Stone Cold, RAW GM?


I read his book, The Stone Cold Truth, and I remembered it saying that if he was asked to be RAW GM, he would accept. He said that were to happen, he'll be changing stuff a lot. He said that things like promos would be shot with no script and whatever comes of the guys head.
So, what do you guys think? Stone Cold - GM?
I think it would be a good position to keep him in the product, he still seems to out-pop every one else on the roster, and he still seems to love being involved. Although he is off doing movies now, I really think if he could work it into his schedule he would be open for both. Now with him changing promos and everything else, I don't really see that happening, but I do see having superstars deal with him in vignettes and in ring promos would help elevate any superstars' mic skills.
As soon as I saw this question, I thought what a great idea. The fans love Austin, hes great on the mic, & could bring some excitement to WWE. However, when I thought for a minute about it, I started to realize how bad of an idea that it would be. Stone Cold was great, but that was his time. Its now a new generation of stars that deserve the spotlight. I think having Austin as GM would overshadow many guys trying to take it to the next level. I also think it would hurt your main event guys right now. Having Flair, Hogan, Austin, etc. come back from time to time is great to see, but thier time is over. The WWE needs to move on. These guys come back too much as it is in my opinion. With talents like Orton, Jericho, Edge, Cena, HHH, and others let them have their time. WWE needs to stop bringing in past stars and focus on a hot angle! The nWo, DX, Canada vs USA, Mega Powers, & others have brought people to watch. They need to realize that and work toward it. Not bringing back people who can't work a match!
I think Stone Cold would make a great GM and he would be much better at controlling Legacy instead of Vickie who will just let them do what they want. The problem is with Vickie now in place on RAW (which is a bad idea by the way. She's not that good.), it's unlikely that Stone Cold will be in charge anytime soon. He is set on doing movies, but if they all tank like 12 Rounds has, he might be up for a TV comeback. However, there are 2 things to consider here. First, with WWE going to a PG rating, that really doesn't suit Stone Cold's middle-finger, four-letter expletives, beer-drinking style. Also, he is much better at saying a few words then kicking ass. He can't fight much anymore with his neck problem. Love to see it, but unlikely right now.
Stone Cold will not be filling the "position" of Raw GM. Don't you think if he was interested that they would give it to him? He's only the most celebrated superstar in WWE history. Steve wants to do movies, and from the sounds of his HOF speech...this Mania weekend was likely his last.

Furthermore, I can't think that the "GM" has any kind of authority over their brand. It's just a face position (in fact, if it's the same as it has been...then they do Bischoff was strictly a character). So, Steve couldn't really change a thing.
It would be cool but it wont happen. Stone Cold wouldnt be able 2 do everything he used 2 do because of the PG rating WWE has. So he wont come back
I hear maybe stone Cold Steve Austin may be Raw's GM. I think yay! Stone Cold has a way of making things interesting. 5'd like to see him in any role really.wrestling needs better competion or something because it is lacking, in my opinion, in the interesting/exciting field!

Wrestlemania disappointed me. i expected a reall good ending with Orton and HHH. it wasn't great and it wasn't exciting or interesting. What's up with that? PPV's cost enough especially for families.

Why is Santino a joke. Why does wrestling embarass the Italians all the time. I don't appreciate it! Santino is funny but he is also a great wrestler.he's good with the Glamazon, not in a dress.

I love seeing Macho Man clipse once in a while. Why is Hogan always hyped? Haven't we learned enough negative things about him and his whole family?

I have been a wrestling fan forever. My kids are now fans because we loved it so much but I gotta say, it's been lame. I hope it turns around.
I don't think this would happen and I don't think this should happen. I'm as big a Stone Cold Steve Austin fan as the next guy and it would have been insanely awesome for him to have had his last match at WM, but to have him back as a GM wouldn't work in the long run.

Stone Cold is a wrestler and after a while fans will expect someone to piss him off to the point he has to open a can of Whoop Ass and maybe have a few more matches. I say he shouild leave on a high note. We all remember him as being the toughest SOB on the planet, but I don't know that he physicially still has that in him. Stone Cold was the GM some time ago and it worked at the time because it fit into his character. SC as GM today, maybe not so believable.

There are guys that go way past their prime and I don't think he should make that mistake. Plus, people won't shit on him like they do the Rock because Stone Cold didn't spend so much time talking so much crap about his love for the WWE like the Rock did.
Why on earth should Stone Cold return as a GM? Wont you people just leave the guy alone. The man has already retired and still millions of stupid fans want him back. Goes to show you how pathetic that WWE is. If they need an old wrestler who is certain to never return, to gather attention from fans. I mean do you people have no brains? we need to focus on the FUTURE. let GO of the PAST or else my dumb friends and the rest of the world will still ask me if Stone Cold or the Undertaker is still wrestling.
WWE need to let go of all that is the "Attitude Era". Including all the wrestlers. No offence to Undertaker, HBK, Triple H and the rest of the guys. But c'mon! Rather having one Ric Flair hang around we seem to have 10 of them around these days.

If your very best is behind you and you can't wrestle a full time schedule...Quit!

What's wrong with wrestling is the monopoly that WWE has....also it is almost becoming WCW of old in a sense of old WWE guys from the a past era dominanting majority of the show. The only difference is, is that there is no competition now. Same guys on top.
Why on earth should Stone Cold return as a GM? Wont you people just leave the guy alone. The man has already retired and still millions of stupid fans want him back. Goes to show you how pathetic that WWE is. If they need an old wrestler who is certain to never return, to gather attention from fans. I mean do you people have no brains? we need to focus on the FUTURE. let GO of the PAST or else my dumb friends and the rest of the world will still ask me if Stone Cold or the Undertaker is still wrestling.

You guys don't have to be so damn harsh. All I meant was, 'what if' he became GM? Not, he has to be GM right now! I only meant it as a small fantasy that I wanted to share. I was only wondering how you guys thought that he could place his wrath on some of the idiots (not in an insulting way) in company. Like Santino, how would the Stone Cold character deal with it?

You don't have to try and crush this into the ground, I know that the odds are he'll never be GM. You guys need a drink or something...

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