Stone Cold Steve Austin returns to Raw!!!!

Hulk Hogan's Brother

Stop asking me what I'm gonna do!!!
WHY hasn't there been a thread on this already?

Anyhow, on the 3/7/11 edition of Raw the iconic "Texas Rattlesnake" Stone Cold Steve Austin made a return. Michael Cole brought out JBL as the guest referree for his match against Jerry Lawler. JBL was running his mouth on how Dallas was lucky to have a champion in it's presence and how WrestleMania would mark the glorious return of JBL, when Austin came out to a loud pop. Austin tried to talk to Cole but JBL kept getting in the way and Austin soon got annoyed and gave him a Stunner. This was followed by a beer bash during the course of which Michael Cole was reduced to tears as, in his own words, Austin had ruined his moment.

Cole's worries were just compounded when Austin's eyes fell onto the contract which JBL had been about to sign before he interrupted him. Austin eventually signed the contract, wished Cole best of luck for his match and then proceeded to pour beer on him as Cole was begging Austin not to sign the contract. After that Austin picked JBL up handed him a beer and raised a toast before stunning him yet again and leaving to huge cheers. At the same time Michael Cole was seen with his trainer Jack Swagger who seemed to be consoling him.

Here's the video in case you missed it.

Personally as a huge Stone Cold mark I loved his return and was so glad to see him at his "Stunning" best. I was a bit disappointed the last time he showed up on Raw as I thought that he was underused and gave no Stunners to anyone last time round. But today he seemed to be on the top of his game, not that he really needed to be to get the kind of reaction he got.

Austin always makes an entertaining referree but I feel that the guy who could really gain from this angle is Jack Swagger. Swagger has promised to break Austin's ankle like a twig and a few segments with Stone Cold can really elevate his career. Of course a lot of it depends on whether Stone Cold shows up on Raw on the Road to WrestleMania.

Of course I see WrestleMania ending up with Cole recieving a Stunner which would obviously be a great moment.

So, what is your opinion on SCSA's return and the implications it might have on the careers of both Michael Cole and Jack Swagger?
I loves seeing the Texas Rattlesnake on Raw last night, and I was also very happy to see JBL on there too. He was always on of the more entertaining heels in the company. It was great to see JBL being stunnered twice, especially even after he trusted Austin by taking his beer. It was also good to see Cole being taken down a peg. It was one of the very few times during his heel run that I remember him being humiliated and being given what he deserves.

I think a run in with Austin can only do wonders for Swagger. He had a horrible title run and has been very close to buried on Smackdown recently. I think he is a talented wrestler who is a natural heel and he just needs a good feud to try and get him near the main event today. I doubt we will see SCSA on Raw again before WM27 but if he is then I would like to see him being jumped by Swagger and being put in the ankle lock, only to get revenge and destroy Swagger at WM27 after Cole gets beat by the King.
Yes, The Rattlesnake came back to RAW, and that was great to see. BUT... I have to give more props to... J-B-L!!
Here's a guy that has been off WWE programming longer than Stone Cold. He makes a quick speach and gets a stunner from Stone Cold not once but TWICE. No triumphant return. Just sells the stunner like a mo-fo. I marked more for JBL's selling of the stunners almost as much as hearing the glass break.
That was a pretty selfless act for JBL. Most people come back and they want the spotlight to be all about themselves (take note HHH), but I gained a bit more respect for Layfield after last night.

That's all I know, and all you need to know...
Well done segment. Very entertaining. I am most impressed that they got SCSA to work at WM without it being all over the IWC. There were rumors of the Rock hosting before he confirmed it on Raw but I had not heard anything about SCSA taking such a large part. Nice surprise.
SCSA come back last night was awesome. He totallybroguth life to the Cole/Lawler match and gave it some more character.

JBL's return was a huge markout moment for me since I am a big JBL fan. This match is looking like the most entertaining WM match so far, following the Rhodes/Rey match (got high hopes for this one)
I see why they were worried about giving Stone Cold a lot creatively. As fun as that segment was because they took the reins off his character, I can't help but look at the situation after the dust has cleared and feel a little odd about it. Rock is hosting wrestlemania and interacting with the champion and challenger while Austin is refereeing a match between the announcers? I realize Rock is by far a bigger star now outside of wrestling but I can certainly see where a disrespected feeling would come from. Especially when you take into account how they booked Austin when he came back to host Raw vs what they immediately let Rock get away with.
Why does this seem absolutely random to me?

So, JBL comes out, he'll be the special referee (for some reason). JBL, the guy that got beat by Mysterio (I believe) and "retired" at Wrestle Mania. A man that has little to no connection with with Michael Cole aside from the fact that they were both announcers and probably worked together.

Then, out of nowhere and for no apparent reason, Stone Cold Steve Austin comes out, signs the contract instead of JBL and becomes the guest referee for Lawler vs Michael Cole. And I'm sittin' there wondering - why? Is Stone Cold a Lawler fan? What is his grudge with Cole? Why is Stone Cold doing this? Why was JBL out in the first place?

I got my answer - cheap freakin' pops. Now JBL will disappear, Stone Cold will referee a pointless, pointless match for no reason at all, and the pay off is a Stunner on someone at WrestleMania. Whoo-pe-doo.

WWE's storylines make so much sense. /sarcasm

Why do WWE fans completely neglect common sense and logic when it comes to WWE storylines, but are the first to nit-pick and over analyze TNA storylines? Look at this shit! There's no logical explanation as to why the fuck all of this happened on Monday! Those guys have no history. None.

It's like ... Dolph Ziggler is wrestling John Morrisson. Then in the middle of the match Tatanka comes out and low blows Jo-Mo. Just when Ziggler is about to pin Jo-Mo Sunny crawls from under the ring and pulls the ref out of the way. Sunny slaps Tatanka while Jo-Mo hits his springboard ballerina kick to Ziggler and gets the pin. Did anyone else mark out when Tatanka came out?!
Whilst you bang on about no history, heres a history lesson:

Cole and JBL were both working together on Smackdown
JBL and Cole's best buddy The Miz have history
The two of them are heels
Raw was in Texas, JBL is Texan

The whole JBL being the ref made sense, so I don't see the issue there.

As for Austin, yes I agree completely random yet isn't his slogan 'Arrive, Raise Hell, Leave'? So from that point of view Austin did just that and it isn't the first time he has done that.
Wouldn't surprise me if we find out Austin did this due to Cole comments on JR when he did his brief stunt. There is another connection within that or that King found out about what Cole was planning and asked for help.

Furthermore JBL and Austin do have history, although it was very brief.

From a story point of view they had to get Austin the referee somehow, that was the better way of doing it than the RAW GM turning on Cole.

As for the Cole v King match, apart from the two world title matches this is the only one that has had months of build up and not being put together at the last moment.
Why does this seem absolutely random to me?

So, JBL comes out, he'll be the special referee (for some reason). JBL, the guy that got beat by Mysterio (I believe) and "retired" at Wrestle Mania. A man that has little to no connection with with Michael Cole aside from the fact that they were both announcers and probably worked together.

Then, out of nowhere and for no apparent reason, Stone Cold Steve Austin comes out, signs the contract instead of JBL and becomes the guest referee for Lawler vs Michael Cole. And I'm sittin' there wondering - why?

Is Stone Cold a Lawler fan?

I'm guessing, as a former wrestler, he's sick to death of Michael Cole, as most fans are (kayfabe, and in reality). However, I have to agree, it's pretty random.

What is his grudge with Cole?

The same the rest of us have-- Cole is a major douche.

Why is Stone Cold doing this?

See above.

Why was JBL out in the first place?

I think this has two possible answers. A. They were in Texas, and he was available. Both Austin and JBL being from Texas helped this all make some sort of sense. B. JBL is coming back, in sort of role. Maybe as a commentator?

I got my answer - cheap freakin' pops.

Probably. But it worked.

Stone Cold will referee a pointless, pointless match for no reason at all, and the pay off is a Stunner on someone at WrestleMania. Whoo-pe-doo.

If you think this match is pointless, you are either bitter, or you haven't been watching. This thing between Cole and King needed to happen. It's been building for months, and this is the blow-off. Austin is just added excitement. It's a bit random, but the crowd sure as shit accepted it.

Anything involving Steve Austin at WrestleMania is a winner. At this stage in his career, he's about the most entertaining special guest ref you can get. He saved Lesnar/Goldberg from being a total disaster, and added some much needed excitement to the in-ring confrontation between Umaga and Lashley at WrestleMania 23.

This whole thing is pretty random, same with Jack Swagger being named Cole's coach. But there is a difference between random junk and just being random. This isn't junk.
Whilst you bang on about no history, heres a history lesson:

Cole and JBL were both working together on Smackdown
JBL and Cole's best buddy The Miz have history
The two of them are heels
Raw was in Texas, JBL is Texan

The whole JBL being the ref made sense, so I don't see the issue there.

As for Austin, yes I agree completely random yet isn't his slogan 'Arrive, Raise Hell, Leave'? So from that point of view Austin did just that and it isn't the first time he has done that.
Wouldn't surprise me if we find out Austin did this due to Cole comments on JR when he did his brief stunt. There is another connection within that or that King found out about what Cole was planning and asked for help.

Furthermore JBL and Austin do have history, although it was very brief.

From a story point of view they had to get Austin the referee somehow, that was the better way of doing it than the RAW GM turning on Cole.

As for the Cole v King match, apart from the two world title matches this is the only one that has had months of build up and not being put together at the last moment.

That's a very good point actually and is all the WWE needs to play up to give Austin a reason to what to be involved in the match. It's no secret Austin and JR are friends.

Brilliant moment for me. Just listen to the pop he got. You don't get pops like that for many folk now adays. Looked like he was having a blast as well. Him chasing the camera man down the ramp at the end was funny.
I don't see why you can't find any sense in this, its not as random as say, Vickie vs Trish next week on a show hosted by Snooki. Anyway Austin's segment was nice, gave the crowd what they wanted by ruining Cole's plans and 2 stunners to JBL after berating the audience. Two questions though,
1. How did Stone Cold manage to cut himself during this? he wasn't gushing blood but he had a little nick on his forehead.
2. Anyone else notice the jackass with the "AUTSIN" sign? I hope that wasn't a grown man with that sign.
I noticed that Rock got away with a little more, too, but I thought it was my imagination. They showed SCSA doing the beer thing but did anyone else notice that "the finger" salute wasn't shown? They cut off the shot at his wrist so that his hands weren't on camera. They should have let SCSA step over the line every bit as much as The Rock. Still loved the segment - good to see SCSA and Rock back on Wrestlemania.
I don't see why you can't find any sense in this, its not as random as say, Vickie vs Trish next week on a show hosted by Snooki. Anyway Austin's segment was nice, gave the crowd what they wanted by ruining Cole's plans and 2 stunners to JBL after berating the audience. Two questions though,
1. How did Stone Cold manage to cut himself during this? he wasn't gushing blood but he had a little nick on his forehead.
2. Anyone else notice the jackass with the "AUTSIN" sign? I hope that wasn't a grown man with that sign.
It was a great mark out moment all around.

I didn't see anything as random as some suggest.

Oh and I think Austin was cut by a beer. I think the guy tossing the SteveWiesers had no idea what he was doing. I noticed he also hit JBL upside the head with a beer.
It was a great mark out moment all around.

I didn't see anything as random as some suggest.

Oh and I think Austin was cut by a beer. I think the guy tossing the SteveWiesers had no idea what he was doing. I noticed he also hit JBL upside the head with a beer.

You mean Keystones. I'm a pretty savvy alcoholic and those were NOT SteveWeisers. Those were fucking Keystones. I actually paused it several times because I was saying to myself "is he fucking drinking Keystone?"

Not that there's anything wrong with Steve drinking Keystone (it fits), but they were most certainly Keystones.

Need proof, pause the segment where half the beer is exposed in a close-up right before he picks up the contract and you'll see what I'm saying.
i like how he got to throw up the middle fingers even if it was off camera...nice that they let him cut loose like that.. all the returns lately have made me appreciate the next return even more lol..
Austin didn't do much on his brief return to Raw Monday, but he did add intrigue to the Cole vs. Lawler match at Mania. It's always great to see Austin come back and do his usual routine of drinking beer and stunning people. I loved how JBL and Michael Cole were involved. Austin made Raw enjoyable as always, and I'm looking forward to his interaction with Cole at their Mania match up.
Anyone else think that Cole did a FANTASTIC job selling everything last night?
Personally I thought it made the return all the better.
Seeing Stone Cold Steve Austin on my TV is always great. I grew up watching The Texas Rattlesnake, so it's always a treat when I see him on any WWE program. Austin provided us with his usual beer bash, and he dished out some Stunners. I always enjoy this stuff, because it takes me on a good trip down memory lane.

I'm also looking forward to seeing Austin at Mania. Cole was trying to stack the deck against Lawler, but things are even now. I'm sure Austin will be a strict ref, and I'm sure he'll be physical with Cole if he decides to be too pushy. Swagger and Cole will probably receive a few Stunners, and there should be more beer at Mania.

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