
Goliath Uterus

Getting Noticed By Management
Did you serioulsy edit all your posts in the "There's this girl...." thread? You're such a spineless bastard, and you ruined that thread for future readers.

Any way a mod can change that shit back, and prevent the little fucker from doing it again?
We need Macca to come in and breath life back into the rivalry. That is the only way we can save him.
Sully said:
There's this girl. Last year I hated her...and well...I thought she hated me. But this year...She started saying Hello to me a almost every time I saw her...

Then in our verbal written class after I wrote a speech where we we're supposed to give a toast to somebody, and I gave it to myself (in the future). She thought it was funny, and the next speech was to teach a skill to the class, and she suggested I do "How to be Cute", I'll get onto to that particular though in a second.

Well, the Hi's and Hello's continued for awhile. Awhile Back she offered me something, I can't exactly remember what, oh was a calender she made in computer class...I now regret not taking it, but she was "angry" at me for declining. I just didn't want to carry something, and I don't every really bring my backpack home. But she seemed to..I guess forget about that. She then claimed to she upset with me because I didn't say Hi to her.

Well, she started to seem to talk to me more often, and I started to develop a crush on her. I would make comments about her to my friends, sometimes good, sometimes rude (Not like she's ugly or anything..just..sexually.), not that I meant the rude ones though. Her table in which she sits, with all her friends...was somewhat in front of ours. My friends began to pick this up. And one of them even told a few people. Although I think she definitely picked it up, as she would then begin I think..get in my head. She'd say very apparent things to me like "I love you". She asked me to join her group for this dancing thing she does for the school, and for an assembly, even though it was a day before they we're scheduled to perform, so I don't think it would have been possible. Her friend (with her right next her, offered for me to go over her house that friday, I nervously said I was busy. When I would be gone for long periods of time, or after christmas break, she'd say she missed me. She cheered me on during gym class (although I heard from this fat, obnoxious, unintelligent kid that she was making fun of me, though he's not the type to trust).

I've had dreams about her. One was a week ago, It was short, she said she was something with an S to me, can't remember the word, but it meant being nice because she felt bad for me, and I was at her locker. The other one was much longer, and positive. I was at her house, her room was messy. I had actually slept their, on the floor. I can't remember all the little details, I remember seeing her dad (who I actually never seen in real life before, nor do I know what he looks like.), and I remember holding her, and telling her I love her, and she's Beautiful. This morning she asked asked me what happened to my elbow (it's like all roughed up, think its from my carpet, which is what I told her.), and she told me my hair looks nicer then usually, and has that flippy kinda look. So I flipped it for her a bit. She also then, asked me to carry her books to her next class, which I excitedly said yes. At this point, I realized she might be trying to make this kid she hangs out with jealous, as he has sorta "flippy" hair, and he always carries her books. This kid is basically a Jock, he's got everything, the looks, he's on the football team..., he gets hugs from her, although so does a lot of other boys...besides me.

Well he comes up to me, and talks to me about a game I play, basically calling me a *** for playing it, and I would to if I we're him, except for the fact that he played it too. I quit the game a few months ago anyways, which he didn't believe. He then proceeded to take the books off me, and then thanked me for them. I was shocked, but didn't do anything. She didn't say anything to me the rest of the day. Although I did send her a message on myspace, and asked her if I could carry her books tomorrow, and that he rudely took them off me. She hasn't responded yet. Do you think she actually likes me? Or is she just messing with my head, trying to get some laughs from her friends?

You can't escape it, Sully. The more you try, the harder this will be.
If he at getting any pussy in his dreams, what chance does he have in real life?

None at all. He's the type of pussy who gets a girlfriend, but she only ever train fucks the football team, and makes him sit in the corner and work his way through it.

On that note, these were some other gem posts by him in that thread. Never forget!

Sully can't erase the entire past said:
I think i'm pretty much done with this bitch. And I'm even thinking of sending her the url to this forum, let her read some of it.

Haha, your message made me laugh. Yeah. I sent her the message she replied with "Sure if you want, haha." She does nothing the next day but tell all her friends about the message, almost directly too me, as she brought it up almost anytime I was around her. I send her url to this page, and say something like, This will give you something to tell your friends about. I really wish I would have said "tits or gtfo." Bitch if you see this, lets just say i'm not smarter then a 5th grader....well, your size is the size of a 5th grader, so I gusse that counts.

No, I think i'll be too busy thinking "Damn, this bitch has the smallest pussy I've ever seen, it's even worse then her moms'!"

Well, if my plans all work out, It might be cum on her pillow, not urine.

But if you really want, I'll try to do that...i'm having a special..."appointment" with her mom tomorrow.

I'll fuck the stuff animals on her bed if I have too.

I don't think she'll be smart enough to actulley join this forum and post hear, though that would be rather amusing. But she hasn't even read the fucking message yet.

And, not only did I send her the link to this page, I sent her the link to a Yahoo Answers question I asked.

I'm actulley curious, on what shes going to do when she reads it. In my message I said

"Try checking these out,;_ylt=ApX0m
w47YzX0loXu4KSfB8bsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100106225932A Adb5lh

That will give you something to tell all your friends." So i'm not sure if she'll actulley tell her friends, or just be so shocked by it all she won't know what to do. Because I gave you guys ALL the details, which she probably doesn't even know. She doesn't know what I say about her to my friends, she doesn't know those awesome dreams I had, I don't even think she knows I know shes trying to fuck with me.

Hell, I could be wrong, maybe she didn't even know I liked her, and I just fucked a whole lotta shit up. Maybe she actulley likes me...or liked me...though I highly...HIGHLY doubt that. She's probably more into Batman and his crude sayings.

Don't point out the bad things now. She said I could carry her books ("Sure if you want to, haha."), And then she said nothing about it, except the fact she told all her friends the message....and...probably the very cheesy pick up line I had in the message....And it's not my Lifelong's goal for the month.

Sorry, I was sleeping. I kinda already said fuck it with this girl, after I sent her the url to this thread. I mean...Sending a chick a thread that has 35 pages and like 300+ responses about her, isn't really the kinda thing that get's a girl to like you. I mean...she might be flattered by my first post...or laugh her ass off (more likely.), And the Myspace age...come on, I made the accoutn when I was like 10, for one, I don't think they let your age go down that far at the time, or they still don't...But I fixed it, now it says my real age.

I'm not a pedo, but I'm thinking about it being a future hobbie (Joke, after some of the things I said, and you guys beleiving it, I think I should point my sense of humor out from now on.) And, I offered to Join the Job squad earlier today, Leafy or whatever his name said sure, but wait till the others respond. haven't checked that out yet. And I'm probably not going to go to 4chan.

Oh hey, and hold up. Just check my myspace messages.

She replied. "(My name) do you really like me?" I just responded with "I did." Damnit, shoulda said Tits or Gtfo....

Ok, she replied with "Oh okay." Now i'm really really thinking of saying Tits or Gtfo right now to this chick...

Nah, I backed out. I did thank her for this giant thread though. One step at a time.
DirtyJosé;2606701 said:
You can't escape it, Sully. The more you try, the harder this will be.

If he at getting any pussy in his dreams, what chance does he have in real life?
If he at getting any pussy in his dreams, what chance does he have in real life?

None at all. He's the type of pussy who gets a girlfriend, but she only ever train fucks the football team, and makes him sit in the corner and work his way through it.

On that note, these were some other gem posts by him in that thread. Never forget!

Sully can't erase the entire past said:
I think i'm pretty much done with this bitch. And I'm even thinking of sending her the url to this forum, let her read some of it.

Haha, your message made me laugh. Yeah. I sent her the message she replied with "Sure if you want, haha." She does nothing the next day but tell all her friends about the message, almost directly too me, as she brought it up almost anytime I was around her. I send her url to this page, and say something like, This will give you something to tell your friends about. I really wish I would have said "tits or gtfo." Bitch if you see this, lets just say i'm not smarter then a 5th grader....well, your size is the size of a 5th grader, so I gusse that counts.

No, I think i'll be too busy thinking "Damn, this bitch has the smallest pussy I've ever seen, it's even worse then her moms'!"

Well, if my plans all work out, It might be cum on her pillow, not urine.

But if you really want, I'll try to do that...i'm having a special..."appointment" with her mom tomorrow.

I'll fuck the stuff animals on her bed if I have too.

I don't think she'll be smart enough to actulley join this forum and post hear, though that would be rather amusing. But she hasn't even read the fucking message yet.

And, not only did I send her the link to this page, I sent her the link to a Yahoo Answers question I asked.

I'm actulley curious, on what shes going to do when she reads it. In my message I said

"Try checking these out,;_ylt=ApX0m
w47YzX0loXu4KSfB8bsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100106225932A Adb5lh

That will give you something to tell all your friends." So i'm not sure if she'll actulley tell her friends, or just be so shocked by it all she won't know what to do. Because I gave you guys ALL the details, which she probably doesn't even know. She doesn't know what I say about her to my friends, she doesn't know those awesome dreams I had, I don't even think she knows I know shes trying to fuck with me.

Hell, I could be wrong, maybe she didn't even know I liked her, and I just fucked a whole lotta shit up. Maybe she actulley likes me...or liked me...though I highly...HIGHLY doubt that. She's probably more into Batman and his crude sayings.

Don't point out the bad things now. She said I could carry her books ("Sure if you want to, haha."), And then she said nothing about it, except the fact she told all her friends the message....and...probably the very cheesy pick up line I had in the message....And it's not my Lifelong's goal for the month.

Sorry, I was sleeping. I kinda already said fuck it with this girl, after I sent her the url to this thread. I mean...Sending a chick a thread that has 35 pages and like 300+ responses about her, isn't really the kinda thing that get's a girl to like you. I mean...she might be flattered by my first post...or laugh her ass off (more likely.), And the Myspace age...come on, I made the accoutn when I was like 10, for one, I don't think they let your age go down that far at the time, or they still don't...But I fixed it, now it says my real age.

I'm not a pedo, but I'm thinking about it being a future hobbie (Joke, after some of the things I said, and you guys beleiving it, I think I should point my sense of humor out from now on.) And, I offered to Join the Job squad earlier today, Leafy or whatever his name said sure, but wait till the others respond. haven't checked that out yet. And I'm probably not going to go to 4chan.

Oh hey, and hold up. Just check my myspace messages.

She replied. "(My name) do you really like me?" I just responded with "I did." Damnit, shoulda said Tits or Gtfo....

Ok, she replied with "Oh okay." Now i'm really really thinking of saying Tits or Gtfo right now to this chick...

Nah, I backed out. I did thank her for this giant thread though. One step at a time.
Why do you people fucking care so much, not only is that thread buried in the bar room archives, but people like you didn't join untill after the thing was over anyways. I get harrased on here so much about what happened in that thread, why not delete my stupidity, and awful posts. You want to read it, go ahead, it's posted here. Knock your selves out. Besides, I only edited about a quarter of it anyways.
You learn from your stupidity. Hell my first few posts here were shit, if I go back and see them I remind myself I'm a lot better than that now.
Why do you people fucking care so much, not only is that thread buried in the bar room archives, but people like you didn't join untill after the thing was over anyways. I get harrased on here so much about what happened in that thread, why not delete my stupidity, and awful posts. You want to read it, go ahead, it's posted here. Knock your selves out. Besides, I only edited about a quarter of it anyways.


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