Stop complaining about Hardcore Justice

The Shockmaster

Pre-Show Stalwart
Taking a look at some other recent threads it is very clear to see people are just hating on everything ECW. People have been saying that "ECW has been brought back countless times" when in fact there was only one real ecw invasion and then the actual show was brought back and in the end there was actually no original ECW stars left on it. So stop saying its been redone over and over because its hasn't.

Secondly people are forgetting that half of TNA's roster consists of guys that have captured there fame in ECW. Team 3D, RVD, Foley, Taz, Raven, Rhino, and Richards have been with TNA for the past year. Plus guys like Saturn, Sabu, Sandman, and New Jack all have been on the TNA roster at one time or another.

So is a ECW themed pay per view a bad thing. No , it is simply a way to get all the current ECW guys on there roster thrown onto a pay per view to showcase and honor them along with a couple friends that aren't with the company. Plus most of the current ECW guys on the TNA roster are nearing the ends of there career and what better way say goodbye then to preform in the hardcore matches that made us fall in love with them in the first place.

All of these people need to look past the fact that a "One Night Stand" took place already. If Heymen knew that it was going to lead to a new screwed up version of his former company showcasing none of its former talent than he probably wouldn't of thought it was such a good idea. TNA is giving these guys a last chance to shine and everyone should be thankful that they are and stop whining your asses off.
ECW had their One Night Stand already. It was 5 years ago and was a pretty good show. All the guys got to have another night of the old ECW and it was a great success.

Now, it's just sad. First of all, a lot of these guys are pretty far on the downside of their careers. It doesn't take a lot of talent to fall through a table, but they are getting to the point where their bodies can't take the kind of punishment the fans will want/expect from them.

Number 2, you are taking away spotlight from the guys in your own company. TNA has a ton of guys that fight just to get on a PPV card, so they are just going to totally forget about Homicide, EY, and the others in favor of guys who had their time at the top of a company 10 years ago. I don't blame those ECW guys for wanting another show in the spotlight, but it shows how little TNA thinks of their own roster when they decide putting on a show focusing on guys past their prime is a better business decision.

In all honesty, we shouldn't be surprised though. This is a company that is building around Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan in 2010. Why not bring in guys who were at their height around 10 years ago? I mean, the ratings are soaring with the old guys they have now, right?
I believe there are worst things TNA has done besides having a one night stand type of ECW reunion PPV. It is hard for TNA to look towards the future and change in the company when they are constantly going back to the past. Jim Cornette pointed out that TNA has hired Hogan, Flair, The Nasty Boys, Nash and Waltman, and had a small NWO type invasion and now they are going with an ECW invasion. By the time 2025 comes around then maybe TNA will be caught with 2010.

The thing is that there is so much great talent in TNA that isn't being utilized. Its fine to have the former ECW guys in but to only have them face each other and none of the TNA talent doesn't make sense. ECW did have a great sendoff in 2005 and 2006 before the ECW show on SciFi. It's 2010 now and people for the most part have forgotten about ECW. Most of the former ECW wrestlers are either dead, working for WWE or other promotions, retired, or just don't want any part of another reunion show.

If TNA can recruit some major talent for the show and actually have them mix it up with the TNA wrestlers, then it will be a decent PPV. However, if the only wrestlers that are going to be apart of the ECW show are Raven, Rhino, Richards, Dreamer, Foley, Team 3D, RVD, and Jerry Lynn then there is no reason to put on the show in the first place.
ECW had their One Night Stand already. It was 5 years ago and was a pretty good show. All the guys got to have another night of the old ECW and it was a great success.

Now, it's just sad. First of all, a lot of these guys are pretty far on the downside of their careers. It doesn't take a lot of talent to fall through a table, but they are getting to the point where their bodies can't take the kind of punishment the fans will want/expect from them.

Number 2, you are taking away spotlight from the guys in your own company. TNA has a ton of guys that fight just to get on a PPV card, so they are just going to totally forget about Homicide, EY, and the others in favor of guys who had their time at the top of a company 10 years ago. I don't blame those ECW guys for wanting another show in the spotlight, but it shows how little TNA thinks of their own roster when they decide putting on a show focusing on guys past their prime is a better business decision.

In all honesty, we shouldn't be surprised though. This is a company that is building around Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan in 2010. Why not bring in guys who were at their height around 10 years ago? I mean, the ratings are soaring with the old guys they have now, right?

I would say it's a pretty damn good business decision because I see people from Australia, Europe, and all over inquiring about getting VIP tickets to fly to Orlando to see the ECW reunion. I've read so many comments about people going to order the PPV. I've read so much positive feedback on Dixie's twitter about this.

I know most of you want the best for TNA but please get off of your critic soapbox and this "Oh what about the young guys" argument and just appreciate TNA going out of their way to do something out of the norm. Everyone wants to be a business major and a critic. What happened to just sitting down and being a fan. We're getting RVD vs. Lynn(Jerry Lynn who was the ROH champion a few months ago and has barely lost a step). How is that not enough to make a true fan of ECW, a TNA fan, or a wrestling fan in general happy?
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ECW had their One Night Stand already. It was 5 years ago and was a pretty good show. All the guys got to have another night of the old ECW and it was a great success.

Now, it's just sad. First of all, a lot of these guys are pretty far on the downside of their careers. It doesn't take a lot of talent to fall through a table, but they are getting to the point where their bodies can't take the kind of punishment the fans will want/expect from them.

Number 2, you are taking away spotlight from the guys in your own company. TNA has a ton of guys that fight just to get on a PPV card, so they are just going to totally forget about Homicide, EY, and the others in favor of guys who had their time at the top of a company 10 years ago. I don't blame those ECW guys for wanting another show in the spotlight, but it shows how little TNA thinks of their own roster when they decide putting on a show focusing on guys past their prime is a better business decision.

In all honesty, we shouldn't be surprised though. This is a company that is building around Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan in 2010. Why not bring in guys who were at their height around 10 years ago? I mean, the ratings are soaring with the old guys they have now, right?

The thread is about people not whining about it, and you come here and whine about it. Amazing. Classic, blind TNA hater. Blows my mind.

By the way, how in the HELL are they building around Hogan and Flair? I can't remember the last time I saw Hogan on TV and where's Flair? JESUS CHRIST! TNA is better off without fans like that. Keep watching whatever it is that you watch.
this isnt gonna turn out just have this bad feeling...i dont think TNA fans really care about old wrestlers, who are in there late 30's , early 40's fighting against each other...the only bright spot would be RVD but at least get a better opponent to face him against
It amazes me how many TNA fans simply cannot stand whenever someone criticizes TNA, especially when the criticisms are valid and legitimate.

A lot of people do want TNA to succeed in growing as a company, me included. But I'm sick of TNA constantly trying to define itself by relying on nostalgia and there's nothing the least bit wrong with voicing that criticism. They have an entire roster full of talented young wrestlers that they don't do squat with. Rather than trying to build up their own brand and company, they'd rather take another trip down memory lane.

Lots of people, me included, would like to see TNA actually try to build its roster and think about the future rather than constantly dwelling in the past and using it in an attempt to get over. To me, it makes sense to look towards the future and actually try to build a future. You know, actually try and build stars? Actually try and make your company mean something more than just a haven for nostalgiaholics?
Have they even announced that it will only be ECW wrestlers on the PPV card? Why does almost everyone on this forum take conclusions before anything is official, and then on top of it belive that whatever they made up is true? Jeez just wait until something is official before you use it as an argument.
Welcome to the internet. We here in the vapid smark interwebs community pride ourselves on our ability to be negative about absolutely any and everything. TNA raised Owen Hart from the dead to wrestle a 60 minute iron man match with AJ Styles? Boring, WCW did it I'm pretty sure, boooo!

Seriously though, this is nothing new. I don't have a problem with the concept because A) I guarantee it will raise their PPV buys, B) it could result in some very fine wrestling matches like another RVD-Jerry Lynn classic, and C) This is strictly a short-term thing. As long as I get to see another RVD-Lynn PPV main event out of this entire deal, it's worth it in my book, no matter how many shitty Sandman matches or bad promos I have to sit through. I'm also very okay with this whole deal because of how much creative control they're giving to Tommy Dreamer on this angle, because any new creative blood in TNA is a DAMN good thing, anything to get the taste of Russo and Ferrara out of my mouth.

People will always bitch though. It's kind of our job as wrestling fans posting on an internet forum. I'll be worried when no one's complaining.
People are just going to keep on hating when the fact is TNA is as much ECW as it was NWA. The company has not forgot about hardcore and has put on its fair share of hardcore matches. Most of ECW originals have worked for TNA and most of them still do.

How many people do they actually need to bring in for this. Not many...This pay per view is a chance to showcase and pay tribute to a bunch of guys that are already on the roster. Why didnt people have a problem with all these people on the roster before Tommy Dreamer showed up.

All you people who criticize TNA's every move are just a bunch of people who should stay to the WWE thread section and praise every stupid thing they do. Like this brilliant Idea.
Lets have a one night stand where all the old ECW originals could have one last time to shine. That did good...OK next we'll restart ECW and then hire them back as jobbers and then fire them all one by one. Way to go Vince...Shit on the one company that gets no credit for saving wrestling in the 90's...way to go vince
TNA Fan boys have officially passed the WWE faithful IMO...

I'm sorry guys, but this concept is absolutely ridiculous. That promo made Tommy Dreamer look like a cheese-ball :disappointed:

I loved ECW guys, but seriously... let it rest in peace. Why do think Paul Heyman isn't there yet... he knows its going downhill after the Hardcore Justice. Let them have one night (again) and we'll talk about it the day after.

TNA fan boys just can't admit they are getting Sting vs Hogan at BFG if Hogan's healthy (another thing TNA fan boys love to deny)

Impact was good this week, but that last promo was awful IMO
actually ECW invaded twice in the early 90s in New York then with WCW yeah they just wnt let a crappy company die..What pissed me off the most is how they say Terry Funk should be in the same conversation as Hogan and Flair??? The FUCK??? no he isnt hes a good tag team wrestler and single wrestler but never and i mean never will he be in the same talks as Hogan and Flair..ECW was nothing more than rejects that couldnt make it in the big time and had to wrestle in a bingo not wrestle...falling and acting wreckless i say leave that crappy company dead. and actually TNA shouldnt try and revive a company when they can hardley keep themselves afloat
Taking a look at some other recent threads it is very clear to see people are just hating on everything ECW. People have been saying that "ECW has been brought back countless times" when in fact there was only one real ecw invasion and then the actual show was brought back and in the end there was actually no original ECW stars left on it. So stop saying its been redone over and over because its hasn't

Your forgeting about the first ECW invasion in the 97 where the almost the whole ECW roster appeared on Raw. Jerry Lawler then showed up on ECW. so yea it's been done over and over. The ECW origianls or old just like pretty much everyone else in TNA. TNA is becoming WCW at the its end. It's pretty sad :banghead:
to anybody who claims there is nothing being built around Flair: Fourtune.

I will not crap on the idea of Hardcore Extreme Justice with Chairs, or whatever this PPV is called. I will say that, like some others, i was incredibly confused by the execution.

This appeared to be an ECW invasion, which would have rocked out loud. Now it appears to be a tribute show, which could rock. ONS was hella fun. I very much enjoyed it, and i know many others did as well. IF Justice to the Extreme for Hardcore Lovers ends up being a damn good PPV than excellent.

But there is a chance, due to age, overuse of ECW stars n neglect of TNA stars, and other stuff that this PPV could end up sucking out loud, which for TNA and ECW fans alike, nobody wants.
Have they even announced that it will only be ECW wrestlers on the PPV card? Why does almost everyone on this forum take conclusions before anything is official, and then on top of it belive that whatever they made up is true? Jeez just wait until something is official before you use it as an argument.

great point here. they haven't said one thing about it being an ECW only PPV. for all we know it an ECW STYLE PPV using ecw wrestlers. so why can't some of the matches be like the following.

RVD vs Jerry

Team 3D vs beer money vs MCMG

Styles vs Ryno

Raven/Richards vs Foley/Hernandez

and so on. make it where the ECW guys are in each match but includes some of the TNA originals in each match.

i'm giving them the benifit of the doubt for now. gonna have to wait till next week to see what some of the matches are going to be.
I would say it's a pretty damn good business decision because I see people from Australia, Europe, and all over inquiring about getting VIP tickets to fly to Orlando to see the ECW reunion. I've read so many comments about people going to order the PPV. I've read so much positive feedback on Dixie's twitter about this.

I know most of you want the best for TNA but please get off of your critic soapbox and this "Oh what about the young guys" argument and just appreciate TNA going out of their way to do something out of the norm. Everyone wants to be a business major and a critic. What happened to just sitting down and being a fan. We're getting RVD vs. Lynn(Jerry Lynn who was the ROH champion a few months ago and has barely lost a step). How is that not enough to make a true fan of ECW, a TNA fan, or a wrestling fan in general happy?

See, it would be out of the norm if this hadn't happened 5 years ago. And of course there's going to be positive feedback on Dixie's twitter page. Who would follow her on there besides TNA fans?

And you want me to sit back and be a fan? How would a TNA fan not want to see the feuds they see being built week in and week out pay off on pay-per-view? I don't care how nostalgic it might be, there is no way it can be a good sign for the company for its own stars to be pushed aside for has-beens.

People are just going to keep on hating when the fact is TNA is as much ECW as it was NWA. The company has not forgot about hardcore and has put on its fair share of hardcore matches. Most of ECW originals have worked for TNA and most of them still do.

Cool. Let them fall into feuds like everyone else.

How many people do they actually need to bring in for this. Not many...This pay per view is a chance to showcase and pay tribute to a bunch of guys that are already on the roster. Why didnt people have a problem with all these people on the roster before Tommy Dreamer showed up.

Because guys with their futures in wrestling weren't being pushed aside by these guys with their pasts in wrestling. I actually like Tommy Dreamer, but there is no good excuse for TNA to bring in Jerry Lynn, a guy who I do like but doesn't even work for them, to main event a PPV when guys like Homicide, Kiyoshi, and Eric Young can barely get on Impact.

All you people who criticize TNA's every move are just a bunch of people who should stay to the WWE thread section and praise every stupid thing they do. Like this brilliant Idea.

I do criticize WWE. I talked shit about WWE all the time and was a huge TNA mark right until Hogan and Bischoff came in and shot all the progress the company had been making to shit. If either company has completely blind fans, it's TNA.

Lets have a one night stand where all the old ECW originals could have one last time to shine. That did good...OK next we'll restart ECW and then hire them back as jobbers and then fire them all one by one. Way to go Vince...Shit on the one company that gets no credit for saving wrestling in the 90's...way to go vince

I got into this in the LD last night with IDR. The One Night Stand show was great. It got at lot of positive feedback, so they decided that the name was a draw, and rightfully so. Vince made a great business decision by using the ECW name, just as anyone else would. As for the ECW wrestlers, most just weren't that good. Sabu and Sandman were nothing without weapons, RVD screwed himself, and only Dreamer ended up being of any worth to the company. You can try to paint Vince as evil all you want, but all he did was make excellent business decisions. You know, the exact opposite of what this PPV is.
seriously stop hating. TNA has a really good angle here and it is going to be a great pay per view. I personally feel that this ECW reunion will be much better than WWE's One night stand. I didnt like it and i think that WWE's ECW really hurt the REAL ECW's legacy
The problem here is that, like several people have posted, this is a rehashed idea. Its not innovative. Its not fresh. Its sad. There is a big reason Paul Heyman isnt behind this idea.

I like TNA and I like WWE. I criticize both companies equally. However, I'm not a TNA fanboy that will say this is a good idea. This is a piss poor idea. For TNA's sake, I hope it works, but honestly... I have NO interest in seeing guys that were big for ECW 15 years ago battle. I want to see the stars TNA currently has.
Well since most all the ECW guys they are talking about have been in TNA except for Dreamer, whom by the way is hurt. What is the worst we could see? Flairs or Hogan in the ring??? Or maybe a replay of Monsters Ball '05 with Rhino, Abyss, Sabu and Jeff Hardy? It would be nice, That match made me a TNA fan for 5 years now (except the hogan BS).
People have every right to complain about Hardcore Justice. Why is that?!?! Because TNA needs to stop stealing other ideas. Tommy Dreamer was irrelevant for the last 3 years! Rhyno was barely making the mid-card. Where the hell does Raven and Richards come from?

This isn't a good angle. This isn't a good idea. This makes me want to tune into WWE. I can settle for Hornswoggle running around beating up Chavo, then another ECW reunion. Not also that, but how many times can TNA have the outside force threaten the company. Or just have a stable threaten the company? This seems to be the 10th, and this company isn't even 9 years old.

A lot of us of just plain out said "Don't be ECW, Don't WCW, Don't be WWF, be TNA." actually I think someone on a previous thread said it, but I'm agreeing with it. TNA needs to build their clientele, not leech of a dead company's.

Hardcore Justice will be a decent PPV, but where will TNA be after three months? Not doing to well, because the ECW fans will call bullshit on TNA.

TNA needs to quit getting anyone who was on a Pay-per-view and isn't working for the WWE a job, because it's going to slowly kill them.
To be honest, I understand both sides here. TNA has some ECW guys on its roster, and is able to get some others for one night. Why not have a PPV? The worst thing that can happen is no one watches it. But, bring in these guys on the cheap might actually add some buys.

On the other hand, I understand the haters. I mean, ECW was (somewhat) popular over ten years ago. It has a pretty big cult following, but all of these guys are 10-15 years older now, and 5 years older than WWE's One Night Stand.

Dixie can stand out there and bullshit as much as she wants about "the fans," and yada, yada, yada. She's doing this because their are no other big-name free agents out there to bring in. This isn't WCW vs. WWF. There aren't several big-name guys jumping ship, making things even more interesting. Also, I loved when she kept bringing up how these guys aren't greedy, they have passion, etc., etc. I'm sure they do. But that was just an underhanded way of Dixie saying she isn't paying them jack-shit.

Do I think this is a bad idea in the short-term? No, not at all. It will probably bring in more viewers, and some additional ppv buys. In the long term? I don't know. It seems TNA is putting their current guys on the sideline for this, well most of them. But, then again, TNA guys are going to have to wrestle these ECW originals, so I'm not sure exactly how many of them are going to be left out.

For me, I sum it up this way. Dixie is getting a bunch of guys, who used to matter (kind of), for basically nothing. But, these guys do have a fanbase, and it may sell better than your average ppv. It's confusing, I know. But as much as I don't care about and won't be buying the ppv myself, I can see where some people would want to see this.
Telling people to stop complaining isn't going to stop anything,so don't let what people say bother you so much.

What makes me laugh is that it was Rhyno who threw the old ECW title in the trash can and said"death to ECW,long live TNA",before setting it on fire.It was Brother Ray who told WWE to leave ECW dead and buried where it belonged.Tommy Dreamer cried and cried and I'm just not gonna buy it,because like it or not,He took the money,the push,and that crappy silver WWECW title.

I loved ECW.I loved ONS 2005.They even had Hardcore Homecoming,and yes that counts.I hated the WWECW show,just as I hate WWE right now.Let it rest in peace already.Leave it alone.I'd like to give TNA the benefit of the doubt,but the truth is I can't because it seems like they don't want to make the TNA wrestlers,THEIR wrestlers be the main focus and be important.Will RVD/Lynn be a good match?of course it will.I'm just not gonna pay my money for one match,just like I didn't pay to see WM26 for only Michaels/Taker II.

The only thing I hope is that TNA will let RVD and Jerry Lynn go for a long and awesome match,for the people who will pay to see the show.TNA fans deserve that much.
Now wouldn't the whole ecw, "hardcore" type of ppv work just as good, if not WAY better for the TNA roster alone? It just seems as if dixie doesn't think much of her own roster or just doesn't care? Either way, even if I was a TNA wrestler who grew up on ecw, I still wouldn't like the fact that I bust my ass for my company and don't get a push, while guys most of our current audience have never heard of get their own fucking ppv!!! Fo real, I fucking love tna and usually am optimistic with most ideas but this one here is a stinker! Sure they may draw a few more ppv buys but how does that help the company in the long run. I'm not hating like most who speak out, it's just honest criticism tna marks, so don't get hurt. I love honest criticism when it needs to be said and I'm glad tna fans are speaking out. I just don't feel this was a necessary move that tna NEEDED to make. Honestly too, the 1st one night stand in "the big company" was badass and it was awesome to see the ecw guys on a big ppv on a bigger company than ecw ever was but to see a tarnished, old and battered company of old guys do the same thing again on a inferior company is just sad. It's like when jordan played for the wizards on his 2nd comeback, ya smell me? YODEL

here's an idea TNA (WCW Light), bring back a one time wcw ppv!!! (hey at least that hasn't been done,((oh wait that's the point))):conehead:
Sadley there are always gonna be people that bitch about something involved with wrestling. Even if this PPV is the best of the year and does incredible buys there will be that one asshole who says that it sucked even thouh he probably didn't even watch it.

Do I expect this to be the great show that they are trying to promise? No because I understand that some of these guys shouldn't be near a ring but can I expect to be entertained one way or the other? Probably. I'm not too woried about TNA pushing their guys to the side because (I'm hoping) that they will take a cue from WWE and ntinue their stories while pushing the PPV when the guys involved (RVD & Dudleyz) are on the screen. I don't think we are going to take a break from TNA for a month so they can put on ECW IMPACT for a month. I just don't see it happening.

To the OP, don't let morons get your ire up. They are either full blown haters of anything not WWE or are mad that they can't cut in trying to wrestle (or even possibly high school sports in some cases) and upset that people are not watching them every week on tv. Hell sit back and laugh at the fact that they continue to attack most things TNA does when in reality WWE is not really any better in terms of quality but is made out to be the golden shit of creative "geniuses". I know I do.
I think that some people will never be happy. Last Week when everyone was complaining that an ECW invasion was a rip off Of the Nexus storyline when the Ecw wasn't an Invasion to begin with. Now people are saying an invasion would have been better I just dont understand that. In my opinion I much rather have a 1 shot deal PPV than an full invasion. I know that I'm looking forward to RVD Vs Lynn that, that alone might make me want to order the PPV

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