Stop complaining about Hardcore Justice

Its like asking people not to complain about the WWE being PG , Each of the different wrestling promotion is going to run angles we as fans don't like. But I will that now TNA as thrown in the white towel whenever they have to bring in old guys for one night just to try to re live the old days. It will never happen , TNA is nowhere near what ECW was, no matter what any one says . And I think it is just a matter of time before TNA goes under and everyone is lining up to kiss up to Vince . But I won't stop complaints because I will never be satisfied with either promotions entertainment value.
ok this is what doesnt make sense to me everybody keeps saying they are putting there own roster on the sidelines and blah blah blah.but if they made a deal with tna no matter where they came from, who they are, or how big they where in past companys they are still part of tnas roster right.exactly,once they sign that contract they belong to tna so stop saying that they are putting there own roster on the sidelines people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is such a joke hahaha TNA is seriously the biggest joke ever.

They sell like 6000 ppvs a month!! There is no way in hell this company is ever going to make significant money unless something groundbreaking happens like Cena quitting (never ever gonna happen) and joining TNA.

They will be out of business by Christmas mark my words

1 How do you know they have only 6000 PPV buys a month do you work for Tna because if you don't then you wouldn't know because Tna is a private company and they don't release that information, which brings me to my second point how do you know they are losing money. I actually think that this PPV could get a good buyrate because like it or not alot of old ECW fans will order this PPV.
You "WHAT" are the reasons hate the internet. You make comments that you heard someone else say and you make yourself look like an idiot, thus causing people to lump everyone on the net together. Way to make yourself look like a fool again. By the way, were you one of those guys saying that "TNA will be dead in 6 months.......I mean a year.....I mean 2 years.......I mean 3!"? I'm guessing that's you. I will take your bet about Christmas only if when you lose you go away and get rid of your internet connection.

Plus what does your little "rant" have to do with Hard Justice? You made no mention of it at all, but insted came in here to attack TNA again. Way to be dumbass.
I agree with every one saying that they are not using there own roster, but yet these former ECW guys are signed with TNA and are on the roster, I guess my biggest question is what can this accomplish for TNA as a company, how does this help the tv ratings. How does this help the guy down at the bottom of the rankings feel if these guys who have had many chances time and time again feel, TNA might have a diamond in the rough but they need to dig in the younger talent and allow these older guys to put them over.
Nothing against TNA but if they want to establish a secure fan base like others , they need to stand out a little better .
So let me get this right TNA Fanboys can Criticize and hate on WWE all they want but WWE marks(myself included) and others cant Criticize TNA. I know thats what yall think but it dont work that way if yall are gonna talk sh*t about WWE then we can talk Sh*t about TNA it goes both ways.

now on topic its a bad idea The ECW thing has been done before let ECW Rest In Piece. I rember when WWE did One Night Stand and i saw a video on YouTube the other day with Rhyno cuting a promo/Shoot on TNA that ECW has been dead since 2001 and it needs to RIP but TNA does a ONS type PPV and he's all for it thats a prime example of a Hypocrite. Yes im a WWE mark but i want TNA to succeed because competion is good for WWE.
So bottom line is THIS IS A BAD IDEA TNA is looking WCW right before it died and if they keep going like this i see it now in 2011 BREAKING NEWS VINCE McMAHON HAS BOUGHT TNA .
I swear some people would rather you call their girlfriend I mean their mom a ****e than say a bad word about TNA. Don't take it personal you aren't booking it. WWE and TNA both aren't going to please everyone all the time. WWE does some stuff I think sucks, TNA just does a little more that I think sucks.

I think they should just focus on their product, their wrestlers, and not on a company that's been dead for almost 10 years. It has been done several times over. One Night Stand '05 was great it was a perfect end that ECW never had in my opinion. WWE's ECW TV show was nothing like the original ECW, but anyone could tell it was just a name. I wish they had called it something else, but I just ignored it and never let it kill the real ECW for me.

I don't see it being a good show at all, but I will be the first one to admit I was wrong if it is.
Why should we be thankful that these ECW guys are taking precious TV and PPV time, this PPV helps nothing in regards to TNA. I respect all the guys who worked their asses off in ECW but seriously, are we supposed to honor these guys every few years because some promotion decides they want to leech of the popularity ECW had? No we shouldn't.

ECW reunion shows these days are a dime a dozen. Lets see hardcore homecoming, WWE, TNA, and plenty of independent promotions around the united states, its overkill plain and simple. This is not the last ECW reunion show you will ever see, they happen all the time, just because its not on WWE or TNA doesn't mean they happen often, BECAUSE THEY DO.

I loved ECW too, but to honor these guys every few years is ridiculous, there are names and promotions that made a much bigger impact that don't get honored NEARLY AS MUCH as the ECW roster does (why don't we create a PPV to honor all the NWA guys while we are at it, or a PPV to honor WCW). This is the 5th time in the last 5 years that these guys have been honored, AND THOSE WERE JUST PPV'S (2 ONS that were made to specifically honor ECW, 2 hardcore homecomings, and now Hardcore Justice) not to mention the countless number of independent shows that were created to specifically honor these guys.

Like I said I was a huge ECW fan, but I understand that the promotion died long ago and its time to move on. They are basically stalling iMPACT and TNA programming for a month to run an ECW PPV, WHY? Concentrate on your current roster and try to build your product, if you do that there is no need to constantly go back to a well that has been sucked dry. I live in the here and now, and there is no ECW in the here and now, lets remember it for what it was instead of the countless reunion shows that followed its demise.
Like I said I was a huge ECW fan, but I understand that the promotion died long ago and its time to move on. They are basically stalling iMPACT and TNA programming for a month to run an ECW PPV, WHY? Concentrate on your current roster and try to build your product, if you do that there is no need to constantly go back to a well that has been sucked dry. I live in the here and now, and there is no ECW in the here and now, lets remember it for what it was instead of the countless reunion shows that followed its demise.

I'm not going to say your wrong, because you are not. I agree with everything you said. However as I said before I don't see them stalling TNA to put on ECW for a month. Maybe I'm just hoping against hope but I don't see that happening. And if they do put more emphasis behind the PPV then they need to do it right by having the ECW guys facing of against the TNA guys on Impact.
I'm not going to say your wrong, because you are not. I agree with everything you said. However as I said before I don't see them stalling TNA to put on ECW for a month. Maybe I'm just hoping against hope but I don't see that happening. And if they do put more emphasis behind the PPV then they need to do it right by having the ECW guys facing of against the TNA guys on Impact.

I agree with you that they need to mix and mingle ECW wrestlers with the TNA roster. For the Pay Per view i would like to an RVD vs Abyss. Not that i wouldn't want to see an RVD vs Lynn but story lines do need to progress. Another would be team 3D against mcmg or beer money. However i do think that there should be at least 3 exclusive all ECW matches. This shouldn't be hard because most of them are signed with TNA already.

On a side Note...
This pay per view could be a starting point for these ecw guys that are already signed to become relevant again in tna. Also given that most of them haven't worked in some time maybe this is the opportunity for a final curtain call for guys like raven, rhino, richards, foley....hell even team 3D(given there storyline of splitting up i see no singles future ahead of them). This could be a decent way for TNA to thin out there roster of old talent and focus on new upcoming stars.
Taking a look at some other recent threads it is very clear to see people are just hating on everything ECW. People have been saying that "ECW has been brought back countless times" when in fact there was only one real ecw invasion and then the actual show was brought back and in the end there was actually no original ECW stars left on it. So stop saying its been redone over and over because its hasn't.

Are you for real? Maybe you've forgotten the Invasion angle in WWE when ECW came back to form the Alliance. Maybe you forgot the first One Night Stand PPV when ECW was brought back again and honored, a success that revolved around the Rise and Fall of ECW DVD. Maybe you've forgotten about Hardcore Homecoming? Maybe you've forgotten angles TNA has done in the past with ECW Originals forming together. They may not have called themselves ECW but it was clearly milking off it just the same. And now this? It has been done over and over. In fact, it's been done so many times ECW has now been watered down and it's lost even it's nostalgia.

Secondly people are forgetting that half of TNA's roster consists of guys that have captured there fame in ECW. Team 3D, RVD, Foley, Taz, Raven, Rhino, and Richards have been with TNA for the past year. Plus guys like Saturn, Sabu, Sandman, and New Jack all have been on the TNA roster at one time or another.

First of all, Mick Foley did not capture his fame in ECW. Secondly, half those people you named have been used so sparringly and so poorly that they aren't even credible anymore. Raven? Rhino? Richards? Taz is a damn announcer.

So is a ECW themed pay per view a bad thing. No , it is simply a way to get all the current ECW guys on there roster thrown onto a pay per view to showcase and honor them along with a couple friends that aren't with the company. Plus most of the current ECW guys on the TNA roster are nearing the ends of there career and what better way say goodbye then to preform in the hardcore matches that made us fall in love with them in the first place.

Sure, except that this is TNA not ECW. People seem to forget one important thing; TNA is going to all this effort to hype, promote, and push an entity that is OWNED by the WWE! It makes me laugh out loud just thinking about that. You have to be the worst business person and the stupidest mark ever to promote someone else's brand! And they're doing it over and at the expense of their own brand name.

All of these people need to look past the fact that a "One Night Stand" took place already. If Heymen knew that it was going to lead to a new screwed up version of his former company showcasing none of its former talent than he probably wouldn't of thought it was such a good idea. TNA is giving these guys a last chance to shine and everyone should be thankful that they are and stop whining your asses off.

You're right, if Paul Heyman knew how the WWE was going to use his company and the brand he created after the One Night Stand PPV he may have done things differently or entirely boycotted the whole idea. You know, like he has this PPV in TNA.
As a fan of the original ECW I for one am glad this is happening.

Dreamer nailed my feelings on the head about watching ECW fizzle out in the wwe... I want it to have its true sendoff. There are much older wrestlers that are still performing right now than these guys and most of them will put everything they have into this ppv I'm sure.

What will be funny is that this ppv may at least double TNAs normal buys... But hopefully it will get TNA new viewers. I think they are doing a good job showcasing their talent too. Old ECW fans waiting for their storylines have got to see Guns vs Beer Money etc... IIf that doesn't make you want to continue watching after the PPV I don't know what will... I am also glad Hogan and Eric have been off TV during this... I actually like them both on TNA but this allows for a spotlight on the ECW story.

I can't wait for RVD vs Lynn.... Trust me order the PPV for that match its worth your money.
****ing hell, even when TNA are pretty good they still manage to collossally **** everything up.

Impact: So after a series of logical booking decisions, some excellent post match comedy from The Knockouts (the match was dreadful though) and a gripping tag bout we have the ECW reunion. What a way to showcase your talent. Raven hasn't had a good match since Backlash 2001, Foley looks like a fifty something prostitute you'd find hanging out the back of a seedy boozer. Sabu/Sandman/Shane Douglas are all awful these days. Mike Awesomes dead. Tajiri and Super Crazy are booked somewhere else. I sooner put money on me waking up having grown 8 more pairs of balls than Lance Storm showing up and Rhino has been burried beyond repair in the last four years. That leaves us with RVD, Lynne, Richards and Spike Dudley. Bloody brilliant.

I also love the way Dreamer suggested TNA is the place where no-ones become legends. Who exactly? TNA are still trying to convince us that the WWE lot are miles better than home grown talent. Where's the sense in handing your legacy to a company that struggles to build its own?
-- Bob Ryder posted the following about the Hardcore Justice VIP weekend on his Twitter. The VIP package is the only way to guarantee a seat for the PPV. The Hard Justice VIP weekend just got a lot more interesting! Look for a Hardcore Reunion at the Saturday night party! So far, fans from the UK, Australia, MA, DE, MD, MS, TX, CA, MI, NC, NY, KY, PA, VA, ME, and FL have signed up for HardCORE Justice VIP wknd

Again the idea is to make money. For some one saying that no one is interested in this is dead wrong. Of course just keep pouring on the hate. Soon TNA will be so hated that it will be the cool thing to like a guess?:shrug:
Again the idea is to make money. For some one saying that no one is interested in this is dead wrong. Of course just keep pouring on the hate. Soon TNA will be so hated that it will be the cool thing to like a guess?:shrug:

Well no shit the point is to make money. That doesn't mean it's a good idea. I could sell all my possessions to make money, is that a good idea?

The problem is that TNA is saying that the roster they have isn't good enough, and that they have to redo a concept that was done by their biggest rival 5 years ago to "honor" a company that is now owned by TNA's biggest rival that had it's heyday more than a decade ago.

So whether it is the devaluing of TNA's own talent or the living in the past they love to do so much, this cannot be called anything but a bad idea.
Well no shit the point is to make money. That doesn't mean it's a good idea. I could sell all my possessions to make money, is that a good idea?

The problem is that TNA is saying that the roster they have isn't good enough, and that they have to redo a concept that was done by their biggest rival 5 years ago to "honor" a company that is now owned by TNA's biggest rival that had it's heyday more than a decade ago.

So whether it is the devaluing of TNA's own talent or the living in the past they love to do so much, this cannot be called anything but a bad idea.

Your comparison doesn't make sense. TNA isn't selling their possession. They are adding to it. How exactly is TNA saying their roster isn't good enough by having a 1 time only special PPV to honor a certain type of wrestling group. It really doesn't matter if Vince owns it because they will be tuning into TNA to watch it, so what does Vince and the WWE have to do with this. I am sure this TNA PPV for ECW will make people want to rush out and buy DVD's from the WWE that are out of print right? Hey lets listen to you though because you seem to have all the right answers. People are interested and TNA is making money off of it. I can just see some many things wrong this. :rolleyes:
Have they even announced that it will only be ECW wrestlers on the PPV card? Why does almost everyone on this forum take conclusions before anything is official, and then on top of it belive that whatever they made up is true? Jeez just wait until something is official before you use it as an argument.

They have no said that but people who are apart of TNA who are normally on PPV will be left out. And a lot of those guys are on per appearance based contracts so they will be missing out on a night of pay to let guys who had their time under the sun years ago. That is why i believe their is a general distaste to the idea of this show.
Your comparison doesn't make sense. TNA isn't selling their possession. They are adding to it.

What I was saying was that even if something makes money, it isn't necessarily a good idea. Looking only at the bottom line is a great way to run a business into the ground.

How exactly is TNA saying their roster isn't good enough by having a 1 time only special PPV to honor a certain type of wrestling group.

Well first off, ECW has already had more successful reunion shows than it had successful shows during its time, so they don't need another one, but that is beside the point.

TNA is saying their roster isn't good enough because they are doing this show to improve PPV buyrates. They aren't working on improving storylines with their current roster, or even challenging them to step up. Instead, they are saying "Hey, we need buyrates so we are going to keep you guys off the PPV and bring in guys who were kind of popular over 10 years ago because fans would rather see them." Great morale booster there, TNA :thumbsup:

It really doesn't matter if Vince owns it because they will be tuning into TNA to watch it, so what does Vince and the WWE have to do with this. I am sure this TNA PPV for ECW will make people want to rush out and buy DVD's from the WWE that are out of print right?

Vince can sue for copyright infringement if they use any ECW footage right off the bat. Vince owns ECW, so they are tiptoeing very carefully because he could get TNA in trouble if they aren't careful with how they do this.

In kind of the same idea, if fans want DVDs or anything from the original ECW and want to get it legally, guess who gets the money from any DVD sales or people who get Classics on Demand? Vince McMahon.

Hey lets listen to you though because you seem to have all the right answers.

This is the smartest thing you said in this entire post.

People are interested and TNA is making money off of it.

People are interested in ECW. Most people who will buy this PPV only for the ECW stuff could not care less about TNA.

I can just see some many things wrong this. :rolleyes:

I can haz cheeseburger?
This is the type of thing that TNA does that completely baffles me. Honestly, we've seen it time and time again. While it will get them a quick bump in ppv buy rates and maybe move them up a tad in the ratings what is it doing long term? Nothing. I've said it once and I'll say it again. TNA has guys that they have groomed to be big names, but refuse to push them to the top and keep them at the top. Look at AJ for instance. Everyone know he is most likely the most popular guy in TNA. He's the workhorse of the company and can put on a solid match with anyone on the roster. Yet he is constantly moved back and overshadowed by someone who comes in. This happened with once again with RVD. Why are you going to put arguably your best talent down in order to bring someone else who will not be there that long? It makes no sense to me, and they're doing it with this hardcore justice ppv. You have talented stars there! USE THEM IF YOU WANT TO COMPETE! That's why I don't watch TNA much anymore. Because what they put on I've seen before. If you want to compete get fresh. Do something that hasn't been done before. Not the same old thing we've seen. Till TNA does that, I will complain because I want competition.
What I was saying was that even if something makes money, it isn't necessarily a good idea. Looking only at the bottom line is a great way to run a business into the ground.Well first off, ECW has already had more successful reunion shows than it had successful shows during its time, so they don't need another one, but that is beside the point.
TNA is saying their roster isn't good enough because they are doing this show to improve PPV buyrates. They aren't working on improving storylines with their current roster, or even challenging them to step up. Instead, they are saying "Hey, we need buyrates so we are going to keep you guys off the PPV and bring in guys who were kind of popular over 10 years ago because fans would rather see them." Great morale booster there, TNA :thumbsup:
Vince can sue for copyright infringement if they use any ECW footage right off the bat. Vince owns ECW, so they are tiptoeing very carefully because he could get TNA in trouble if they aren't careful with how they do this.

The problem with your whole thought process is that TNA isn't changing their company to be like ECW from here on out. No one is saying their wrestlers are not good enough except hating uneducated fans who continue to run around the internet with this passion to bury TNA. It is 1 show on 1 night only and it will be on PPV to make some extra cash. I really don't understand why that is so hard for you and a lot of other people to understand that. Vince can't sue TNA over anything they are doing right now. They honestly are not even walking a line at the moment. They can say ECW on TV all they want as long as they don't tie it in with getting people to buy something. For example: Mike Tenay or Taz can't tell people to buy Hardcore Justice to watch all your favorite ECW wrestlers. On the other hand they can say that these wrestlers use to wrestle for Eastern Championship Wrestling or Extreme Championship Wrestling and it is fine. Vince will make money off of that stuff regardless just because he has the media library that he has. Since most and if not all of those ECW dvd's are out of print the only people who will make money are on Amazon and Ebay. The quote pretty much sums it all up for me as far as what your thought process is going into this. I am sure that is what everyone got out of the meeting if one even took place.

The funny part about all this is that people have been talking for years about dropping PPV's and especially for TNA. So would this not be like dropping a PPV and extending their current story lines an extra month?
The problem with your whole thought process is that TNA isn't changing their company to be like ECW from here on out. No one is saying their wrestlers are not good enough except hating uneducated fans who continue to run around the internet with this passion to bury TNA. It is 1 show on 1 night only and it will be on PPV to make some extra cash. I really don't understand why that is so hard for you and a lot of other people to understand that. Vince can't sue TNA over anything they are doing right now. They honestly are not even walking a line at the moment. They can say ECW on TV all they want as long as they don't tie it in with getting people to buy something. For example: Mike Tenay or Taz can't tell people to buy Hardcore Justice to watch all your favorite ECW wrestlers. On the other hand they can say that these wrestlers use to wrestle for Eastern Championship Wrestling or Extreme Championship Wrestling and it is fine. Vince will make money off of that stuff regardless just because he has the media library that he has. Since most and if not all of those ECW dvd's are out of print the only people who will make money are on Amazon and Ebay. The quote pretty much sums it all up for me as far as what your thought process is going into this. I am sure that is what everyone got out of the meeting if one even took place.

The funny part about all this is that people have been talking for years about dropping PPV's and especially for TNA. So would this not be like dropping a PPV and extending their current story lines an extra month?


There's the issue. How the fuck are you that fucking stupid that you can't understand this? WWE makes plenty of money using their wrestlers on PPV. They make new stars, such as Sheamus or the Miz, and they do it well enough that the fans continue to buy the PPV's.

TNA, on the other hand, keeps trying to rely on guys whose best years are long behind them, like Hogan and Flair and the ECW guys, instead of trusting the wrestlers they have. Before Hogan showed up, TNA was doing great. Me and a bunch of other guys around here thought that TNA was the better company and was about to break through that glass ceiling. All they did was use simple storylines and let their guys go out and show what they could do in the ring.

Once Hogan came, TNA has done move after move suggesting that roster wasn't good enough. Hogan brought a bunch of his buddies, a bunch of ex-WWE guys come in, and now the ECW PPV. All the while, guys like Homicide, Kiyoshi, Christopher Daniels, and others get shoved aside and guys like AJ Styles and Jay Lethal get told that what they are doing isn't good enough and get complete gimmick overhauls. And finally, now a bunch of TNA's roster won't get a shot to be on pay-per-view because a bunch of old guys who wrestled in a glorified indy company and weren't that good to begin with are getting another reunion show.

If you don't get this yet, well, I heard there are special schools for people like you that can help ya out.
See the thing is, yeah it has been done over and over. It was done at One Night Stand, it was done again a year later, it was done again when ECW started back up at the beginning, Shane had a tour of stuff, there have been reunion shows at the Arena and likely a ton on the indy circuit.

I fail to see how this is going to work out well. Let's think about this for a minute. There are a few big problems staring this in the face.

1. ECW PPVs weren't that good. I've been reviewing all of the shows in a row and I have three left. For the most part, they're just bad. The matches are repetitive, the work is spotty at best most of the time, the angles were designed for the hardcore fans and the quality was poor. "But KB, you weren't an ECW fan so you just don't get it!"

2. Only ECW fans are going to care. ECW was a glorified indy company for the vast majority of its run. They were never a national threat, they were crushed by WCW even in WCW's dying days, they were a feeding ground for the big two, and almost none of their big stars stayed. The only people that stuck with them were the very hardcore fans. If no one watched the first time around, why would we pay 30 dollars to see it 9 and a half years later? WWE had the benefit of an excellent documentary and of being the original people to push a mainstream ECW reunion show. This doesn't ahve that mainstream hook to it.

3. The TNA talent is getting shafted here. So we're just supposed to go with the idea that TNA's talent is getting shoved aside so the old guys can have one more night? The angles are going to be pushed aside, the feuds will be put off for a month and we're just supposed to pick up where we left off after the PPV ends? So, in other words, TNA has more faith in old ECW guys to draw than they do in their own talent and stories. They think it's a better bet to go with a nostalgia show that is completely unrelated to them in order to get money and ratings. Let's say that works. Does TNA go back to its own guys? How do the TNA guys take this? "Well guys, we know you've been working for over 8 years to get us somewhere, but we're going to give your time and paychecks to these guys that didn't mean anything 9 years ago because they're bigger names than you." Yeah let's see how that goes.

While there are a bunch of other problems, we're also going to assume the show isn't going to be a total trainwreck where the best match is barely above a total failure as many of the ECW shows were when these guys were in their "primes". So no I won't stop complaining about it because this has BIG STUPID RISK written all over it.
The only problem with this show is that a lot of peoples will probalby compare this show with the excellent one night stand PPV from 2005. I'm one of them and the fact that you don't have Joey Styles to do the commentary and Paul Heyman won't be there to introduce the show will make the show less special then the one night stand ppv. Plus the crowd in Orlando aren't at great as the fan in new york.

The point is that ECW had a great send-off 5 years ago, in their backyard with all the original elements of the original ECW. This will be less special then the first One Night Stand and am sorry to see the ECW Originals hang on to the only thing that made them famous.

There's the issue. How the fuck are you that fucking stupid that you can't understand this? WWE makes plenty of money using their wrestlers on PPV. They make new stars, such as Sheamus or the Miz, and they do it well enough that the fans continue to buy the PPV's.

TNA, on the other hand, keeps trying to rely on guys whose best years are long behind them, like Hogan and Flair and the ECW guys, instead of trusting the wrestlers they have. Before Hogan showed up, TNA was doing great. Me and a bunch of other guys around here thought that TNA was the better company and was about to break through that glass ceiling. All they did was use simple storylines and let their guys go out and show what they could do in the ring.

Once Hogan came, TNA has done move after move suggesting that roster wasn't good enough. Hogan brought a bunch of his buddies, a bunch of ex-WWE guys come in, and now the ECW PPV. All the while, guys like Homicide, Kiyoshi, Christopher Daniels, and others get shoved aside and guys like AJ Styles and Jay Lethal get told that what they are doing isn't good enough and get complete gimmick overhauls. And finally, now a bunch of TNA's roster won't get a shot to be on pay-per-view because a bunch of old guys who wrestled in a glorified indy company and weren't that good to begin with are getting another reunion show.

If you don't get this yet, well, I heard there are special schools for people like you that can help ya out.

Once you start to compare a company that has been around for 30 plus years to a company that has been around for 8 then there is no point in arguing with you. People still watch WWE because that is what they have done since they have watched WWE. No matter how bad the product gets WWE fans will tune in on Mondays to watch. There is no debating that because it is true. Yeah AJ Styles and Jay Lethal have just been so hurt by working with Ric Flair. We have only seen AJ get better on the mic and Lethal finally get away from the Macho Man gimmick and find himself. Then you turn around and use dirt sheet BS to try and further your argument. When Homicide, Kiyoshi, and Daniels start to draw something maybe they will be on TV. I come to the conclusion that you are a pissed off ex TNA fan who misses his spot fest indy show that used to be an hour long.
Ugh... not again. Come on, TNA. Please get an original idea already. Just one!!

First of all, I do NOT hate TNA. Let me repeat... I DO NOT HATE TNA. So before you all bitch and moan to me about what I'm about to say, save it.

Anyway, so this is just another example of how TNA severely lacks originality. It's such a shame... their talent pool has really gotten impressive over the past 8 months. But they just can't seem to mold these men and women around NEW ideas. Like JackHammer said, they're too busy relying on nostalgic angles and storylines to gain a quick buck. But how the hell is this preparing the company to flourish in the future?? It's almost as if they should change their company catchphrase to "Want to relive the old days with a new twist? Watch TNA." Or they should change the company name to "TRA: Total Recycled Action."

Now, do I feel this idea will gain money? Of COURSE it will. After the abysmal PPV buyrates that TNA has been putting up in 2010, this Hardcore Justice should make them a few bucks. But then what? How can this point the company in the proper direction? Are they testing the waters to see if they should be another reformation of ECW; i.e. a wrestling company that thrives on blood, violence, and self-mutilation? Or are they just trying to make a quick buck? If so, they're doing exactly what I said they were doing from a post I made back in January after Hogan and Bischoff arrived in TNA: They're putting a band-aid on a broken leg.

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