Stop the talent exchange already!

Should they stop the ECW/Smackdown talent exchange?

  • HELL YEAH! It's turning ECW into Velocity.

  • HELL NO! It's the only reason I watch ECW!

  • It doesn't really matter to me.

  • I don't watch ECW or Smackdown!

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I think they need to do away with the shitty Smackdown talent exchange. This has practically turned ECW into Velocity. They should just move Chavo Guerrero, Kenny Dykstra, Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang to ECW and then move up a few top OVW guys to the roster so they will have around 20 wrestlers. We see the same Smackdown guys every week on ECW so its gotten boring and has left guys like Tommy Dreamer, Steven Richards, Elijah Burke, Kevin Thorn and Balls Mahoney with no TV time. I thought they would at least bring over some of the more well known guys but only the lower card guys seem to show up on ECW and we almost never see ECW guys on Smackdown. I think they should just end this crappy storyline talent exchange and let ECW have it's own identity. If they really want a Smackdown guy to show up on ECW or vice-versa then they don't really need to have a shitty talent exchange angle, they can just have them show up. We already seen certain people unexplainable switch brands (SHelton Benjamin, Drew McIntyre, Ashley) so why not just make things back to the way they used to be. I think ECW will be fine if they just get about 6-7 more wrestlers.
I don't think ending the talent exchange is the answer, they just need to use it better. When they sent Batista, their former World Champ, over and he had a competitive match with Elijah Burke it made Burke look strong because he hung in with the former champion. Now sending Kenny Dykstra over and having competitive matches with CM Punk is stupid seeing as Punk is a supposed World Champ and Kenny was getting Squashed by Chuck Palumbo weeks earlier.

The talent exchange should be used to make ECW look like a legit brand, but I personally feel like ECW has become Smackdown Part 1. At least one match on ECW is Smackdown vs Smackdown sometimes its even the main event.

I don't mind that WWE is trying to test out new feuds and matches but I don't think they should do it on ECW and then act suprised when the ratings are low.

You can call it Vince further burying ECWs name or blame it on creative, either way the talent exchange is a great idea very poorly executed.
The talent exchange has definatly breathed new life into ECW. As much as I love punk, there was only so far that he and morrison or he and burke could go. Bringing in kane and mark henry and occasionally batista gives the ecw wrestlers some credibility, as someone previously said here. I would either merge the two shows into one, or give ecw another hour. They have to put all their storylines into just an hour a week and the midcarders are often pushed off the air.
At first I didnt really like the ECW/Smackdown talent exchange but after a few weeks, I started to like it.

We have seen a few good matches from the talent exchange eg. Batista vs Burke and a couple from Miz/Morrison vs Moore/Wang Yang. It also seemed to get a few more people to watch ECW so why get rid of it??

It creates more storylines instead of the same old shit we saw for a year eg New breed vs Originals etc.

It also allows superstars from Smackdown that dont get enough Tv time, a place to wrestle. Moore and Yang were hardly ever on Smackdown before the talent exchange and look at their matches over the past month with the tag champs. Their matches were the highlight of the night and the main attraction IMO.
I don't believe the talent exchange should continue. Nowadays, i rarely see Burke or Dreamer or Richards. Benjamin was sent over there to help his career but all he's been doing lately is promos. The only way it helped any ECW wrestlers is that it gave Miz/Morrison the Tag Titles. But what about everyone else? If they could get 2 hours, then the talent exchange might work. But it's killing most of the ECW wrestlers careers, so they need to do something about it.
Think about it, dont you think smackdown and ecw sort of need each other? i understand about the wrestlers and how they need air time, but WHY did this happen. the new ECW is shit and might as well call it something else like BRAWL or something like that. To keep its rateings alive is one thing, but this is just despreate. they HAVE (not want) talent that not even theirs to beging with. so ECW superstars like boggyman and Mike Knoxs have to stand alone in the sildlines and watch their carrers die. and to main event a champ thats not even THEIRS is disgresfull. if wrestlers need air time and currently a SD star and thats not getting any tv time, u might as well slap ECW on them.
I don't think that they should stop the talent exchange. It's really good for both brands. Just look at it, do you really think that Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore would be on Smackdown if they weren't feuding with Miz and Morrison for the Tag-Team belts? I didn't think so. Also, it let's feud be on both brands, for example: Kane and Big Daddy V.
I think they should just combine the two rosters and use the hour where ECW is taped to bring back Velocity.

They already could have a big match between Edge and CM Punk to unify the 2 titles.

Having three brands within one company is stupid, bringing it down to two is a step in the right direction.

Furthermore, with the Crusierweight title gone, perhaps if the two brands merged into one they could bring the Hardcore title to replace it.
I think they should just combine the two rosters and use the hour where ECW is taped to bring back Velocity.

I don't think anyone, including you, truly understand the level of selling that the E.C.W. show does. You see, its whats in a name. What the f*ck did Velocity EVER do?! Nothing. E.C.W. has seen title changes, & its seen decent matches.

People will continue to tune in, because of the name. If you go backwards & rename the show Velocity, people will think of what it used to be, & quit watching all together.

They already could have a big match between Edge and CM Punk to unify the 2 titles.

Honestly, C.M. Punk is way overrated. I'm not saying a Championship match against Edge isn't in the future.. & I'm definately not saying I wouldn't wanna see Edge kill him. However, I am saying that unifying those two Championships is only destroying what McMahon brought life back into.. & McMahon doesn't like to admit defeat.. which is why it'll likely NEVER happen.

Having three brands within one company is stupid, bringing it down to two is a step in the right direction.

Unless by right direction, you actually mean "backwards" then sure. However, all this will do is admit defeat of trying to run a 3rd brand.. when the fact is, that 3rd brand is still gaining enough viewers on the Sci-Fi network, that its a top rated show. E.C.W. isn't "failing" they were given a 8-12 week deal, & the network extended it because they became a highly rated show.. dispite the ratings still sucking.

Unless they end the brand extention completely, & bring everyone back together.. W.W.E. will continue to suck. Right now, Smackdown & E.C.W. are basically one in the same anyways, just with two shows & talent performing more on one than the other. So you more or less got what you want.. except without the name "Velocity" over the E.C.W. show.

Furthermore, with the Crusierweight title gone, perhaps if the two brands merged into one they could bring the Hardcore title to replace it.

Why? The Hardcore title was pure shit. The cruiserweight title at least had a division before they released have the talent.

W.W.E. wouldn't know how to produce hardcore, if Paul Heyman himself wrapped a barb of barbwire around McMahon's head & squeezed. McMahon would just see it as "extreme brain-cramming." Then try to repackage it with the term "hardcore" when in fact, it'll have nothing to do with anything remotely hardcore.. but instead, it'll host everything from a guy eating worms, to a former Mtv reality star & finally a girl who thinks dancing is merely taking her top off.
The talent exchange is ok, because theyuse some unused wrestlers, but it will die anyway, because ECW will die at the end of the year. I always told people it doesn't matter what the ECW Roster is, it matters about the extremity of the show.

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