Stone Cold Steve Austin: One More Match?

Speaking of knowledge, do you know all of the details surrounding why Austin didn't want to JOB to Lesnar?

What I remember was Austin disagreeing with where his character in a whole was going at that time. Jobbing to Lesnar who was a basic nobody at THAT TIME(no one knew him at all so don't bother trying to comeback with he was a superstar baloney) and job to him with basically no build up at all. With that said, thats only a little bit of what we actually knew went on back then. Austin "took his ball" and left as some superstars put it.

To say he doesn't deserve a proper sendoff is ignorant considering you are probably a huge fan of HHH, HBK, HOGAN ..all guys who tradionally don't job to ANYONE. HBK especially in his prime. In hindsight, Austin did the right thing considering Lesnar basically turned his back on WWE.

Lastly, the reason you probably did see a huge sendoff for Austin is simply because he is just a humble man when it comes to that stuff. It was probably his wish that only he and Rock knew it was his last match. Kudos to Austin for being that way. That be said, I dont think there is anything wrong with big send offs, I actually think Edge deserved a bigger one but thats not this thread so I digress.

Its funny that you ask if i know what im talking about, when apparently you don't. Austin walked out in 2002. By the time he decided to "take his ball and go home" Brock Lesnar had already won KOTR and the WWE Championship. So saying he was a "basic nobody" and "no one knew who he was" is a load of garbage. Everyone at that time knew who Brock Lesnar was.

Stone Cold didn't want to put him over, its plain and simple. He had the same mentality as the rest of the stars of the time.

As for you saying im a fan of HHH, Hogan, HBK...etc....that couldn't be farther from the truth. Never cared for any of them. They all hogged the spotlight and played politics backstage and one of them has decicded to TRY and stay relevent by any means nessecary.

You say in hindsight he did the right thing by not putting Lesnar over. That maybe true knowing the outcome of Lesnars career, but then no one knew he was just going to up and leave. The Rock put him over so why couldn't Austin? Is that because he is better than The Rock?

Maybe saying he doesnt DESERVE it was the wrong choice of words. The guy is in the Hall of Fame, he had his last match on the grandest stage. He doesn't NEED to come back for another match and have a dramatic send off. Like I said in my very first post on this thread, let the next chapter of his legacy be training the next WWE Superstar.
Its funny that you ask if i know what im talking about, when apparently you don't. Austin walked out in 2002. By the time he decided to "take his ball and go home" Brock Lesnar had already won KOTR and the WWE Championship. So saying he was a "basic nobody" and "no one knew who he was" is a load of garbage. Everyone at that time knew who Brock Lesnar was.

Stone Cold didn't want to put him over, its plain and simple. He had the same mentality as the rest of the stars of the time.

As for you saying im a fan of HHH, Hogan, HBK...etc....that couldn't be farther from the truth. Never cared for any of them. They all hogged the spotlight and played politics backstage and one of them has decicded to TRY and stay relevent by any means nessecary.

You say in hindsight he did the right thing by not putting Lesnar over. That maybe true knowing the outcome of Lesnars career, but then no one knew he was just going to up and leave. The Rock put him over so why couldn't Austin? Is that because he is better than The Rock?

Maybe saying he doesnt DESERVE it was the wrong choice of words. The guy is in the Hall of Fame, he had his last match on the grandest stage. He doesn't NEED to come back for another match and have a dramatic send off. Like I said in my very first post on this thread, let the next chapter of his legacy be training the next WWE Superstar.

Sorry to let you know but Brock Lesnar wasn't anything at the time. When Austin left Brock Lesnar didn't win anything yet and was just a nobody. Austin walked out before King of the Ring. Austin was suppose to face Eddie Guerrero at KOTR but that didn't happen. Ric Flair took Austin's spot. Austin walked out before KOTR. By the way Brock Lesnar didn't win his first WWE Championship until Summerslam which is in August; Austin walked out on June 3rd. Austin was right in what he did. So maybe check your facts first.
Why is it that every fan wants "one more match?" Ok, he wrestlers once more and the fans will still say "one more match." Are people really that in love with the old era a.k.a. Attitude Era? Its time to give the spotlight to other superstars and younger superstars at that. Thank you to all the legends and icons who helped path the way in the WWE but your time is up and their is no sense in risking another serious injury (Stone Cold.)

If they realllllllly felt the need to bring him in for another match and if Austin wanted to do so then they should have him LOSE along with the Rock losing to Cena. Put over, put over, put over. The A.E. is never coming back and the A.E. 2 should never happen. They already attempted to bring back Bret Hart which was really cool for the fact that he and Vince hated each other for years and they even had him "wrestle" a match and it didn't go so well at all. I'll be fair and say its not just WWE whos doing this, but TNA is also moving along with it. Hogan wants Savage in TNA now? Why are these changes having to do with bringing in old guys? Thats just my rant and all but in all honesty, no, Austin should not wrestle another match. He doesn't need to prove or do anything else in the business and he has his own show and makes movies, I think thats good enough.
I don't think there is a worthy opponent for Austin to have that one last match with. They missed the boat on Austin Vs Hogan, and Austin Vs Goldberg already. There's no one left that'll generate much intrigue.
as much as i would love to see stone cold vs rock 4, i am not sure that will happen, i think it will be one of the younger talents so he could put that person over, and also a passing of the torch kind of match just like rock vs cena we know cena will most likely win that one look at like rock passing the torch to cena, like the way hogan did 10 years ago to the rock, wow i can't believe that match was that long ago it seems like it was only a couple of years ago. i could see it being, vs cm punk, with his straight edge stuff, what kind of guy drinks beer, so on and so forth, or randy orton rattlesnake vs viper, would be a pretty good match, but that might turn orton back to a heel which right now he is a face. i guess we will have to wait and see.
Austin walked out in 2002. By the time he decided to "take his ball and go home" Brock Lesnar had already won KOTR and the WWE Championship. ... Everyone at that time knew who Brock Lesnar was. ... Stone Cold didn't want to put him over, its plain and simple. He had the same mentality as the rest of the stars of the time.
You need to check your facts. Lesnar hadn't won anything at that point in time. The match Lesnar was supposed to have with Austin was supposed to lead to Lesnar's eventual KOTR win, which in turn lead to his first WWE championship.
Besides, Austin didn't so much mind putting the guy over, as he was dead set against putting him over with no buildup whatsoever on an episode on RAW. Austin-Lesnar was a big money match in Austin's mind and shouldn't be given away for free and unannounced on RAW. Austin was right to be pissed.

That said, Austin was obviously WRONG to just take his ball and leave. He got fired and deservedly so and if he hadn't been the man he was he would have never given a chance to return.
it was stupid and dumb booking of creative or Vince gave away Brock vs Austin unannounced on raw which i feel like WWE trying bury Austin. built up should be Brock have beaten everyone and call out Austin...ect and slowly builtup leads to Brock vs Austin at PPV. Imagine if AUstin did job to Brock on raw and what happen next? brock leave WWE when WWE invested time and money in brock. not worth it and Austin was right didn't do it.

i'm on austin side for this case but i disagree the way Austin walked out instead of tell vince he will not do it on raw without builtup for PPV match. during this time of Austin work with Eddie and Flair. in eddie guerrero book, he was honor to be ask by austin work with him and Eddie was disappointed Austin walked out didn't have that chance work with Austin
I also think that he should not have one more match. He ended his career with an amazing match against the Rock and it was a great way to end his career. He himself has said he felt this way and I don't think any other match would give the same closure to his career although a Punk vs. Austin fued would be cool.
I honestly don't see the point in needing Austin to step back into the ring. He's done it long enough, he's entertained us for many many years, and continues to entertain us as an on-screen figure through Tough Enough, and occasional WWE appearances. What more do we need?

Yes Austin had his good matches, and yes if he were fully able to still go in the ring, I'm sure there could still be a good bunch of matches left over in the guy. However, right now I definitely see no reason whatsoever for him to actually step into the ring. He's got plenty of stuff to do already, and there's no need for him to take up the offer of another wrestling match. Especially not considering the fact that one single match won't satisfy people properly, and it never will. If Austin can work one match, we're gonna end up wanting to see him back more periodically, hell maybe even weekly, and he doesn't need that.

So while it could be great for nostalgia, I don't want to see another Austin match really. I'm fine with the stuff WWE is presenting to me currently, with their current superstars.
I don't think Austin needs one more match. He had a successful career with a few bumps in the road like any other superstar. He's seen and done everything. Been the leader of the "Attitude Era", became one of the biggest names in professional wrestling for years. He did take his ball and go home, but I think his match at WM19 against the Rock was a great way to go out. Too bad the Rock left immediately following SCSA.

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