek2: It's all so clear now.

You know who's been surprisingly absent the past few weeks? Stephanie. Any chance she gets involved on Sunday? Maybe takes side with daddy, which is the big distraction involved in whatever goes down.

I know it's a longshot, but a Shane appearance would go a long way in helping this feud get over with me. Maybe he and the Mean Street Posse could kneecap Trips before the match, Brad Maddox would come out to officiate, but then Trips limps out to violently relieve Brad of the duty. It could happen.
I know it's a longshot, but a Shane appearance would go a long way in helping this feud get over with me. Maybe he and the Mean Street Posse could kneecap Trips before the match, Brad Maddox would come out to officiate, but then Trips limps out to violently relieve Brad of the duty. It could happen.

Eh. I'd prefer Stephanie coming out and baring all as a distraction.

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