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I suggest that there be a more democratic and objective way to determine what is and isnt spam. It seems to me around here that if you post something the mods or someone else doesnt like, you get pegged for spamming. How are we allowed to have a free exchange of ideas if you get warned and banned for something someone else randomly determines as spam? I never once gave one word answers, short ones maybe, but not one worders. Ive seen people write less and get away with it.

Take the thread in the Raw section for example, there are tons of posts there shorter than anything I have posted and yet none of those people got a warning or banned. Hell the post itself is a nonsensical rant (which I was told was spamming) but since everyone agrees with it its ok?
Well, heres basically how it is..

The Mods won't just warn you because they dont like you.. Maybe they'll end up keeping a eye on you, but they definatly won't give you a warning for shits and giggles.. Tho, I do agree that somethings considered of spam are blown way out of perportion(sp?) such as one sentence replies and such, I really don't believe for one second you'd be warned just for the fact of you being disliked..

Some things considered spam could be debated tho..
Is that not spam?

Answering nope to a question is spam. You might feel hard done by because you got warned but the simple fact is that people who give good detailed answers never get warning's. Why could that be?

Does that really add anything to the discussion. It's you opinion and you're welcome to it. But could'nt you put why ECW suck's?

Again it's you're opinion, I feel the same but I and other's would add more to it.

I might be a little bit harsh sometime's when it come's to spam but that's only because I want to get the quality of post's better. If warning people does that then I will continue.
Honestly, there seems to be alot of issues with what is/isn't spam around this place over the last couple of weeks, unfortunately at this time I cant g over everything due to me not having a secure Internet connection. As soon as I am able to get back full time we can look over everything and maybe have a look at re-defining what is/isn't spam. I dont know, but my instinct would be that the Mods are warning people for the right reasons, just because you dont see someone get warned doesn't mean they dont get something.
I dont discriminate. Everybody get's warned for the same thing's. If I miss somebody that's unintentional. Mod's cant be expected to warn every single poster who spam's. It's near impossible.
But why should anyone post 5 paragraphs of nonsense when a few words will do? Less is more
Because a few word's resemble spam. Most people could give a simple answer in a sentence but that's not going to lead to more discussion. And the whole purpous is discussion. It make's it more intresting if somebody can pick apart you're post.

It might be easier to give a one sentence reply but who want's to read it? And with a one sentence answer who will value you're opinion?
Actually, in a very bass ackwards sort of way, it will lead to more. A vague answer is left open to interpretation and therefore would lead to more discussion. "Do you think ECW can be saved?" "Nope." "Why not?" "Well heres why, because I think blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"
Yeah but why make load's of smaller post's that will inevitably lead to a lot of spam. If you make a slightly larger post it will have the same affect and warning's wont have to be dealt out.

"Do you think ECW can be saved?" "Nope." "Why not?" "Well heres why, because I think blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"

Also the conversation will get nowhere because if people reply in a post with ''Nope'', ''Why Not'' they deserve a warning.
I understand where you are coming from, I just guess I have a problem with the subjectivity of it all. I dont want mods singling myself or others out just because they dont like what I have to say.
I would'nt abuse my power and warn somebody if I did'nt agree with what they had to say. I would'nt even warn somebody if they flamed me. It does'nt bother me. Although I'll give out warning's if somebody else is flamed. As far as I'm concerned everybody has a right to there oppinion weather I agree or not is irrelivent.
Because a few word's resemble spam.

Not in all cases.. Sometimes, a few words can mean more then writing a whole paragraph if done right..

Most people could give a simple answer in a sentence but that's not going to lead to more discussion.

Sure it could.. Lets say the topic is

"Is Bobby Lashley the next Brock Lesnar?"

A poster can simply say

"No, there is noway Lashley at the moment compares to Brock Lesnar.. He lacks mic skills and wrestling ability"

Out of that post, I can pick out a debate of.. How doesn't he compare to Brock? There wrestling talent are equal.. There both powerhouses.. Mic skills can improve etc etc.. Now saying something like


Then I can see your point..

It make's it more intresting if somebody can pick apart you're post.

Yeah, but sometimes, people just don't feel like writing a shit load, but they do want to get there point across..

It might be easier to give a one sentence reply but who want's to read it?

I can make the same case about a long post.. When a poster posts an essay, that really almost always kills that thread.. People normally just ignore it.

And with a one sentence answer who will value you're opinion?

If done right, it can happen.

Yeah but why make load's of smaller post's that will inevitably lead to a lot of spam.

No matter how long of a post a user makes, someone will aways spam..

Also the conversation will get nowhere because if people reply in a post with ''Nope'', ''Why Not'' they deserve a warning.

Why? If a person states there opinion on a certain issue, even wih maybe a one sentence post, why does it deserve a warning... I would agree if the user goes off topic, but while staying on topic, why can't you post one sentence? Theres almost no logic behind that.. A discussion is people going back and fourth in a conversation.. And I believe, no matter how long the post it, a discussion can be formed..

I believe you both need to put into each other shoes.. I'm sure Jake remembers what it feels like to be a poster, and possibly Kaedon knows what it feels like to be a mod.. But really the definition of spam here is ust a little pushy.. The definition of the term is basically going off topic.. So really, I believe that if you contribute something to the topic, even if its 10 words, it shouldn't be considered spam.. Other then that, it deserves a warning.
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