Storylines about to die

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Getting Noticed By Management
So, I am not sure if this should be merged into any of the other Hogan threads, if so please move. If not please leave it alone.

So as many of us have mentioned it seems lately TNA storylines have been getting better and it has become a more enhjoyable storyline.

The MEM seem to be gone and dead
You have Angle / Wolfe
The world Elite
A good Knockout division
A good tag team division
Foley / Abyss
AJ World champ

I am just curious if when Hogan takes over creative control how many of these good storylines or bookings are going to just disappear?
I'd like to think that none of the current feuds will die immediately, or even within a few weeks. They're closing in on a PPV, and all of the feuds going have matches there. If they're going to end them because Hogan and Eric have arrived, then they at least get a PPV send-off.

My worry with their arrivals isn't the prospect of the feuds that are going coming to an end. It's that I'm not sure what we're going to see happening after them. I don't want to see Hogan in the ring full-time, or even more than maybe once every other month. Bischoff is a smart man, so I'm hoping that they balance each other out, and keep the product TNA already has, but elevate it to the next level, whatever that may be.
I am just curious if when Hogan takes over creative control how many of these good storylines or bookings are going to just disappear?

Hogan is not taking over creative control, he only has control of his character.
The internet sites have confirmed this.
Russo is still head of creative, Bischoff will give his input, but that's it.
I dont think many of the current storylines will die at all. In fact im gonna go so far as to say that i dont think this whole hogan/eb thing was just spur of the moment. From what i have seen watching these last 2 weeks in TNA, from hearing the announcers, i think EB already has a big idea, and it dates back that far actively ATLEAST, and since then we have been watching the setup for it. I could be totally off of course, but it just seems to me something is up and EB is skipping some stones in the TNA pond well befor anything was public, knowing it was just a matter of time. And if he does have an ace, Remamber i called it here first.
Hogan is not taking over creative control, he only has control of his character.
The internet sites have confirmed this.
Russo is still head of creative, Bischoff will give his input, but that's it.

I'm pretty sure they confirmed that Hogan will be the head of creative, with Russo, Ferrara, Bischoff, and Borash all having input. Bischoff and Borash are both very smart wrestling minds, and Ferrara and Russo have done little to give me cause to worry lately. This could all work out well, and move along smoothly with hardly a sign that anything's different, except for Hogan appearing on screen. Or, it could implode, and you won't recognize anything within 3 months.
Here is what I copied and saved from several sources.

Will Hogan’s signing effect the future of Vince Russo in TNA? Early indications suggest that Russo is in no danger of losing his job and acted unsurprised of the signing.
When asked about Vince Russo (the current head of TNA creative), Hogan said as long as Russo knew his place in the company then everything would be fine.

Bischoff’s role in TNA Wrestling will be mainly behind the scenes, working deals with TNA, SpikeTV and many others. Bischoff will also be participating in the creative department, helping bring a new feel to TNA and a new direction in terms of storylines.

Despite what's being said elsewhere, several TNA sources are saying that Bischoff and Hogan are not taking over creatively. Hogan will likely have creative control over his character but word is that Russo and company are not being replaced. Hogan has suggestions of talents he would like to see brought into TNA but there are currently no wrestlers or other personalities 100% set to come in.

The belief right now is that Hogan will be a regular personality on TNA iMPACT! but will only wrestle sparingly. He may end up in the role of some type of authority figure.
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Here is what I copied and saved from several sources.

Will Hogan’s signing effect the future of Vince Russo in TNA? Early indications suggest that Russo is in no danger of losing his job and acted unsurprised of the signing.
When asked about Vince Russo (the current head of TNA creative), Hogan said as long as Russo knew his place in the company then everything would be fine.

Bischoff’s role in TNA Wrestling will be mainly behind the scenes, working deals with TNA, SpikeTV and many others. Bischoff will also be participating in the creative department, helping bring a new feel to TNA and a new direction in terms of storylines.

Despite what's being said elsewhere, several TNA sources are saying that Bischoff and Hogan are not taking over creatively. Hogan will likely have creative control over his character but word is that Russo and company are not being replaced. Hogan has suggestions of talents he would like to see brought into TNA but there are currently no wrestlers or other personalities 100% set to come in.

The belief right now is that Hogan will be a regular personality on TNA iMPACT! but will only wrestle sparingly. He may end up in the role of some type of authority figure.

If it's all true, then great. Hogan saying "Russo has his place" is a bit worrisome, but he's got a huge ego, and that's to be expected. I really wish Hogan was just a backstage personality, only rarely appearing on TV, and then if he has to wrestle, keeping it to once a month, if that. Jeff Jarrett originally returned in that role, and it changed when he went full-time, and then disappeared completely. I think that's best for Hogan right now. I don't want him to oversaturate the show with himself...Not now, not ever.

Bischoff I figured was going to be backstage only, and that's fine. He is a smart man, and will hopefully do some good things.
I think if their signing Hogan they HAVE to use him on camera, thats really where his worth is, but he doesn't have to wrestle, I think Hogan would be the perfect storyline authority figure really in TNA or WWE if he'd went that route. He really is great on the mic and you could get all of his advantages without the disadvantages.

I really hope he doesn't wrestle though or at least not too much, I mean really that part of his career should be behind him, if he thinks he should still be winning World Championships, at this point in time TNA shouldn't even have bothered.
Unless Hogan immediately debuts in a TNA Roster vs Hogan match and squashes the roster i dont think the company or many of the storylines will be changed very much.
I don't think you will have a change in storylines but we have already seen a Hulk Hogan press confrence replace the main event with Kurt Angel getting knocked cold by Wolfe. The announcers praise Hogan like he was the greatest thing sense sliced bread. They didn't mention that the last time he was a true main eventer was in 1999 when Russo "fired" him on air. His press confrence was insulting. Is he coming in as a heel? Why spend big money to make your big star a rude heel.

I know how to keep Hulkimania from running wild...steal his walker.
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So, I am not sure if this should be merged into any of the other Hogan threads, if so please move. If not please leave it alone.

So as many of us have mentioned it seems lately TNA storylines have been getting better and it has become a more enhjoyable storyline.

The MEM seem to be gone and dead
You have Angle / Wolfe
The world Elite
A good Knockout division
A good tag team division
Foley / Abyss
AJ World champ

I am just curious if when Hogan takes over creative control how many of these good storylines or bookings are going to just disappear?

Hopefully Hogan will give TNA the edge in ratings.
If Hogan comes in as the 'owner', he could have a huge impact.

TNA doesn't have an authority figure, so the Hulkster as the guy in charge could be television gold.

What if they turned him into a heel owner after a few months? That'd be awesome. Then you could have Kurt Angle as the full-fledged American good guy going up against Hogan's tyranny.

Say Hulk steals the TNA title from someone over like A.J. thanks to help from a heel Matt Morgan (a la Andre in the 80s) and Kurt goes down a two month guantlet to get a shot at Hogan to get the title out his clutches? That'd be awsome.

Even better, Hulk wouldn't have to wrestle more than once or twice a month (at most). You could have him as part of a 6 man tag match and he only gets tagged in like once for like two minutes so he'll be fine. He wouldn't even have to take off his bandana and hulk up his bald spot.
Hogan may be a megalomaniac, but he isn;t an idiot. Hogan looks after number one, and as none of those storylines have any bearing whatsoever on him, I can't see him nixing any of them. What we have to worry about is that once he debuts, you'll probably never see a main event that doesn't feature him, and that there will never be a storyline that makes him look bad. The problem is that he will claim to put people over by losing to them in a bullshit fashion, exactly like he did towards the end of his WCW tenure. That doesn't help the company or his opponents, and that is the worry with Hulk's creative control.
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