Stop ripping TNA, it is not the new WCW and it is early for them to compete with RAW.


Dark Match Winner
For the last 12 hours or so, this forum has been floded with TNA hate threads, with Total Nonstop bashing on TNA, how the new regime sucks, how Hogan and Bischoff are taring TNA apart, how TNA is domed to fail or that TNA is the new WCW and one thread even went as far as saying that Hogan & Bischoff are in TNA to steal money :lmao:.

Now this kinda amused me, that people start ripping a product they were just recently introduced to, people even compared WCW at its 8th year of existence to TNA's current year, ignoring a lot of things, as simple as how TNA has just entered a new regime or how WCW was backed by the non ending money of Ted Turner.

To think that TNA at this early stage of changing their program from Thursdays to Mondays are going to beat RAW on its usual time slot is very optimistic, now some people are going to say but WCW did it at their first year of introducing Nitro, well my response is that IMPACT won't be like Nitro at any way or form, you see, when Turner created WCW, he created it on the ashes of JCP, meaning that it had a lot of following from the Mid Atlantic region, and almost every casual fan in that area knew exactly what WCW was as JCP programming was on Turner's network and Ted advertised ths shit out of WCW on it, on the other hand, if you weren't a hardcore wrestling fan, you wouldn't have even known what the hell is TNA, the company was created out of nowhere and with almost non exsistent advertising.

Even at that stage and despite carrying the NWA belts (something that was huge at the time of the early 90s), WCW were doing very bad numbers in almost everything (ratings, PPV buys and revenue incomes) despite having some very recognized names like Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes and Sting, TNA on the other hand started from scratch with no star power, poor production and poor PPV buys to their old Wednesday night PPVs, yet managed to stay in the buissness with this model for two years.

WCW buissness was turned around when Bischoff became the company's executive producer, production values were upgraded, the non ending cash from good ol' Ted helped him make the move to Disney studios signing the BIGgest names that fell out with Vince like Hogan and Savage in the process, yet WCW numbers weren't that great espciall in the ratings despite it being shown on Turner's network with a lot of advertising and a list of star power that is bigger than the WWF, TNA on the other hand had to be saved by Dixie Carter and Pande Energy and signed a deal in 2004 with Foxsports a network that is not viewed by so man people, and was never know to broadcast any wrestling shows before.

Now people are ripping TNA in their 8 year exsistence and compare it to WCW's numbers in 1998 (8 years after its creation) but they completly missed the whole point here, when WCW made the move to Monday nights, WWF was not the giant force that the WWE are now, most importantly WCW had a star power that was similar to or bigger than that of the WWF's, WCW was shown on a network that was close in numbers to the network that used to broadcast RAW unlike Spike TV and the USA network right now, Turner broadcasting advertised the shit out of Nitro every hour non stop while Spike TV while advertising TNA, they barely mention them outside the show and when they do it is poor and is not enough to make most of the casual viewers to know about their existence, Bischoff had the money to go live on the road and buy some production equipement that exeeded WWF's at the time, TNA to this day doesn't have the money to do that, and IMO the most important point is that helped WCW become a threat to Vince and the WWF and establish themselves in the wrestling industryTurner's money enabled Bischoff to sign whoever he wanted from Vince's roster as he offered them more money and less workload and that got him huge names from the WWF at that time like Luger, Hall and Nash, don't forget that the internet wasn't like today so it was easier to keep the surprises from the fans, thats like TNA signing the likes of Kofi Kingston, Chris Jericho and John Morisson and keeping it away from the IWC.

Now it took WCW five years to start being a threat to the WWF and six years to actually compete with them despite being more stronger than the WWF at the time and despite the non ending resources that they have, granted TNA did some stupid lame things in the new regime but then again who doesn't, and on the recent sets of IMPACT the postives outwighted the negatives to start ranting.

IMO, TNA's biggest problem is advertising, what they need to do is try getting new fans rather than trying to steal from WWE, they should promote the hell out of their show as being a must watch if you want an action packed over the top edgy entertainment, there is a lot of teens who choose to go to MMA because they think Pro Wrestling is for kids, these are those fans TNA need to garter to, should TNA try to convince them to cross the line, and with a must see program, I guess these teens would enjoy Pro Wrestling more and TNA's numbers might increase.

One last thing, for those who say Bischoff and Hogan went to TNA to steal money, I don't want to sound mean but you should laugh at yourself, I am not Hogan's nor Bischoff's, but I'm sure if they went to TNA solely for money, then they would've gone to the WWE where they'd been offered more lucrative deals without doing much work as they do in TNA.

Bottom line is TNA has been doing this change for three months and people start moaning when this change started, if you want it to suceed, try giving it time, if you just want to bitch and moan, then sorry but you should fuck off to the same repititive show and watch a midget trying to bore you to death, or two ugly twins trying to sleep with whoever the guest host is.
WWE fans should be rooting for TNA to be successful, because healthy competition will make the WWE better. Even the biggest WWE mark would have to admit that the WWE product has gotten stale, and this is mostly because they dominate the market. They don't have to change or take any risks, because they know they're the only game in town. If TNA is successful, that will force Vince to get creative, and it will make the product better.

BTW, I think TNA's shows were better each of the last 2 Mondays. I mean, I love Bret Hart and Stone Cold, but would you rather see a contract signing or two premier wrestlers in their prime in a match? Hardy/AJ will headline a PPV sometime this year, and we got to see it for free last night.
Whoever wins will win. I like both companies, but I am a fan of WWE more and mostly watched WWE. But I have also watched TNA for a long time and they are really good, but if they want to win they need to give a lot of guys opportunities like Motor City Machine Guns and Daniels, which all are overdue for championships, and have them win titles.
BTW, I think TNA's shows were better each of the last 2 Mondays. I mean, I love Bret Hart and Stone Cold, but would you rather see a contract signing or two premier wrestlers in their prime in a match? Hardy/AJ will headline a PPV sometime this year, and we got to see it for free last night.

TNA wasn't better than last night, but they were better last week except for their first segment last week which I think WWE was better on.
I find Impact unwatchable. It has great production values from the... 90's! It is like watching WCW at the end 2000-2001. Having a bunch of good matches on free tv won't make me want to pay for them. WWE is not as good as it was 9 years ago but WWE will always be better and TNA should be happy to be #2. TNA should try to be different like having an 8 sided ring and have their show on Thursdays NO they decide to copy the WWE instead of being original. They can say they have better wrestlers but it's fake anyway so who cares, it's not a real sport. TNA will NEVER have a Wrestlemania caliber match as good as their wrestlers are.
I hate to say it, because I want TNA to do well, but please TNA go back to Thursday and just do you. I've been a fan since they have been on TV, and enjoyed the program pretty much. They just need to grow and promote. Why must all wrestling be on Monday and "compete" There is room for all wrestling.
I am not so sure that the people ripping TNA apart are WWE fans. I think, for the most part, it is "old school" TNA fans (if there is such a thing). These spot-loving smarks are bitter, plain and simple. While I like guys like Kaz, Amazing Red, AJ, Pope, Daniels, Wolfe, etc., they just weren't DRAWING! They are not big draws, I am sorry to say.

I don't like everything Bischoff and Hogan are doing. I think we are seeing far too much Bischoff, and FAR too much Hogan. But that is their strategy. Get the big names on the screen so people will watch. Is that strategy going to work in the long run? Who knows. But TNA needed a new direction. It wasn't working. Sure, every spot-monkey TNA fan loved the old product. I didn't think it was terrible. It wasn't on the level of WWF/E, WCW or ECW, but it wasn't the worst thing I had ever seen either.

But at least they are trying to do something. TNA was headed for disaster. They were buidling new superstars like Wolfe, AJ, Daniels, etc. Unfortunately, the casual wrestling fan did not care about those guys or how good they are in the ring. But, if Hogan and Bischoff can attract more people, all that does is give exposure to guys like AJ, Pope, Daniels, Wolfe, etc.

Wrestling fans today are very, very impatient, and that is in part the fault of the professional wrestling industry. They gave us more, more, and more. More PPV's. More weekly programming. More wrestlers. So, fans want everything now, now, now. If you think TNA has a chance of taking WWE on in the ratings this year, you are OUT OF YOUR MIND! If you think they SHOULD take WWE on in the ratings this year, YOU'RE NUTS! This will take time. And at the end of the day, I highly doubt that any of you are actually going to stop watching just because the fat ass Nasty Boys have some tv time. At least I hope I'm right about that.
You know what my problem is with TNA they said in december 2009. We have hogan we are gonna start a war. Then Hogan came with things like what u gonna do WWE when TNA is coming for u blablabla. For me it sounded like they really believed that on january for and last week they would get ratings of 2.0 or higher, Hogan even said it. And well turned out they didn't.

They bring in RVD, Jimmy Hart, Jeff Hardy, Flair etc. they make a big deal out of it, you would expect that would make a least a few people curious. This wake rating 0.8 apparently nobody got curious. So what is WWE gonna do when Hogan and TNA are coming for them. I guess laugh.
Jimmy Hart pinned someone on Impact last night......Jimmy. Hart. TNA has a wealth of talent, I want so bad for them to do good, but they're not. Kill all that crap about it only being the second week. Abyss is a joke. Instead of highlighting the X-Division, they have a promo fest with some high spots. That was the coolest part of the show. Why not have a tag match between all those guys to promote the PPV. It would only produce more buys in my opinion, and I don't look at it as giving away a match. But no, we get to see the Nasty Boys verses the Dudley's, and the much anticipated return of....Spike Dudley. TNA should be given a little bit of time to get their stuff together, but if they can't see that the Nasty Boys vs The Dudley's is a bad idea, then they are in for trouble. Hall vs 2010? Get out of here. They are only going backwards.
TNA is a joke. Always has been, always will be. Their booking is ridiculous, they showcase talent who were past their peak 10 years ago, let alone now in 2010.
TNA need to look at the ratings, what was it for Monday nights?
1.4 for a one off special
1.0 for their Monday launch
0.8 the week after

Notice a trend? TNA is a bag of shit at the minute, Hogan needs to stop giving his mates jobs, because it is ruining their product. Showcase the young stars not the Nasty Boys or Hall and Waltman.
I myself dont really care about TNA, i've tried really hard to watch the show but its just sooooo boring, the storylines dont make sense, the production is crap, you see the same old guys hogging the spotlight and the tna stars buried week after week.
Srsly where the hell is samoa joe???, in the end we have all the right to bash tna, because they are doing a crap job to keep us interested, and filling hogan's and bischoff pocket with money!

P.D: in case you didnt know the ratings are in: WWE RAW 3.7 / TNA 0.8, i mean come on, 0.8 and this is a war??
TNA wasn't better than last night, but they were better last week except for their first segment last week which I think WWE was better on.

Fair enough. I was excited about RAW last night because Stone Cold is one of my all time favorites. And I will admit that they pulled off the Hart/Vince angle well with the fake cast. I would give a very slight edge to TNA last night, but I understand why someone would say RAW was better.
Any mockery TNA gets as a result of their move to Monday nights is completely their own doing. They were the ones who threw down the gauntlet, challenged the WWE, made all those outrageous claims about how TNA was going to do this, was going to do that, so, as far as I am concerned, this is one of those "being careful what you wish for" situations. Perhaps the OP's point would be better taken, if Impact were still on Thursdays, building up their fan base, but, that point became completely moot the minute TNA started bragging about how they were going to war with the WWE on Mondays. They brought it on themselves.

Stop whining.
TNA is a joke. Always has been, always will be. Their booking is ridiculous, they showcase talent who were past their peak 10 years ago, let alone now in 2010.
TNA need to look at the ratings, what was it for Monday nights?
1.4 for a one off special
1.0 for their Monday launch
0.8 the week after

Notice a trend? TNA is a bag of shit at the minute, Hogan needs to stop giving his mates jobs, because it is ruining their product. Showcase the young stars not the Nasty Boys or Hall and Waltman.

Yes, because somehow the Nasty Boys (as shitty as they are) are to blame for TNA's low ratings. Who else among Hogans "mates" are to blame? Hall? Waltman? Jimmy Hart? While I don't believe they are helping as much as Hogan would like, they are NOT hurting the ratings either. TNA's ratings sucked before Hogan, and they suck now. He hasn't hurt the brand, like a lot of you like to make it seem.

You said it yourself. TNA was shit before, and they are shit now. I don't agree that they are shit, but I agree that it's basically no different than before. But now, they are TRYING to move forward, instead of just sitting around, wating for fans to come to them. Are they doing that great of a job? No, not as well as I would like. But you have to remember, this is Wrestlemania season. With Austin coming back last night, I can't believe TNA even pulled a 0.8 in the ratings. I thought it would be around 0.5, to tell you the truth. This will take years. Not weeks, not months, but more than likely years.
It's not entirely WWE fans that are ripping into TNA. Some of those doing so are long time TNA fans that aren't all that happy with the direction TNA has been going under the Hogan/Bischoff regime. If someone is unhappy with the TNA product and has legitimate reasons for doing so. I've got no issue whatsoever with the voicing of that unhappiness.

I've ripped into TNA myself in the past. If I don't like what I see, I say so. I've done it in WWE forums regarding WWE product and I do it in TNA. I want to see TNA succeed in growing as a company. Having competition is better for the fans and its better for the wrestlers as well. However, I'm also not going to put on the blinders and hype TNA to be much more than it is, which is something that happens a lot on the TNA forum. For instance, I've often read that TNA is "edgier" and has more "adult" storylines doing on and is willing to push the envelope where as the WWE is "watered down" in the midst of the PG Era. The idea of being being edgier is complete bullshit on the part of fans that try to build TNA up to be a bigger and better wrestling company than it actually is. A few bleeped out four letter words now and again doesn't impress me, nor does it necessarily deserve to be called edgy. TNA had the opportunity a few weeks ago to do something controversial in wrestling that had never been done before. Orlando Jordan is bisexual in real life and, a few weeks ago at iMPACT!, shared a kiss and grope with the male valet that accompanies him to the ring. That's never been done before and that would be pushing the envelope. However, both TNA and Spike decided not to show that segment to the audience at home. When push comes to shove, TNA and Spike don't really want to push the envelope. They had the chance and they didn't have the balls to go through with it. It's all a smoke screen because they haven't been willing to do anything edgier than having a wrestler say a four letter word now and again and show women dressed in skimpy outfits.
reasons why tna is horrable
1. flair and hogan keep blading themselves (its accually pretty disturbing)
2. abyss lol just stop there...
3. aj styles looks like he doesnt know why he's hanging with flair
3. abyss's magical ring is the WWE hall of fame ring!!!
4. and to answer your question it looks like in WCW 2000 era but stuck in the 1990's arena
I don't think there are too many people who actually want TNA to fail, I'm someone who does bash TNA and I do call them the new WCW, but I still give them a chance every week because I truly want them to do good and even be competition to WWE, a monopoly doesn't help anything (and WWE proved that the second WCW went out of business). The reason I keep calling them WCW 2.0 is because I see too many similarities between both companies (Lets see a ridiculous amount of Hogan and Bischoff every week, A constant flood of WWE garbage, storylines that go nowhere, constant bs endings for most matches, stupid sketches like Jarret flipping burgers, Russo, abrupt endings to pushes, ect.). As you can see there are alot of similarities.

Even though WCW and TNA are very similar in some ways, they are very different in others. They don't have a billionaire with an endless supply of money (so they have to actually budget), half their shows aren't live, and they aren't on a network that is everywhere like USA (even if you don't have USA, chances are you have a network that shows RAW live no matter where you are), alot of the problems they can't control at this point, but they really shouldn't of acted like a big dog when they are in fact a small dog.

IMO ROH is superior to both RAW and Impact, and it does worse ratings than both so the argument that TNA is a better product doesn't really matter as ratings don't always dictate the superior product (like I said I feel ROH is superior to both in many ways). I would say advertising is an issue but they have advertised like crazy over the last while for impact (they have a giant banner in times square and I see alot more advertisement for TNA than ever before, but that 0.8 is the worse rating they have had in over a year so thats not really a good argument for TNA's slump).

The one thing WWE does better than TNA and ROH is that they make me care enough to watch RAW the next week (through advancing storylines, pushing new guys, ect., is a lot of it the same week in and week out, yes but you still want to see what happens next). Even though the 1st impact was in fact better, they did nothing to make me care to watch TNA the next week (Jeff Hardy running out doesn't do it for me, sorry) and thats what TNA has to do, They have to make the audience care enough to watch the next impact (in WWE there are enough cliffhangers so you want to see how it unfolds, in TNA it usually unfolds by the end of the episode so there is no reason to watch the next impact because you saw what you wanted to see).
For example, if on the first episode of impact Sting attacked Hogan and Abyss, threatened dixie and left for the rest of the night, people would say, oh whats going on with Sting, I should tune in next week to find out!
Instead you knew what Sting was about by the end of the episode so there wasn't that cliff hanger (it would be like Bret breaking his leg and removing the cast at the end of the same episode, if that happened people wouldn't care).
The whole Austin-McMahon thing was built on an advancing storyline that made you want to see what happens next (Austin kicks McMahon in the balls, so next week what will McMahon do to counteract?). TNA is set up like a regular show (that has a beginning, middle and end) where WWE is set up like a soap opera (it slowly builds to a climax down the road).

Sports Entertainment is basically a soap opera, but TNA treats Impact like a sitcom.
An above poster hit this on the head - TNA did this to themselves.

As a PR Director for a Major Sports organization - yea, I do have a day job, people - I can tell you a few areas where TNA royally screwed themselves here.

There are two simple principles working in conjunction with one another here:

1) Perception creates reality. TNA has had their PR machine at work the past few months giving off the perception that TNA is on the same level as WWE. Thus, the reality has been created that TNA is a powerhouse in the wrestling industry.

2) People boo the favorite; root for the underdog. By creating the perception that they are a powerhouse organization, TNA has stripped itself of underdog status. TNA is no longer David battling Goliath. The perception TNA has given off is that it is Goliath battling Goliath. Simply put, it's two villains doing battle and people just want to tear both a part.

TNA would have been much smarter to consistently relay a message that they weren't on the level of WWE yet. They should have said, "We aren't there. But we'll get there. Stay tuned." This would have maintained their underdog status, and it would have made fans more patient and understanding of their flaws.

Though they actually did say that a few times, their overwhelming message has consistently been, "We're coming after you, NOW!"
For the people who say that TNA's rating were in the toilet before did not do their research. TNA had a steady .8 - .9 last summer. I have been keeping track of this. A few years back they had a 1.0 without Hogan and the band. When the ratings hit the .8 mark on a weekly basis they brought in Hogan with all of his fake promises of change and how his legendary status would translate to viewers.

Well It didn't and it won't for a reason that has not been mentioned. Hogan represents the entertainment business not wrestling at all. If TNA wants the UFC crowd then hiring Hogan was the opposite of what they needed. Paul Heyman and Jim Cornette were the two people who know how to deliver a product that older audiences want.

Look at ROH. They are on a crappy network that no one gets and yet has twice the amount of people at house shows than TNA. And their big show coming up is selling like hot cakes. Everyone in Charlotte is coming including the Latino community because they are bringing luchadores from Mexico.

Do you see my point? TNA's biggest way to compete would be to listen to the fans. Read these forums, watch the web videos and poll the fans to find out what they want. Then give it to them. No excuses. Whether that hurts Hogans ego, so what. Whether Bischoff is pissed, get over it. The fans are leaving the product.

I said on this very same board that Hogan would not produce and people ripped me for saying it. Now I will say it loud. I TOLD YOU SO. Don't give me that give them time argument. They don't have time when the ratings are back to what it was last summer.

TNA needs to

1) Get Hogan, Bischoff and Jarrett off the camera.

2) Spotlight the X Division as the main event.

3) Kiss Kong's ass and Spotlight the Knockouts.

4) Fire bubba and the army. He's a liability.

5) Ask the fans what they want and give it to them.

6) Make the company the most interactive brand on the market.

7) Go back to Thursday. You can't compete.

8) Present a ROH style show with 2 segments at best.

9) Stop all the commercials

10) Give us more than 20 minutes of wrestling in 2 hours.

If they do this, then they will have a chance to repair the trust that Hogan has broken. For the first time in years, I didn't watch the show on tv but waited for an online replay since I didn't want the commercials and was totally upset with the product except for the X Division match.
At long last somebody makes a thread adressing this problem im also very sick of people talkin all this shit about how TNA is wcw2 cause its not and the reason the impact numbers are low is maybe because wrestlemania is right around the corner and i want to see what the ratings look like when the wrestlemania hangover begins. P.S. im going quote HBK from the monday night war dvd. "i believe we had a the better program for about a year before the ratings showed it" i believe thats what TNA is going through right now
I like TNA as much as the next guy, but they leave themselves open to criticism. You say it's to early for them to compete against RAW, yet they choose to go head to head only 2 months after the "new regime" took over. They have busted out surprise after surprise, brought in many new/old wrestlers, put on good matches, but have never broken a 1.5 .

Most of their focus is on the older guys, sure guys like AJ & Pope are getting pushes, but I don't see Pope winning the title (at least not yet) & AJ isn't even himself now, he is "Naitch Jr".

We have every right to criticize TNA, they thought they could go up against the big dog so soon that it is seriously going to cost them in the long run. I mean, what else can they do to try & lure fans over? Jeff Hardy, RVD, Mr Ken...Anderson, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, etc, all brought in & with the exception of Hogan's debut night, barely any change in ratings, even on there normal Thursdays.
You guys aren't in the wrestling business. You're a wrestling fan. TNA's production values are better than half of the shows on television. TNA comes off edgy and new with their production and you have no right to poke and prod over camera angles and what not. Their video packages are praised so production can't be that bad. If you complain about production then you're trying way too hard to find something to bitch about.

People actually complain about high profile/ppv quality matches being on TV? WHAT? Seriously? You're gonna sit there and say "This match is too big and I should have to pay money to watch it." How can a wrestling fan say that? It baffles me. I repeat ... you are not in the wrestling business. You are a viewer. This particular "bad business decision" is a good thing for you. If that's bad business then keep it up. I'm loving it. Besides when your main goal is to attract brand new viewers giving away high profile matches can't be a bad business decision.

I saw someone complain about Hogan over hyping TNA. That also is business. If you never saw the ratings you would think he's right. The shows have been incredible, the debuts have been coming left and right, they're reshuffling the heels and faces for the better, and they're going head to head with RAW. To a fan that doesn't think they're a business man TNA is the shit right now. Over hyping is what you do to get attention. Trends run the world and hype is what makes things trendy. Kids and adults want to be apart of something that is the best. That's why New York Yankee and LA Lakers fans are the vast majority in their respective sports. That's also why WWE fans are blindly loyal and blindly bash TNA for any tiny flaw they can find. The years leading up to Hogan's debut in TNA these forums consisted of disgusted WWE fans over having the same main eventers for a decade. Now suddenly everything WWE does is right and everything TNA does is wrong even though WWE has the same main eventers. When you over hype constantly you start to sway people towards the next trend. Suddenly Lebron James is over shadowing Kobe Bryant and everyone is over shadowing my Dallas Cowboys. People love an underdog, unfortunately it's only a small amount of people and everyone else laughs at them from the band wagon.

Also stop talking about TNA not having as much money as WCW. You sure as hell couldn't tell by the way they're spending it. Lack of money is not in the least bit visible on the television screen in any aspect of the show. That's always people's main way of differentiating them from WCW. What does make TNA different from WCW? For every "old guy" there is a fresh young star in the same spot. Hogan/Abyss, Flair/AJ, Nash/Young, Jarret/Hernandez, Sting/put everyone over. Oddly enough this is also what differentiates TNA from WWE. For every old guy in The WWE there's a boot on a young guys head.

Eric Bischoff is right. Controversy creates cash. Sooner or later the man is going to strike gold. People complain about "The Orlando Screwjob" while I loved it. The message was Earl Hebner screwed Bret, not Vince. They completely took the steam out of WWE's Hitman storyline. When you think about it he's right. Hebner called for the bell. Hebner was the only man that could have physically screwed Bret. It didn't take as much steam away from the angle as it could have but I loved it just the same. Awesome idea. Sooner or later one of Bischoff's controversy attempts is gonna set off like wild fire.

Now the big issue. The old guys. I started watching TNA because I heard Sting was there. From what I've read on here alot of people have a similar story. Without those old guys TNA couldn't gain a fan base. Hulk Hogan is the biggest name in wrestling history. Signing him can not be a bad business decision when noone knows about your company. Seeing The NWO together in the ring one last time can't be a bad thing. NWO was bigger than Stone Cold Steve Austin and there's very little room for argument there. There isn't a legend in this business that didn't get better by learning from some of the old guys. Show me a show full of young kids and I'll show you a show that doesn't have any chance of progressing in the future.

If you don't like TNA, tough. It's your own damn fault. If you wouldn't have spent years bitching that you want wrestling to be how it was in the 90's then maybe you wouldn't have a show right now that's a bit reminiscent of the 90's. The only visible wrestling audience (the internet) begged for nostalgia. How can you bitch once you get the best nostalgia you can ask for? The IWC also praised and wanted the X-Division. How can you bitch when they have a pay per view coming up centered around The X-Division? TNA is a perfect mix of what The IWC always said they wanted. If it's not what you really wanted then maybe you should have kept your mouth shut in the first place.
I'm not hating on TNA and I really do wish they could compete with WWE but let's face it, does anyone REALLY think it can happen? Especially now since they're going head to head with them without a real big following? If TNA wants to compete with the WWE, they need to go back to Thursdays, gain a following THEN try and go head to head. WWE has way too big of a following for TNA to compete against. And there's a few things that really aren't helping TNA...

1. Booking- Does anyone really buy Abyss as World Champion material? We all know AJ is going over, and this whole "Hulking up because of the ring" storyline is garbage.

2. Scott Hall and Sean Waltman- Pac may be able to still wrestle, but Scott Hall needs to go away, having them both around just goes to show Hogan and Bischoff are STILL making mistakes that WCW made.

3. Jeff Hardy- Aside from horny females, teenagers and kids is he really that appealing that you'd go and sign him KNOWING that he could possibly spend some time in jail?

4. The Nasty Boys- Enough said right there lol.

5. WAAAAY too many commercials- Everytime I turned to Impact it was a commercial, they take way too many commercials I don't know if they have any control over WHEN they take there commercials but they really need to stop coinciding there commercials with WWE.
COme on, we all need to stop really saying what TNA needs to do because in reality none of us works there and we are all biased by our vision fo their product and what works for us and what not.

We all need to understand before bashing it that TNA is less than 10 years old. Was it too soon to jump againts Raw? Hell yeah, but on the other hand, How are you going to know how you are doing againts them if not doing it so? If this was an experiment, it si cool, if it is a do or die, TNA is going to suffer a lot.

There is still a lot of things that needs to be done about it, but is going to be a struggle, it is going to be toguh on them and well, may they won't even survive Moday and will come back to Thursday.

What Ratings tell you is that most fans are different and TNA fan base is not WWE fan base at all, thus making TNA ratings steady but not growing at all, people only turned for the surprise but that was it, they were no really interested on TNA. same with WWE.
When Impact was on Thursdays, Superstars and Impac got the usual ratings meaning that people that watch TNA for the most part does not watch WWE and viceversa.

So the only thing TNA needs to do is keep working, still try new stuff, making mistakes and learning from them, don't get desperate and time will tell if their bet was the right one.

What Spike TV needs to do is have faith on it and lots of money because they are in for a long night, a very, very long night (meaning years before they see any progress) with no guaranties of success.
I think it's way too early to call the Hogan/Bischoff experiment a failure or to say that TNA will never compete with WWE. Frankly, I'm content with the WWE overall. That's not to say I LOVE everything they do, but overall, they're fine by me, a casual fan.

TNA is an edgier product. And by all measures, an independent product on it's rise into the main stream. I can watch TNA and enjoy most of it, but I can't watch it with my children, because of some of the things they're saying and doing. I don't want my children imitating that at school the next day.

However, give it at least a year before you pass judgement on TNA's progress, it's an evolving product and will prove itself one way or the other in the long run. It's impossible to expect any change of management to yield immediate results.

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