Stop complaining about Hardcore Justice

Taking a look at some other recent threads it is very clear to see people are just hating on everything ECW. People have been saying that "ECW has been brought back countless times" when in fact there was only one real ecw invasion and then the actual show was brought back and in the end there was actually no original ECW stars left on it. So stop saying its been redone over and over because its hasn't.

Secondly people are forgetting that half of TNA's roster consists of guys that have captured there fame in ECW. Team 3D, RVD, Foley, Taz, Raven, Rhino, and Richards have been with TNA for the past year. Plus guys like Saturn, Sabu, Sandman, and New Jack all have been on the TNA roster at one time or another.

So is a ECW themed pay per view a bad thing. No , it is simply a way to get all the current ECW guys on there roster thrown onto a pay per view to showcase and honor them along with a couple friends that aren't with the company. Plus most of the current ECW guys on the TNA roster are nearing the ends of there career and what better way say goodbye then to preform in the hardcore matches that made us fall in love with them in the first place.

All of these people need to look past the fact that a "One Night Stand" took place already. If Heymen knew that it was going to lead to a new screwed up version of his former company showcasing none of its former talent than he probably wouldn't of thought it was such a good idea. TNA is giving these guys a last chance to shine and everyone should be thankful that they are and stop whining your asses off.

Now this is a TNA fan. we need for fans like this. Im sick off everyone complaining and complaining about how bad TNA is when they call themselves loyal tna fans. Pisses me off.

Plus these guys are legends they have had great matches in the past and just because they have aged a little doesnt mean they cant still do awesome matches. Steven Richards was wrestling just last year. Also Foley.
I am looking forward to hard justice so much and expectionally because


I think that some people will never be happy. Last Week when everyone was complaining that an ECW invasion was a rip off Of the Nexus storyline when the Ecw wasn't an Invasion to begin with. Now people are saying an invasion would have been better I just dont understand that. In my opinion I much rather have a 1 shot deal PPV than an full invasion. I know that I'm looking forward to RVD Vs Lynn that, that alone might make me want to order the PPV

HAhahaha that happened? Thats hilarious, these punk ass bitches who never stop complaining about Tna piss me off and expectionally after they say their loyal fans. i love this storyline and HArd JUstice is gonna pwn wateva wwe ppv is coming up. I watched wwe last week and the whole nexus general manager thing is gay.
Also had to mute it cause so many screaming kids who havent reached pubity.

I would say it's a pretty damn good business decision because I see people from Australia, Europe, and all over inquiring about getting VIP tickets to fly to Orlando to see the ECW reunion. I've read so many comments about people going to order the PPV. I've read so much positive feedback on Dixie's twitter about this.

I know most of you want the best for TNA but please get off of your critic soapbox and this "Oh what about the young guys" argument and just appreciate TNA going out of their way to do something out of the norm. Everyone wants to be a business major and a critic. What happened to just sitting down and being a fan. We're getting RVD vs. Lynn(Jerry Lynn who was the ROH champion a few months ago and has barely lost a step). How is that not enough to make a true fan of ECW, a TNA fan, or a wrestling fan in general happy?

Your the type of person i call a legend. Good points nothing bad to say about what you love. TNA is playing their cards exactly right and no matter what anyone says it is the best wrestling program to watch.

Plus im from Australia and im going to be there live in the crowd at Hard Justice! CANT WAIT
Interesting concept no doubt. It'll get people talking, it'll bring some of the old school fans back, or something like that. Hell, someone may get lit on fire!

The way I see it, the show shouldn't be horrible. It'll be pretty fun, the crowd will be into it, past their prime overweight men will wrestle. Not terrible. The one thing they should work on is putting a card together or someting, considering they have zero announced matches at the moment and the PPV is about a week away. They should work on that, no? Also, is Jerry Lynn definetly wrasslin next Sunday? Everyone seems to be assuming, but I haven't seen any confirmation or anything of that sorts.

This isn't the WORST idea ever, but there certainly have been better. The one negative thing is that the actual TNA wrestlers are being bumped off of PPV this month. Surely that isn't a very good commentary on the future of the company, now is it?
I don't want to complain about Hardcore Justice but let's face it. We are less then one week away from the PPV and you don'T have any match confirms for the PPV and you got about enough guys that are confirms right now to do between 4 or 5 matches. You compare that to the card for the IMPACT special the following thursday and i'm more interested in watching the thursday show then the PPV.

It's not a knock on this PPV but their no way you can recreate the magic that ECW was or the magic that was created 5 years ago at ECW one night stand in the IMPACT zone, with Taz and Mike Tenay doing Commentary. The IMPACT zone isn't the ECW arena or the hammstein Ballroom, it doesn't have any link to the original ECW. Like Dreamer said in his promo, ECW wasn't about the money or fame, it was about peoples given the heart and soul every night to entertain the fans. A show like this one should have been held at one of the arena that ECW made famous, it would have made that night more special.

Now it's just a waste of time and i understand why alot of former ECW guys are turning down the offer of showing up for this PPV. A ECW ppv without Paul Heyman, Joey Styles or the ECW fans, arena and name isn't a real ECW ppv and it just going to be a poor copy of what the original ECW was.

On a side note, you fun will it be to hear the fans Chant EV 2.0, EV 2.0 all night long.
I don't want to complain about Hardcore Justice but let's face it. We are less then one week away from the PPV and you don'T have any match confirms for the PPV and you got about enough guys that are confirms right now to do between 4 or 5 matches. You compare that to the card for the IMPACT special the following thursday and i'm more interested in watching the thursday show then the PPV.

It's not a knock on this PPV but their no way you can recreate the magic that ECW was or the magic that was created 5 years ago at ECW one night stand in the IMPACT zone, with Taz and Mike Tenay doing Commentary. The IMPACT zone isn't the ECW arena or the hammstein Ballroom, it doesn't have any link to the original ECW. Like Dreamer said in his promo, ECW wasn't about the money or fame, it was about peoples given the heart and soul every night to entertain the fans. A show like this one should have been held at one of the arena that ECW made famous, it would have made that night more special.

Now it's just a waste of time and i understand why alot of former ECW guys are turning down the offer of showing up for this PPV. A ECW ppv without Paul Heyman, Joey Styles or the ECW fans, arena and name isn't a real ECW ppv and it just going to be a poor copy of what the original ECW was.

On a side note, you fun will it be to hear the fans Chant EV 2.0, EV 2.0 all night long.

Exactly,I find it pretty sad that TNA has not even Announced any Matches at all not one. How do they expect anyone to buy this PPV? Oh because its suppose to be another ECW Reunion? Please.

Another thing I agree with is them holding this PPV in Orlando instead of the ECW Arena in Philly or Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC with a REAL ECW Crowd. I gurantee half the people in that Crowd on Sunday in Orlando have never seen an ECW Show before. Like Hurricane said without Paul Heyman or a Real ECW Crowd this will be a poor ripoff of ECW One Night Stand.

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