I can see there are many dumb people here who think wikipedia is a credible source. Anyone can edit it kid.
I see there is at least one incapable of doing a little bit of research and being slightly intellectual. For the last 7 years there have been high profile case studies done on Wikipedia, and it has been proven as one of the most reliable sources of information available on the internet. At one point a study was done that proved it a better resource than Encyclopedia Britannica! That study was of course refuted by Britannica, attempting to save its name with hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, top name professors at Harvard have approved it as a research tool within the classroom.
You are correct, anyone can edit a Wikipedia page to falsify information. Subsequent studies have shown that there are almost 10x as many people consistently seeking to correct wronged material, than there are people sabotaging pages. In a 2009 study, a masters program assigned students to purposefully falsify over 1,000 Wikipedia pages, and take notes on how long it took for them to be corrected. In almost 80% of the articles the problems were fixed within the HOUR. Only .5% of the articles (that's FIVE out of ONE THOUSAND) were not edited correctly before the 24-hour time period had expired. Those articles were however edited several days later.
Sorry "kid". You just happened to negative rep the one person on these forums (likely) that happened to do a Senior Project on the validity of Wikipedia for my third year English class in college. Because of my report, several professors at my university are now allowing Wikipedia as a reliable source of information. The biggest reason people believe it is a flawed source, is that ignorant high school teachers protest against it. I understand the desire to teach kids how to find outside sources, but removing one valuable tool just to make things harder is pathetic. In the real world you're going to want to get your information is quickly as possible, checking sources to make sure it's right. I also did a study on the mental processes of high school teachers for my second year Social Psychology class...so please, call me out on that one too.
All of that aside, to the point at hand: I have personally interviewed a few people from Chicago that are close to Punk in the past for my journalism courses. More reputable people than I have done exactly the same. Punk is straight-edge through and through. It's been well-documented by his friends, family, and even his colleagues. Now, can we close this stupid discussion and get back to the point of this thread?