Stone Colds friendship with Kevin Nash and DDP.


Dark Match Winner
Stone Cold in a interview from 2011.

Stone Cold says that his only friends that he talks with from the wrestling business is Kevin Nash and DDP.

I was a little surprised that he's only friends are two WCW guys Kevin Nash and DDP.

I'm pretty suprised about that he dosent't have more friends in the business today.

Sadly I dont think we will see him at wrestlemania.

Stone Cold in a interview from 2011.

Stone Cold says that his only friends that he talks with from the wrestling business is Kevin Nash and DDP.

I was a little surprised that he's only friends are two WCW guys Kevin Nash and DDP.

I'm pretty suprised about that he dosent't have more friends in the business today.

Sadly I dont think we will see him at wrestlemania.


that has to be 2009 or before, because artie is in this clip and I didn't here cursing (I only listened for 1 minute) so I think it was when he was still with k rock. So its 2005 or before.
Yeah those guys were road buddies. Austin and Nash were supposedly just as cheap as the other. You should really check out his podcast for more details on who he's pals with.

It'd be pretty silly to leave out his hunting buddy buddy Shaun Micheals and Good Ol' J.R. though.
In 2003 I heard that the only guys he spent time with were Nash & Goldberg. Maybe, when you're the top dog in WWE, people beneath you don't care for you. Or maybe he just likes to be alone. Colleagues also don't have to be anything more than people you work with.
Well said Y 2 Jake. My first thought was how intense that locker room must have been with so many big names fighting for the top spot.

At the end of the day it is just a job. When you move on you leave those people behind.
yeah must be old. He's been doing twice a week podcasts for the past year. Most of them with wrestlers. He was just at Raw last week interviewing Big Show and I forget who else
You're totally misunderstanding the term "friendship" for Steve Austin. If you follow his podcasts you know that he respects a lot of the "cats" in professional wrestling, he's the first one to criticize his own work and give props to anybody else. As far as friendship goes - I can tell you that Steve Austin has respect for Kevin Nash not because of his spot, but because of who he is and mostly because he traveled a lot with him in his WCW days when he was known as Vinnie Vegas or whatever. DDP is the same thing, but he actually shared an house with Dallas so I get the whole friendship thing here. It's not like I'm sharing an apartment with a guy I despise right?

But that's what a friend is for Austin. When the guy needed a house, it was Dallas the one to offer him one. Kevin Nash is a down to earth guy. Married for god knows how long and shared the beginning of his career with Austin. But I'm pretty sure that Austin has a lot of "other friends", guys he knows and respects and most likely guys that himself would help if they needed - but we all have those type of persons in our lives - the ones that care for us and we care back and the ones that we care for, even though that we are not that important for them. Austin has shared his appreciation for Dutch Mantel, Daniel Bryan, John Cena, Mick Foley, Terry Funk, Vince McMahon and Jim Ross. All guys he has in high regard so don't worry about Austin's friendship.
I'm sure wrestlers in general don't have very many good friends. You have GOOD FRIENDS and you have acquaintances. You could have 10-20 of those. Guys or girls you say hi to, respect, but you really don't let them in your life or they yours.

Generally people really only have 2-3 GOOD friends tops and that's about it. I know Orton is good friends with Morrison still, but not many others.

When I read an autobiography, these wrestlers don't have very many good friends they say they can open up to.

It's just life in general, not just in wrestling.

Scott Hall was on Stone Colds podcast as well. So they are good friends too.

Can you imagine that party Stone Cold, Kevin Nash, Hogan and Scott Hall? Hell Yeah!

NWO/Stone Cold Party - I want to go to that party :beer::lol2:
Its not surprising to me that these two guys would be Austins friends. I've met them all over the course of the years and all have similar demeanors. Of course theres the previously mentioned wcw days. Oz and Stunning Steve were in similar positions on the WCW Roster. Austin and Nash have a lot in common when it comes to their part-time acting careers and the fact that they tend to be forgotten about by WWE until VKM wants to make a splash using their diminishing legacies as a focal point.

As far as DDP goes, I imagine he stays in contact with many guys in the business. Let's face it... full-time yoga instructor can only keep you so busy. Plus, he's podcast gold! Who doesn't love to listen to a good ol' DDP shoot interview? I love WCW stories.
All the old wrestlers say you never really develop a real friendship in the business. It's rare. They're all in the brotherhood, but generally, it's the ones they spent on the road the most or during their struggle years.

The changes and pressures, not knowing who your real friend when you're popular is something that prevents genuine connections.

That's why in Basketball, it's either who you roomed with in college, in a camp, or tourney, as well as high school or college teams that they're still the closest with, esp after they become more established professional stars.

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