Stop All the Cena Bashing!!!

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I hate the fact that about half the people who are regular posters for the WWE forums bash John Cena. Sure, he's overrated. Sure, his two combined title reigns that lasted a full year were worse the JBL's 10 month reign. Sure, He gets booed by half the fans at every show. But think about it. Give him some credit. He has a great work ethic and great with the fans. He went to One Night Stand not as a heel, but as a face feeding on all of the heat. And, his rap album was pretty good. I own the album, and I've heard better, but it's very underrated because he isn't as bad at it as he seems. And I'm very excited about The Marine, it seems to have a good premise.

Now all I ask is keep the Cena bashing to a minimum unless he does something to deserve it. Or you make a form to point out his faults.
I quote someone - The smarks hate Cena because he doesnt fit Dave Meltzer's description of a "perfect" wrestler. The over 13 males hate him because their girlfriends love him.
John Cena is a great wrestler. I give him credit for that. He is only TOO OVER RATED. That is all. But I don't take credit for his accomplishments as a wrestler at all.
^I believe i have proven that wrong. My g/f hates his guts. And he isn't a perfect wrestler, WATCH WM 22 again. punch, back body drop, shoulder block, Cena slam (I call it that cause i don't know what else to call it), clothesline, drop toe hold, STFU, FU. That was his repratoir (sp?) for the entire match. A FUCKING MAIN EVENT MATCH AT WRESTLE MANIA 22, and he can only muster up 8 different moves, therefore, he is not a good wrestler at all.
FLUFF said:
^I believe i have proven that wrong. My g/f hates his guts. And he isn't a perfect wrestler, WATCH WM 22 again. punch, back body drop, shoulder block, Cena slam (I call it that cause i don't know what else to call it), clothesline, drop toe hold, STFU, FU. That was his repratoir (sp?) for the entire match. A FUCKING MAIN EVENT MATCH AT WRESTLE MANIA 22, and he can only muster up 8 different moves, therefore, he is not a good wrestler at all.
You forgot his arm drag and that missed cross body. That makes ten, which is still bad. And remember, this thread is about all the unwanted Cena Bashing. Peace
^Yeah, I know. I'm trying to respect him like I did in 03 04 era. It's hard, but I'm trying to not bash him as much.
Well i dont like Cena but he wont fall off and people getting together and callin him a bad wrestler wont hurt himbecause to many people love Cena right now girls and guys so until Cena has been exposed all of our disscussion will be a waste of energy.
TerrellCow said:
Well i dont like Cena but he wont fall off and people getting together and callin him a bad wrestler wont hurt himbecause to many people love Cena right now girls and guys so until Cena has been exposed all of our disscussion will be a waste of energy.
your very negative, i think
Another freakin Cena thread?! Some people like Cena. Some people hate him. That is no reason to have 3 active threads about it!
Cena4tweener said:
I quote someone - The smarks hate Cena because he doesnt fit Dave Meltzer's description of a "perfect" wrestler. The over 13 males hate him because their girlfriends love him.
This guy is right, and if your girlfriend hates him, it's probably because she's a little bit rock and roll. Enough Cena least do it in the 78 other threads that cater to Cena bashing. *sigh* Where are the mods today?
And to FLUFF...the quote said that he DOES NOT FIT the description of a "perfect" wrestler. It never hurts to help.
Im sorry that your sick of all of the threads. But this has a point. Its not about the bashin, its to stop the bashin. Get It? Got It? Good. Now dont let the door hit your ass on the way out.
If you read the thread "people are too hard on Cena, you would have seen that that thread was also about why people are bashing Cena. I, actually, was one of the only persons defending Cena on that thread as well as most of the other 70 something threads, so you need to get out. Dunderhead. I wonder how many people actually read the threads before they post like this "hoser". J. Wondering.

P.S. If you are gonna "put me in my place", you gotta do a lot better than that.
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