Stone Cold Steve Austin's Best Match Ever!!


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
He may not be remembered for a lot of his matches, but feuds and promo work, interviews etc. he most definately will...But what do you think has to be his best match ever!!

If anyone choses the Submission Match at WM13 (which I believe this thread will be flooded with), Please pick other than that match!!

I have to say his best match ever was against The Rock at WrestleMania X-Seven...this match was like a complete turn for him and it was staged at arguably the best wrestlemania ever...his wrestling in this match I believe was really good, he and the Rock put on a really good show...

Honourable Mention
SummerSlam 2001 vs. Kurt angle

Royal Rumble 2001
the royal rumble match of 1998 for me--loved the build up to it then to see him win it all after making enemies of everyone in wwf--just classic stuff IMO--i know its not an actual wrestling match but good action to watch

good question though Ruthless-RKO--hard to choose just one
Sorry but Austin's best match was at WM 13. Him and Bret did something that night that had never been done before, it was an epic encounter. I can't pick another match because your asking what his best match was, so you got an answer.
personally, my favorite SC match has got to be WM XIV vs. Shawn... IMO, that match was a "passing of the torch", so to speak, due to Shawn leaving cause of his back... and on that night, Shawn made him earn that win, and he put SC over, and SC proved that he belonged on top of the WWE mountain
I also have to pick the WM 13 match vs. Bret Hart. It's not only his best match ever, but the defining moment that launched his career. So basically you're making us choose the 2nd best match Austin ever had. For me it's Summerslam 2001 when he battled Kurt Angle. Angle kicked out of 3 Stunners, it was at the height of the failed Invasion storyline, just one entertaining match IMO.
Austin/Hart at WM 13 was an amazing match. I remember watching it (a few months later when it was realeased on video, living in Australia we couldn't see it live) and being blown away by just how good these two are. Hart did a great job at putting Austin over and I really set him up for great things.

My personal favourite match of Stone Colds is the 3 stages of hell match against Triple H at No Way Out (01 I think). The title wasn't on the line, it was a grudge match, but from memory it went for like 40 minutes or so and these two beat the living shit out each other. It was a normal match/street fight and ended with Triple H getting the win in a steel cage. Austin may not have won the match, but never the less, both HHH and Stone Cold came out looking like the best the WWE had.
It'd have to be the sub.ission match. If not that, then the one at WM X-7. And IF not that one then it'd the three stages of hell. Out of all of them I will pick the latter.

Three H's and Stone Cold KILLED each other in these series of match ups. Those matches where two guys who great chemistry in a knock down drag em out fight are my favorites. Those two put on an awesome showing. Imo, people overlook their feud. i find it damn near better than him and Rock's feud.
I think his best match without question is from WM17 vs. Rock. To me that is amongst the top 2 or 3 WM main events of all time. A close 2nd would be 3 Stages of Hell against Triple H. That was completely epic, 45 minutes of the two of them destroying each other.

I love his match vs. Bret at the 96 Survivor Series just as much as their Wrestlemania match.

I will also bring one out that no one has mentioned yet, and is often overlooked. His 2001match on Smackdown vs. Chris Benoit was completley nuts. They went back and forth in front of a hot Canadian crowd, and Austin took 10 German suplexes in a row which was completely insane..

I think he should be remembered for his matches as much as anything else...
I think the obvious ones have been mentioned. Kutos to the one who noted a match of his with Benoit. Austin worked a ton of incredible matches with the likes of Benoit and Jericho that die hards would know about easily. But I think the glamour of his matches with Bret, Shawn, HHH, and The Rock are what makes those memorable ones, no doubt they're very memorable for me as a fan.

For me, I was very impressed with the Vince and Shane vs. Austin in a handicap ladder match for full ownership of the WWE. Stands, for me at least, along with his Benoit/Jericho matches, as his most underrated matches.

I have to say, he made Booker T look good in their feud, at least for a while there. His Summerslam '98 match with Taker was epic, beyond belief. I think Vince really messed up in letting him go. Shouldn't have been that hard to decide an ending for the originally-planned Hogan vs. Austin at X-8. Although the send off was nice, with Flair vs. Austin being his last match.
Well I would pick the submission match but I cant so I will choose his second best which for me is between No Way Out 2001 HHH/Austin or WMX7 Rock/Austin. I will have to go for WMX7 that match was the main event of the best WM ever and it featured a historical heel turn what more could you ask for? A good match you say, well we got that too, that match had almots everything you could ask a great match to have.
Austin's best match is a no brainer for me. Wrestlemania 17 against The Rock. Arguably the greatest Main Event at a Mania that is considered to be the best Mania. This match was simply amazing. Both men were on their game and brought it. The match was nearly thirty minutes in length which was great. You had false finish after false finish. Until Austin finally went nuts hitting Rocky with what was 20 something chair shots to finish him off? This is one of those rare matches when the winner looked great, but Rocky looked almost better. Of course you also had the biggest swerve in this match with Austin selling his soul to Vince. Another thing that was great about this match was the crowd. They where great and were into the match all the way through the match. Which is amazing considering we had already seen Trips vs 'Taker, and TLC II before. In my mind this match had it all. Two great competitors, great story, and a great audience. Making it Austin's greatest match.
Austin/Hart at WM 13 was an amazing match. I remember watching it (a few months later when it was realeased on video, living in Australia we couldn't see it live) and being blown away by just how good these two are. Hart did a great job at putting Austin over and I really set him up for great things.

My personal favourite match of Stone Colds is the 3 stages of hell match against Triple H at No Way Out (01 I think). The title wasn't on the line, it was a grudge match, but from memory it went for like 40 minutes or so and these two beat the living shit out each other. It was a normal match/street fight and ended with Triple H getting the win in a steel cage. Austin may not have won the match, but never the less, both HHH and Stone Cold came out looking like the best the WWE had.

The two would be my picks. I would say the Bret match was his BEST, but my favourite would be the 3 stages of hell match, that was a phenomenal match, and I remember thinking how badly these guys were beating each other up, while watching it
Gotta agree with the majority that its a straight toss up between Rock (17) and Bret (13).

Bret and Austin did something that had never happened in a match before, plus the actual wrestling was very good...added with the bloody pass out at the end.

Rock and Austin probably had a bigger rivalry, plus the fact it was in Texas, main event at a great WM...the pace of that fight was unbelievable. I also loved the finish. All them chair shots and then Austin shaking hands with the devil.

Vs Rock WM17 probably just edges it for me.
My personal favourite Austin match was against HBK at Mania 14. Mainly because of the amazing build to it and the fact that he finally reached the top of the mountain. I remember marking out so badly to that. Looking back and knowing how much pain HBK was in as well, makes it even more special.

Other ones I loved were:

Austin Vs Rock (Mania 17)
Austin Vs McMahon (St Valentines Massacre 99)
Austin Vs Bret (Mania 13)
personally, my favorite SC match has got to be WM XIV vs. Shawn... IMO, that match was a "passing of the torch", so to speak, due to Shawn leaving cause of his back... and on that night, Shawn made him earn that win, and he put SC over, and SC proved that he belonged on top of the WWE mountain

Well you can go with meaning or actual in-ring performance. Those two are judged completely differently IMO. Yeah his match with HBK at WM14 was classic because of what it represented...but there's no way in hell it was more exciting than his match the year before with Bret. That was an instant classic.
In WWE, Austin and the Rock had some classic matches. My favorite match and a match that maybe Austin's favorite match is the match between him and Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 13. I have never seen such intensity between two people. I knew Hart and Michaels hated each other, but Austin and Hart played their roles so well I thought they legitimately hated each other. Those two fought tooth and nail and the ending solidified Austin as a legend and main eventer for years to come.

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